ORONO WEEKLY T',MES , Til JRSD,3 Y, OCTOBER 6tb, 1966 iand recer tly qualif;ed in a time In the second racé Junior West!I sîtion with 73 starts havinc Il ehind The ~ ~ ~ Curtain of a littlr' over 2.06. This horse riving the Reid Harness hre is eod n 5~ cs came coe nwinnin.g the tpMaMensAissey, placed scnWeeîh 9(st with 59 starts, 5 wins) There is something in October the library; 3 irreplaiceable local trophy at the recent Orono Fali Gerald Robinson, driving the 9 seconds and 13 thirds, stalnds sets the gypsy blood astir: historical books may flot go out! Fair Stake held in conjunction Armstrong horse, Jimmy G. Unko in 9th placeý, We mist risc and follow lier, on loan - Prof. Squair's "The with the Orono Fair. placcd sevenîth in the saine race. She calis, and cails ecd vaga- Clarke," 'The Renwick Memoirs." Peterborough Races The Fred Lycett horse Royal bond by naine and "The United Counties," Local ýhorses and horsemen Duke, finished sixth in the li rd Vagabond Song - Bliss Carman Dorothy Robin son' had a busy night at Peterborough race. Kih Ws oîwd i ) C RD LT DU _____________________ last Saturday. Speedway Pat, 16 1 seventh place with Bob Bea Ahiiif-Ii~ ~t. he BardMeetng-ycar old horse owned by Kelly gail.I At the regular meeting of the A G r e C and Gassien of Lindsay, recorded Drhono Library Board on Monday r.Ij r e iy the biggest upset of the nighlt In thc fifth race Kendal Brook REPAIRS AND ,evening, a. circulation of 980 when Keith West drove past the driven y A. Downes, placcd fifthR MO E LN books for September was report- W iVlflfle field for a win in a time of 2,11.4. with Bud Gist, driven by Kcith E O L IN ý,ed. Tbe 'vin established a new record W Xest, finishîng in sixth position. A locally trained 'horse, Plain ýfor' Speedwa.y, Pat and also JuirWî iiw nforh-Fc siae Shipments of ncw books from AI M, paced the mile at' Garden brought a handsomc payment Of [place with Kilty Witty in. thc sixth trie Co-operative Book Centre are, City, on Monday niglit, in a time $1800 for the $2.flO wager. Jun- race, Keit, West d'ýove to, fourth Call: ewdlvrdb enn rn-of 2.09.2 in the opdening race. înr Wr 4 c(-ove Lady Dean te, a po ition v ,th the Sharp-West pr.The 2 final book orders Of, This time was enougli toplc it place intc-mp 'e he ' ksouSn1 ntceihh[~ ? e o ea w r e exc ptionoed. p il Plain AI lM e ght to ten lngths race fivoýurte as Bomber Dare, eve t. F I kf wt teexetino Piahead of the second pace horse for~me-,11-oxnned by Davc Houcb- tuc bos ad chlrns es at te finish line.,Plain AI M has Iley and havinýg a record in 1651 i the top telve drivers -at .oeading books, wîll be classified" been trained at the Orono track of 2.04.1ada tot-al earni ng for!Pctc"borough so far this year IPlone 452M and catalogued- by the Co oper a- t~; a acot f 0cpe boktothis summer by Dave Roughley 19653 of ,7.0 Junior West stands in fifth Po-I________________ i-ebeive the Librarian Of some, clrical duties. The Assistant-Li- brarian was hired to, plastic pack- et hooks at a rate of 10e per book. .-.,, The progrcss report on reloc a- 7-_7AL~P RPHE 1ïon revealed the following work M~ IES.... completcd by S. Bruton: under- EOLOU TV lay a'nd tiling, 3 partitions ofl birch panellimg in the main rooni JET with plywood panellirg in the SP1 halls, 2 doors with hardware, trophy shelves, drapery tracks, hangling of Renwick plaque. Thef aintn of tIhenigall walls and týaining of the do ors grvas finish-A AEHOSOL TIN dby D. Simipson. Thec Board, is now ýawaiting completion of the v iring and shelving, inst aaion. /3 'rÉES 'Another reading of the IVýv rary's -objectives and policies was preseùted.Among thes pBUVc!e-.FANCY QUALITY -z ; AEI-o rs rgatCfe isome changes in 'hours and salar les ware discussed. One, mox' C AS & S cipenin.g las been set up to pave AV2DR olurd -4.9cgs ne way for better service totha___s___________SAVE_____De!________________ Çed .ýffhole Township . , - . this iU'BS U!-illD Dac uliyHnyI~r 5o. î6 JL be ThursdayevniOLfrOi ,MARGARINE o 5 8i .30, effetive hen tF newFEATURE! - St;ffff-flManzanfila - uatr'are. opened. 'The e- sriudaC r u inLose8-oz.Ja Clarke Township Library Board BEST BUY.- - SAVE 9eè!-ASSOLIIIED 3-oz. Pkgs. SAV 1c!-A ili Pr 5o.Tn to provîde more openings as the jUI1 UL II need arises. Residents 'of the Po AE Ot3 o 9 Township are urged to make J L - SAVE 10e! -zJa their préférences' known.1 à J_ýaà- R£L YMubAîN i 1ININ (UEE 1.Q9à SAVE Se!'- 3e Off Pack - Mother Jaçks'o's JIFFY PIE CRUSI Pkg. 35< SAVE 4e! - Ocean Spray Wholc or JeIIied 1-r i CRANBERRY SAUCE 21< SAVE 20e! - Buy 2 - Get 1 at Hfaif Price! il1-oz. Btls - AÉL LIBBY's CATCHUP 3 for 55e SAVE lie! Major changes ini circulation procedures effective immediately are: 10e fee. for mcemb6rshrp lards; expiration date 1 ycar froDm the time of a mcmiber's Joining; loan pcriod. extended to 3S weeks with a loan period of, 4 week~s by, special request to better serve rural residents; no lurit oni number of books borrow- ed by adults. 'a limit of 4 books loaned to juveniles; a fine of 3c per book per library day on over- due books. Changes in reference service the library; 3 irrepliaceable loeî-ep PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS -HI-FIl - Stereo -Record Pla'rers -Antennas - F owers -PA Systein, for rent Al Parts and labour guaranteed HAREY WIERSMA Phone 1731! Orono DEST BUY! SAVE l0c!- 18 INCII WlDJg 25-f t. Roil 5e BEST -BUY.1 - SAVE 21!-Bright's Fancy quality 48-oz. Tins BEST -BUY.! - 1AI e -QIKorISATLarge lkg. BEST BUY! -,SAVE 4c! -CHOCOLATE CI 1-b. Bag DAR'hES COOKIES 53c' ""THE KING 0F SMOKED MEATS"g FuIIy Cooked-Sliinless-Sliank LB. kPortion KLEENEX Luncheon 2 for p9 NAPKINS Dinner 2 for 63e Suprerne ]Brand FRUIT CAKE 2-Lb. Loaf 97Ç E Branded ]Round STEAKS or ROASTS lb. 95c Extra Lean Boneless RolIed RUMP ROASTS IL.99c Just Ment and Serve - Fully Cooked No Wastc - Lean, Smoked HAM SLICES ILb 9 Lazy Maple Brand - WeII Streakced Swift's Rindless BACON 1/-1b. Pkg. 657, Specially Selccted - Grade 'A* Tender Young Turke-ys Available at most mnarkets REA .TOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling call WIFHAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA IREPRESENTATIVE Phone 1r12 Memibers 'of Oshawa and Dis->j triet Real Estate Board QUICIK SERVE FROZEN FOODS! Save Ise! Morton's Tasty MEAT PIES Supreme FREN CH FRIES 4 for 85c 2-lb. Bag 53c SAVE 14c! - »O-Oz. Size (JRUSH or ROYAL CROW NCA&NS SOFT DINKS 6 for O9c Reg. 35c!-Weston or Sunbeam Brown 'n' Serve Trwîn Roils 12 to K 31t SUNSMINE FRESH PRODUCE!1 P- FRESH - No. i ICEýBERG iTTUCE ea. 215C Oeamn Sp ray FRESH- CRANBERIRIES 1-lb. Pkg. 29C SPANISH ONIONS NO, 1 Nutrjtjous and DELîCIOUS YAMS, Pk.of 12 35c K ~Red'and IWhite rn CRISI JUICE 1