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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Oct 1966, p. 2

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OIIONO WELKLY TIMES, TIIUISDAY, OCTOBEýR 6th, 1966 o zh0Le as Second lass mail, Post 0ffice Dcpartmnent, Ottawa) Publ,,ihd every Thursday at thke office ut publcatio .Main etreet, Phene 109, urono, urltairio Established in 1938 by R. . Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edfitor and Manager It AffC t SEveryonre Industry Minister Drury suggests that wage and profit increases should be tied to the national average in- c rease in productivity - about three 'percent a year - andI has warned that no îndustry should count on special favou-s. ý"Any significant wage increase ia a key indpstry ex- ceeding the national productivity growth will tend to bring about simîlar wage adjustments in other industries. Ti mieans Inflation", hie saîd., It is interesting to- note that the Minister states that productîvity and wage increases in one inidustry can- rot he treated in isolation and, that they will, in fact, bie affected by supply and demand conditions in the labour, rnrarket as a whole.. "The labour market is not a series of wate-tIgh,,t compartments.. . . adjustmnents2 in onre1 sec- tr ladto adjustments elsewhere." This point of view is quite true and, in fact, ele- rientary. A marked upswing in labour costs, profits or gov- ernment taxes, in any segment of the coutry does reflect throughout the whole country. New wage schedules or ex- tended profits for oine group biecome a cost for another and this increasing cost sooni becomes a wage demand for the second group. The progreýss of the ch art or cirele is evetr active andi, like thé chicken an te egg Who Came( first? Th,àIe Be-autty of Autumn After enjoying a summer of excellent weather .... the best'the weatherman could possibly provide for those on vacation or who eajoy:the outdoors, we no0W step into, the beauty of Autumu, This period, of Ite year provides chiange i colou and bràgsa eaywich can only be devised by nàature. The autumn..- colouirs of the treesand shrubs this year ore eertainly wel orth a trip through the counltryside and in titis. area one doeýs fot have to travel too far to enjoy-titis art of nature. The rolling hbis of north Clarke and Hope Townships do provide a background for 'the display and such areas are well travelled at this time of year. The Haliburton area, an area within easy reach of this centre, is a mnecca for the touing sightseers Who do enjoy thecolours of autumin. Nature and the weatherman bas, this year, excelled theemselvcs in providing the best. orresnoï,dcilng your present, unthen coftact Floyd fNicholsOn pHfoNE 2191 ORONO O"rono We ebly Times, Orono, Ontario, Dear Sir: A Message f0 the Resideats of Clarke Township 1 A littîn over three months from now the belîs and sirens will ush- -er in the New Year 1967 and a- long with it will be the lOth Anmiversary of Confederation, Carîada's birthday. What are we doing about it ln Clarke? Many communities have made excellent progress ,on their plans to cele- brate this. g eat event, although we in this aven bave appeared to ho somnewhnt backward. Recently a munieipal citizens commi'ttee was ai3pointed, by Counlcil an~d met to disci.ns Cen I 1 enninl plans. At this meeting I unas privileged and honoiîred in being seected as Co-ordinating ('hairrnan otf Progr-ammh-îg for the Township of (1arke Centennial Celebraniions. On July lst, 1867, the scattered Coloqies înorth of the 'United States cm together to form a newpoica state and took the name of C-ANýADA.-Confederation provided n firamiiework'from coast to, coast iti which a great1 nation cam-ýe intio being. The Ce ntennial is a time for 1 lookiing forwnýardî. it is aso a time, to reemerte pas, theil faith, i he vision anddeeriatono those who made CANAeDA a re-' nlt.Tim-e isort, so e; must is fý weaet ready. We hope toý prepare a calendar o f events for 1967, not only to in- [form everyone in Clarke, but, to Sprevent cover-lapping of events in this aitd the surrounding. area. We must alýsoconsider our neigh- bouring cmuite.It would he unwise for CLARIKE to celebrate Centenni,ýal Week,. etc., at. the saine ime as Newcastle or Bow- OurComte wish'to suggestI that a". i orgainizations and indi-1 výdvaIs ln Clarke should plan their Ce2nternn,-ial Celebrations now as to the kindj of event and where anid e it is to take place. Ia af ew wecks your Com- mittee will be adve>tising' for fthis information. At that tîme ai] organizations, etc., will be given an ixioppcx.4iity to inforrn, thýs f o COMPLET! D~UTO SERVICE 24 HR. N.A.L.TOWING~ e e SFEwÀATURE BUY AT CORNISH'S RED WRITE SeecedRed Brand s 1IR LIN C PORTERHOUSE QndWiNG ..... Committec of the details of their. plans on a form specially pre- pnred for this purpose. Your Committee b as established a Centennial Library, in the Council Chamber at Oronofo whîch any person or organization! may procure ideas, general. in-1 formation, 'purchasing out-lets etic., in order to assist your plan- ning. The meetings of the Cla>ke Centennial Committee will be held on the third Tuesday mou.- thly at 8 p.m. in the Couneïk Chamber at Orono. An open ina vitation is extended to one ane ail to attend a'nd discuss pri- jects of Centennial interest. THIINK, PLAN andî CELE, BRATE "SIXTY-SEVEN." Sincerely yours, Mrs. Thomas A. Fairbrotlîer R.R. 2;* Newcastle, Ontario, Co-ordinating Chairman of i Centennial Planning of th* Township of Clarke, COIN COLLECTORS & INVESTORS: First Tinoe Ever Offered! 196â PROOF-LIKE MINT SETS $4.50 EACII Price List & Catalogues on Ail Colas Free! Write To: 42 Jaes S.-Nothu HamniltonOn.,Caada Texaco Under 'Spray is the best body corrosion prevent- ive thàt bas been developed. Wbether your car is new or old, big or small, "undercoated" or not, Texaco Under Spray, will provide positive protection, increased trade- la Value and. longer life. ER NEST L, BOWEN SERVICE, STATION & GARAGE ORONO, ONTARIO CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Vour National Employment Office has taken on a new naine lt's the saine address 314 Simcoc St. S., Oshaw;a It's the saine phone number 728-4631 But the naine is now CANADA A'ý-',NP0WER CENTRE There wil be more than a new name at, your Canada Manpower Centre. There will be imnproved service for both employers and job seekers. There will be încreased emphasis on such important labour mnarket activities as counselling, training, labour force mioblity, np-grading, research, and labour market information. Whether you are looking for a job, for a worker, or just for information about employment generally, the place to go is the Canada Manpower Centre. Published by the Departento!Mnpower and CANADJA MANPOWER CENTRE 314 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone 728-4631 WAT1SON'S rMarline and Cycle Orono Phone 146 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY - --,- - - , .. . . . .........

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