ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAYý, DECEMBER lst, 1966 OR>~ W EKLTIE n reP n ore 109, uronio, nao Le~.bhned1n1938 by R. A. Forre,,_,r Rloy C. Forrester - Editor and ýîara:ýger ThsMonday ,,December 5th the ratepayers of the Township and, Village have thec opportunity to make thleir choice of those who wilgovera in the Trown-ship Council, TQwsip Area Sehool' Board andr the Police Trus'tcees forý the year 1967. Seldom h fas such a wide saeelection ,been helu-d in Clarke and Orono as vwill be held this comiïing Monday. Voters wil Iook to the election with varying degrees of in- terest and no d'oubt with a wide variety of issues. The Town- shiàp Counicil lias over the past two years taken full advantage of 'inancial' assistance for a road program under the Municipal Assis- tance Act and through the use of these funds have advanced in their icoad program. The Road Needs Study is a worthwhile project and ene that will look into the future and lay a pattern for road con- struction in the Township. This is , of course, one side of the led- ger. Council lias aflowed the development of poor'relationships be- tween Departments of the Municipality, the enforcement of by-laws and regulations, sucli as in the control of building, is in a shambles. The Planning Board is stili lacking a member, even after a full year of operating minus the member. The Committee of' Adjust- ment lacked a secretary for months while in the- meantime the work pil ed up. There is a lack of communication withia the Township organ- ization which can only lead to further breakdown unless corrected. Our views on the Public School issue have been, expressied quiet often in this eolumnL "A costly building program and stili not adaptable to the standards of todays education or that of, the fut- tutres. There is also the fact that the present Board enjoys to ýoper- ate, on a wholesale fashion behind closed doors. This is public busi- ness using Public funids and should, in most cases, be conducted in open and public meeting. The future of your municipality rests in your hand.s, it is now your choice, use it wisely for the betterment of this community and its people. OFFER A ectligantxtaChrtsmBonu 41 was hemn and have lived al MY life iu Clarke Tewn = . Therefore J have the interest Of the people at hat jjl laving served an the Township Ceuncil for h past eight years - tbree as, Couniller - three as De- Puty Reeve and the past twel as. Reeve, 1 arn again stand- ing for Reeve. Iecein those eight years 1 have gained much exper- lec uCouncil work, aIse learned the problems et the Township. There bas heen new roads and bridges buî,old rends have been irnpreved te meet thec dernands et hepresent-day beavy trattic. I aetried te help each any every ene who has cerne cte me with problerns, and wilI continue te de se Aiseo, in 1967 the Wardenship cornes te Durham, and atter mjy eight years experience in serving 'te TewnýsIp, 1 arn nterested in being a Candidate. Se on 'Monday, December 5th, 1iagin solicit yeur vete and w1i11 servýe you faithfully, and te the best et myabliy Letter1 to Eito , ight contact âIrs. W. Uïay L- 9 thebic andI( we arce hopeful Novmbe 29 1 thaft ail falies will make a Orono Weekly Times, Orond, Ont. Dear Sir: 1 have been a longtime resident of the Township of Clarke and have lived under many Municipal governments. DYuring the past year 1 have, however, become quite distuirbed over -Municipal affairs in thlis Municipality. TJher:e appears to be a definite iacýk of conscientious goveý-ning resulting lun haphazard adminis- tration ýin certain areas in the affairs of tius Township. ln the eniforcing- of the Build- ing By-law it bas become evident that the, building inspector, due to lack of brrýking, by Council, can pass a building under con- struction within the Village of Orono and, not even bother to question whether or not a permnit bhas boen obtained. ,The expeuditure on 'Township roads was at the first of the year budgetedi at $ 110,000.00. In the first ten montbs of this year ,a total of' $150,377.00 has been spent on our roads. Since the first of the year additional supplemen- tary by-laws have been passed by council now authorizing an ex- penditure of $168,100.00. 0f this amount $2j',100.00 bas yet ta re- ceive the approval of, the Ontario Muntilicipal Board, a provision that miust be had! as the Township bas to carry, over its portion of this exp enditure $7000, into 1967. There q1so appears to be other carryovers into 1967 which in- clude an over-expenditure of $7000 fromn 1965 and' a further ru- mored amnount from the Municipal Wrsprogram, carried out iu 1965 and 1966. It is tîie the 'electors of this MuiJaity gave tho ught to the future of the Township ani ask the question "Are we getting a, fair deal?" Why are men of the calibre of R.by Foster and H1. E. Walkey as weLl asý the new cand- idate, seeking office in thie Town- ship this year(6 There is a need for men of good business admin- I istration to 1head our council and to be ln our council to assure us of proper admin istration. Yours truly, Evan Quantrill, Orono, Ont. The Las ouple of weekýs bave been busy ones for those involved in the giiniig programme lu Or- ono.. Mothers of Guides and Brawnies attended a meeting ta discuss and organhze events that will take place witbin the next few months. A Mother and Daugb. ter Banquet bas been planned for February 22nd, 1967, this day' being Thinking Day, the Joint, birtbdays of aur founders, Lord and Lady Baden Powell. The banquet is to take place in the Unite d Church lu the form of a pot-luck suppc'r. A local association (aduit per- szons interested in guiding) was formied, with Mrs.- June Krar as secretary-treasure and Mrs. Betti Stutt, ititBdeSce tary. t ititBdeSce Five interested mothers of bath Guides and Brawnies bave con- sented ta tLake the Basic training course in the guiding field. This course will euligbten them lun the knowledge of twiding and enable them to qualify for future leaders. The main topic of the evening was araiigthe 'Guide -and Brownie Centennial project. An old fashan . sligh-ride bas been planned for a Sunday iu January, 196'7, and witb- the newscý predicting s:ix feet of snow lun Januar, we sould bc in for a meirry ride. Persans witb a tearn i or ser avaiIlable, and wh:o are, inersedl assisting our prrJect at the Church from 1 - 4 p.m.1 Car pool,ýs wiIl be arranged ta take ite pe-ople tu the Forestry where the ride wiIl take place; refresh- ments ta follow at the Churcli. Let's get together ta celebmate aur centennial in an ýold fashion-. ed way. On Wednesday of last week the (Continued page 7) O 1oaPhone 983-5808'ýCIU nr-e sthnates, Rasonable Rates- AlilTypes of Work From 1 f,, Jbs te Book. keepiug.(1 years boek- 1keepig experience CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGIGESTIONS Holiday Transistor Radios NEILSON'S BOX CIOCOLATES Christmas Cards TIMEX WATCHES,- - L. P. RECOUDS Your favourite Cigars' Neilson's Ice Ciream MILDRED and ERVAN RAINEY For POLICE TRUSTE E-ýxperîente with abtiity to control your Tay. an-dIl~ydro Dollari A REMINDER ithat lntret i pid n he fali and it's the IDEAL TIME te let CNTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1Take theîIi -ï;ITNESS eut ef YOUR mouey by paying 'YOIu % o' SAVINGS accouat paid andî c. ondedquarterly. on CEQUNG aceounts paid and co n ndedqarterly. No charge for i% weîinvested i om ur RNV 2 IrE$TMENT CERITUIFICATES, fer 5 te 10 years. Authorized Trustee Invest- mets. I"WTCH NOW to your àemuiy Tstrust m an.Eru 50 more interest on yeur Saýývings,. Enjey then4 s Saving heurs in Oshawa- ajd ownanville. Menda hrday 9 -- 5:30 Frdy9 - 8 Saturday 9 - 4 CEN"TRAL OINTARTO TRUT & S-AVINGS 1OPORATION 23 King st. W., Bowravil CF SERVICEr23522 family party of it. We will meet