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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1966, p. 1

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Statck of Concern In Reading, REMEIALREADING tOGRA-31CRITICIZED Some criticism of the remnedial m,rding îpogram 11being oarried utby the Durhamn District Hligh -ehool Board ini Port Hope was v-aiced recently at a mrieeting ,of teboard hied in Clarke high At present Port Hope Hligh seolteachien E. F. Witty is con- d-,!eing classes in remnedial read- ngunder supervision of the seolboard and the classes are eing- observed by other interest- ed high eçchIool teachers of the area. Alan, A. H. Strike, ehairmian of th e co-ordinatIing guidlance comm-iittee of the board said ît was hoped, to expand remedial reading work thnoughout the high achooil district. He said attemipts were being made to stress the importance of Properradn instruction at the elementary school level because it was believeil the maost valuiable work could be dlonie for pupils in the early years of education. Mn. Strike coneceded that some lakof interýst and initiative had beeri evidient in Public school boards, teachers, school officiais and inspectors when dealing with readfing oroblems. There id flnot seem to be. much Indication of intention to improve reaingabbitesat theý public schlool level. Hi gli , 1 lboard members said that th-îey thoughit too much maoney was,; being spent to devel- op reedaladinig programs and a close scruL(tny should be given to thersut being obtained. It was felt the greatest responis- WEE LY Ak Few Prolects Outlined For Cent ennîal The Clark-e Township' Centen- niai Commiittee held a pIlaniing -neeting o tn Tuesciay evexiing in the iower auditorhu of the' Or- oýno United Church. The purposa ~fthe meeting was ta compile in!or-mation on proposed pro)jects for the centennial year by thie ,-arious organizations and groups withiMn the Township of Carke. A good number of organiza- tlons wene represeiitid at the meetng ithsame producing plans for the Centennial year. The mueet-ing vwas chiaired by Mrs. Thos. Fairbrother. The Orono no r Grdenars la vet2already stanted terpro- ject for E1967 by lntn wohn dred cntenniltulip buibs and prpoe t plant anothe-r 200wih gnupaso plan a centenniai bus rip dln i a flow'er show thi comng ear. A ltte rceiedfrom the- picplof te Clarke Iligli Sehol.Mr.A. Wterspnoon 1st-a1ed pating, in a tree pianting prjeet. It as ls sugesedby Mrs. Fairbrother that stuflents of th-e ,chool could assist witqa roiect ojf lightli--z beaconis thnoughout the Township On New Yean's eve. This, she said, wouid need the azpproval of the local Fire Chief. Representatives of the school's ,Student Counicil are ta take the ýuggestion ta the next meeting of the Council. Mrs. Lovekin ret- poorted that such a beaco4i could 'b- lighted on their farm west afi -Newcastle. M;ý. Duvail aiso re- ported tii-t he had secuired aià >area in the Leskard district for êbéacon. A representative for the Orona G-irl Guides stated tiiat they had not as yet finialized plans but that it had been suggestedl that they construct a camping grounds for Guiding purposes. Mrs. Norton of Tudor House Antiques informed the meeting that they intenided to dress their windows with a Centeninial theme dutring 19067, She also said that anyone could display itemns of ln-' terest ane hundredl year-s ago in their w,,indows durig any period of the year. Mrs. Norton wais ask- ed if she would contact other memnbers of the. business comnmun- ity to interest them in mnakjingý (Contfinued from page 1 Siv e r Weddng About 100 relatives and friendA- gathiered at the Netn ilHall Saturday-, Octoben 22nd for the presentation in honour of Mr. ancd Mrs. Lloyd Glass of Bwa viii1 on the occasion of their Si!- ver Wedding, Anniver-sary. Mrs. Rogen Nelson of Baltimore readf the address ta the bride and groom of 25 years who were presented, with a lovely set of china dishes, crystal and a numi- bar of pieces of silvar. The groom's g«ift ta the bride was a iovely silver tea servie. Mr.' and Mrs. Glass thanked everyone and then eut their wed- ding cake. The evening was spent in dancing ta the Lawery Orches tra of Orono. Friends were presant from Tor- onto, Bawmanville, Cobourg, Port Hope and Orano. Eldorado Sure Thot Dinmp ln Clarke Is Safe R. M. Baýrïy plant manager for Eldorado Mining and Rafining Company said recntly the cani- pany is extreinely careful with its residues and. is convinced they. cause ria pro$bleisfor pupeOr Iiccently on a, televisi.on pro- gram same residýents of this dist- nect said that radioactivity in duLst f nom Part Gramnby. Clarke Township, dumping area used by Eldorado, wýas cauing a hazard. "Ail aur nesidues are teýsted by th-e healtlh calthanities and we are unde suprvison f the Ontario 'Water1 esreec-s Commiission, dýump ten il rIes westAf )IPort Hope aýàg the lakeshor'e, Mr. Jern-y sadhe company is awýare tt i n igL:hood complaints have benmade that dstfrom the dumip has causýed a siai rash but lie lias seen no medical cevi- dience taL ,substýantiate the cdaim. "Hoevc,"he said,"W have cov-ercdebe top) of the dump with straw ý,ta hclp keep the 'dust MIr. Berry said the residue is very low ini nadioactivitc, weli be- low thie saf e levai. '.The radium content is ne- moved at tI-e mine site ia thie west and the mieil when it reaches us, is aineady at a safe level," he said. "The residua itsclf and the rn-off water meat Departmnent of Heýalth anid O.W.R.C. -u4afldards and we are sure there is rio dang- er inwûlvedI,' Mr. Berry stated. Bowmanville Play Best In Diama' Festival The Brawmaniville Draana Clubs preseatatian at tii-a recent Festi- ^al of One-Act piays hield lan Or- aYno on October 27, 28 and 29 was j.udged the best of aine entnies. The mrodernistic play, -The Forai, ggaiaed tihe approvai of the adjud- iarMrs. Billie Tyý e, even though its 'way-out' themre did h-ave most of the audfience baf- fied. Th ýe cas,,t antid the bakag -o~eS iin the 13-,wmapnvilie play have been proinient in previous productions, and this experience enabled the g-roup ta take thse ,.op mnoney a.ward prescntedî by £the DurlianiAgicultural Society adthie Oronoj Chamber ofl Coin- mnercè trophy. Tiose in thie cast xere Carolyn MoaJohn B-udeli, Iris Camp- bèell and John Amesbury. Mr. A,%masbury was also the director qf- the successfui play. in this cýapacity Mrs. Tyas awardad the best director awand hpoMr. Arines- bury. The award was provided by the Newcastle Lions Club. Othars assistingý with the Bow;- manville play were: Mrs. Jean Shenidan, assistant diractor; Mrs. B. Kitney, costumes; Helen Neli- es, set and prap.; and Jean Darch, stage manager. TMie second best piay of Uie Fes- tival was an aid favounite and one which lias been prcsented la former festivals heid in Orono. 'Risc and Shine' as presentc:d by ffhe Scanborough players won this placingl ii-Le Fesival. The awards for the hast actor, the hast actress and for the hast Canadian play- were also awarded taâ those takiag part in 'Riscl and Shine'. James Evanis was preseat- cd the best acton award, an award pravided by the Orono Oddfellow's Lodg-"e. The best actress award want ta St'ella Gaye, playinig op- pocsite ta Mn. Evans. This*-award is provided by the Heathier Re- bekali Lodge of Oronio. The awaird for Uicha bst Canadian play pno- duction was also -granted ta 'Risc arnd Shine'. This award is provid- cd by the Canadlian Club of Bow- mauiville. Tiie special adjudicator's a- *ward, pnovided by the Blowman- ville Instituite, was prascnted ta Mr. Z. Fisher. -Mn. Fisher direct- cdtii-ce Henry Street Higli School Drama Ciub's play, 'St. Joan' the sixth act. The cast of this play numbered fifteien. The Clarke, Township necrea- tion Commission awand fon thc Best Set design was preseated ta the New Play Wonkshop, Toronto, play, 'There Is A Scream.' This is a new play and the adjudicatar commended the set design set-up for this play.- The Festival lias been an an- nal competition and presentation under the sponsorship of tiie Dur- ham Centrai Agicultural Socîýety. Attendance this year at the Festi-' val was somewhat disappointing and slightly 'bciow that of last year. The Fniday niglit production saw the smallest audience of thie, three nights.' Members of tihe Orono) Senlior) Citizens Club wcre ia atteadiance nt tfiie Festivýal on openiag niglit, Thiursday, the gucaSts of the Agni'- cultural Socicty. ibility was witji the elementary school level and thus, the higli schools were doing the work of the public achools. The elementany schools "should be made ta carry the hall from here on in,," one member stated. 11He said the high school board should have nothing.more to do, with remediai. reading programs. In other action the board ap- proved a move, to, the Royal Yo rk Hotel as the centre to bé used during March for the interview- ing and hiring of replacement teachers. Previously these sessions have been held at the Park'Plaza bote] and there has been conisider'ahle criticism that facilities there were inadequal e.1 On previous occasions the board has feit the Queen Elizabeth building at the Canadian National Exhibition ground miglit be more satisfactory. However, the move ta the Roy- ai York was considered "a step in the right- direction" by sehool principals. The board voted down a mo- tion that would have allowýed in- cividuai prineipals ta arrange for pupils to visit Expo '67 for about $23 under terns of a package deai aftered by a Ponrt Hope trav- ei agent. The package deal offered trips ta, bus ioads of 40 students ae- Thie Orono United Church is coaducting a "'Pantnership ln the Gospel" stewardship prognam re- sulting in a visitation of ail homes within the congragational charge, on Sunday, November 13th. Sonie sixty members of the Church have naw attanded two study sessions ia which they are obtaining train-ing ta mare ef- ficiently carry eut tihe program. The program includes tihe two ,study -son for the v4ifting group along wlth a caugregational supper ta be field on Wedncesday, November th in ic heMain Hall of the Orono United Churcli. Visitation Sunday marks the climax of the pnagram. The vis!- tonrs will be conmmissioncd at the regularn morning service an Sun- day November l3th and sho>rtiy Pictured aboyearan but a few of he300 hundted children who cvery Sunday attend tihe Churcli Sehool of thie Onono United comipanied by a "-cher forî twceday Expo visit. Board members saw ;a multi- tude of prehiems if the arrange-. ment w,ýere given officiai bless- ing. They pondered whât'board re- sponsibility would be if studenta were' injured'du-iwý the trip and what crjticisms mightbe expect- ed from parents if these and other matters went w--ong. The 'board vo'ed to investigate the feasibility of offering academ- ic "un g-ading" courses in night classes next year. The classes ' would be aime i Imainly at pensons who mi!zht wi to study one oé- two siibiects t he -,',e to finish writing forgrd 12 or 13 diplornas. t ¼as feit thev coud b" ýuseful alsýo to pensons who get laid off and wýant ta further thein academ- ic eduication to qualify for better profa,ýssonal opnortunities. It was sugge ted that classes might he offere'l at (>ne school la the district so t'at sufficient stud- ents nmight be githered from the area toa make the courses.worth while. 1.J. Mumnby, principal of Port Hope high school, said acadeiniê subjects have been offered' at night sehool ii years past but .there have neyer been enoughi people interested to make Vhe classes possible. Talks To Horticulture On Growvvïin-g Bulbs The regular monthly' vmeeting of the Orano Horticultunal Society was held ln the United Church auitrim Thursday eveingi, October 27th. Despite a paon tecine ver enoy..l~cevenling wavs had The presidenit, 'Mn, Chiallice, opened lth-e meeting with i th siglg o0'OCanada,' with Kay Chapmran at the piano. -MrM John -Cadw th Ve seene- tainy, ream!the inutes of the. .Pst meeting a d ead out several invitatýions ta ot)ýher special e ents. Our etna1Srite a- 'rWdard ag at aymebi pcasdsome and -îothens were orderedï. if ay is interested -(ConithîiuedfromPage 1) after the service will cammieac their visitation of home.% within the scopa, of the Orono Un- iteci Churcli. The progrnm la termed ta be.ý a creative program based in cdu. cation in iith princip1ks of Uicý Stewardship of ail life; enLst- nment is service; information on thie Mission of the Church; plavý ning of a program of vision; aad a conini-erut af time, abiRty and maney. A Vision s heet has been pre- paired which will be rnailed -ta everyone priar ta the visitation. This sheet presents the presant mission within th Orono United Chunch and tha Cammunity a- long with pres;enting the financial aspect of op)enating the churcii for the year 1967. Chsc.Al -o nlathe Christ- iani Educatia: Building uanapres- sedl into sn ievry ,Sunday t accommrodate the ý studenits. 'Partnershiip In TheGos el' Plan -J .... . . ..... .... - --- - --- ------ ---- - ------------ ----- - m",- _mp,

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