ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURS-DAY, NOVEMBER lUth,1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. orzdas Second Class mail, Post Office Departmenrt, Ottawa) Publisheci every Thursday at the office a puicatie Main ;Street,,Pnone 109, vrono, Ontario EgZablished in 1938 by. R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester- EdItor and Maniager t had been our intention to close out any further editorials on -our local Public School building program. However comparison of the Clarke Township programt with that of Darlington Township and Manvers Township does point out thre costly manner in which, we have contended, would exist in the building program in Clarke Township. Manvers Township, early last week, let a contract for a. new 15-room central sehool, with Darlington, later in the week, opening their new central senior public school near Hapipton. On contacting the offices of the three concerned Townships we have compiled the following: Clarke Township bas added two-room additions and a general purpose room to the Newtonville'School and the Lockhart's school. A two-room addition is now plannedj with a general purpose room in Kendal and a new 8-room isehool plus a general purpose room in Kirby. The têtal cost of this programn of 14 classrooms and four general purpose roo ms is estimated at $578,000. As tenders for the Kendal addition or the Kirby school have not beeni called or let we, can only us those figures which have been. estimated for this work. It was learneýd, that the addition at Newton- ville has cost $91,O00 and that at Lockharts $94,000. The addition t Kendal will at 1least be the saine as Lockharts an d the new school costs at Kirby has been presented to council of the Township at $279,000. This brings the total projeet to a suim of $578,000. Last week Manvers Township School Board let the contract for their new central school in~ theý amount of $379,000. The contract is to build 15 classrooms along with a Library and a General purpose room. The Senior Public School at Hampton, àarlington Township, includes 1à classrooms, library, home economics I.oom, industrial arts room, gymi-natorium with stage,, gen- eral office and board ,roomn. Supervising Principal's office, Principals office, Vice Principal'% office and a teacher's loUnge. Total cost of the project hbas beeni reported to us at $525,000. Comparing the;se costis on a squa e foot basis, wiiich ~ .ens ostlogiaiwe ind the following: Clar ke, 2 6500 sq ft. cost $578,000. cost per sq. ft. Dlarlington, 30,000 sq ft. cost $525,000. cost pcr sq. fl. $1750. Manvers, 25,000, sq. ft. cost .$397,000. cost per sq. t,$15.90. At these rates-Clarke Township is paying $4.30 above Darlington or -a sum of $113,950. on their programn of 26,500 feet. The'difference between Clake and Mahvers is even greater, $5.90 per square foot or an amount, of $156,950 on the over ail project. Looking et it from another view Darlington Township has constructed two additional classroomos above that of Clarke plus n home ec. room, industrial arts room, gym- jitruand considerable office spae for a cost of j53000e than Clarke. Manvers has one more classroom and a Librnry for a cost of $181,000 less than the Clarke, p""*gram. No matter liowe one looks at the comparison it is quite obvious that the Clarke program is most costly and away out of reason. As the Province pays only a certain percentage of grants o-.n a maximnum of $20,000 perclassroom the difference between ýh~e two other projects 'with Clarke is an amounit that has to Ise b4orn solely by. the local taxpay- ers. The difference of $181,000 as between, the Manvers program and Clarke~ prbgiram is almiost unbelieveable. UnfortunateJy the uneconiomic Clarke plan will not stop here for in keeping sehools scattered throughout the Township sinaîl addiions illi have to be added here and there inthe future resulting in 'furtY1%,r unwarranted hige costs. Not only is Clarke's plan a waste of money but the program does veryý littie, to upgrade the standard oi cdu- cation. Comparîng the Clarke plan with others there'is no provision for Libraries, Home Economnics or Industrial Arts. The small sehools will not allow for the many other, ativantages as previously printed in this columii. ,11Temore money that is poured into building the less into edùcational features. and here it is notedi that both Darlington and Manvers is taking full advantage of a Prov- incial Scbool Library grant of $7.00 per yenr per stuclent for a two year period plus thei r own expenditure of $200 per student. 'The Clarke Board has only acceptcd a $2.00 Provincial Grant from the Province whicý, is ail they cani receive under the conditions of the Act since they arc not Participating with local funtis. Under the present plan Heath~r Rebekah Board Meets Behind Lodge <(iftÇ!Ifln ileather Rebekah Lodge No. Sw WI 334 heid their regular meeting on Tuiesdaiy, November 8th. ý The Public Schooi Board of the Previous to the opening of the Township of -Clarke 'made it meeting n turkey dinner was ser- knowni on Tuesday evening that ved, conivened and piannned by1 meetings of the Board other than Past Noble Grands. The dinner!the regular monthly meetings was to honouar Sister Betty Major, were not open to- the public or District Deputy President and the press. Aithougli general busi- staff. ness is conducted, at these meet. At eight' o'clock the meeting i ngs it was the feeling of some of was calleti 'to order with Sister the Board members that the pub- Hattie Wilson, P.N.G., presiding lic or press were not aliowed to for the Noble Grand, Sis ter Jean attend. Wood. Siter Jean Lewis, Vice- rn Gord Simpson Oronio, Phone 983-5808 IPAINTING and Interior and Exterior Free, Esthnates, Reasonable Rates Ail Types of Work From Small Jobs to Book keeping. (10 years book keeping experience Grand, assisted fromn her station. mTe preýs on Tuesday evening Sister Betty Major, D.D.P. was was inforineýd that it would be ai- introdujced by Sister Olive Miii- lowed to attend the regular mon- , son, P.N.G7, and weicomed by Sis- thly meeting but that the Tues- tr Hattie Wilson. Sister Betty day ngi etn a nCm Newman, , P.N.G andi Deputy mittee of the whole. The meeting rff t Marshall for the Installing Staff continued behinti closeti doors. Jýr c i was introduced -by Sister lia Mar- The board intimateti that ahl such peet tin. P.N.G. and was given a warm meetings other than the regular peet welcome by the acting Noble monthly meeting would be held Grand. sh ed ofcr in a, like manner. C OK N absent. The minutes were rend andI approveti. Correspondence28 To Pic At W H was read and denît with.28 To rc AtW H Sister Jean Lewis, V.G.. and 1 Convenor of the Visiting Com mittee gave 'a lengtby reportof L ca St ke S le Y R ber work. As Convenor of the annual Bn-f On Moýnday a successful stock- ua zar Committee, Sîster Gamnsby,1 er sale was helti at the Durham fA reported that a meeting had been County Sales Arena, Orono, when bheld and Convenors for eacb 'close to 550 head were auctioned, N% booth -Mamed, Each Convenor The sale was the annuai Durham O tihen gave a short report of the County Farmers faîl stocker sale. booth she was in charge of. 1It was deolded to buy a supply Top price. of the sale was 28c, an Exciting two hour of card tables for use at the bail per pound for il head consigned demnonstration The commiittee named to pur. y Durham Farms Ltd, Orono etrn chase thie tables were Miilred The -top 'price was paid by Mr. C. Fatfn Rainey, Laverne BarrabalU and J. Smith and Son of Orono. Mr. J.~ 12 DELIGHITFUL DISHES Irene, Mýurray. Reie nuctioner, states that hi Sister Major matie the announce- coasignmnent of il heati was the ment that, January 9th, lOth and best heebati ever soiti. - P I E llth are the dates on which the Pcietof the Rebekah Assem- J. Mar Farms of Leskard was the bly of QOntario will make lier of- ags purchaser, purchasing aFr ee e pt f i i visitÉ to DistrictNo 8, Oshý total o 207 bond. The iargsco awaE4t.signer was Mr, Bruce El]iott of Where Th etnilproject was'dis Newtonv ille with 82 head. Lower Auditorium cussti ntitheCornmittee in chagexvii ive a full report at, Buyerswerc presert,from Has. ORNOUNITED CHURCIf th etregular meeting. Itirgs, Camtpbellfordi, Petprbo)r- Under«oot ant Wel arethere jougb, Mount Albert, NewmarketWe ..- weie several presentations ofCbug nisurrounding areta. giLti and birthday greetings- were extLenietitoSstr Olive Milîson, Hlattie Wilson andi Gloria, 10w hoid this stock. T E , O . 2 Totiti At this price the -f ormier Orono 8:00 p.m. Telephone share is now worth an amountof $675.00. This is due to Trickets available at the do ITelenhene Shore: the fact that those wbo helti on50.eh ele ho e~ n re to their Orono shares were given or call Mss. O. Challice or 31n. 11 A 0 ommunity Telephione corn-IK'. Lycett, Ooo em g 6.5 mon shares whik1h today is vle A, price of $6.75 is now being C n u e ' R offered for the purchase oif'One Not too many ye ars ago the Or o»s er naS commaon sbare of Community Tel:] onoc shares were purchaseti at à 29 Celina St., Oshawa ephone Co. stock. Such offer price of $150,00. Previous to thisf bas been màde to the few who shares were selling as low as $351 Phone Zenith 76900 ONTARIO SOUVENIR Gemstone ewlery handcrafted by emnployees of the Rehabilitation Foundation for ihe Disabieti (Ontario) is cexamîned by the Hôn. Jam-ýes A. C. Auld, Minister of Tourîsmn andi Information. Steve Boyklo, right, a former Sudbujiry miner, is one of theà gemnstone craftsmahn at the Foun-dation's Toronto workshop. Jeweliery produced by Mvlr%, Boyko wa s displayed at the recent Ontario Souvenir Industry Exhibition in Toronto. The gemstone work is retailedtthroýughi gift andi souvenir shops. ----wqâbý