RKeport From O0ttaowa REPORT FROM OTTAWA Fromn letters 1 rocoive I know - there wasquite a bit of concorn Russell C, Honey, MX.P.- Durham amang pensioners about a "moans Docombor 9, 1966 or needs" test. It has hoon n dis- service t-c our senior citizens te We have had a busy and pro'. spread this apprehoensien 'which ductivo woek int Ottawa. Modicaro has caused se mucli worry. It legisiation was finalized. Canada simply is not true. I hope with' will have ïa national medicaro pro- the announcement of the dotails gram effective JuIy lst, 1968. The 'of the prograrn that this worry Armed Services legislation- was and anxiety will new disappoar. introduced by Defence Minister Paul llellyer. Prohahly the mosti important legisiative item was 1 want to emphasize that the the finalization of the $105. mon- nyifraio h osoe thl sppemetay enion pro- will he required to give will ho gram: Because of the interest in in connoction with his inceme as this program' I want to dévote idofined for inceme tax purposes. this Report tIo setting eut de- H ilnthv espl nom tails. - t:--e ilnt haveto suply ---t Paymients wîll date from Jan- uary lst, 1967. In January 1967 application forms will ho sent te ail people now receivîng the pen-, sion. lit is a big administrative task te get the payment sehiedules set up and the choques prepared1 and mailod. The, increases will ho included with the pension chegues for March or April. For those who qualify for the xhole inicrease and recoive thoir incroase min March, the choques will hoe for .165. wh nn . wM hA UUmn p i ation about hms ank account, sav-~ ings, family assistance, automio-~ bile, home and se, on. The inform- ation required on the form will be ne more than each of us supply evory year when we complote our Income Tax Returns. - To give examplos, inicomo der-, ivod from such things as, money drawn from savings, preceds ofï the sale of a home or othor assets, gifts, ýassistance' from family or friends, social security and war veterans pensions willnet be con- the rogular March choque for $75. siCered as inceme. plus $90. representing the $30. in- crease for January, Fehruary and The program guarantoos an in- March. Those who do net receive, come, Of $105. a month toe each thoir choques until April wiîî re- pensioner. Thire wili ho somo ceivo $195. which represonts the pensionors who will have a small regular April choque for $75. plus incomoe and they will got sonie- $120. repý'senting the' $30,. in- thing iess than the full $30. sup- creaso for January, Fobruary, plement. The amount to which March and April. isuch ponsionors are entitled wîll hoe calculated on a sliding scale. *The application forms will ho 'It will ho roduced ýdollar for dol- simple, miuch easier te complote lar. The arangomnt is that for * than the Income Tax Return. every $2. of income the pensionor, Pensioners will ho required te roceives the amount of $1. will show only thoir incomoe. They will ho deducted from the supplement. neýt ho requosted te give any in- Lot me give you an example. Sup- formation that is net roquired te pose a pensiener bas a part time ho given hby ail Canadians on job for whleh ho rocoives $30. per their Income Tax Roturns. month. This would mean that one- TIAIES, TÀIU-'SDkY '~i .t haif of his income, that is $15. sioI.er need dCo until the applica- further information, or if they would be deducted from thie $30. tion formn is received from therre assistance in completing supplement. The pensioner would govervment la January. It should the application foris, wheui they therefore receive $90. a month ho completed and returned as sooni are rec eived, I know they will not made up of bis basic $75. plus the as possible, This is ail theý pension- i hesitate te drop me a line or give $15. supplement. er need do. mne a cail and 1 will be pleased to' There is now nothing the pen- If any of my readers require be of assistance in any way. Ever n cehoqucytheygo? This Christmas give them a Growth SavingsCertificate. . it, wiII -gro w with them. Declde now te give them the gift with a future- a Growth SavingsCertificate, ln 6 years,they'II receive $1000 for every $7,50 you invest-a one thNrd increase. cfiristmas Growth S av ings Certif icates are easy to buy, available in denominations of $10,00-upwards and cash- able at any time. -Ask about them at anyCommerce branch. Give the gift with a future ..and watch it growl CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE BICYCLES nd TRICYCLES- - ECNMYTIYCEj Hockey Net, Special --- $4.99 12 inch -- ---$13.95 16i.$59,2 n 1.5 BAR, and KITCHEN STOOL, Wood Toboggan and Aluminum BICYCLE, 20 inch $43.95 with plastic top - ---$7.49 For Vour Listening Pleasure Toboggans ---- $4.65 to $10-95 GUN RACK, for 4 guns $5.89 5 Transistor Crystal Controlled OUTDOOR FLOODLIGHT KIT WEAVER SCOPE for,--$13.60 Tacies t $49 okyHle 36 Many colours, regular 3 rnisted a s19.95 Hockey Sticks ---.75e tu $2.15 $595 for only ,--$3,99ý CITATION 8 Transistor Radio ,---- $29.95 AIl pieces of PYREX and JUICET, priced at $12-95 8 Transistor Leather Portable, CORNING WEAR GTSfraltefamily- ~TATR$19.95 priced at --------- $19.95 'CHROME and WHITE STEP- 2 SLICE TOASTER $14-95 6 Transistor Pocket-Size3PieCaigSt $95 ON CN, t $,99 IRONING BOARD, $12.88 Rdo rcd$19 Cookie Press and Cake Decor- HAMPER, $12.95 for $10.88 ator Set -- -----$6.35 Coloniial BREAD BOX and SUNBEAM- G.E. PORTABLE APPLI- 5 Piece Cookie' Cutter Set .69e Free Cannister Set $9.98 Tef ion, Electrie FRYPAN NE BATH SCALE, at ------ $5.69 Reg. ,23.95 for $18.88 STEAM and DRY IRON $13-99 Wsco ie 39 Filbre Gilass T.V. TABES, 4 in RADIANT CONTROL SPRAY & DRY IRON $19.95 Alumdinu Roaster -- - $7.95 TOASTER, regular $76 Set for --------- $18-95ý $24,15 for ----- $19.88 HAIR DRYER ---------$76 ELECTRIC KNIFE ---$24.95 Bse 9 PERCOLATOR, prieed -$24.95 English Ten Set --------$4.95 TOASTER,, pricod ---- $21.95 Androck Turkoy Lifter-- $1.59 KE TTLE, priced ------ $13.95 3 Piece Tumbler Set ---- .69e 7Piece KITCHEN TOOL 53 Piece English Dinnerware SET for only ------ $5.95 Set -- --- -- --------- $39.95 1SANDER KIT 826.88 B8 D 714" SAW KIT $49.880LPH HAR W AR B & D) JIG SAW KIT------$24.98 3/81 DRILL ------------ - $18,88 ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 a