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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1966, p. 7

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- -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, rHURSDAY, OCTOBR ZO 2th, 1966 - IL ILbfliJIIUIliILiJuI .'Y' WsiaaI ector II 4 AY LYCST.,, ~~ 138 Oron B.S.A. BAS:OLS ~PROFESSIONAIL lENGINEER 3 (Civil)1 Ontario Land Surveyor, IZ12 Queen St. 'Box 1659 Bowmanvllle, Ontario Telephone 623-7251 L. J.& SKAIFE Chtartered Accountant:i 375 Water Street' Phone 74%-5482 'INS RAlC SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO- Phone 12516 Res. 20216 J ACK IREIDï Orono's Licensed Auctîoneer and Valuatoi Speceialize in Farm and Furnfture Sales, Cousuit me for termys anîd dates PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRITE ASHING SALES Bert Tompkinse J Phone 7V6M25 JACK A. FERREN OROKNO (BNOKrXEEPý IN G SERVICE hueojme Tax Returnq Prepared Oron.o, Bwavle s7w Telephone Orono 3R2) Fainily M morials Oiw îualty aeni -ervice leaves ntothlng to kbe deuire-d. Ask the person whilo bought from ut, a nelxghbour, friend or reative PORT lHOPE LIITED g 21 KING ST. WEST G Bowmanville 623-3393 o Toronot 923-9174 G Port Hope Office- 8G 98 Waltoin St. - 885-4548 S FREEAPPRAISALS Exclusive Agent for G, f3 J. OcHOi1NSKI G G 3-BedronlzBUngalows G onrie lots '75x200 fOrono Area Re:resenitativ gKendal .. Phone 321 GA large selection of Fans, f Homes,' Lots, Retreat Pro.o perties in this area g IElectrical Contracting j Electrie ,Heating and Service PHIONE 245 OR 10412 -Ororuii, Ontario- Orono Electrie PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOn' FARM Iand IIOISE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to all.kinda of ElectnIcal .Equipment and Appliancea Such at Metors - Waten Heaters T.V. - Radios.- Stoves - Irons ý1Haiitonsg insurance g Service g o Fie JJtag Lan ie Haty Bond, 9 Phone- 1,R-16 Orono Box 1332 MO. 8-3552 Stafford Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. Whitbyp Ont. Manufacturera of C emetery Memorial S 'Dealers in: Domestic & Foreigu Granites and Marbies -Inscriptlons Cut and Cemetery Repair Worh FOR '%SALE One doulbleba beclwith mattress and springs. Phone Nwate987452T. a-c FO ALE One girl's winterdress coat, 12. Brown xith persian lamb lar; One boy's winter dress cc 1/ length, blue grey, size 12. Mrs. JoeWaer phone9 5532. FEMALE HELP WNE Female help wanted for-£a ory work. A,ýppyly Curvpy W 'ood Produc Orno Ak for Denise Annaer size col- 983- a-p FOR RENT CET N 5-room Bungalow ipi North John aýnd Cha-rlotte Picka1 ý Ward, Boýwmianvili41e.ý Available vvill be 1Veasad:to meet relatve Dec 1 e1., E6.f iends an.d ceiglibours at th-,,- App1,y li writing to Box 100, Porne, SPijng Gr,,ange Farni, New- Orono Weekiy Times, Orono. cas' ie, on Satirday, October 29tL a-p 13.00 bt 5:00 and 7:30 to 9.30 p.m. on the occasion of the-Ir 25th HELP ANTEDWedding'Anniversary. Please, îno IIEP ANEDgïfts. c Waitress wanted at New Dutch___ Oven, Oronoý.b-c CMN-VN - Heather Social Club Bazaar -A CHILU CARE Tea, to be held at the I.O.. Lact- Will look after cii-en ain m IHal atýd iDecember 3d own home by da,, or bythvee Wth o further annour lts, or will take ini a boarder. mue rt.i Write irs. Couvier, BoL 5,_________________ a-c 'North Street, Nw sl. a-c E'FR SALE - COA1ýT & HOCKEY NOTICE The GnrlMeeting, of, the PAs:ý i NgTS vo rs ot ý Orono United Chu-rch Womien Bos~ egt oo rescot H 1 wl old noinat,,iois for lwiîî be held in the Main Auditoî - lainated, to foami and pile lined; new execuitive at thieir regular ium of theChrho Otor chlarcoal -grey, size 18. G-oaod as, meeting this Sunday at 7:30 p. 2that8 .m it Uit2 i the United Church. AI!mem- ýcag fteporm Boys large size Hockey Pants, bers requested to attend. New cag fteporm - about size 16 - S2.00. members mrost ,velcomye. Mrs. Stan Allun, phone 983-5791i Films and slides wvill be shownBRT Orono. a of Boston and Plym-outh, Mass.,81T _______________ ____and Prince Edwvard Island. a-p Fi-eddie-, andi Palricia Storeber FOR ALEgen are proud to announce' the ChoeIthnSe n bu TENDERS larrival of their son Billy, Boi-n Chrom Kithen St in bineOctoJber- 7th at Memorial Hos- and gold. Sealed tenders will be received pital, Bqwm1anvill. Special. thanks Phee 93 530,Oroo. -cup to andi including Otober 29th to Fae Cornish an([ Dr. H. N. An- for the supp1vinpr of furnace oil fo&si and Mvaternity Staff. a-c FOR SALE for heating at the Orono Arefla_____________ Quantity of haled straw, oait, forý the 1966-67 season. BR I barley and wheat. Ail tenders to be mailedta oBIT Phone Cavan 944-5438. Box 41, Orono, Ont. J HOLLINGSWOR-TH -1 Armnonr b-41-pl Lowest or any tender not nec-,'and Joan (neýe Maishall) axe -----------------___ iessarily accepteti. happy to iannounce the birth of a Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc- daughter -on Monday, October 17 FOR SALE lation. b-c in, Mem-ioriaml Hospital, Bowman- For the fineest, selection o1 f Ville. A sister for Terry Hill. a-c 1 nristmas t ards and Ujîts andi personalizeti Stationery at reason- able prices. Shop in the comfort of your own home. For catalogue and sampie's caîl. Hl. B. BAIOOKS 983-5113. 2,p FREEZER OWNERS Custom cutting; and wrapping of Beef and Pork. J CORNISH RED & WHITE, ORONO LOST A grey cat, with a yellow collar, Contact Tom Winter, Newcastle., a-p w ATS 0N,'S Marin anid Cycle Orono Phonýe 146 MvCULLOCH BOATS & IMOTORS CHiAIN SAWS Reýpairs to al makes of Lawn Moiwers an~d 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS ANI) MACRINERY Building a House? or, remodelling your present one, theu contact Floyd NicholsonH PHONE 219,1 ORONqO AUCTION 8ALE The householti effects, TV. andi appliances from the estate of the late Rowena Dean will be 'sold by public auction on Wednesday, Otober 26, commencing at 1:30, p.m. at her late residence, Duch- ess Street, Orono. Terms cash',be 9T11 ANNUAL - ALL BLACK-. BREDER & FEEDER SALE 550 IEAD SELLING SATUDAVOCTOBER 29th AUCTION SALE PIETERBOROUTGI SALE BARN Hereford and Durham cattie, The Sale will start at Il a.m. with tractor, machinery, hay, grain, 50 Head of Registered Cows and straw, furniture etc. The proper- Bred Heifers, 2 Bulis, c4refuliy, ty of Mr. Wilfred Wood, Loi;-9, selected froni the top herds in Concession 3, Clai-ke Twp., two Eastern Ontario miles north of Newtonville, seli- Large number of Comm)ercial ing without reservýe on Saturday, Cows bredanwihavsatfo Ocobrs22 t1 .m.wilI follow the purebrad sale Jack, Reidi Auctioneer. S tock and Feeder Sale will sta.rt _______________________Sharp at 1:30 P.M. AUCTION SALE Sale sponisoreti, by Eastern Oxtar- Farm solti. . 10Aberdeen-%Ag*fs Association Shojrthorn, cattie, tearniof ihors-Jae Mowbrayý Jr., Pi-es. F-M.F tractor andti achnrWilwae hlygrini poultry, furniture etc., Robert P etchf, Sec., Gormley- the property of Hlalsteadu Coathiam l-iilcoîi Bai1ey, Sales Manager, aifd Son,ý Lot 1L9, Concession 5,1 Phono Port Perry 985-7583 ClreTownshiip, 2 miles east of1 Orono. selling wvithout reserve on!Aucetioneers: Gordon Ribey, 'Un- Saturday, October 29th, -om. fderwood; Ross Baly, Uxbridge. i mern'inlü at 12 o'elockç sharp. b-c Terme cash, Jack Reidi Auction -_________ _ een. Bill's NOTICE TO 'C!'PPDITRS ITHE ESTATE 0F HERBERT JAME S MIEPRCR late of the Towniship of Clarke .in, the County of Durhýaml, Retiret Farmer, de- G ~ ~ ~ ~l Is& irrcast:pereons 9 Division St. S. against the Estate of, the saiti Bowmanville, Ontario iHerbert James Mercer, who (lied Anyting n Plte ad Widowon or about the 4th day of Sep- Anytingin lat an Widowtomber 1966, are hereby notifieti jGlass, Float Plate Mimrons and to send to the umidcrsigned Soli- Leaded Glass and -Glazing cîtoron or before the Sth day of Exclusive Area Agt for Novomber 19ffi, their niames andi Acorn"Inperv-AlI, Paint addresses anti fuil particulars of their clainis anid the nature of Telephone 623-5187 the socurities (if any) heiti by [theni duly verified by statutory III , lA i..ntia, f) n. O Imjmedliaeeiy after the saiti Sth' î rpemac E r a lpv Iday of November 1966, the ast ~ IJI85~~ ~of the saîi deceased Nwill be dist- PLUMING ndI1EATING ~rîbuted 4mon- the persons en- SL'YCETT PLUMBJNand Sric titled therelolhxaviii-regard ,only HOU BUNERSERCE1signeti Solicitor shallthep. have 0PIurmbing & Heating G -A FINANCING notice. g Low Interest Rates ae tOoo najti g Phoe 33111 o honos j lth day Of Otbr1966. Orono Ontario G iampton CO .23W. K. LYCETT,' g ' yron CO.3-260 OrnoOntario. i Sol~fic tfortheAdministratrices. 1 1 Ir

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