ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THU RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28tb, 1966f, with the fact of LIFE and DEATH1 through it and continue to mat-lias flot seen nor 'ear lieard, neith- A ER O r<uv T'I AK tN jbut the hop)e of the Chï'-stian us tre. , He will lead you through er has it entered intô. the. er "À SER OM F R0,M T WM %dA Rthat'Uthere is sornething beyond life if you have givea your heýar'ts of man the things tha't Go' lias Taken from a sermon preached but to help to miake life better this li Fe. Youing girls and boys to Hlm and He will lead YOU into prepared 'for those who love by Rev. Basil Long. for ail.ae beautiful - so fresh, vigorous LUebyndti i hc sHm"Ta stepoiL3ýo h Seriptute Lesson: St. John 15: Our !ives were mieant to be n al fethsai.A ebeatflbyn uudesn-Chiin.Tt hsino i 1-11 BEAUTIFUL. God tells us j grew eider we may still maintinj. aTfh e ond ouPaunsand - C h stian.Thtstesrgno tiful seeds have been sowni ortat res n ies adevmatyutrnTe psi Pu adaseth adn There are so nmany things a- and over ip His Word, particular- lrate r diesW are'matucreda round us necessary to Our hfe, ijîy in the ife of Jesus, that beau- faasorbdeae ocne yet we take them for granted. 1-e n hyar en ob 'and we have grown in, many othi- We do not see them te appreciate gon ised o ed n er ways. New character lias been the an wedo ot eceve he horis.bujît into ourife and character- thessat ed trcie theythpens. isties of personality may be thereU mesae he IThere has to bec TUGEta ee e hr eoe Then yi Bowmanvîl it teilTus thaEGotiamtieeaegnd- Vil In the begîining of the Bible i orl- as i n the garden, te cornes old *age when physieally It ell ustha Gd mde gad«keep the plant growing. Our lives we do not have the beauty ami 23- 58 en and that lie put man ifl it to have to be cultivateti; we have to bloom that a young person deoes, thsngs, miglt have preper care eners go to Sunday Sehool anti the strength goes there is coming ~f and grow as they should. Even older people go to Church and that time when the New Lifeg Thursday to Saturday, Sept. 29 to'October 1 a' wild plant can be cultivateti Study Grtiups te get the weeds which hasbeen born In our. life U andi cared for in sueji a way that eout of lives, se that'the beautiful is going to get a chance, to grow it econesa beautiful flewer. f things can grow.1 There are niany in a different way,. That is what Pa Go d anti man working together bea utiful seeds that God sows ini Jesus showed us, wvhat H1e prom- Ged intendeti. compassion, unseifishness, sacri- tell us, that there is Life beyondo We re Isetoti f aot e , humility, but they will not this life. We pass through the (COLOR) with ELVIS PRESLEY grow without struggle. Just as in liard season of life andi somethingo garen nd e tke esu Chistthe garden there are pests that that was born liere because of f for gtrantetiotee. f Whe J eswa deformn and blight, so it happens this physicai existence wiil beco going though neof fthledaretin our lives, and if there is no able' te start te grow and 1 to 0 uda-to W desaOctober 2 te 5 hardels dois o ls d leife, 1estruggle we do not-have the use- blossoni in a 'Life beyond thiso tohe is disciple es niwent into fulness anti the beauty. iîfe. f the ardn were11ewoud b We have to struggle against Each one, young anti olti are >O surrounded with quietness andi the hr esnfi Ie sth h adn, fteLrdadýo beauty anti coulti speak with God'. hD esisi ie stetegre fth odadG~ 1 PRE S FILE 'flowers struggleti against dreuglit. wants te grow sorne very beauti- THE Mlan and Geti andi the gartien - heat and colti. Often in the 'nor- fui plants in your life. H1e wants f f se he ardn tlîsus hatmanmai life there are veryý difficult, your life te, be beautiful and use- and Goti are meaiit to labeur te- hard times te, go threugh, yet fui. 11e is net going tespruI Color with MICHAEL CAIN E, NIGEL, GREËN f gte.because of. that struggle there can your struggle as you- go through Good Espionage Entry - English Made The ardn seak ~fUSEUL-stili be an addeti beauty. 11f e but H1e wiIl be with you in NES. Al Gd's cretio ~ Continually we are confrenteti the struggle se that you can go Qý mneant to be useful. Where weuld man be if there were ne veget- able gardens? Where woultifthe bees get their heniey if we liat no flowers or where would tbe birds get their food*? Woultin't it be a dreadfçul, unlovely world with ne note of bird singing,i without the beauty of the flowers. A gartien speaks of beauty anti usefulness. A garden speaksý of STRUG- GLE. Fixtst we have tek make the seil sof t atii dean enougli that the seeti can be put in anti grew. We have te puillthe weetis or they wouid seen choke the littie plant. Plests will get on the plant te. destroy or deform it, se we have- to work with pests te keep thern off so the plants mnay grew. Sometimies flewers anti vege t ables have te struggleaait dreuglit - tee luch hot, dry weather o r sometirnes against the colti. If is a ife of strugýgle yet out of it cenes the beautv of the flowers anti the uisefulness of thie veg,,etables. The gartien speaks of LIFE anti DEATUI. A seet i s a tiny 1 thing with 1f e in it anti untier proper conditions it grows into something bigger at more beau- ,;' tiful. Then the leasves and petais drop off anti the flower seens te die, leaving an ugly browne stem. But it is net deati because ini the top in r/aOny plants there will be seeds forrning again antiM new life wil cerne froim that m,~ with gladioli, because the top plant. Or tiown at the bettomn, grew the bulb lias rnatureti anti. .... bi, ready, for new growth anther year. This speaks of life anti death anti ef rnaturity. But the gartien aise speaks cd hf e beyond................. this life. The flewer lias iveti B eaumont Custom Spoi:o~p its season, has grown into mnatur- (ihSot pin ity anti has becomne ripe anti the seeti is there te produce aniother Ille. dmb Now, take these thouglits anti relate tliernte, our- lives andti t Geti anti the spiritutal life whichM is elosehy relatedti t everythingý In the first ef the Bibe we are tolti that Goti phanteti a garden anti He put man there. Then Bamotbows în . r, eautifully. Met tue new ýycanadlion threughout the Scripture, we soo n cor designied to drýiie you lhappy in 6V. Boontifu in É5e«- 5cm. aiîhe ma new standard safety teatures for ý67. duclif~ realize that man is also God's vlectures 0't ne extra Cot ýu,, Lan .a mser~de r brake'system witfi warninn9 light, foldng ra gartien. Everyone, chilti or adult, emýporary !ine- that MiIl dveyeýu bhppy i stl New, etbc oce todo oes;psegrgaddo isgrien eff the Lrd. hatex't11-pwe te , cm.na.ons;ht wJI rý. 1 IcOL--noit doors; four way hazord warning flasher.