ORUNO WEEKLY 'rIMES, 'RU RSDAV, SEPTEMEER 28th, 1966 Twl y outh7e welc,- killed instant- ly lateý Saturday n ight when their c<witout of control on High- waY 2 aýnd slammed into Cemetery Bridge over Soper Creek, Bow- manville. Dead is the driver of the car, Cary Edward DeLuca, 19, of Third Street, Bowmanvilie; and a pas- senger, John Andrcw Taylor, 16, of Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. A second passenger, Ronald G. Bentley, 15, of Prospect Street, Bowmanville, was ifîrown clear of the wrecked car and escaped with lacerations and broken, ribs. A wrccking crew was needed to pry the bodies ýout of the smashed station wagon. After striking the bridge the car flipped over the top and roll- ed. down the creek embankment., it finished up on its roof. B owmanville town police. said only one car was involved in the accident. The impact o f the car was ap- parently so great that a largel piece of the bridge was tomn a-I way. -1 The late My.% Taylor rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel in Bowmanville for service Tuesday' at 2 p.m. Burial was in Orono Cemetery. He leaveê-iters Elva (Mrs. Basil Green-, Diana (Mrs. 'Chas. ,reen), both of Bowmanville; M)4argaret (Mrs. Allan Sparks) nnd a. brother William, both of Oshawa. Gary" DeLuca's body also rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel for service on Wednesday. Requiem Mass was sung at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church at 10 a. m. Burial was in Bowmanville Cemetery. DeLuca Wïeaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.* fleLuca, a sister Angeline and aý brother, Terry, al of BowmanýVille countes Purchase Ra dio 0Equip'ment United Çounities Council 1.1--t week approvýed purchase of,$30,- 000 worth of communications equipment Council will pd'y about $18,000 or 45 per cent of the to)tal cost. Emergency radio equiipnient will bc provided for ail 16 miemibers of the Unitied Counties Mtutal Aid Association. Gordon V. Wright, Emiergenciy Measures OQrganization Co ordin- ator said the equipme'nt wllbe a day-to-day link between thie de- partmentS and, in the event of a maijor- distaster, will provide means of communiication. Centennial Group Ca IIsPubicUèMetingl An open meeting, to whicl al residents of thie area are invited, wiil be held by the Bowmanville Centennial Commiýittee at 8 p.m. thi Thrsdy i the town hall, auditorium.- Prior ta the meeting an an- tique car parade will be held through the town ending ?Lt the town hall. Th,, parade will leave Memorial Park ý-at 6 15 pm The pur-pose of (4the -meeting is ta, acquarnt. residents of the town wtl the centennial com- mittee's plans for 1967. The tawn's. centennial project is play- ground equipment, fencing and flooding for the Bowmanviile play area.< The first part o>f the i ýeeting tvill consist of a var-iety show, fcaturing the Royal Canadian Le- gion Glee Club. the Bowmianville Ladies' Trio, T4c Syijdicates, a teen rock 'and rail band and Pad- dy and His Hobos, a country and western style group. The second part of the meeting will consider ways and means of raising funds for the centennijal pro] ect. A tag day, 50-50 draw and a house-to-house canvass of- thie tawn are- among the pro] ects planned ftiIns all. Even at itS best, motor îacing is a very unreliable sport. The best in the world came to Mos, port on Saturday to battie out nie Canadian Grand Prix. In the end the winn er's spoils were left - to one of the lesser T~oKiIIed In Auto crash i knou vu. îbut .1' iy rapu uu1vte1strack. -Mark Donahue in his Roger The first lap contretemps PenSke entered Sunoco Lola T70. brought a lecture from chef mar- 11e finished the race ail on shah George Maýss who gathered bis own with almost the entire aIl the drivers together and is- upper echelon of drivers ruefully sucd a strong warning about being examining ýtheir battered and nice boys and, not trying to get broken cars in' the -paddock area. through corners five abreast. Donahue's victory, neverthe- With that over t4e red-faced less, waS richly deserved, 1He lad pilots climbcd back, into their driven a steady, fast and effici- machines to have another go' at cnt race, quiétly biding lfis time staàÜtig thc race. while the big naine boys slowly This time they did it in single destroyed themselves up ahead file with a rollîng start and the First to, go was former world race was underway. champion and race favorite John Immediately the 20,000 crowd Surtees. Ironically too, his chanc- was treated to a battle royal for es were iost la Turn One just first place between Bruce Mc- 15 seconds after the massed grid Laren.and team-mate Chris Amon start. in their McLaren-Elvas anid Dan . t was in Tu.rn One last year Gurney and Dennis Hulme in Highway 115, Y2 mile South of Orono High Quality Fruit Produce quart 99c APPIJES 6a quart 75c J Announcing- the Toron ado-I nspired a lot ci 'new ways to express yo 1urself NINETY-ICHT*TORONA,,DO- DELTA 88o DELMONT 88-*CUTLASS SUPREME*CUTLASS Longer, racier hoods. Sporty rear decks. Fastback flair. The dashing Toranado inspireéd the Oldsmolbile look for 1967. And Qld mobile going is now smoother ihan.r ever. New ride improvements and engine refinem0ents sec bo that. Front wheeI[ dis rake are available. You can personalize by cosn frontuthe huge selection af extras and luxury opIons. Add vour imagination and yau can have th1i une car in a million. ftNADO F LA 8 ... ......I T 88 VA lot of new ways to expre s oursl Odmofe 8,51, SOfOu 3 tacif h OB Mdeolpeenergy-asrigsern oui plus massy cthe alety featuees-allstandard t0;,68? 0551* UPR l .45NE SEOX 167-C _SEE THEM AT VOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALERS' TOM ORROWV Autihorized Oldsmobile Dealer in Bowmanvîlle ROT IACHOLS MOTORS LIMITED Phone 728-6206, Courtice BOWIMANVILLE, ONTA1RIO Phone 225c Bwxnlî -~ t that §urtbe-s Iflýie is Lola in their Lola T70's. prcice ifor ti-c (,,and Prix andI himself. o"ers were elimili 1atecl from the race with car trouble.L Y'C T This time Surtec., got involved At the close it was Donahue,H in a shunting episode with John followed by Phil Hlli, then Chuck. Cannon's McLar.en-lva. The two Prosi h cae la~ Plumnbing e Heating proceeded to barge off éeh other 1 folîowed by, Earl Jones in another <> while thc test of the pack took McLaren and Canadian Eppie ~ Phone 331 g to the hilk to try and avoid them. Wet9 nteCmtc od~r GT 40.Orono, Ontarfo Most got through. But some T40 castrei didn't make it including Maston fthe aceo ahadinse Gregory and Lothar Motschen-th rae nla adulfisd hacher. in running shape. _______________ Donahue picked up $6.000 in Surtees and his red and white iprize money, plus quite a lumip Lola T70 were cui of thc race sum in accessory money. He also with a bad]y crumpled front end1Iput himself in contention for the FR an n seein.Canadian American Challenge The crash brought the race to up series, in which $300,000 in a sudden hait wiîth a 1lce prize money is at stake.D1UT MA I'T Building a House? or r emodelllng Your preSent eue, then contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO