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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1966, p. 1

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t, Drama, Festival Opens 'he -eighth Annual Festivatl of Quet Act Plays opens in the Orono) TonHall tonighit, Thuirsday,O- tbr27th at 8:00 p.m.ý The ýfest- ~slwill run for three successive àights through unitil Satuirday ev- mtn.The festivAl is sponsored by,, the Durhiam Central A,ýricul- f irai Socieàty. 4~total of nine plays have beenî entered in the fesival withthree plays being given eacli evening. The nioted Ms Billi Tyas of Tor- onto will- be the adjudicator and will offer her adjudication follow- Ing each nightly perfo.rfmance, On Saturday evening Mrs. Tyas will present hecr final analysis along with those te be awarded trophies and prizes. Awards wll be presented for the best play, second best pIa3y, best Canadiani plaýy, best directer, actress, actor, best set design and a special ad- ,tudicater's award, Thursday eveoing perform- ances will be by the Bewmaânville Dranm Workshop with "The Form"; The Torreaitor Theatre, Toronto with "The Master Mind"- ;ORONO W.EEKLY TIMES lerkTo Continue With Comm-ittee Work: istryOf Ida (hurch Dates 1819 Meo bers of thie Conigregýation ulSt John's AnglIican- Churcuh at £ca ommmortedthe 1lOOth an- :lersary of the present cuc Thehisoryof this smnall rural Ceac f ,worshiom vrge back mch arhe tan 100 yeas. Indee, itlepe, nsthe his'tory of Cavanr Township, dat- in akinto the early 19t:11cenl- ury when thie Rev.* Josephi Thompson settled inthe township andbecmethe first protestant 1-ýinster to hold divine service H1e arrived in Canada in 1818 ->j was appoÀinted to take ser- vcsas a. missionary fo new etlrTraveling \westward lhe enutdservice, at Cobourgýf and PoT Iope then strucknotar 1e setlefion l'and ïin f)ýlueffit cocsinof Cavan, erected a Iog, homýýe for h- is family andl herpe 1onuctd te first services. Near- b~,he condfuctedl the fir'-t funer- ais ecodedin this area, thoseý cfChri stophe r Hageiira, Auig. i. 819 and James Murphy, Oct. 2of the same year. The irst St. John?,s Chiurch buclding was erected in 1819, a simplpe 'log structure situated on whtis now part of St. John's TPhis first church was destroy- Ad wheni struck by Iightning aild Iie second building, a 'wmhite frame church, suffered the same The present church was com- --ýted ýat a cost of $8,000 in the, a,ý)tumyn of 1866 and formally op- endfor worship Jan 20, 1867. Preache'u for the first service ,as teRe.JobhriVicars of Lind- Thé church's bell wjas trams- The CounciL -of the Townrship of Clarke held a -special mneeting a week ago last Wednesday ln the Co.-uncifl Chambers. At the neeÎing Council. ap- proved ene of two proposaIs made by the Clarke Township Commînttee of Adjustment ln that the Clerk, Mr. H. E. Milison, be secretary-treasurer for the Com- miittee, The major difference lu the lwo proposais was in the re- munýeration to be paid the clerk- treasurer to carry out the duties of, secretlary-treasure for the Com- mittee of adjustment. In the first proposai the Cern- mittee of Adjustment recommend- ed that the cierk-treasurer be paid a su m of $300.00 for duties performed for, the Committee in 1965 and $50000 for the duties in 1966. The second proposal con- tained no moneys to be paid for the services. Council approved the second proposai. The proposai of thie Committee of àdjustment aise recommiend1ed jia~t soiiieone.e be tr'ained to over the secretary-treasurer por- tion whien Mr. 'Millson's duties cease as of Decemiber 3lst: It was recmmededtt1ia-,n.ew 'type- writer be purchased.E Two applications for Tite Drain E Loans were received and approv-v cd by ouncil upjon receipt of ap- proval from tîhe treasurèr of the a Province of Ontarjo.,f Mr. J. Lyall Lowery was ap-t pointed by Council as Tule'Drain Inspector for the Township of Clarke. ported from Toronto, then York, by Thomias Foster and Wil- liam Loughi, a journey that took more than a week. Mr. Thomipson neyer lived to see the present church erected. Re died in 1844 at the igge of 79. Sînce hbis inie, 10 rectors hav served the spiritual needs 4ef Anglicans in Cavàn Township. Fifteen Enter, Plowing Match'. There were 15 conitestants 'and IIdisplay, of some expert plowýýing duaring9 the annual Durhamn and NotumeladPlowing M"a tchl ~elSaturday at thle. Lloyd Kel- eggf arm at Welcome. Th1-e contestants' rester was mne cf the largest lu recent years andi this gave rise te the hope that in- terest !lui ,competition plovwin1 mighft be entering a revival st.age i this area. A spokesman said Satturdiay,, that 'l ye-ars just passed the number cf ontstatshad been se small _iat the future o the match was bcouga matter cf concern. Duigthe dJay a goodly numn- b)er of visitors attended at the site' te watch the plowmien. Gordon Bradford od Peterbor- (ough pilaedl first i lu te open -rmpetition followed by Hol4ard Quantrili of Campbelerofti. William Alun of Newcastle toojk the top spo)t iu class twe, fiw -d by Robert Jackson and Walter Ordie both of Peterborough, and Býruce E agileson of Port 1Hope. Farley Biekie teck the prizes ,s the sole contest:arit in clas thee . Don Tinney of Plainvile -and Donald Bull of Port Hope were the winners in classes five and six Staniey Alliin of Oreno was sec- ondf in class si'x and Morley Philp cf Port Hlope was third. H1ugh Aluin of Newcastle and NeilAli of Oronio placed first and second lu class seven. In the beginners' 'class eight. Doug9las Milison cf Caniton was first and John Bickhle of Canton was'second. Hugli Aluin won thie Eaton's special prize of a silver waiting tray given for the top plowman under 18 years of age. Th& Internaionial H4rvesW~r Company plize of $10 went te Donald Budd as the tep contest- ant lu the utility class usinig plews of three or miore furrows. Donald Tinney won the Esso special prize cf $15 given te the, winining plowman uing, a two furgow meuntedplw Judging was dlone by William Tïimbe(,rs cf Stoueffville, an- exper- 'ienced ex,ý-plowing miatch contest- ant who judges many matches each year throughiout Ontario., To Extend Orono Wdfe? SystelMi- SThe Orono Polic e Trustees have givenatity eore he nec- essary transite pipe 'te make au extension cf thýeOroneo Municipal water system from Main Street te the Orondý Park.. The Trustýees are aise te advertise for tenders for the laying cf the pipe for this extension. The ispection Trustee,, Mr. Woodyard, xvas autherized- te con- tact someone te build a retaining, wali along the side-walk ln front cf the Mvaliey property on Mill Street. Aurthority wvas given te adver- tise for a dog control officer. By- res-oluition mîr. K. Lycett la te be asked te draw up an a!gree- ment for garbagedsposail be- tween'the Orono Trustees and INMr. Donald Tennant. The Orono Trustees agree t t tie use cf the Orono Municipal Building by thre Orono) Public Sehool for t-wo afternoons a week A rentai of $7.50 an, afternoon was siet by the Board cf Trustees .fer sueh use. The Trustees are aise to adver- tise for a janitor for the Oronio Mmlnicipal Bu-tildinig. -A letter was received from the Nothumberland-tDuýrliam HýeaUt Unit stated that inadequate area existed In the middietcf town for a Coin Wash. and by Knox Theatre Group, Pet- erborough with "The Man Who Wouldn't Go To H-eaven." Friday evening the Scarbôoegl Players present "Bise And Shine": The New Play Werkshop, Toronto "There Is A Scream" and the Knox Theatre Group, Peterbor- ough with "A Knife To Thy Throat." Saturday evening the Aj ax' Drama Workshop presents "Nee- dle": the Pic-A-ýx Players of Pick- ering and Ajax, "The Shirkers" and the Henrv St. Hîgh Sehool Drama Club, Whitby, "St. Joan." The Comm.-ittee in charLre of the fe.stival is headed by Mrs. E. IFL Sanmel along with Mr. D. Staples, Mrs. R. Chater, Mrs. H.. Barlow, Mrs. W. R. Giibart, Mrs. J. Stutt, Mrs.ý R. Johusýon, Mrs. D. Stapies, Mýr, J. Amesbury,, Mr. Sterling Mather, Mr. E. Dent, Mrs. E.Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Kendal Girl Junifor, Bond To Play Concert The Orono Junior Baud with almfost fifty members: iIi PMe- sent a concert cf music on Sun- lay afternoon, December llth. T'he concert wil liec he1d in the- Cla'-ke High School Auditorium. This wil lie the ýecond con,- cert heltI by the band since its Inception, iu December cf 1965 Membership in the band has growu from the original twenty- eigbt te near fifty.' A summer rlass added ncw sections te fthe band whi"ch- now -features saxo- phones ànd French horus. along with trombones, -baritones, alto haos, clarinets antI cornets. 1 Augmneing the program on December llth wil libe aù ad- vanced group cf mscasfroma the Oshawa di trict who will pro- vide a number cf instrumentals. Wins $100 Bond, Win. In Hlbro The, Orono, As:soci- ation held their annual Masquer- ade Dance and draw in the Or- onýo Town Hall last Friday even- ing. Although attendance ai the dance was down somewhat to other years the sale of 'tick ets for the $100.00 bond, more than made up the difference. Most d<ancers, were out in costume for the occasion. Miss Donna Langstaff, ýdaughter onf Mr. and Mrs. G. La¾igstaff of Kendail was the iucky winner, of the $100.00 bond. Winners for the best costumes were as foilows: Most original couple Mr. and Mrs,. Jack Mercer. Best coic coup-le- Mr. and MÉs. -odonLaffgslaff.' Most origýinal îcostume -Mrs. Jack Mercer. Best' cemic, costume - lVrs. Fran:cis Cowan. Beýst single, comic -Mrs. ýfar- vey Partner. Best fancy dress- Mrs. Glenn TernnL Winners of the Spýot Douces A Junior Ho-key teani. of play- ers< fromn Orene and Newc astle de- ffeaqted ,thie H hro Huskies, a Junýior C teamv. liiil-alibtuton last Satur-day. The local club took a 6 e3victory. The goal sceorers for the. local boys, were John Mather with two, goals and singles to Doug Moffat, Peter MeC,,Ullogh, Fred Alldread and Dave Gee.Bob Luxton, playing iu the Orono nets, turu- ed aside mainy bard: shots andi play-ed a big part in keeping the score down on the Huskies., were Mr. Glenn Tennant at Mrs, W,. St[aleten a ntIr.ami Mrs J. Thompson. MisHilda C-lark of Oaýv.ille anai 'Mr. JeC TauIb ofOrn et thle judges. The Orone Fircfighters. wish to, thank 'the Oron)io Merchants who donated prizes along with those wàho attended antI supported the dance- 0àMB Asks For Further Informatiïon On Road Propqsalý The Ontarîco Municipal Board has asked for more information lu connection with the proposed $108,700.00 road and storm sewer programn for the Village of Orono. The 0MIB have asked for a copy of the resolutioni of the Board of Trustees ln which they authorize the- preject. The Board aiseo asks for a description of the propesed method of raising the mnoneys to pay off the bank loan. Furtier te this the Ontaie Mun- icipal Board has requested that a copy cf a letter fromi the County Engineer agreeing to pay $13,500. for the Main Street stormh sew-, ers be provided to the Board. It was aise u)ointed euyt that approval of the storma sewer prô. ject mast be obtained from th Ontario WateLr Reveources dm mission. The Trustees reueeived copy of letters in which the Canajian Im- perlai Bank cf Commr.Lee has a- gree'd te b0an $38,080.00O-for a Period Of five years Ècr the Vilj- lage portion cf the proposed $108,700.00 road and- stormn sewer project. The bank will pro. vide interimi financing of the pro- ject in the amount of $108,700.00. Both boans are on-conditiýon that the preject is approved by lte Ontarie Municipal Boardý. SetParingRegulations For Orono Streets The Orono Police Trustees at a special meeting on Friday ev- ening passed a number cf resolu-, tiens which lead the way te lun- stituting parking regulations throughout the Village cf Orono. The existing ceuuty parking hy- law for, the business section of the Main Street is to remaîin as passed iast December. Thîis- by- iaw rqgulgtles diag-onal parkig on the east sie of the road with parrall1el parking on the west sidâe cf the street. It allows parking2 te a limit of two hours. Further te this by-lawý the Trustees hapve requested th'le Coun- ties to pass another by-law te regulate parking on the remain- in-- sections cf the County récad tbrough Oreno. The trust-çes have requested thiat parking be' allow- etI for ne more than three heurs aiongI the County roaid. A resolution oif the Trustees al- se provides autherity for, theý Trustees and their sclîcitor te prepare the necessâry by-law te govern parking on other streets in Oeo Under this by-law- par-1 rallel pariking wili be established arnI thle by-law is te goveruý' park- ing fromf 7 a.m. to7é with the except 'iýonicf Sundays and Public The bylaw will establish twoý4- heuir parkin-g on. Churcli Street noDrth from Park St. te Centre St.; on Centre Street, south side from Chureh 'te Main St. A thirty minute period! is te be established on the nerth side dfCentre St. from Churc-h te M\ain Slt. A 'ne parking area' wili be established along the neýrth sile cf Cobble(edick St. Most other areas te be governed under the byý,-law will establish a three lheur priglmt Mr. Woodyardinspecting trus& tee, was giveni authority te order the necessary parIlking signs te carry eut lhe sî,gnin-g cf the streets. Aul,3 )ity was also given te advertîse for a parking con- trol officer. Toâmni*ge Where Are The Parpnts? "Where arle the parents of these boys- . . surely they can hielp!" has been a state- ment voiced repeatedlly when [t cornes tim&l to secure coach- eýs, muanagers 'and referees to hieip promote the hockey pro- gram at the Orono rink. It is a fact- that too few do take tim-e to iend a hand in assist- ing wi1th the program, with hie'the resuit that a few "old, faithfuils" carry the Joad. If your boy7 is playiuig hock- e-v can y),uinQt give assistance with coaching, mranaging or refereeing? Anyone who is willing to help out are asked to contact Mr,' Jack Moffat, as the season is Soon to start. You owe it, to your boy and to the other workers to give a helpinig hand.

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