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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Dec 1966, p. 1

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.77 x r»c e Ir A Municipalý elections within flie Munlicipaiity will ebelheinla il branclies this colaing, Monday,. December 5th. Poils will be open lrom 10:00 o'clock in thie morning lo 7:00 o'ciock iri the evening. Elect ions will bie heid ln the Township of Clarke for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve ani for the thre Co-uil iiPositions. Election is also being held for the position of thbreea Public Sçhool Board Trus- ORO NO' WEEK-LY VOLUME Z8, NUMBER 46 tees for the Township of Ciarkci Public Schiooi Area. 'In the Police Village- of Orono, four candÏdates are seeking the fhree Police Trus- tee positions wbo will aiso act as Hydro Com-pmissioners1 for the en- ORONO'WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMÉER 1sf, 1966 Trustees Wash Ilanlds 0f O(3ff-Stùreet akn The- Orono Ponlice Trustces caîl- ,ed a meeti-ng on ThursdIay evIen- ïag of thýe Orono Busi.nessmeýn:and propîýerty onr wti he centre ofte ilae The purpose of themetn was f0, discuss and explain street parking, regula- fions and off-street parking, E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Orono Police Trus- tees,. conducted the meeting and fîrst outlined three conditions under which off-sfreef parking. couid1c be undertaken in ;'he Vil- lage. of Orono. Followîig this preenatonthe Police Trus,,tees, stfatd that it is up to flic busin- essmen to handie and provîde off- .treet parking. The Trustees, i was stated, would handie only flat, -ieh Would coame under herjurisdictioa onth Vilg roads. Mr. W1,oodyard stated thaf off- stefparking could be provided if council procured land and -l s- szessýedfthe cost of estabUsing the parking loýt againlst the business ýsection. LUnder ,this flan Off-street parking could be provided free o)f charge !Dto tose using the ser- lidtasecond liplan fliheC ost Af thieprojee!t couid be assessed against the whole of the Village provîding a charge was made for parking. The thîrd, plan stafed Mr. Woodyard would be financed by thie business section and that parking would bc mefered. Pro- ceeds fromn the mefering would then go into a special fund for improving and providing further accommodation. The Jnspectiag Trustee also said that the business section had to,,keEýp pace with the cliang- ing fîmes m- they would find a. shopping, platza would be estab- lishiag just outsîde of fhe Village. This would, he said, décrease val- ues withia the Village. Off-st'reef parking is your problem, said Mr. Woodyard. lie asked thaf the meeting appoInt a commitfec fo look into, off-street parking. The suggestion was, however, flot fol- lowed by the meeting. The Trustees also informed flic meeting that if was their in- tention to have certain parking by-laws enforced throughouf the Village. This would incelude twoý hour parking in the business sec-, tion from Mi and Miii Streeýt f0 Sabre Src ihparralel parking on flie west side anddi- onal p)arking on C*the east side. The rest of M4ain Street throughi- BeauifictionPrize At a mieine leld by Durliam Counity Jun!ýior Farmers cecently in Orono 100OF Hall, Mrs. Frank SteliasreresnfngThe Great P--' ~i~gcTourisf Association. Preset' anwaward fa e'-oir- a9se fr'mers tebeautify flic ap- proadies t their property. T]~ axa'- îrsen~d y Mrs. famlly, Miýr. andl Mrs. Leslie Welsh Onceeifof thé award Mrs. Welsih sai' "I tecemrnend cern pefition laifsGreat Pine Ridge award bcueif makes a farm family dýean ouf ail flic fence corners weý tenid to, put o>ff unfil a more convenienf time, whichý just neye.r scems to corne." A similar award was prcscnted at a 4-H niglit la Wariworfhl aqt Safurday f0 Mc. and Mcs. R. Pet- ty of Waciwortli, ouf flic Villageis te lie govcrned, wifh -aipariking limit of flire hours thouluffe fulli fwcnty- four bouts. Oflier regulations ragagfom thirty-iiiiiult park- finge Ui to fwo hour parking liitiý s to lie cnforced firougli- ouf ific m-raj or portion of flic test of flic Village. Tf was ,nof ýiownj wlien fies b-laws would lic en- for'je evn, ho~h emeof flic by-Iaws ac owreadIy tli en1- forced. ~Cadia-esSpeak At Clarke No mi1nations IIeld l Last Friday Ali seats in tlie Township of C2iarle are bcing cont est cd this yiear witli two for Reeve, two for LDepluty-4Reevýe and five for the tlicee positions on Coundil. Mfr. Rod Carvetli, candidate for 0ouncil, la spcaking said fliaf if leëzced lie wo>uld do 'his best f0 oduactflic affairs of flic Town- slip in flic best inferest of every- one. Mr.. Orme Falls, candidate for Council, sfafed fliaf le liad serv- cd on the finance commitfee for flic past fwo years. H1e also te- ferrïed fo road improvement that ba -etnncompelished la recent 's lle r, 0 la a~c oi. to e oni an CeiJ u wît bt Mr. Wodad rone SOVChiIýI, unuf'ie u îipaAt tiaton I wouldlikepato scCoucl eail for and receive 'a complete Municipal eaquiry. 1Mr. F. A. Gray, candidate for Council, said lie would serve, if elýýec, to flic best of Ilis abili-ty. Mr. Roy Foster, canidateï for Rteeve and a former miem-ber cf Council, stafed that there liad bee eouliapproach him f0 run for Reeve thnt lie now feit that flic Public sliould be givea flic opportuaity fo malke a choice. lHe also s d liaf i ppred that in m'any instanices that Orono aaad tee Township waï,s pullin-g in op- psfcdirections. "Mucli -me can lic accornplished by working f o- gefhcr," lie said. Mr. Lloyd Lowcry, caidate foer Couincil, ouffilned the workJ.ngs of flic fire dcpart ment point iag ouf of somne fhirty-five cails into flic Township, eleven were for grass fires. H1e aise suggestedl a better brcakç-down on the tax bill so that people would know exact- ly whaf amouats werc being 1ev- led for cadi deparfmenf. 11e feit fthgflic Trustees and Council hILA worked well fogeflier duringflic yéar. Mr. Robect Chat er, candidate for Council, outlined the, Town- ship road progcamn for flic year. Hie called attention te flic normal road by-law for flie Township la the amount of $11Q,000, plus ta~ ~ 1 up1act- by-laws a- oS i-7 ' U' '- . i the Townish ip for years te corne. "I am ailso afraid -'thaf flic road budget will be overspenf some thîs year" lie said. A sum of $24,000. liad, been spent on oi and calcium this year. Mr. L. Perauîf. candidate for DepuýtM-Reevd, spolie mainiy on County worli and stafed fliat flic "Needs Sfudy" carricd ouf by flic Counfy two yýears ago was now paying ýoff. The Depatment is mucli in favour of sucli a study, lie said. Mc. Perraulf spoke of consoli- dation withiin municipal deparf- ments aad referred fo flic Assess- menlitDeparfmnitand Libraries coming under Township jurisdic- flou and being soiglit to earcom- pass flic whloe Counfy area. lie also said fhat fliece is now a lot of talk of bringing ail education ujnder a Board of Educafiýon. Mr. Perrauxlf felt fiat iocal municipal problems hýad. been blownup ouf of proportion. H1e said lie sup- pocted flic Public Scliool Building progratm and had atfeaded flic meeting of flic Consultative Coin- mittce wheni approval was given recenfly to flic Rirby scliool. Mc. H. E. Walkey,' candidate for Deputy-reeve and a former Reeve of flic Township and, Ward-, en of flic Counties, stated that lic was really intresfed in Clake Township and flat lie was going. to flui about being a. candidate' to run for flic office of Deputy- Reeve, Mc. John St1one, candidate foi' 4eve ar ' acp.en't Reeve of 'L Ti îîi .e's onea Mopi u ito Twnhi and also fli pe-Clarke beunýd- ary road rortli from flic Counfy roadesta Kendal north to The Reeve also spolie on flic establisliment1 of flic area jai] costing an arnount of $927,000. lHc referred fo flicfact that fthc Tonhpof Clarkieliad nlready pas.sed flic necessary by-law f0 est ablisl a Township of Clarke fibrary. The present Police Vil- lage Libcacy will becomneflic Township of Clairke Library. Mr. Sto)ne said lie was inferesfed ln the Wardenslilp whicli cornes to Durhamn Couafy lu 1967 and askled fic s;upport of flic people of larke. .In question of Mr. V. Allen, Mc. Stone said that lie thouglit the acw Township building, in- ciudiag land lad cosf arouadl $60,û000 suing year. The foilowing are candidates in the-forthcoming eiection: FOR REEVE' Roy A. Foster, John W. Stone, Incumbent. Mr. E. R. Woodyard was also nominated for Recye but di.d not qualify. FOR DEPUTV.REEVE Lorne Perrault, Incumbent H. E. Waikey. FOR COUNCIL R. Carvefli, R. Chater, Incumbent, O. Falls, Incumbent F. A. Gray, L. Lowery,, Incumbent. FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD L. Greenwood, 1Incumbent R. Steplienson, J. St1utt, W., Wm. W'annan, incumbent, lMr. AI. -Robinson who pnesently sits on the Board did net seelto t rua agai1n foe(r the Board. 1de--;. Reg Elliott, W m. Allinane dWm.- Tamblyn were nominated bnt dîd not qulfyt rua for the Publie School Board FOR POLICE TRUSTEES E1 M. Mercer. F.IN ichiolson., D. Simpson, E. R. Woodyard. Messrs. Bruce Mercer and RLoy Forrester werc aliso, nominated but did not quafify to run. Four ekn he Trustee O- ffices Seven nominations werepru euted at flic Police Village Noma- ination on'Friday cvening of Lie week. Of flic seven four liaIe qualified for flic fli-e positions resulting in accessifafiag flic holding of a vote on Monday, December Sf h. TPhose qualifyin.g wvere Messrs E. R. Woodyard, H. M. Mercer, F. Nicholson and. , Simpson. F. NICHOLSON In repeirting othe liceeting, MtVr. F. Nicholson stated fiaf lho lad enjoyed flic yeac's wock and îeoorted t hle lad been ap- poited ote a aiter sidewnlk snowremvalbeautification and flic fire daartmeat. 11e stafedi c f ftî4-f edepartmerf ivas perafng eficicntly and thaf few cmaits li been receiveld ian neto 'vifh fticdepart- ment. Pre ,-tiy fthe departinent liad a compfliment of -elgîteen, cons,,ýcieatious firemen. Lý LOWERV Mr. Lowery sfated thnt lie would maie upl is mmid as te wieflier le would be a candidate or not prior ta' Saturday evening. "If f should be a candidate and arn elected I 'will do evcryrthing 1 (Continucd on Page 6) Junir Grdênrs oIdRegular e .Regular monfýhly meeting, Thursday. November 24 in C. E. Building ýwifh 20 meëmbers preis- ent, plus several mothersi. A new mnember was weicomed in flic person ojf Tracy Stutf. Mrs.Farrohrd onttc liow te make the various decora- fions that are f0 be part of fthc Club'.s Christmas entr 1sf. Miss Donna Cliallice showevd the boys and girls ijowe f0 mnake a prcfty manteI arrangement, us.- ing naturai maferials, ceda, weeds etc. Our ncxt regular meetting isto be a supper part y and show Dcc- ember 8, in the lower Auditorium of flic church. Parents are lu- vifed fo attend thîs speciai event as alfrophies and special a- wards will lie madle. Boys and girls, your Cliristmas cnt ries for competition are to lie, iru by 6 to'loclç. We are very proud of onte<)i our Junior Club members,, Miss, Dale Evans, wlio slowed 2 cix- tries at flic Royal Winter Fair. She placed lOfli in lie fjin sua- flower lieads and lili la lier tax- fooed mrarrow; fhis in a class af 38 entrîes. CongrTatulations Dale, Remember flic Christmas Party December 8tli at 6 o'clock. Five Canidates <ontesting Nominations on Friday lasf for flirce positions on flic Claie Township Area Public Sdhool Beard saw a total o)f ciglit nom- irnated wi h fixe q Iîly gto un i f brek dowi ts i1l a eilàe ofte . FOr cid re!ndes-.ý7eit",he sid. net' wars al," he a( -Trst Mr. Jani. urasfîd, d;-uggî-t,Or cea sttedI.e fat tif eetis ac hd teorlek dkw itry ofh betef educabtiyo. alfi cen eev ,iesaid f i lee wokfoher aauddosie f0- wardsha oal lesad Mr,.RWm, A lao, farmer,or- cürd flic eeinfliat lie nw old no lie cunningtheas acandidate hn sfli Ba-id ie hwoldwork wenin- lerealloed i osolnaete standad been la faveur, of a f en-room sehool soafli of Ocono "It.can sep liat we are geing te l1ave to con- solidafete U et goe fcalrsan 70a.4 al stm"h aid, _'r. Willfiam Tamblyn stafed fliaf if lie rau, and if elecfed le w-ouild jdge thiings as lie saw tlem andi would use flic faxpay- crs' money f0 flic lisf advanfage. Mc. _Lawrcince Greeawood in ad- dreasinig the meeting, sfated fliaf the Dcpartment of Educafion lad given flicir approvai fo flic build- ing program as undertaien iy flie Selhool Area Board. 11e also said fliat the job was fo'close ouftflie one-room selools te units nef less flan 100 students. Mr. Green- wood poin.ted eut that fhe sehools would gcow la, size as flicre were some 250 building lots, registered withiin flic Township. 1lie doulif- cd fliat larger sdhools would bring beffer teachcrs. 1'We gave tlie feachers what fliey askcd foc, $3600.00 nim*mum," lie said. Weý (Continucid page 3) eaI

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