pjnicesý Effective Dec. th e righjt Ao ilmit TheKeda Wme'sInstIte *met! at, tuýhe home of the Prsident turing the business period i *-'was d1cîded t o brin g Ch-ýristmas%- l*,f., gits t th next meeting for the * retarded children who occupy oe ifloor of the old Port Hlope Hos- pital buildingl. Te topic was in charge of the historical rese.archi convenors, *Miss C. Stewart and Mrs. G. Cath- cart. The miotta was "Our lient- age is a priceless treasure en- trustedt to oui' care." Lunch was served by ur hiost- ~esses Mrs. A. Dennis and Mrs. J. fllenderson. The c1a.ss an îhat m.aking, turned out ta he a lar en with seven- teen ladies anxious ta ma,-ke bon- nets. 21s. E. Winn ha1, the misfor- tune,ý to fal and break hier hpn 1ý Iatwe.She is in Oshaa a- 'L pital MrNan Patton wvas taken- StaBw ile Hospital On Fmi- On Novemiber 2Othl, Ouri'meet- ing opened with the secretary's report. We discussed the folk service at Whitby and Michatl Carmnan mioved that thecrrs ponOinig secretary wrïite them ta -note thiankingl them for invit-ing ýusý to thîe interesting service. Janetk Duvali! seconded the miotion. We then discussed splitingth Hli-C i.-ta two groups - 16 year;s Iid over and 15 years and uinder. The latter becoing i-the "Young Peoples."' We discuisscd having a Firesideý service in the home of member, It was m-oved that at these ser~ vices slacks couild be w»mn. Diane3 Nicholsan m~ov-ed tis and Kathy Coatham seconded àt Sports nightý was intended to have been held at ,eone (C1ÇOur members hoines, bvt we decidcd to have a film instead These plans were changed. Michael Carman and Harry De Jonlge ire in charge of the wor- shiP for the next meetin.We discussed other ideas for the Hi-C such as bowling, roller skating,, Mand trips. * Pat Mather led the~ devotionaIT withi reading of a hookiet calledl 'It's best to 1,now about alcohol." The sSripture was 'taken frqwu Johni 15: 1-5. Closed with prayer. Mýichael Carmian moved the meetý- ing adjourn and Raye West sec- 'onded it. Eveýning' Churcli S4,rvice 7:3Ôýý - p.mi. December llth, 1966. Scongregational IllYmn Sing- "Sangýs (of the Gospel" Later that, eeiga film will be 'show,,ý 'Face tie Mse'Fauelnt I Danmatic Moo On Pictur'e Mebrof lHi C pleatse meet at the Chiurch 'in the Friendsl.hip roona at -1-0 p.111.Sundfay, Dec- U.COW. No 5 Unît 5 hield thieir regular rnon. th111- neeting Tuecday cvenlng, *December 6th at the hom-e o) Mrs. Ed IMilîson. 4