ORON WEEKLY ýV42UME 28, NUMBER 43 Thie Orono United Cburch ýha ve oonltdfinal pl ans for a m a ss isitation te be undertaken this eeming Sunday afternoon, Ny emnber l 3th. A group cffilifty m-,,.mbers cf the church have beaen prepariug fer the visitation eoveý tire past tbree weeks wthstudy groups and instructions. Eaç,h member of the group is expected te complete at iest si visitaitions, on Suaday wtb preal- lottedl familles witbin the Village and immiiediýate area. The purpose of the visitations is te create greater interest with thre general public in the cburch and te present the present work undertaken by the churcir in the communîity. The purpose aise in- cludes seeking support for the churnchbobtbl ine, talent and finauucin. A Visitation dinner was beld on -~ Offici Opening 0f -Sen'o T I M E S Pu;blic School, Duaige l ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAV, NOVEMBER lOtIi. 1966 (iarmke Township Farmer Seeks Removal 0f Dump tLClarke Towýýnsbip dapiry cattle larme'r isbattlig tehaeh Eldrado Minng and Refliiing Laieremove its dumiping ar- Sfrom the Port Granby- commutn- I~oadPayne_ 37, father of w- and wner of the 230-acre ï-yne-Lea famm adjacent to the Eldorado dumping area, saidbe ï,'ii adbsfarm since 1957 and tue loved ln the area aIl hi life. Se bas 100 dairy cattle un the i-.Fortyý are milk cows and ieieainder is yo-ung stock. Mr. Paynes said that in 1960 l sold nearlyIý two acres of bis J-ari-n froin the beach up Vo the ppof the bank ýo Eldioradto Mrn-ing and Refining fo)r $200 an cr.The comrpany atbths time, hosaid, paid hlim $5,200 which in- cfudAed cost of the land and set-, tie4ment for damage te bis prop- lo ikcly îtisti re, a Lawyer bas advised hin. H-is Iatest row wth the coin- pnhe say.s, concerns somne tests g'odueedon bis property and ear the dumnp area in conjunc- ttwlth a CBC broadcast and -tVn -byPof. D. G. Anid- -rews of the department of chem-( Aclengineering at the Unrivers- ot f Toronto). TFhe profesor in a recent tele- vision interview contended thait a geiger counter Shows radfio- ~ciiyat the dump is 20 tirnes -at is censidered safe for hum- un safety. Octobearetn Canadian Club Of West DUr- baino will be held on Wedniesdlay, November 16, 19(66 at 8:15 pin, in Trinit-y Sunday Schoolý) Audi- toriumii, Bowmanville- Dr. Preston was bora ini Eng- land and! took deg«rees at the University of Ediiburgh and' Lin- coln Colle'ge, Oxford. 11e came te Bisbops as a lecturer in classics la 1928 and bas remnainied there since that fume, becoming Vice- Principal in 1961. Oký-fctober lMieeting 0 f UnIted Church Womena The October meeting cf the j C.W. wis held in the main aud- trimwith 28 members present. Mrs. Chatterton broagbt the meetng,) orcler and welcorned everyone te another season cf wrkîngtogetr. Withi Mrs. A. Drtimmond at the î VanVe joined -n Singing hylmn 51. rs. G. Duvaîl, Unlit 2, gave a os nspiring cdevotioial wt Thajnksgiving as the thien-ie. She st4ress,(d fthe fact thiat we have se very mucb teüobe thankful for thaýït once a year is not often eni- ough teo dount. our many b)les- ingl. She thought wve should be grateful every dlay fo)r 'te smaîl thnsalso anld net just dwvell oneay aintba'nks for a fiew thnsIrs. P. Werry read cf the Pllgrim--s and how they knewv snbgreat hardsbips and dliscemý- fotan ad se litte of ayh!g yet tbey gave tbanks for what ,hey hlad - most of ail for thbe freedoni te wersbip God as they choe. Mra . IT'amblyn led us Ca a lovely prayer for under- sta-ndjing and heartfejlt gratitudle, Th igng of hymna 578 brouglît tire evotional o a coe Mm.ý A. Drummcnd gave us a, uoist interestinginrdcont ur-uw stud',y bock 'The Curc Grows ln Canada' a ad a film 'L'Eglise Unci au Canada' Folflowing the cusuial period cf business Mr. Mather spoke re- garding the congregational clin- ner and visitation. The dinner te be on Nojvemiýr 9 and the visit ation the following Suinday after- non. ,Tbree ladfies are requlired frein each unit te assis;t witbi tel- ephonia-g the congregation be- fore the dinner te extend a more persenial invitation. A thank yen card frocm Mr. and Mrs. Reiupsra and famiy was' read by corresponding secretary Mrs. G. Carson. Mis. Cbatteton reminded us that the shower of baby things breught to this meeting nusf be 1.yacked andtaken te the Regional me in N a edlron on Novemnber 0, Li1t ebes'old for the con- sumners Gasý cooking scbool o be helid in the M'ain audlitoriumn on Nov. 22 were dîistributied te miei,- bers te 'De seýL AIl vuit reports are asked te be bro)ugbt te tbe rnext general meet- ing,. on December 15, Mrs. Chiatterton exipre-ssed ber gratituLde te all aitteýnding, and es- pec21ially those wbo prepared th e pregrain and] after repeýafîng the Mizpab Benled-ictiin lunch was served by Unit 0, ladies. Seymour Mr.Ettie May Seymour died at the h 'ome cf Miss Aima Wat- son, after a lengthy finess, Oct- ober 28th, 1966 Shie was a life- long, residient cf Oronio and a faithfui worker of the Orono Unitedl Churcir as long, as health ilermiittecl. Sire was a nember cf pioneer stcbora 'Dècember l9th 185, dautlÏ)er of the- late William and Matha. (Gibsoin) McLeod. She married Williina Seymou r, who preCieceased bler in 1957.' Three sons al died wbca youag. Left te meoura lier loss are numerous nieces anrd nepirews. The funeral service was con, ducted by ler minister, Rev. JLeng, with interinent in Oreo CemË-etery, Octoher 311sf. Older Than Canada, Five sýcore and twvo years and couning.A 1bnibdy party was beld for the Couinty's oldest citi- zen at Fairyiew Lodge, Wbhby on Moaday. Mrs. Frances Jackson, wbo- resided in Orono for 'a num- ber of years, at: 102 ceiebrated ber birthiday witb gifts and cards from ahl over as well as the trad- iîtional cake. Tire Whitby fire de- partient anii'unced uÏo fire iraz- ard as tire 102 candles blazed. ire Damages One-Room Crooked Creek ,Scbool reoked Creek Public Scirool was closed on MondIay due Vo a Sund ay afternoen fire which caused considerable interi4r damage Vto the one-rom building Thie Clarke Township Fire De- partaient answered a e<Il te the- scbool on Sunday afternoon and were able fo cotain and put eut the fire with as littie damiage as possible. The fire started in the' base- met f the scbool and burned eut a section of the hardwood floor in the classreom. Part of a wall bad te. be tom ýdown te ex- tingutish the f'te. Furniture in tire scbool was net harmed. Th'le cause of the f ire is net known, bowev-er it is ýfeit that fauiVy mwiring could have been Vie cause. The fire started in the area of the furnace but iV was, feit that the furniace bad netp;ing te do xith the fire. Students cf the Crooked Creek scbool are now boused in the, Cowanville, School which was closed in Septemnber of this year but hield in reserve in case, of need. The cbildres miissed ouly the one day of school that being on Mondlay. CALLED TO CHICKEN BARN Late Friday evening, the Clarke Fire Departmient answered a cal Vio a cbicken barn on the propeý- ty of Mr. A. Wagenaar on the fôurth line of Clarke Township. The bara was not la use but a faulty furnace was apparently giv- ing trouble. No damage was done te the, property. Mr. A. McLaren, bowever, bad e)ne arm 1badCIy Tburned when flamres leaped eut of tie furnace.' 11e wvas releasedfrein bospital after tjreatint for burns, Artificiail Ice For Milbrook Dec. 1 Installation of artificialI' ce facîities at the Millbrook-Cavan 1e-niorial Arena, only a dream a! ya ago,- is unow nearing comiple- tien. EajrIejr this week, the concretd floor was, laid, Prier te this, vol- unteer labor removed benches end boarding, laid two feet cf gravel base and installed the pipes, It is hoped the building wýIll be ready for use by Dec. L,, The $25,000 project bas been a emmunity effort and nearly al residepý,qs have been lnvolved in sorme capacity. With the'snip of a ribbon, the M. J. Hobb's Senior Public School at Hampton, was officially open- ed Wednesdjay of last week by Mr. Heobbýs, wh-o has been secre- tary treasurer of the Darlington Township Area School Board sinc'e 1946. Trhe school, which cost about $600,000 and has accommodation for 500 pupils, has been in use sînce 'Sept. 6. The facilities in- clude 16 classrooms, an auditori- u-m-gyminasium, a home econoin- ics departmnent, an industrial arts sýection and a library.. After cutting the 'ribbon and declaring -the- sch.ool officially open, Mr. Hobbs thanked the township for the hoýnour conferred, on, hlm in namning the building after him., 11He spoýke of the many changes hie had' seen in his years on the board and ýsince hie hegan teach- ing in 1920. The school choir performed three songs under the direction of Ross Metcalf, ARCT, RMT, music supervisor. Guest speaker nt the ceremov wias W. G. Chatterton, assistant superintendent, Ontario depart- mnent oif eclucation. He outlined the progress of education over the last 50 years and gave a pic- ture of education f oday in the provinice. A number of presentations were/ made. Rev, J. B. Mills, sec- retary of the Ontario Trustees Association, donated a' Bible to the scbool' and Mr. Hobbs gave a lectern.. Trophies for presenitation next year to outstandinýg students in varieus,, fields were given by Don- ald Jackson. architect; Vickery. Electric Contractin'g Ltd., Whit- by: anýd'Mrs. Elleen Coutts. 1The service of dedication, was conductel by Rev. R C. Catto of Hampton. Wednesday evening whicb was well attended. The dinnier was un the form cf a pot-lucir supper. Sunday morning, at thre mora- ing seurvice of the Oreno U'Tnited Churi-e those taking part in the visitation will be commissioned and shortly after the service will start out on their visitations Those mnaking the visitations are, te report back te thre churcb on Sunday wben theur work is completed. Un-iited Church Conduceting orneVisitation Ths Slda ........... Remembrance Day Servie Held A rememýbrance service was held last Sunday evening' in the Orono United Church to which local, citizens, rnembers of the' I3owmanvil le Branch of the Cana- dian Legion and veterans were In attendance. Prior to the evening churcli service a short service and wreath Iayingc was held at the'Orono Cen- otaph. Almbi~ers of the iMgion r'C Veterans paraded from the Oronu, Oddfellows Hall to the Cenotaph hcaded by the Legion Pipe Band. fev. Basil Long lead in a prayer followed by a reading, of the naines by r'ýir. Wm.ý Siater, of those who paid ticse sipreme sac- rifice in the two Great Wars amil Korea. The Last Post and Reveille was sounded along wýith the playingý of the Lamnent by the Bowmnan- ville Pipe Band. Wreaths wîerc placed at, the Ceniotaphi byvriu organizations. L ocal and area businessmçgî;y also provided crýosses and other wreaths whichý were placed about the Cenotaph grounds Oronio Horticulture Plants Tulip BUlbS very energetic group in front if Orono United Churcb. Cenitennial project, a new bed of tulips vas planlted in front o the churcli. F('lowing thie event a cosy clip of coffee wa. enjoyed byth workers in the church kitchen. The samne workers then pro- ceeded to plant two Almey Flow, ering, Crab trees 'at the Cenotaph, courtesy of the Sr. -Horticultural Society. Manvers uldn Central Sko Township School Board of the Township of Manivers opened ten- ders last week for the construc- tion of their central publie school. Conistruction is expected te, start immiiedliateIy.. The school will comprise of 15 classreomis,lirr and *a generalf purpose rpom.i The amouint ofthe contract is for $397,000. A good numbercf tenders were submitted withi ail tenders being in a close range of ,one another. For UNICEF The (.G.I.T. 'and Messengers. wïsb to exp'ess their thanks tec ail who cont'-ibuted to the UN ILC.EYF. collection on Hallowe'en, $77.66 wvas collected whicb makesý