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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Dec 1966, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, DECEMBER Ist, 1966 LxI 1 BNesuA . S OnREo LnYCrey j 1251 liees. t0216 Bomavïl, OnADl IjSU AC, SEEI TNK- OIE W-MINGSTABLESN Bertno's Linsd FurLmeTxRnitur S Pale onsuit e Ofor SrmC and daelai 11HfNE ElRONO319 ' î3ITE WAiSHNTABLES ORTO OPEEPN Incme ax etin soPrepre urualand sercleae nothng te he ire A~kth prso wo uiTt ro LIMITED o g 21 G ST. WESTg 0 Bowmanville 623-3393 0 Toronot 923-9174 g Port. Hope Office. 98 WltouSt. - 885-4548 FREE APPRAISALS gExclusive Agent forj J. OCIIONSKI Ù CONSTRUCTION U 3-Bedroom 'Bungalows g gPriced from $15,375-00 on lots 75x20t1 gOrono Area Representative ROY FOSTER g Kendal - Phone 321 g 0A large selectiénofn ar gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- perties in titis areag IOrville chattertonI Eleetrical Contr acting Electrielleating -and Service P'HONE 245 OR 10412 0ronpo, Ontario Qrono Electric PHONE -129 CONTRACTORS FOR tFARM and BOUSE WIRING Free Estimates -- APPLIANCE SALES- 3Prompt and GuaranteedI Repaira ta ail kinds of Eleetrical EquipMent- and Appliances Sucit at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irors î gt Service FireU Package Policies È idelity Bond' Liability Lîfe g Fîrst Mortgage Loans qo Phone 1-R-16 Orono ( 0 ýJ=>O 0= 1Box 133 mo. 8-3m521 Lhnited 318' Dunda's St. E. Wh itby, Ont. Manuf acturers of Cemretery moa T)aîrsl Doete& Foreign G1,ranÊites and Marbies e ncipin ut and emeeryRepair Woýrk FOR RENT FOR SALE Two bedroom, modern, hetedTwoi pairgii' Figure Skates,!I apaiýtment available Dcme size I and 3. lst. Phonle 983 5049,- a c R. Miller, 9839171. ac FOR RENT Three warm roomsanard bath for 1 o r 2 eiderly persons. Phone Newcastle after six 987- 4672., c47p FOR iSALE Chesterfield and chair, foam 'rubber cushioned. Suitable for recre-atÈinroom. Reasonabie. C. W. Bilings, Main St. Orono. Phono 983-5250. a-p FOR SALE A 1957 Dodge Car for sale. Phone 983-5807. a-c WANTED TO B UY WANTE D TO BUV Browie Uniform, size 6-7. Con- t act MUrs. Wilkins, Main St. or pne983-5530 after 4 p.m. a-c che Herticuiltural, Christmas' Show il b heid lhursday, Dec- ember -th-e 8th in the Orono Unit- cd Church, lower auditorium. All ntis to be received by 8 o'- dlock. -1 1 COMING EVENT A dance Will be held î in t.he Orono Town Hlli, Saturday, D,- lembecr lOth, sponsored byth O0rono At'tciin supo"t of the Orono Artifîcial Icu iFund. iMusie% by Wmr. Founid and his 'Pensioýn- ers.' an FORTH-COMING MARRIAGE Mrs. Charlies B. Tvrrell,Oon wisbeq te announce the forthcomii ing marriaece of her dauslter, Tvnda Marion, to Mr. Walter Harold Gibson. son o-f Mr. and Mrs. Har-old Gibson, R.R. 2, New- castIe, The marr-iage will taire place' December '31st, 1966 aýt 2:30 o'clock in Orono United Chureh. a-c 1. A Christmnas Carol - Interpre- -- tive arrangemient of a Christmas Song or Carol. A~ goea useci 4 humre HsptalChistasAr steve. A dining-room table withc 2. A Hsia hita r leaves.rangement, 8 inch base,. heightî leaves.unrestricted. - R. E. Rienstra, phone -983-5081. a-p 3. Christmas Party - a tiered _________arrangement fer a buffet table, JUNIR BAD COCERT candy and fruit may be included. The Orono Junior Band will 4. Christmas Dining Table Cen- hold a Sunday aftemnoon concert trepiece, dressed. ail around. not in the auditorium of 'the Cla8rke te exceed 10 in'ches in height High Seheol on Sunday, Deceml-'(cand(le may be higher), 14 inch- ber îlth comnencing at 2:30 P.m. 'es in diameter or length. The program will, aise include otiier 'instrumental musical talent.1 5. Red and Geld, Holiday'Glam- Plan now te attend., Silver col. our for 'TV, or aide table. ecton.b-46-c 6. Christmas Gif t Box, wrapped, net te exceed 16 inches. HEATHER SOCIAL CLUB BAZAAR AND TEA SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd 2:30 p.m. at I.O.O.F. HALL The Rebekahs are making theirý unsual delicieus Christmas cakes. Those wishing te order ahead may do ýse by, calling Mrs. Gordon Watson, phone 983-5343 or Mrs. James Major, phone 983-5842._ Il 44-e NOTICE Lyntonhurst Nursing, Homie has accommodation for Senior Citiz- ens. Phone Orono 9835639 h-49-p WANTED Elderly lady wanted te ilive-in, in exehange for room and board Very light duties. Phone New- castle after six, 987-4672. c47p RZOWE TOURS Caliornia Tour, and HIawaiian Cruîse February 6 -- March Il. Travel de lux aîr-conditioned motorcoach te Los Angeles then Via SS Turline te Hawai ian Is- lands. FLORID4 TOUR January 8-29th - 20 days No night travel. For information te abo-ve tours phone or write Rowe Travel Agency, Port Hope 885-2527 ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY 885-2527 Port Hope 7. Weicomne- a front door dec- oration. 8. Corsage made of, natural manterials, ribbon allowed, nmay be sprayed if desired. 9. Kitchen Doo-2 Decoration - made with kitchen anrticles, greens and ribbons.f 10. Novice Clase - Any one of the above arrangements. Callyour licenised Plùimbing & Mechanical Conltractor -who selis, instails -qpd guarantees PLUMBING AND HEATING Phene 143 Orono a 9 Division St. S. Bowinanville, Ontarîo Anything lu Plate and Window Glass, Float Plate Mirrors and Leaded Glass and Glazing BIRTH Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius Maar- tense (nee Connie Tyrreil)' wish te announce the arrivai of a son on Tuesday, Novýember 29th, at Ilotel Dieu Hospital. Kingston. BIRTH WIERSMA*ýHarrv. Lucy and Laura thank the Lord for the safe errivai of a son and brÔther, Michael Robert, 7 lbs. 1 Qz, bor November 24, 1966, at Memorial H1ospital,, Bowmanville. a-p DIED 'WILSON-At his late residence, O0rio, Otai.Novernber, 23rd, 1966 Ge-orge Wilmer Wilson, age 42 years. Beloved husband of Gladys Martin, 'Rested a.t the Barlow Funeral Home,ý Park St., Orono- for ser- vice on Saturday. November 26th at 2 p.m.Diterment Orono Cern- etery. NOTICE TO CREDITORS' IN THE 1MATITER 0F THE ES- TATE 0F' WILLIAM JOHNSTON LEAMANlate of the Township of Clarke in the County of Dur- bham, Gardener, deceased: 1AlI. persýons having claims a- * ginst thec estate of the said V/il- liamn Johnston Leamen, who dield on or about the 22nd dayo-f Sep- tember 196nre hereby notified to send teo 1the undersigned Solie- itor on or before the lOth day of Decemfber 196, their nai+ies and addresses andl full particutars of theýir dlaims and 'the natur-e of the securities (if any) hield by them duly verified by statutoiry deciaration. Immediately after the said 1Oth day of December 1966, the assets of the said deceasedwill be dis- tributed among the persýons entit- ed thereto having r-egard only te the dlaims, of which the nc esg ined Solicitor shail then have no- tice. Dated at OrGno, Ontario, this 23rd of Novembe- 1966. W. K. LYCETT, O rono, Ontario Solicitor for the lVxecutor tExcluive Are-e Agent for . (Contiuued from page 2) IIAruInperv-AIl Paint Guides andi Brownîes held a I joit metingfor the purposes of PHOE 19 ORNOTeephone 623-5187 enrolmnt iarcd fly-up ceremonies. I Fii~en grl beame Brownies; Il ~ ~ five girls hc Ge uides and eight ou~~~fe up s i1 te Gudes from _________________________ g ; row ies. Thegirls , ntertained .~ iBures B am ith s s a askit directed by G PLMBîN andHEATNG gawarded te several Guides. V/e a4 Uc SPER ER ICE ppeciate c sieheip in con- g ne(ctioith teaching the Cuides i g ~Low Iteres Rate ~ A taining rfcinybadges, and ~~!wish Ite thank M"ýr. Viliam Bunt- g Phione 33RIl Phone's; ing for his tîiome and in OrnOntario Hampton CO 0'3-288 jthe Compass and iaise Ms.JO gL I First A,'id. or reniodelling your presentî one, theni contact ri[ -lILI. 1, 1 1 Class

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