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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Oct 1966, p. 7

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OROLNO WlEEKoLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBE1, 6Ch16 à à à" ~ .KAY -LYCET[, .A, Bawistr -Solicitor. In the Offices of R. R.- Waddell Q.C., MAIN ST., ORONO STelphon 138 OroloQ BS.A. ILA.Sc OL PROFESSIONAL EGNE o (Civil) f Ontario Land SarVeYor f j121 Queen St. Bo 1659P Bowmanville,Otao Telephone 623-72ý51 L i. SKIFE 37.5 Water Sre ?ETERBOROUGU Phone 742-54Î82 SEL, OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO ]Phone 12516 Res., 20216, JACK REID orono's Licehsed AucVtioneer and Valuatux Specialize in Farm and Furnî'ture Sales consuit me for terms and dates PHIONE 'ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT SEPTICTAK ÉiEWAsmING -STABLES Bert Tomkn Phone 78,'-255Z JACK 'A. FERREN ODRONO BOOKIgEEPING SERVICE fincome Tax Returns Prepared Crono, Bowmanville, Oshaw a Telephone Orono SR2 Onu'Dins 'a, d raur quality and service teaves nothing to be dýesired Amh the person who tiug4t f rom u., a neighbour, friend orrehltve The RtUTT ER GJý-t ýA ",!TI -3 Otarlo Street PORT HOPE ~'Lages Di~layiiiSojuthern W. FRANK1 EAIL ES f AIE f fl LIMITEDo 0 21 KING ST. WEST g Bowmanville 623-3393 0 Toronot 923-9174 OPort Hope Office- o98 Walton St. -1 885-4548 FRE APRlSL OExclusive Agentfo -f 1 J. OCHONSKI 1f0 CONSTRUCTION 3-Bedroom Bungalows fi fiPriced from $15,375.00 on lots 75x200 GOrono Area Representative p ROY FOSTER Ken dal -- Phone 321 U OA large selection of Farms, fHomes,ý Lots, Retreat Pro-. perdies in this area f IEIectrical Contracting M Eectrie lleating and Service PHONE 245 ORAI10412 Orono, OntaIrI*o Or ono Electric PHONE -129 CONTRACTORS FOR FAJtM and HOUSE, WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to ail kinda of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irones gHamiltons CI Insurance 0 Auto, Fire I Package Policies Fidellty Bond, Lîabffity Life O First Mortgage Loans i 0 Phone 1-R-16 Orono Box 133 MO. 83552J Stallord Brothers 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers o! Cemetery Memorlals -'les ln Domestic & FojreiguGranites and Marhles -, Inscriptions Cut and Cemetery Repair Woýrk, FOR SALE FOR RENT 100 feet of Snow Fence and ten Mo Ie'n-nattractive 4room -ana-t- asteel pastis. $15,0. pIýo eiglit ment in Newcastle. Two large cord mixed woo-l, stove length, bedrooms, beautiful kitchen, liv- $50.00 or best offer. ingroom and laundry, electric Phone 401W Orono. a c heat and ail conveniences, lawn. jA' e- abIe immediately. Cali Mrs. ROOM & BOARD MiŽon Tamblyn, Orono 46 6W.a-c Room and board available in comfortahle home. FOUND Apply Mrs. Dorothy Baîlcy, Found in Orono a man's wrist phone 382 Orono. watch on Wednesday. Owner con- tact Mrs. Ron Hancock. phone, NOTICE- 152W, Orono. a-c The Orono Chamber of Com- mearce meeting has, been post- AUCTION SALE pon.ed from Monday, October 10-! Furniture,* antiques etc. will be to Monday October 17, due to thei old by public Auction ai the Thanksgiving Holiday. a-c home of Mr. Allan Earle, at his -_;premises 1 mile cast o! Millbrook; NOTICE on County i-oad, on Saturlay, The Senior it'zens wil meet ctoher 8th at 1 psu- ln the Oddfellow%'sHUall on Thurs day, October C;th at, 7:30' Lurh COMPLETE DISPERSAL will- be served.Evîrone %,vl- 1 Herned and Polled Rerel o'ds come. a-c1 at the farn of Lewis J. Wood, 12 miles east of Bowmanville NOTICE and 14 mile north off highwaY Dr. A. F. McKenz)ýie will flot be No. 2 on lst, line of Darlington. 'in his officeý fron2q September 28 Watdh for signs., to Otober 16. Býoih dates inclus-1 Saturday, October 15, 1:30 p.m. ive.b-c sharp. Catalogues on request. Terss cash or certified cheque,. C03MING EVENT Auctioneer: David L. Cornish. Vhe Orono Girl Guides will be For catalogues and information hýolding a Bazaar, Bake Sale and contact Cornish Auction Service,i Afteýrnoon Tea on October lSth Indian River, . Telephone in- the Angllicanýi Church Sundi-ay Keene 295-6530;: Area 705. LSEhoNoT RoolFsu.ý fic- Thak-Oferng Turkey Supper. Kendal United Chu-,rclha- Offering AOcfývr:3sa1ry a aa Cuest Speaker, 11ev. C. R. catt B.A., B.D. of Hampton, Special I At the An glicai Churcb 'Sun Mfusic bv the choir. -1 day Sehool room on Saturday, Tuirkey Supper Wednesday,, Oc-i tpber l9th at 5 p.m-. 1Aduits: $1.75; Chldren under 12: 75c. bc 'L LYCETT gPlumbing $& Heating fiPhone 33RIl 'o O Orono, Ontarlog BIRTH Il ARNE GIE -eore ard Lnl (13owen) are. pleasedtoanouc 'he birth of . ad o, Mihe Ge-org~e, 8 M). l10 o7., at Ross Nem- r-ial 1{o-pital, Lindsay on Slep- tember 30th. a-P IN MEMORIAM CAýNTRELL-In lo.ving memory of a dec'- wife and mother, Cora 1l/av Cantreill xho passed away October 11, 1965. Nothioa raua evpr take away, The love a heart holds, dear. Fond Memories linger every 4aY Remembrance keeps lier dear. Alwaî s rerneztbe red by lins- ,band Henry and family. a-p CARD '02 THANKS DEAN-Wewol like to thak all ourý man,, friends, relativs neighb,'c\rs, Rev,. Baýsil'Long, Heather Rebekàlh Lodge, Senior Citizens for ftheir expressions _2 sympathy and foa tributes re- ceived ýduring the loss o! our býe- loved mother- hak also to the Barlow, Funeral, Ho:me and staff at the. Memorial IlospItal, Bow- manville for their thoughtful sec- vice. Th!e- Dean'Farmily a-P NEWASILEBADMINTONX Newaste adminton Club on Wednesaysad. Fridays, 7 pm., staringOctber12th. Everyone weleme Mmberhip $5.00 for iaejils- -S3.00 fo students. a-e October 151h next, the Orono 'Girl Guide Comp any wîll be hold- ing their first Baaanl order toiBI' raise moniey to carry on- their activities here ini Ocono. A great deal o! work is goiýng into the preiiaratioif of this dtent an(! if îs expected] thati there will be aluigs &Mrrr good nmy worthy and usefuil items offered for sale. Tea and 9 Division ýSt. S. lunich will also be available. Bowmanville, Ontalo We trust that a large numbjer j Anything lu Plate and Wno of people will attend this funec- Glass, Float Plate Mirrors mil tion lu the interest o! Guid ing iji Leaded Glass. and Glazig this area and taý assist our deserv- xlsv ïe gn o ing Girl Guides te replenish, -ixeix Exclus ieArea Agent for treasury which is sadly lacking at AonIpr-l an the present time. .Telenhone 623-187 *~tqe<, , < > -) - oe-- - --Of-f-- Corne to the TC For Your, Ilomemade Soup wîtlx Crackers or Juzice Chef Salad - Rot Rolis and Butter Young Roast Turkey witht Dressing Turnips - Mashed Potatoes - Gravy lce Cceam Sundae - Mince 1Meat or Puimpkin Piej plus Beverage SPMCAL CHILDREN'S DINNER Cap o! Soup or Juice Young Roast Turkey, Applesauce and Mashed Potatoes, Howdy Doôdy Ice Crearn and snilk - $1.50 IVI c e~ec 4. - . .c., ~eoeceoe4~ 5% st-o § 0, irit;pilulie 0,*a-aibé

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