ORONO WEEý'KLY 1TIES.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lth, 1966 ammum, ProfebsîonaI Dîrectory W. KAY LYCETT, B.A.. 0i Darrister - Solicitor. lu the Officesof g R. R., Waddell Q.C,g MAIN ST., ORONO f Telephione 138 Orono MERRILL D. BROWIN PROESIONALENGINEER0 (ci-vil) ontario Land Su4rveYDrg 121 Quqeen St. Bo169 Bowmgiiviile, Ontarte, T.lePhomC 623-7251 35Water Street PEITRBORO5UGU phone 74Z-5482 G neralcne OFIC MIN SOONO PUMPINO OUT s xpric TANKS WRITE W ASHING STABLES Bet TompkItIB Poa789-255 JACK A. FERREN SERVICE I~oeTax Returus PrePared Orono, Bowmanvîle,, Oshrawa, Telephone Orono 3R2, MoLn unis a.L-3 Famiy M oras (L! r quality and service le-avesâ nothlngý to be deired .&kthe person whobought from ms eighbour, friend enr relative The RUT1'ER GRANIE COMPANYT 73Ontarlo stree*; PORtT HOE Dîage plaT tu i4er 0o-j, W. FRANK gREAL ESIAAIE g LIMITEDg g21 KING6 ST. WEST f g Bowmanville 623-3393 O o Toronot 923-9174 f gPort Hope Office- f o98 Walten St. - 885-4548 gFREE APPRAISALS gExclusive Agent for' g 1 . OCHONSKIf g CONSTUCTION 3-Bedroom Bungalows f gPriced from $15,375.00 on lots 75x200 [ fOrono Area Representative ROY FOSTER o g.Kendal * Phone 321 f gA large selection of Farms, f gHomes, Lots, Retreat, Pro- perties in this area f Orville ChattertonI Electrical Contracting E lectrie Heating and Service iPHONE 245 OR 10412 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PHIONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR WIRING F'ree Estimates APPLIÂNCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repair8 to ail kînds of Electrical Equipment and Applances Such at Metors - Water Heaters TV. - Radios - Stoves - Irons Haniltons > H Insurance 0 Service R ~Fre Fldelty Bond Lie First Mrtgage Loana u oSadierHa milILtOn Phone1-R- 16 Orono C=O o MO. 8-35521 IStaffid B th s Limited 318 Dundas St- . Whyitby, Ont- Maiiufacturers cf Cemetery Memri*als Dealeru l and Cemetery Repair Werk Box 133 HEATHER SOCIAL CLUB CARD, PARTY CARD 0F THANKS BAZAAR AND TEA 1 I Card Party at St.' Saviour's LITTLE:-We wish to express our SATURDAY, DEC. Ird Parish. Hall,, Thursday, November appréciation to friends and nei,gh- 2:30 pm. at I.OOF. HALL l 17th at 8 p.m. bours for the many acts of kind- The Rebekahs are making their Eyeiyone welcome. Admission ness and expression of sympathy usuail delicious Christmas cakes. 50c. and condolence extended to us Those wishing to order ahead may Lunch will be sirvd.a-p during our recent bereavemnent in do so by calling Mrs.- Gordon_____________ the loss'of our beloved mother. Watson, phone 983-5343 or Mrs. NOTICE We especially thank Dr. A. F. James Maj or, phone 983-5842. 1 Having recently housecleaned 1McKenzie, of Orono and the nurs- b-44-c'the United Church kitchen, we les of Mémorial. Hospital, Bowman- have approximately (40) f oiqy vilile. FOR SALE fancy plates belonging to ladies Alec, Donald and Aylward. A baby's snow suit. here in Orono. Your name,4 are a-c Milk pasteurizer, new. One set on a good many of. these plates of drapes with matching bed'and we woul appreciate your im- CARD 0F THANKS spxead. One floor. larnp. One pair mediate attention in having these To ail purchasers and consign- of girl's Figure 5Skates, size 9, pîcked up at your earliest con- ors we thank you for making our nearly new. Small round table. venience. Annual Faîl Feeder Sale the Four burner eleetlrîc stove, 39 There will be someone at the biggest and best ever. A special inches wîde and two ovens. church this Thursday and Friday thanks to our staff for the effie- Phone 983-5915 Orono. a-c evenings to enable ý!j to obtain ieni way they, arranged the cattie __________________these plates.. AUCTION SALE Kitchen Committee, Auction Sale of livestoc1k, im- U.C.W., Orono plèments, hay, straw grain an'd household furniture, the property ROWE TOURS of Mr. M-. Parker will- be sold CafrnaTu adlaain at Lot 1, Concession 6 Township Clfri oradHwia of avis,1½ mils est of Cruise February 6 - March 11.. of Câan, % mies wTravel de lux ýair-condlitioned' Highway 115 on Fallis lune or 1/4 motorcoacb to Los Angeles thený mile east4 of CavanM&nvers boun- Via SS Turlirîe to Hawaiian Is- dary on Fallis line (watch forlad SaIle signs), Saturday, 'November lad1 26, 1966 at 1 p.m. FLOIRIDA TOUR Terns cah. arîiarY 8--29th - 20 days Graham Lowes, Auctioncer No ight trayel. _________________________ For information to above tours FOR RENT Iphone or write Thre warm-roonis' and bath, Rowe Travel Agency, Port HOPe for clderly co>uple.--85Z2 Cail Newcastle 987-4672 after TORONTO7 six. c-44-p Anyone wishing to go to Royal ýWinter Fair November 12 and AUCTION SALE Saturday, November 26th, 1966 at 1 p rn. at the Peterborough Communîty Sale Barri, Highway No. 7. The Complete dîspersal of Aberdeen Angus, herd of E. S. Lindo, Lucust HllI, consisting of cows, 2 year olds, yearlings, calv- es and three bulis; also equimn and tattoo set. Following the sale of Pure- 19th. Anyone wishing ta go to Ice Capades Wednesday, November Ith - Friday Nt-iember llth - Saturday Matinee, November 12 Tickets 'availabie. Anyone wishing to go to Tor- onto or to Santa- Claus Parade November l9th. For information to above_ trips Phone or write: ,I for the sale.a- Jack and Ileen Reid. THANK YOU Haroki Seymoufr and Ettie Sug- gitt wish to express their sin- cere thanks to ail the wonderful friends in Orono who were -so very kind, in so many ways dur- ing the illness and death of thelr beloved aunt, Mrs. EAttie May, Seymour a-p TENDER Sealecj tenders, for the trench- ing, laying and coveriflg of, ap- proximately 450 feet of transite, pipe in the Police Village of Or- 0110 will be accepted by the un- dersignied u p until November 11, 1966. Specifications etc., may be o>btaiined from Mr. E. R. Wood- yardl, Phone 983-5012. ýTendeërs must beciearly miarked "APPLI-, PLICATION FOR TENDER" and addiess.ed to the undersigned. R., C. MILLER, Secretary, OooPolice -Trustees~ P.O. Box 177, Orono, Ontario. brcds,"200 head: of Aberden A- ROWE TRAVE_'L AGENC ORSAE Y TNE gus Stoc'kers arýd Feedes,2year E-85-25%,i Port HopeTedrwilb rcevd y 91(1s, yarlrngý ýnd ca1'ves will be _teudri dSlctrup to sold. b-4p TWSI FCLRE 1.0 on o Monday the 2lst Ros Bile, uctoner CLERK'S NOTICE, 0F da of Nvme 1966 for the FIRST POSTINGO0F (rc is f the property of the NOTICE VOTERS' LIST laýt Etie May Seymour consist- Lyntonhurst Nursing Home has Voters' List, ,966, Township of inig of a ï room frame house witli accommodation for Senior Citiz- Clarke, in the County of Durham c1ed'ýC in porch and -bar,ýij, togeth- ens. Notice is hereby given that 1 cm with al contents thereof, situ- Phone Orono 983-5639 hiave complicd with Section 9 of ate on a spacious lot on the west, h-49-pth Voters' List Act, and that,î side of Main Street in the Village _________________________have posted up at my office at of Orono. O0rono on the 28tli day cf Octob- This hou1se is equipped with a',ay r, 1966, the list of ail persons hydro, andl plumibîng facilities and WATSO 'S Ma ne 1entitled 'to vote in the said miun- oul space heaters are included. icipaîity at municipal elections Ternis cash with 10%Ytoabe and that such list remains thlere paid wilth tender. cycl 1 fr inpecton.Highest or any tender net nec- aAddCcle etrIby eall upon alesrl cetd Orono Phone 146 votfers to take immediate proceed-1 Inspection of the. propcrty may M«,,ITLLCH OATS ings te have any omissions or er-1 be arranged by contacting thse MeCLLO~IBOAS rurs eorrected according to law, K! LYCETTd CHI " ýw tise Ja4.day of~ appeal belisg theW.K CET <~IAI SWSî1tihduy of Novenmber, 196 Orono, Ontario, Bopairs" to aJ i Akos 0of a n ated this 28th day of Octtsber, Phone 983-5007 Mowers and4 2 and 4 e-ae 19436.1 Solicitorfr thse Estate of Ettie OTACO PLOW POINTS jCek tts Twtsi ilitJj> 1 1t~IT 4N0 MACHINERY Building a Bouse? or renxodeIiung yenr promeut eue, thonx contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO LYCETT Pubing &j-featingg C e0,On tario *NTHE ESTATE 0F HAROLD CLIFFORD PEDWELIL late of. BiIl te To utipofClarke inthe Broker-r, deceased: u-~s irro s Ailpers n aving daims against the Estate of thse said Harold Clifford Pedwell, whu 9 Division St. S. Idied on or about the ,3rd da,' of BowmnvileOntario October 1966,, are hereby notîfied to, send to)tthe undersigned Ex- Anytingin Pateand Window ecutors or their Solicitor on or Glas, loa PlteMirrors and bc-fore thie l5th day of November Leadd GassandGlazing 1966. , heir names and addresses -ExclsiveArea.Agen for and fuill particulars of théir dlaims Paint (if an) eld by tbem duly yeni- TLow Inest 518Rate bR R No 2, NecatleOnta Plsones: R.R. rN 2, N 966aste Ont -~t theamptop CO.wh3-22th Exectr Z4 TyUroBNE O. VICE tW. K. LYCE nT, Otro, (>taio, t _________________________of Su cto fr t1e9x66. rs Oum