ORON WEELYTIMES, THIURSDAY, OCTOBER 2Oth, 1966 the storm sewer plan was not ap- prov ed or comipleted. On motion of W. H. Carman and Glenn Ten- nant the Chamber is to ask a mneetirg with the' Orono Police Trustees in this matter. A, sum o)f $25 00 was donated to the Orono Junior Gardeners to assist their program of work. be ' done of a more interesting1 A committee was set n to in-n n 'ature. Members are to put on vestigate a member 's report tht t ieir 'thinking caps' and report mail to Orono was kept over a" the next meeting. in Newcastle for a period of time. Mr. P. M. Lunn was the winner Conflicting opinions were ex-I of the $100.00 monthly draw. pressed in this matter resulting i n the commîittee being formiîd t Parking on the Main Streetl investig"ate. cl Orono again came Up for dis- t-ssion with members wanting to1 The president reported that I iow what connection existed bc- contact had been made with Mr. - een, enforcing the by-aw andf P. Maartense, who it appeàrs will 5storm sewers. It was stated thatj set up a dentist practice in Or- -eparking by-Iaw could be ono on completion of his course brought into effect even though of studies early in 1967., uhM Apple Crop Down But uaflty Go Maclntosh apples are- down 15 rcent from the 19C-5 crop in Lrham County, but the quality aý neyer been better, Howard C ibson, a spokesman for the Dur- F am Growers' Co-Op Storage in 1Tewcastle, said last week.ý Mr. Gibson, in charge of the ezo-op storage, described the Mac- Tntosh crop quality as'being 'ter- rifie.' The p oorest a pples are ecjual to last year's best apples, he said. Where the apples were- down hîi number and size they made up in color. The quality is second Io none. Hie attributed the fine crop ta the dry stummer which 1k ept infection down in ýorchards: Bloodf Donors Clinic Noveber2nd At the Bowmanvile and Dist- rict lied Cross Meeting held last week, plans were completed for the Volunteer 'Blood Donor ClinI- ic to be held at ti p Lions Centre, Bowmanville on Wed. Nov. 2nd. Biood Donor Chairman, J. H. Davey reported to thosé pre.sent that regular donors were being contacted and, it is hoped that many new donors will join theM so that this fali clinie wiii be an outstanding success. Anyone in good health between the aies o f Spy apples this year were down 18 and 65 will be welcome. Clinie from last year's croP which was hours are from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 10 per cent higher. l'Tt wiIl run p.m. in the 'afternoon and 6:30 ebout, normal," Mr. Gibson said. p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the evenîng. "The quality is the best it bas Free transportation wili be pro- been in the last five years."', vided for anyone needing it; just The fruit growers, he noted caîl the Lionts Centre on the day again bad a probiem ohkaning of the clinie. A hall hour of your enough pickers. timemysea i! ý1t ier are n worse e ma sav1 111f e year. Teearn mechanicai' Brandi Pr esident Mrs. R. Spry pickers at present bere, lhe said. reporbed that 'the Home Nursing Y+ iý rosginq 50 'In 60 "t 1")e class was well underway with an td pick the apples. Most of the enrohulent of 22. Miss M. CroWe, workers ini the orchards comje 1 the instructor assisted by Mrs. fromn the Oshawa are..Ê. VanOostenbrugge. Those reg- "Getting the crop picked is the 'istered are from town, Orono, b iggest worry the - rrwer has to- Newcastle and, the sUrroùnding day," Mr. Gibson sairi, Delclos apie ths var ha area. Dglilou appes his e, ad Mr. Don Harvey, First Aid In-. a ighi color although theïr size, structor reported that the 10 men %-as not too large, hie said. taking the senior course wil Mr. ibson estirnated thbat 60 sn complete it and it is hoped pei& cent of the Durham Couflty that one or two m ay qualify as crop were Maclntosh, whiie Spies instructors. Many guides and accounted. for anothetr 30 par cent sot nteae r led and Deliejous made up the bal- isigusnedtup freclae this ai ance of 8-10 per cent. aind winfer cassti al The Newcastle Co-Op Storage Mr. it ageerWte aft here itheforp12,e00 arekpis a- chairman, reported that the Ad- r~sa~iy or 20000boxs f a- it swim -programme sponsored pies. At present it holds about uyte Rcetin dprmn 68,00 t 70000 oxe. jwas underway. Also the manne- quin used for artificial respira, tion demonstrations had been used in the local Goodyear plant to assst wt an ia-plant programme of first aid. It was decided to add somne more pairs of crutches to the ~E SCRET Sickroom Loan service. The Con- ~ ~ IS: veijor, Mrs. Spry reported that, y, T?1#K5~f/~ the adjustable crutches are con- Th,,xaI:IOT tinvally in use and that mlore jwere needed to mneet the demiand. Additjonal rubber drawsheets wil i ýrp alo be purchased and 3 new mat- tresses for the hospitai beds. These articles are ail loaned S. FREEof charge to anyone who is i!t home and needs them. The regular memibers present were pleased to welcomie three new miembers. The nextmieeting- . .... w .9 ýiIj be held Wednesd!av, Novem-1 ~OMLET AUO SRVCEnerWth -là815p.m. at the Branch 24HRN..L QWN Ieadquarters 91/2 Kinig St. E., Bowmanviile.. Ail interested per- Ssus are, welcomre. 6RONO WEEeLY' 7ý M, Do You, KnowMr R. M. Dickson? Mr. R. M. Dickson ORGNO, ONTARIO There's a good chiance that you do. 11e gets around quie a loýt and lie knows the community very well. That's part of his job. IIe's the manager of your local brandi of Canadian Impeial Banik of Commerce. And he's a good man to know. For help wvith financial matters or for, sound advice, on anything to do wità b)anking, he's the mani to see. Il you haven't already met hlm, by ail means cail iii soon. He'l beglad to see you. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BA KOF COMMER7CE Phe Orono Chamber of Com- r*reis ooking for new ideas 'ra Chr'itmas Party for the c- tiren of thisý area. It was ated that somne new life must be xen, t this annual event if it Sto Lýe attractive. It was pointed out that Orono can not compete with other area p arades but that something should * i fmoretricans air conditionin and, rot rigeratio workers, The APPrenticeship and Tradesmen's Qualification Act, 1964 requires journeymen in the ElectrIcal, and Air,Çonditioning and Refrigeration trades to obtain Certificates of Qualification by October 31s t, 1966. The deadllne las now been extendedfor six months to April 3Oth, 1967. This extension does flot affect the normal renewal periods for these trades which are : Electrical trade-January-February; Refrigeratiçn & Air Conditioning-May-June. Tradesmen who have nqt already applied for, their initial Certificàtes of *Qualification should do so as soon as possible. Applications should be forwarded to: ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F PUR INDUS-rA TRAINING BRANCh-,, 74 Victorîai Street, e-1 e Toronto, Ontario.