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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Dec 1966, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMIBER 8th., 1966 ORONýO WEL.KL-.Y TiMES, v uloîze asSecndClass mail, PatOffice iDepartinent, Pubiished -eve-ry Thursday at the office of publicatiu Mîaiti .Sreet, Pnone 1Où, urono, OnLario EaQtab]'shed in t93is by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester- Editor and Manager The Eectào The winds of change swept over thie Townsh,'fip of Clarke on Monday resuitinig ini an upset electoin. for ail but onie incumbent reimberý of Council. Lt paetta hr must have been issues in this eïectin even though they did flot appear openly on the surface. Reeve-elect Foster was the only candidate, seeking a Council posi- daon, to present any sembliance of a platform or issue. Dissent with the elected began to show up a week or two ho- foré the nomination and apparently gained momnentumn which carried into the voting on Monday. Issues voiced by the electors wouid compile a long list but the greater mnajority were personal beefs over trivial incidents. Lack of ýdecision and judgement could possibiy be I.abelled to Council'and diçi show up lu such incidents, a's far as the voter was concerned, in the>handling of the Clerk affair, control of iroad budget, planning, and enforcement of Township by-laws and ieguiations. "Too much, side-stepping," claimed some voters. The new Council appears to have balance ln, that it has ex- perience, Foster, Waikey, Falls and with some'of the new members, Carveth -andr Gray, we hope, fresh and progressive ideas. A, council today shouid not be placed in the position of having to act should at least be a few jumnps ahead. The two new members to the School Board should certainly ïmake a contribution to this Board which is in need of better oper- ating'rules and regulations. Parliamentary procedure in conducting meetings would cut down on the long drawn-out hours. In ail thceélection has brought a new look te local govern- ment and congratulations, are in order to those who were successfui at the polis. Likewise words of thaniks must be extended ýto those who, at the end of this year, turn over the reins of power. Their talent and timne, given in service to this community and its people is certainiy recognîzed. STORE HOURS Thbe majority of the stores in Orono are observing the foi- low,.ing hours to accompmodate the Christnmas shoppers: lli-eeember l9th to December 23rd open every eveniing until 9:00 p.m. Closed December 26th and 27th. 'ElectflinBSox Score; Name Pol 1 For Reeve Foster 106 Stone 37 For Deputy Reeve Perrault 17 Walkey 126 2 3 - 4 5 34 60 111 116 33 68 9 117 7 7 8 9 Total 37 17 65 173 '719 38 24 33 124 '483 12 25 il 58 15 22 28 59 247 52 96 89 160 57 17 67 228 '892 For Counceil Caveth 98 59 111 58 137 30 20 49 178 739 iUbater1 33 il 34 28 129 48 23 20 163 489 Fablis 97 23 42 76 117 3 il 75 151 625 G-,"ray 85 48 97 43, 76 25 13 42 109 538, Lowery 28 14 48 57 107 40 35- 26 133 488 For school Board Greenwood 77 25 99 95 -108 46 31 522 645 Stepjhenson 100 72 61 6 91 21 5 48 129 533 ttt 29 15 49 19 151 38 12 23 243 579 Turdansky 98 13 45 111 109 ý25 15 72 111 599 'Waýn n an 47 22 73 45 107 59 40 39 115 547 Poil No. 1 is Newtonivilie,; poil 2, Brown's; poli 3, No. 9; poil 4, Kendal; poil 5, Orono North; poil 6. Leskard; poli 7, Oak; poi 8 tarkvillean poil 9, Orono South. OFFER A ON ALL DRYCLANIG NDLAUNDRY LEF T AT FOUND'S 8BILLIARDSW B ETW EE N DECEMBER lst AND CHRISTMAS Hae or clothes cleaDed n ow %ith the opporfunity of receiviig lu extra Christma~s Bonus COMMUNITY COLLE GE LOCATION NOT DETERMINED A target date of Sept. 5 next ANU C N year has been set for the opening ofteproposed Ontario-Duriiam fCHIS community college of applied î AS SHOPPeING HOURS arts and technology. Where, it will be lecated, no iooingtel you where we are a .u .m ,t lookv- or andand imainediately the prices shýoot up," smiled Clare B. Roule, thfe college's business iW\ork on the coliege plans, hoeeare now underway. Except Saturday Soehw ewilil have it openi by Sept. 5 next year," said m ecn Mr.Rotley. t"Maybe it will be in C rn cngT rda a tmpoarybuilding but we shahl have it open. December 8th "We are looking for 100 orM 200 acres of land here. Iu timne the cellege will he a massive Cern plex' with maybe separate build- ings for different subjects. W fe h ott hoefo off with, of course; but in time, soko o d nPtml Corne, see and choose fou yourself at "Tecoliege," Mr. Routiey ex- pained, "bas tei be an integrai R Nl o $ T R part of the area's industry and R N5 "LIt will be established te ýerve Phone Orono 983-5401 the city of Oshawa and surround- Weey rDolrB sMr" ing areas. -The courses we will be yurDola. __Moeý offering will be business orientat- "This isý why we want the bus- insme o tell us what they want. W lav t kewwhich courïses &are mosit needed." *Mr. Routiey, whose appoint- ment as business administrator was announced thîs week, intends seon to estabiish a down-town 0f fice in the city. "I need the office badly," he said, "then we can get moving. There is a lot of work to be done. "One of My first jobs will- be to miake the area aware of what we are going te establish. You would 1be sUrprised at somre of~ the reacions 1 have been getting trom somie busine-ssmien. j I was talking te one man who hadn"t yet heard of the project." To partiaiiy soive this problem, printed. pamaphlets will be dist- ributed soon. Eutry into the community col- lege will be mainly by Grade 12 and Grade 13 qualifications. "Anyorxe thoýugh," said Mr. Routley, "l9-years and over who eau show by examination, au apti- tude for the course he wants to take wilbe admîtted.ý "O ecessity our, standards have te be high. Business wiil be placing a great deal of trust in us. They wiil be wanting us to do the job right and turn eut stud- ents of the 'right calibre," Everyone, however, will get al the chances he needs te get luto the college. Summer up-grading courses will be held se that stu- dents can quaiify for the courses they want te take. This kind of system, said Mr. Routley will give the late-bioom- ers a chance te develop their ed- ucation. We ar-e expecting that a lot of our students wiil be in their mid 30's andeven 40's. Some of the courses which Mr. Routley already has in mind for the college 'are: first year engin- eering technology,- data proces- sing, marketing and management, accouniting, journialism, secretar- îl science, architectural drafting and mechanical drafting. "This is just the beginning though,'" he said. "I want the busisessmen of 'the city te give us more ideas. "Some of the courses could be quite short, a sort of quick up- grading te bring people up te, date jwith their jobs., "One day maybe we will even be able te, have university en- trance coul-ses. This is one of our major aims."1 Students who are Successfui in their courses wil receive certifi- cýates issued by the department of education. "These are a new qualifica- tion", said Mr. Routley. "But they are quickly being accepted by businessmen. This is another reason wh'Y We must maintain Rî IýlNEY'S Confectiery, CHIRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS Holiday Transistor Radios NEILSON'S BOX CIIOCOLATES Christmas Cards TIMEX WATCHES - L. P. RECORDS Your favourite Cigars Neilso's Ice- cream MILDRED) and ERVAN RAINEY A REMINDER that Interest is paid ithe fail and it's the IDEAL TIME te let CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST lake the TIGHTNESS out of VOUR money by paying you 1% o,,SVIG atcount paid and 2 ~ o iindel uarterly. on CHIEQUING accounts paid and com-ýpouuded quarterly. No charge for iieuswritten. when invested ini our GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for 5 te 10 years. Autliorized Trustee Invest- ments. SWITCH ,NOW to your Community Trust Comupany. Earin 50%ý more interest 'on your Savings. Enjoy the longost Savinig hours iu Oshawa and Bowmanville. Monday -Thiurdav 9 - 5:30 Fr-iday ,9. 8 Satuirday 9 - 4 CENTRAL ONTARIO, TRUST &' SAVINGS C.ýORPORATION 23 King St. W., Bowmanvil1ýle 623-2527 FONIIHED 19 Sîieoe St., N. , Oshawa 0F SEVICE723-5221

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