e VOLUME 28, NU31tER 48 oroNo WEEKLY TMETHURSDAY, DECEMBI1È l5th, 196 Santta Clauts visits Orono thïs % Satrdayand is providing a Santa SktnÊarty at the Orono rink. Not onl!y is Santa inviting every- one0 to enjoy free public skating at the rink, lne is aiso taking out time to have every youngster vis- it wittî him while lie is at the rink Thef Skating Party will satana tw,,o ocokand contitue until thr tiit y.'ý ganta is to arrive ai th ikat 2:30 when. he wiil, vinÀtî with the chidren. The outînga is being sporisored bv 4he Orono Chamber of Coin- merce, Service Diploma Presented To Mr. Carl W. Bllings 'Orono Sen ior lHrticutuvial %rismasMeeingwas lheld Dec. 3kin Orono UnitedChurch. A iag ttendanlce viewved both Sr. adJr. dIïsplay\s off Criîsîmas arý aiiil theeveing a very scalevent tôok plaice. _Mr. Carl B~lnswas thereien of a eaiulfram-ed Sercvice Dipiloma. ftr.Frank Stephflens, our district 4 reresetatie, mde the pres- enainand con ratulaed Carl on is miany fathfu y ,eatrs of sec teour ognzto.As Mr. Billings had mnade previous comimetsfor the eeig we, weeforced to hiold thisý event a tietoo earlyV fo ail our Senior mem.-bers to be present. Th-le president, Mr. Challice, ai-> se cngrtultedMn.Biliing1S on lies excellent recor-d of service te, hoýrticultu1re and alsýO thanlked hlim foe-r bis neyer 'nighelp ial lim,-es to hl, as,, their new Presýi- * arl maide a mnosi suitable ne- pyand jokingly mentioned the tattha-t ai least hie knew hlow te plant tulip bulbs right side up Ojur entry Ilisi wa.s down constd- erably but the entries were al of1 good quaiity. A new mnethod of judàging was Vied, whereby each ~sebrattending was given a ballot and invited to judge the *ïparate classes. This niethod proved interesiing b ail partici- Mrs Billings etiowed nxany col- e'siful and lnteresting slides, ox local and others. A beautiful hinrdh of bot mince iaris, coftee or tea wzuas erved h.y the lunch coMmiitte With Joani -Cauier as convenior. tLst of wînuers ~ini the classes fo1lrws:ý 1. Arrangement illustrating A Christmas Carol- Mrs. K. Schoen- ,ýiaker, Mrs, . E, hxid. 2. Hospital Christms Arrange- ment - MIrs. 0.C~l~ r. E. Sc-htnid Mrs. K Schoenmaker. 3. ieredArrangement for' ~ri'ýrstmas Buffet - Mrs. K. Scho- enmaker, Ms. O. Challice. 4. Christmasý Diningý Table Ar- rangement - Mr-s. K,. Schloenmaker Mrs. C. Billlnigs, Mrs. E. Schmnid. 5. Red and Gold Arrangement for T.V. or Side Table - Mrs. 0. Chaice, Mrs. K. Schoenimaker, Mrs. C. Billings. 6. Gift Box, Chrisltmas wvrapped Mrs. E. Schiid, Mïrs. O. Challîce,' Mir s. K. Schoenmaker. 7. WVeicome Front Door Decor- ation - Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, Mrs. E. Schmid, Orville Chailice., 8, Corsage -made of Natural Ma- teiais- - Mrs. K. Schoeinmaker,. Mrs. E. Schmid. 9. Kitchen Door Decoration - Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, Mrs. -C. Billîngs. The Orono Volunteer Firefight- ers are to canvas the Village Sat- urday morning ini an effort te raise funds for Mutscular Dystro- phy. The firemen have organized a door te dloor canvas and hope ta be -able toecover the enmtire town before ano1. The local fire department sup- ported this cause last year. tibroiry Moved The bcioks of the Orono Public Library were moved te their new location îla the lasement of the Township. Hall on Saturday. Due b Ibhis move, the Library has been and will continue ta ne- main losed this week. The Lib- rary will open in ils new location on Tuesday, December 201h und- er a new set of opÎnj.ng tinles which include heurs on Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays. Refer te' "Behind the Orange Cuitit'ýkfor further details. Wins Grand Prize 0f $500.00 Mr. AI Hleard ~ of north Orono, was the grandi innier of the $500.00 draw heclcd Mond.ay even- ing at the regular monihly miee t- ing, of the Ororio Chamnber of Corurmerce. The dIraw on Monday evening concludlecl the draws for the year 1966. Threc draws were heid on Mon- day withi Mr. Charles Froste rin- Pnig $100.00, M. Aif. Johnson, $200.00 and MN. AI. Hjeard $500.00 The, Chaiber held a series of ten m-othly drgws during the ycar witb prize:moniey of $1700. tal winxIers.' Proceeds frein the draws wvere uised te assist finance a University studfent again Ibis year along with a donation of $1000.00 te the Artifilial Ice Fund. Opemis Store For Local Crufts 'Mr. Ernest Dent has opened an intérestiug and col>ourful display 'Ats,ý-n Crafts in his store, Canawood, in the mids3t of the Or9no busines section. Items on display are for sale with triany being appropriate as Christmas Gift5-. Flowef's, plants and decorative centre and manit- el pieces are dispiayed by a le. cal florist. Oil paintings by lo- cal artists adorn the soth wall and some are priced as low as, $15.00. Other ilenms for sale in- celude bronze plaques, knitted goods and other articles of clotb- ing for young children and ad- Ults. Th e store lias added a gay note te Christmas la Oron)o Ibis year, R tpresent Five Gerierations Above are pictured 'five gener- Top row fromn lef t, HoGlding Eileeni ations. Front row,' great-great Alldre ad is grand motiier, Mrs. grandfather, Mr., Walter Rogers, Viv7ian Winfield, Mrs. Noreen AI- great grandmnother, 'Mrs. Edith Pamer, both of Frankford. Also leanMr.DneAldeai front row Miss Annette Allen. Of Orono.0 Manfi-y Attend Su-ndayi Juanior Band L"âLConert A -ood audience was la attend- ance at the Orono Junior Band concert on Sunday aftennoon at tbe Clanke H-igb School when thirty-sevcn young musicians pro- vided an heur-long program of music. The prograin was augmeatcd by the Country Four quartette with five numbers. which won acclaim of bbc audience. The quartette re- placed the guesi instrumental numbens which had te be post- poned. The Band concert followed simn- ilar lines te that of the former concert held iast spring. The pro- gram was howevcr, extcnded tf. includle a numnber of marches, a w,àaltz, Christmnas Carols, the chid- renl's favont, oehccOe the Rainbow and Overture-like selections. The band ai Ibis performance ggave evidience to a dleeper tone duc te the addition of further in- strumient sectionIs. Since the lasti performance there bad been added a section of French Hornis, Saxo- phones and more Trombones and Býass. This along with the original brass ofi rumnpets, coronets, bani- tone and alto boras and clarinets aow give the Junior Baud a ful soadm, a sound upoti wbich much can now bc built. The band, on Sunday, comi-prisý- cd members who started with the band exactly one year ago along with a great number who joined in July of Ibis year. The cildren. have now learned the- prineipal fund-amentals of iheir instrument-s and will now advance with experi- en.ce te fuiirher goals la the ft- une. Improvemient was, shown in their ability on Sunday over that of the Spring concert. Mr. Darch, leader of the Junîir Band, annouuced that il washb4is intention te bold another concert, wibhin a monith or t-wo aI which, both a guest bond and the Oromn) Band wili play. Hc funrtherinn- cd the young musicians Ibat worJk la preparing- for this concert would start immeiiatIely ai Ibeî ýýekly patcs A sum of $65.00 was subscribed to the concert ibrougli silver co- lection ai bbc door. Itl was estiý- mated ibat over bwo huidi-ed were in atteadance. The new building âill provîd i nlde public lobby, niglit niear 1400 square fted of accom- lobby , ring space and a nail nriodaileafor postal services. This lby The single story building will be of framne andl brick 'vencer construction with reinforced con- cer2tc foundation. PreenedWith Diplo,riia