OR-*ONO WEEKLY TIME S, THUJRSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1966 ï,e-AL OODLANDPRODUCTS NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Substandards -. Ail items'sightly marked or seratched For Exaniple: Dintingroýon Table, clcaring each ......... $10.N0 Ch-oie of Coffe, End or Step Table, each . ... $5,-00 Gossip Bench priced- at.................. $10.00 Good selection of Leatherette Chairs, (KD)-,. $7.00 lmmediately East of Newcastle Post Office Use Rear Entrance EleýDtrîc lill-anket ' "' ', , , ' ý R E ýA 1 L VA 1 w- hen yauu buny a ICI ElectrL',' ýe Und w Noember 12 .üat ai[sstores where you see Quie pssilyyou have several good eaonso yourow for b-uying an elec- mc dyer Bu hee'san xcellent reason c c e w~b ilumlnated c ,.~ i aguarnteeThis .~cî.u yoj-fi henyu buy ~ Y~a r J ny sore eaturing ~ ~ anele~c ~7eCs tes a fe, specy, oourlss wy tadry CbUthes. It essyouforet he heaach Gro a clothesline. And it eliminates rainy-day delays. Ini short, an electric dryer ýeaves you more free time. Visit the st'ore wvhere you sec the'Hyd ù Scial dîsplay. eli thern yoL're îi tcrested n mre frec time -and a fre electnc bakt Thsofrapplies only to resi;d6tf of Ontario. I ILUNN IHARDWARE .OLHHRDAE QiOOELECTIRIC PEILCOMOFAT EALR MCLAY-ESYDEALER . FRGIDAIRE DEALER Oroo Phno 1P6U1 GrEna Phsene 143 Orone àýPhone 129Wf loci ïk au M Ils M A ce s fous ROYALBowmanville R Y ý623-5589 THlURSDAY tc SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 - S ÎNEY A SMITH STVEMQUE and KARL, MALDEN Colo (Adlt Eteraiment SUNDX bWEDESDY, OCTOBR -2 jj MLJNGHTSHO, 0,(DA,O- 9ÉE.91 THESIENCER DEAN MARI amid STEILLA STEV7ENS fi Coed ramlai Celcr (Aduit Eutertainmenýt) "In Taken frorn a sermon preached by Rev. Basil Long. Scripture Lesson - Matthew 5- 13-16; 7:. 21-23; 19. 16-22. The littie word "BUT". hias great significanceý. We say, "H1e is a nice fellow and clever "but". By using the word But we show t hat hie came aimost to something or had the potential but rnissed success seehow. There is great significance when wc think about it lu spiritual things. In North America there is a narrow ridge known as the Gi-eat, Divide. On one sie the water flows into the Atlantic Ocean, on the other side into the Pacifie. This is a reminder of how somýe- limes there is 'a very little differ- ence between success and failure; between a life, that is directed in the wxays of Cod and a life direct- ed in another way. The Christian Church can he divided roughly into two groups, said to stand on either aide of the, Great Divide. One day Jesus said to Bis dis- ciples, "You are' the sait of the1 earth BUT if the saithias lost its preserving quaiity it is good for n5thing " 11e was saying. "You have within you the poten- tial of being the group of people who have a preserving quality upon life and upon the world but if you turn in the wrong direc- tion you will not have that pi-e- serving quality" People who are full of vitality and enthusiasrn, full of the joy of living no matter if, their road is very difficuit, have corne down on' the right side of the Gi-eat Divide. On the other side we have those who baye lost that preserving quality, ýthe group out of which the fresh- niess and vitality lias, gone, who talk of faith but do, net experience it. Does your faith f111 us with a hungering and a thirsting ýafter righteousness and a concern or others, or do we try to go through life seeking rnainly that which profits us, alone? Agaîn Jesus saýid to Bis discIp- les, "Net everyonie whio s ays, V'Lord, Lord" shall miter into the Kingdorn of rieaven PUT he who, does the will of My Father. Net everyone whd bas the words or hias done good deeds wil ear the Lord say, "Wel done, good and faithfufl servant.' The people who w.ihl hear thiat will be those who are doing, the will of the Father. 1 knew a mnan who had a great deal of rnoniey and lie gave to a mnan who needed it. Soineone said "That was wonderful to give that rnutof rnýoney," andl he said, "I have to get into Heaven somehow." Weare not to judge býecause we do not know his i-e- lations,,hïp with the other man, but, we do know that otten people think that they can buy their way inoeaven. This couýý'd bc anillustrioýfn ofthewiGs "'LrdLor," nd ave nua l ic thle ther hni if îàL'e La d sa to ~ ~ ~~~-9 thsma,.Wa ga cw have you dneto be latae e this expes-lence c' i-eav e. haps hie would say, "Lao-d, nothing to say for myseif; i1I ave neyer seerned te be able to do the -big, the great, the glo-ï9 .8 things." The Lord would likely answer, ý1'Do you remember how you acted in love to that man who needed helpý?' It is quite possible to «be most religious, to have aill of the words, to make certain, daims and yet not be of that company of people who have given their hearts to sJesus. Christ. The one who, as given his heart is the one who is doing the will of the Fathýer. On 7both sides we can have professing Christians. On one side thýose whoý 1dcaim Christ and. on theote Eside those who prove theirde tvotion by the things they are,, and the things they do. A young man said to Jesuýî, Good Master, what must 1 do tg have eternal life?" Jesus, looking at hlmn . loved him and He said, "You know the commandments.' The you ng man said, "I lavef kept them ail myý life, what es is necessary?" The Lord saiýd, ~~ and get i-id of all your po!ssessi and corne folloxv me." BUTL Young man went away sorrov ~ because, he was fot ready to h 1it. HIe was almost theýre, at ' point of the Gi-eat Divide, but r did not quite' make it- and vw. away sorrowing. This is the a, tion which we ail experience sýome extent. There is some'pu~ in our hife,, perhaps -many Po]o where wve almost make it but j-),.ý miss the mark. We can go far i' our relationship to Christa-c then not quite makýe it. We ~. not get over the Great Divide d yeýt it is quite possiple for us. In the Epistie of Jam-es, writer says to the followers of Christ, ý'1Be net hearers, ortly, BUT doers of the word." It les possible to. have many Christians and, yet it is important to hear who are hearers and not ducrs Jesus said, "H1e who has ears leýt hlm hear."'Paul saiýd, V'Fart cornes by hearing and hearing L the Word of Goýd." When Mary and Martha were entertairng; Jeýsus, Martha was busy aboutth chores around the house and Mar was listening to Jesus who si "Mary has chosen -tlie go thing." She was ready to ee but if we onîy go as far as hue,ýr in', we have flot gone farengh We have not crossýed over ta Great Divide. We are challengecd to, be doers of the Word- o "goody goods" but real doers Gf (Contiüued on Page 8) FRUIT MAR KET Highway 115, %1 mile South -W Orono IIigh, Quality Fruit Produce PPLES ri