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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Nov 1966, p. 3

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ORO1NO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1Oth, 1966., Behind The Oago Curtcd'n The dJead leav es their. rich mo-, Toxvni- Hall. sales AND I QUOTE 0_f olive and gold and brown Somie books are to be tasted; Hiad laid on the- raini-wet pave- others swailowed; and some, few, mients, I to be chewed and digested. Thýýrougb ail the embowered -Bacon- From 'NÇovember' DISCUSSION GROUP --S. Longfellow. AT TIIE BOARD MEETING October's circulation at the Or- orno Library was 1002 books. Due to the rising, inecase in cirultinthe Librarians re- qýuested thIat tw.o librarians be on venin,- duty duoing the rush monthis; on~e ibrarian to man the cicuatngdes'k, the other to wý,ork on the floor shelving and assisting" members, The Board ap- proved anovrtm rate of $1,25 pr hour for the assistant wvork- ing as a page on busy nigh-ts. Thie Boarid deait wýih a prob- lem resultingý from tLhe new rule that no eneycloped'ia may be tak- en from the Library. Some memn- bers protestedi that it was imipos- sible to secure sufficient informa- tion with such infrequent and brietl lbrary openîngs and crowçi- ed working area. The Board is in synipathy 'with these people wish- mng ito do intensi1ve research: 1T'je reading club meets Thurs- day, November 10 at 8:30 p.m. in the Library. The book under dis- cussion is 'Diekens' Christmas Carol.' Dorotby Robinson Robarts Not To I nerease Taxes As a resuit of the failîure' Of the Federal Governmnent to rec- ognize the financial needs of the Province of Ontario, as revealed by thie studies of the Tax Struc- ture Commnittee and as discussed duirg recent Federal-Provincial Fiscal Conferences, it bas been necessary for the Govern-iment of Ontario to undertake, an exhaust- ive re-assessment of its financial position in the light of its obliga- tions to its people. however, there are those wbo1 Provision was maide in legis- wish to di-op in briefly te uise tile lation passed at the last Session encyelopedia for quiek fact-find- ýof the Legislature for the imposi- ing, andil~ the books are out 'on 'tien cof a&litional points of per. boan, the library is practical1y de- sonIal incomne tax should this voidi of goAd reference mate4gýl prove to be necessary for the pro- hecause the World Book is th vision of açiditional revenue teý b&ekbone of the reference ser- the Provinice. viêe. No matter which policy F adopted, one grjoup of membeils! HOwever, before any decision will be inadequiately served. ito make such an additional in- jpost is made, we deërm it prudent One answer lies in 2 sets of en- Ito have the bene-fit of the re- cyclopedia: one for büan, one for seareh and recomniendations of lihrary use only. Until this ,ideal the Royal Commission on Taxa- sïi,.tion is attained, thie Board1 tien ('Carter Conunmission') whieh bas estnbiished on, a trial basis, is examining tax matters from a the policy that an encyclopedia federal point of view", and, of the may be taken home, but not until ! Ontario Comiittee on Taxation nearly closing time (8:30 pin.); it ('Smith Committee') which bas must be back' early on the fol- been lô'oking at Provincial and lowing library day; it must be't Municipal tax Problems. Botb of si'gned for (parenit's signature for fthese should be availableeal childreii) and a 50c fine will be'in the jNewYer chiarged for each library day it is overdue.We have also instituted a most detailed serutiny of the present Mr. D). Simpson has been auth- and proposed spending programi- orized to p aint the tropby shelv- mes of all Government depart- eýs in the -Library Room in the inents and agencies to assure that U The Orono Juniior Banid wilI L."" ' ~commncepracticing for, the Decý- Loca! 1 ember it udy atrio 1band concert this coing Monday, Mr- Bert Robinson, Miss Mary evening. At this practice Mr. Robinson, ML-. and, Mrs. Lewis Darch is to have the llst of num- Wood, Dutriel Hunt oif Bowman- bers which the band will present ville, Mrs. Hazel Farrow, Mrs. in the auditorium of the Carke Mary Morris and Doug Stapleton H-igh Sehool. were entertained at a hirthday i Party dinner for John and Bert Mrs. Ed Graham is spending a Robinson -at the home of Mr. and week sholiday with ber daughter Mrs. Everett Stapleton on Friday Mrs. Bud Burnett, Dr. Burnett evening. and baby Patti, Hawkesbury while Mr. Graham is deer hunting. Mr. Howard Stapleton of, Carle- ton University, Ottawa spent the Mr. ,a.nd Mrs. Jack Bairstow. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ev- Sharon and Sheila spent the week erett Stapleton and John, end in Smith Falls, Ont. Mrs. Percy Morgan spent 'the Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter weekend in Perth and Castieton. and son Frankie of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. llugh Staplet'oi and Car-. ol visited at Mr. -and Mrs. Everettlni Stapleton's, on Saturday nightUnt2 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn Tuesday, November lst, Unit visited ýover the past weekend No. 2 met in' the upper C. E. with friends in Kitchener. hbuilding wîth 12 present. Mrs. M.' Burns died suddenly Mrs. Duvail opened the meeting Satuirday morning in Peterborýo. giving special attention to rein îMrs. Buirns is the former Beatrîce embrance and gave a reading, llammrL, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs "The Shadow". Minutes were read LErnlest'Hamni of Orono. and the roll called. Visits to hos- Aîr. and _Mrs. Dane Found vis-I pital were 19, to shut-ins 18. Our ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. first hymn was 'Lest We Forget.' Wmn. Fond and family, Agin- 1< Mrs. Stella Carson gave a very- court. interesting paper on remnembrance M~r. and Mrs. W. F. Stors-bergen 'The Hope of Peace, closmng ber are spending twornionths vaca- Italk with prayer. Mrs. Werry gave tien in Florida. a reading, 'The Leather Jackets.' _______________________Mrs. Duvail gave a short poem, 'Thomas' and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn every reasonable economy wil read a portion fromn a p aper on ~be exercised in ifels of act- India and the digging of wells ivity and to assure the test pos- by Dr. MeNairn. Hynn 'Rise Up ~sible uze of the funds available, o menl of Ged was our closing tbe .provision of necessary serv- hymin. iees, andi th~e Mitenance of a Ms Cobbledick read 'A Passing souind economny. 1hotghit'an~d the benedictionj was Accordliingly, it has been decid- pironeuneed atter which light re- ted that aqdd1iial taxes âhould freshmrents were served. not be ýimpDosedi at this time. UNITi Oro: 1Rev. rED CHURCH ono Pastoral Charge j Mi nister B. E. Long - - - - -. - - - - SUNDAY,lNOVEMBER l3th, 1966, Sunday Sebool at 10:00 Morning Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sebool, at 11:00 'Leskard- Suinday Sehool at 9:45, -you've been too bnay te sige up. OR -y'ou're not interested lk saving money. OR hv obr. neyer hv obm ploney. You Can't Afford to Pauo Up Membership ini the O n)District CREDIT'UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks' Phone*4rl0, Orono 71", l Callyour llcensed PIumbing-& Mechanical Coinrractar who sells, installa CARMAN PLUMBING AND ETN Phone 143 Orono Why, Pay More... p SAVE ~ON PREMJIM f FUEL 0JUALITV AJga PHONE, NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX FUEL OIL Serving Orono, Newcastle and District Il IMM FALL -and WINTER RESSES aind HATS Ladies' Drsses Ail Ladies' FaIl and Winter Dresses reduced 20 per cen~t. Included are one and two piece styles in wool, silk knit, arnel and epe. Sizes range f romt 7 to 241/. Don't miss Ibgis o_"ppot-- Ldd ies'mRats-ý We sti have sojme up.)-to-the-minute styles and lcolours ili Ladies' Fail andI Winter HaIs which we are ofeigaI 1/3 off tLhe original price. Take itdYantage of Ibis sale. AR MSTRONG'S 1~ TRENTWA BUS LUNES LIMITED Operating PASSENGER SERVICES BETWEEN ORONO -.H-AMPTON - OSHAWA nd Oshawa Shopping Centre By W"ay of Taunton RMoad and Return TIME TABLE THRDY ONLY 1SATURDAY- Read down Poin,,ts onBus Route Rtead'up, 9.40 4.45 roo ~p.m. 9).50 .m Tyrone Corners 4.30 p.m. 9.5 a.. Hmptn j4 .25 p.m. 10.0 am, Mitlcll's Cornerj 4.20 p.m. 1005 am. Tu1on I4.lQp.m. 100 ..JoshaaCt Limits 1 4.13 p.m. 10.20ý am. Oshawa Bus Depot 4.04 pm. 1025a.. Shloppinig Centre 4.00 p.m. Connection at Osawa BUS Depot can Lie made with Col1onial Coach or, Gray Coach tu oitsThroughout Canada Ask Your Fr!endly Trentway Driver

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