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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1966, p. 7

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~wri r~ - TIME~S, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1966 [W, K AY L YC ETIï, A. lu the Offices of R. R.WaddeiliQ.C., MAIN ST., ORO-NO f OTelephone 138 Ornîo R MRRILL D. BROWN B.AB.A:Sc: O:.L:S; pROFEýSSIoNAIL)EGNE ontarlo Laud SurtveYOr 121 Queen St. Box 15 Bowmaniflie, 0Otario Telephonie 623-72-51 LA . SKAIFE Cbartereü& Accountani 3"15 Water Street PETERBOR4MUGH .Phone '742-'5482 INÏSUR-ANCE' SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Pâone 12516 Res. 20216 JACK REID- Orono's Licensed Auctioiçeer and Vaiuatox Specialize in Farm and Furntture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 319) PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkils" Phone 786-2552 JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income, Tax Returus Prepared Orojno, Bowvmanville, 'Oshiawa 're1ephone Orono 3R2. famiJy Mormis Our qatyadservice leaves notlngtobe desired Aghk the ersn wo boughkt;frorn IFS, naegbufin or relative The -RUV 111E (~NIT 73 OtreStrpet DîaestDsplay ln Scutheru gWFI-R AN K L LREAPIS, ,AS g, g 1 KONGSTUCT 3-Beroiom Bu2galot74 Orono veAgre Rfrsittv g COSTERoO gA-Kendal - Punga32ow g Alarge selection of Farus,9 gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- perties in' this area 9 Orville Chatterton IElectrical Cotracting Electric H1eating and Service t jOronn, Ontario OronoElectric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR F A RMand HOUSE- WVIRING Free Estiniatiek APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairi to aU i id>-of ElectriMa Equipmeiii, and Appïiancesý Snch at Metors- Water Heaters TV. - Radio*s - Stoves; - Irons mHamltons Insurance Service o Fir MîIrgeJon ào ack agePils Phonie 1Ham6 Ion Box 133 MO. 8.735521 31S Dundasâý î St.E. Whitby, Ont. Manuactuersof andg Aiaries - Inscriptions Cui andCeete~yRepair îWork-, FOR SALE NOTICE 1960 Ernvoy Sedanm. Good con- AVait Concert, sponsored dition. by Nwo leUC.W. will hbe W.Barrahail 983-5736., a-p held lii the Community Hall, V, a~e. Wd nesda y, Novem FOR ALEber 9th at 8:00 p.m. featuring such stars as Ian and Sylvia ofi Quanityof hlcdstrw, ot, V. aie, Mr. Vince Mountford, barley and wheat. Emcee and entertainer from Phon Cavi-i 44-538.Brampton: numbers 'by girls from b-41-p the Oshiawa Dance Academy and FOR SALE Admissioni, adjults $1.00; child- Smnall tractor with snjow bl)ove r en .50c. a-c andý lawn mo ainlost tnew.r Apply Mîýr. A. Martens, phone COMING EVENT 983-5805 Oronýo. a-cý Shilohi United Churcli Thank- ofeig Anniversary Service, LOSTSud, Octoher 3th at 2;30 p.m. Do,,Goien etreve naed Rev. Mary A. Dougherty B.A., of Dog.G~olew Rtrieer nmedEnniskillen' will be guest speak- DannyT. Caîl 983-5092. a-c er. Mrs. G. Black of Trinity Un- ited Churchi, Bowmanville will be HELP WANTED the soloist. a-p Waitress wanted at New Dutch CARD 0F THANKS I ivould ikiý-e to express my-, cere thanks to friends aiidne bours, the Ileather Rebekah Ld Dr.Mo, Dr. MeKeazie, nr tir and saf of Memorial Ilospitaý Oven, Orono. h-c COME! 5OHAD- SELLING H1 ot Turkev Supper, Wednesîay SATURDPAY, OCTOB>ER 29ti1î CARTAER ANED November 2nd, 4 p.m. at Shiloh PETER BOROUGHI SALE BARP",. CIRTE ATD Unitedf Church. The Sale will start at il a.m. wfitl Applicatiç>ns wii11 le received Adults: $1.75; children under 50 Head of Registered Cows a'!nd" up to Tuesday, November lst for 12 years 50c. veon Hifr,2Bls, aeul position of caretaker of Newcastlec j--ieetd rmte o ed COMmun1ity Hall. sîcEastfron nthe rto ed Apply in writing, stating sal- PARKING CONTROL OFFICER Lr e ast 1umern ontarommrc-- ary expecte'J to: 1I1FOR THE POLICE VILLAGE CLarge - nmber ofcomes tfrn Mrs. F. Buffler, Secretary of 0 F ORONO Cws bred anwith ucaes a fo H-all Board. Newcastle. a-c Anyone' wishing ta apply for Stl ok and Fthe rebrad sahe ___________________th, position of Paringi Control Of-StcadFeerSewiltri TEDRficer for the Poice Village' of Shar-p at 1:30 P.M. Orono- please, reply in writing to Sale sponisored by Eastern Ontal- Sealedl tenders for the treh- the undersigned before November io Aberdèen-Angus Association, ing, Iaying and covering Of aP- 11, 1966. James Mowbray Jr., Pres., proximiately 450 feet of transite R. C. MILLER, Willowdale. pipe îr lu te Police Village of Or- Secrétary, Robert Petch, Sec., Gormley iono will lie accepteil by thetiun, Orono Police Trustees. Malcolm Bailcey, Sales Manager- dersigned up until November 11, ____________ Phone Port Perry 985-7583 16.Specifications etc., may be utoer:GdnRiyU- obtaineil froin Mr. E. R. Wood, CARETAKERAutoer:GdnRîyTn yard, Phone 983-5012. Tenders Caretaker required for the Or-- derwood; Ross Bailey, Uxbridgé.. mùst be clcarly marked "IAPPLI- ana Municipal Building. Duties PLICATION FOR TENDER" and and remunLierat.iýn to be discussed add1rcýssed to the undersigned. Iwithi the Orono Police Truste-es. NOTICE TO CREDITORS R. c. MILER, Appl in writing to the under- _IN THEETAE0FHRBR Se&cretary, signed before~ Novemiber Il. 1966. JAMES ME)RCER' late of thie Oiono Police TrusteesR. C. MILLER, Town-ship of Clarke inthe County P-0. Box 177, Secretary, of Durham, Retircd Farmer; dea- Orono, Ontarlo.Orono Police Trustees. cesd HORTICULTURAL MEETING Thus1 y October 27th, 1966 at 8:00 o'clock in United Church~ Auditoriun't Guest speaker, Mr. Hankinsoni of Brantford. Illustrated lecture on builbs, pilant and- new flowers. Lunch will be served. Corne and bringil a friend. a c and Cycle Oronio Phone -.46 McCULLOCU BOATS & -MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawin MoGwers and 2, and, 4 cycle Enes Alpersons having elaims TENDERi~S -against the Estate -)f the saiýd Sealed tenders will be received Herbert James Mercer,, whodid uip to and inetiudingl October 29th on or about the 4th day' of Sep- for the stipplying- of furnace oil tember 1966, are hereby notifjie for heating at the Orono, Arena to seýnd ta the undersignedSai for the 1966-67 season. citor on or before the 5th day o Ail tenders te be mailed aNvmer16,teir naies: andI Box 41, Orono, Ont. Iaddresses and full particulars of' Lowest or any tender not nec- their dlaims and the nature of* essarlt cetd the, securities (if any) held by, Orono- Amateur Athletic Assoc- them duly verified by statutory. iation. b-c declaration. _________________________ Inmediaecly after the said th IUCTIO SALEday Of November 1966, the assets AUCTIO SALEof the said deceased will he-djst- Farm sold. ributed among the persons, ci,- Shorthorn caLtte, teain of hors- titlcd thereto having regard oI es, MTF tractor and machiniery, to the dlaimas of which the tmder hay grain, poultry, furniture etc., sindSlctr hh te hv the property of HaIltad Coathanu i notice. and Son, Lot 19, Concession 5, i 1Dated at Orono, ontaria, thij- Clarke Township, 2 iles east of l8th day of October 1966. Orono. Selling without reserve on w .LCT~ Saturday, October 29th, comi-Oou nau~ mnencing at 12 o'clock -sharp. oicitorforteAdm ntaries Ternis cash. Jack ReidI Auction -____________forthe________________s eer. AND PlMA IN SiNNOTICE TO EITR * TUÏE ESTATE ()F 1HAlOLLD CLIFFIORD) PEDWELL late of Dlii Sthe Township of Clarke in the. ~G a sCol,!nty of Durham, Real Estate. 'Breker, deceascd: Ail persan-s having clainu. M îrr rs against the Estate ofý the sai Bjuilding ta Rbuse? SHarold Cifr ewll ro 9 DivisinSt. S. died on or aboutr the 3rd day of or remodellng yo4ur present Bowrnianville, Ontario October 1966, are 'hcreby notified' to send ta the undersigned Ex.- one, then -contact Anythîng îu Plate and Wi ndowI ecutor.s (or7their Solicitor on or Glass, Fooat Plate Mirrors and before the lSthda of November Leaded Glass and Glazing 1966, their rames anid addresses Ioy NiholonExclusive Area Agent for and fil particulars of their dlaims Floy Nicolsn, Aori Inprv-ll Pint and the nature of the securities Acon Iper-Ah Pant (if any) h)eld by thei duly yeni- PHONE 2191 ORONO Telephonie 623.5187 ficil by statuitory (declatration. -Immiediately alter the isaid lSti. dïay of November, 1966. the ast *of 1the saîddeeae will be dist.- j ]ributedl rmn ~ esons en- Barn s & Bia tiledthereto hav\in-g regard only Sta tHe Cdaims of which th- Ex.- îx/~rrTT, 9 BNGandiIATIMNG, F eclors or 1theuneriiejSolic- S2thda, ofOtoc19 g 24 OUR URNE SERICE Datd -a Oro-~ - Ontario hs LaOntactraeio-j R o 2NwaslOnaj ~. MUJC'HAoD EDW'E Lt0 i Bwrnanville for cârds, flow,~ ,and kimdnesses shown during m stay in the hospital. Alex Wa!tsz. RECEPTION John ad Charlotte Rick', 4 1will be pleaseýd to meet reIativesý- friends and neighbours at thmr- home, Sprýing Grange Farm, New- castie:, on Saturday, Octobeýr 29t,, 3:00 to 5:00 and 7:30 to 9,30 p., on the occasion of their 25t Wedding Anniversary. Please, i~ gifts. 9TH ANNUJAL ALL BLACK- BREEDER & FEEDER SALE

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