t ______ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCOE th, 1966 The Kendal peoi are plea _to see the fine illuminated aigus i~i~L ~that were erecýed -at Carsors Corner im iately following M r P. N eweII' accident liýen his k \j ycar w7as struck by a gravel truck the school bus that was: bt. VFy do we have to wait tii) after an y»accident occurs before sigus ae puitup? Starkvilie corner hasa .\ii-hidden intersection aiso. one >< f w ,onclers why road eng,ýinýeers leave such higli peaks in farmer's fields ___to block the view as at Carson's Coýner in the fields of Mr. t Brenman and Mr. W., Carson, ~-Mrs. E. Smith fas er uned to j lier hmein North HoIlywood, I California. Mr s. L. Bu, vash has hceenvsiting wL lie: k r YM . -,)nthsweek. Ke'a nnive'-sary wilb c Prites Efte",,, ct.5, 6, 7, 8. GAfCrtBA,.. fHmpoii ssd eadYfotie0 to be Ith', grest speaker., 3The Kenl -JWomený,'s Ilstitute SKNLSS HORT SIIANK, Ready t10 eat, Whcle or Haf '-À meI t ratononTeday ev e-lin g mt fo r an Tu e a e emg of- Smn 11 ~ A p [iis week. Green Giant Frozen 2lM. pkg. ' \NIBLETS 211b 49C S-IVE 20c. Stafford 24 oz. tins 24oz 49c SAVE 19t.,nac 18 oz. pkgs rit Crust IMix 2 for %5'9c 15oz jars 2 for5c 16 oz jar 16 o2z 65C POTATOERIO N:0. 169 BRUSSEL SPRqOU 1'S LOCAL qt 29C PRODUCE 0F U.S.A., Canada No. 1 Grade ICEBURO IJETTUCE ea,25c PRODUCE 0F U.S.A., Canada No. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2 for 23c "BUT"' (Cotjnedfrom page 4) the will of 'Christ, people who ex-. pre's the love and the concern of Christ. One of the grcat needs of our time is. for a deeépening sense of brotherhood. We have trouble and problems because we are al People with different personali- ties, characteristicýs, aims, 'iîkes and dis7ike. Sometimes we, do not create Fellowship in Christ because- of our ýdifferencesý. We corne together as a congregati'on which Jesus Christ can make into one people but oniy as we are brought together in the Spirit of 'Christ. Onfly then ean we minister to the grceat need of our day-. Et j lowship and lSay, :"We lhave cdone is easy toc fali short of thrat fel- this and wýe are that." But the fact remnains thiat we have failed in love. Isthr anything more beauiî- fu!bilanGo'sfaiy atee toehrin Christian love as we ho0pe~ we are this moirningl? The communttitýy feels the heart throb who have been brouglit together in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Whnthat bias happened we have core dwnon the rîght side of the Great 1D)vide. it~we are goi1ng to bc doers versai rule of life. We neyer pro- duce anythjing, worth whule, if we do not prepare ouirselves or if ýwe are not preparced te put some- thing la it. Marly fail to realIze( that the great musician or athIete has put every effort into what ha is doing. They did not go almoýst far enougli BUT went riglit aecisa the ridge and came ýdown on the righb side of the Great Divide. Our attitude toward people mneans a great ýdeal. Jesus Christ was ready to go through ail the agony of the cross to save people- We cannot help people we des- pise orý dislike. We can'only heip them when we have been filied with the love of God. We onfly folliow in Jesus' footsteps whea we are prepared to spend, flot only of our, substance,, but of our olado ur strength for others. Forthoe woseresponse to God hasfaien upîoný the sacrificiai sidet of this Great Divide, they will find thei burden of the un- r.eaped avet a great deai of 1work t-ý fldo and a great deal of er.-e-1gy,ý to be exspended. But they wýill know; t he joy of challenge andi-thle joy of entering into tbse fulnfess of the abundance> of life tha Jesuis Christ himself knew. y'"BUT" is a littie word, which points out the fact that there are two, ways very close but which lead to vastly separated destina- tions. It is nrot good enough to be associated with Christianity - we mus t be dedicated to the Living Christ. We c.an be associated BUT not dedicated. May our associa- tion bring us, into the depth cf dedication. May we go out to, be doers of His word and not hear- ers oniy, to becom.e the, real sait of the earth, the light of the wol;the people who do not have 'to say, "L-ordt, Lord, I did this and that," but people who are at oaa with Christ now and in the future. Mincemeat SAVE 16c,SweMid Bîickç PickIzý,, KRAFT Cheese W hiz