ORtONO.WEEKLY TIMES, THIU1tSIAY, DECEMBER l5ih, 1966 ___ IMrs. J. Morris visited recently1 Behid ue O ang Cutt~ii L cal INe s lithMrs. . Jones of Port Hlope. Rehid Th %".rv-n e C-rtr-ýl c ca e s) Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Stapletlon This Week, guest columnist, Mr. v-oice of Long John Silver's par-' M1vr. and Mrs, N(orman McNally and Mr.- and Mrs. E. Stapileton at- Plerry Sanders, Peterborough, ad- rot still ringing la my ears: of Coîbornie visited on the week-!tended the funerni of their aunt1 vi;ses that books arc good Christ- -Pieces of Eight! Plieces of Elght! end with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Ms ute avy ooro nias gifts, andreiw a child- Pi!ces, of Eighlt?" Cornish and f amily, and other rel- .Mon'day. -en's lassie "Treasure fIand" by 1atives. NT6,UCW Yi f 1-' ý Tie bonUNITs 6,ibU.C.W.i Rýobt. L. Stevenisoni - one 0 h bo, istpblsedi Lboyhocod, favourites and stil1 a 1902, was reprinted 15 limes and On Tu.esday evefing, December Tuesday, December 6 th, Unit 21 thrilerforboy wholov piatewasprobably the most widely ne- l3th, Miss Lynda Tyrreil was themeintc perC.Bldg stories. claimedt of his worýks. Stevenson guest of honour at ia miscellaneouswiî9psnt IEABOKwas born in 1850 at Edinhurgh, shower held in the upper room of Ms ualwloe vrýn GIEý OKScotland, and died in 1894 at 'the Christian Education Building, a r.Dvi ecmdeeyn Tha-t tirne of year is again upon'Apea in the Sma Islands. He which was tastefully decorated n hne hmfrtersi port througl the year and wished us3, th'ai, annuiai hecad-scratching inherited from hbis mother a pul- for the occasion.,aiaMryChsta.MsM ï,s we ponder tlirprcl'aý,hse of morary disea-e wich erondemned alaMryCrsms r.M f fd d hm to a f o naiim Around thirty 1jadies gathered J. Tamblyn gave a very suitable suitabe gsfs or ~r rins anto wish Lynda happiness in ber -___ kinflk. i is endfl cam)c eÈbefor the eom- fortlcoming marriage and present ~ ~ ~ c Onesoltio tetheproiemiSp etion of the "Weir of Hermi- ber with many lovely and useful a goodi book. A botcýtie of chleer, s-ton," and he was- buried on the ,gifts. goeinia fwdays w itb nriemc-- ïeyAIni sefrf h c-ries ece a fe ed-ce;a l1i tani sefa rmte After Lyndathanked the ladies boxof and, nce hîl thy lstgravesi of his forefathers. Over lis bto, thsedntlbusbt c rave was erected a crude monu- a deliclous lunch vas served by m-ent on which was înscribed listehoess, rsB.Ln, rs goodi book, soctig ccanonrspeareiefllsW. Reid, Mrs. D. Long, Mrs. E.o chrih ormay ýearS. et:Mllson and Mrs., R. Chapman. For irls "Ane of Gr;jeen - Gables" coufld head thie ist; but Under the wide-and starry sky,] , About forty couples, attended for boys, that sirigtale OF tIlglh raead e lihe Saturday night dance -held in TO N Spansl am w ie in Steveni- Gil did 'I live and gladl1y di,,'t~OooTwnHl nado snsoniimiitable stlve is tiie A dY laid me down withl a will.1th Orono Artificial Ice Fund.o peer of al.- This be the verse you gra.ve for i 1Foundý and 'VS Pensioners j Clarke Township Duni Frm egnnn t e~,a spcnl- lmez provided the music for the even- Saturday, December 24th, 1f hine as Jiie awkînsiind, lis Here le lies wleel lne rg day, December 26th, 1966 foi monological accounit. of lis a&ý to be;MradMs. wianfaî, Also we will close at ventures beginis in,,Stevenson'5 Home is lhe home fomToronto visitcd witl Mrs. C. S. brSst096au ls usual dramnatic fashion, "I take the sea, ïMLrnovrteweked.for New Years. ulp my peu to write in the year of And the unter homie from -the Ml~rnoe h eked Garbarge Collection f( grace 17- and go back to the hill.' Mr. Bill MeNaul, Miss Audrcy [j ears Week - Monday pie time when myv father kept the 'Some- Workçs of -R. L. Stevenson Biîîîngs, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Tuesday pick-up ou Weduesq "Admnirai Bcnbw" inn and the A Child's Garden of Verse Carl Billings were Sunday guests [ brown oki seamnan wîith the sabrei Weir of Hermiistoix of Mrs. Neil Porter.O eufirst took up l his Ildging,, un- The Black Arrow jO ~- ~ Andthoe ho avered tis Dr. Jekyli anld Mr.yde. for Fiorida last week for the Win- [ stirring nvel, who .ter months. CWAVI0 agralias Jmmoi os t4' LBAR COED Friday, bf is adv7entures: "Theý barDcnbr1 UIE HRI Sile and the aýrms siil l ie, for WELCOMEÏ,-ý TO THE INEW UNTDCHRI aIl tînt 1 know, xhcere Flint bur- LIBRARY R0031 ýedthen; nd(_,rtani tiev lial'hip1-111Or noPastoral sed hem an cetaiiy heysha Located in TownshIpHl lie there for me. 0Oxein an-w a in- Oe o eember 20. i -ChWyarygei ropes woid not bring mie b-ack ONChagel u'nd the worst of dreains that ev- Tuesday - 6.30 p.m., - 8:30 P.. isrQU e n I ae are, whenIi 1lear the Thursday - 6:30 pj.m. - 8:30 p.m e. .E Ln UE I surf boomiing about itJ osso ria :0 P. m. - 5:00 p.m. start upright in bed with the 6:30 p.m. - :30 p.m. SUNDAY,r DECEMBER 18, 19661PIIE N W prayer and Mrs. Etta Irwin rendý asoy'Keep2ing Christmas-, The minutes were read and roll cnlI.ed Vst-s to hospital wcre 20; to homes 30. Sulent Night was sung and EtLta told the story of how the lymn came about. Mrs. W., Robinson, read a poern and the offering and 10e a week bags wcre colleeted aftcr whichu the treasurer gave a report. Dur- ing the business period a vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Dux- vaîl who la retiring as leader The generai meeting will be D- ceonner l5th. The meeting ciosed- ard a delicious lunch was serve-' S OC-=O= O.~IŽ ,Z2D <IZDC ~2DO up will be closed at, noon enl 1966 and closed ail day Mon- or Christmas, .t noon en Sýatuirday, Decem- ll day Monday, January 2nd for Christmas week and New ýkup will be on: Tuesday and ýday. lek .E AUTO WRECKERS >CO=CO= =<O= OC= SuÏïday Scbhool at 10:00 Morniing Service at 11:15 '~ ~ F E * Bowmnanvill e DKirby-I 623558 g Morning Service at, 9:45 62 -5 8 Sunday School at 11:00 Servinig 'Orono, Newvcastle anid District j Leskard- - g Sunday School at 9:45 THRDYto SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 16 anid 17 _________________________ Second FiddIe to a Steel Guitar [j olo Muica iTOWELS LADIES' SLIPPERS Klt>'weis ndPanol ~Just in time for last-mýinute- shoppers, Several new styles ini ladies' slippers. a big shipment of Cannon and Canitex Black brocaded slippers wiîth wvedge heel. it4Towels has ajrrived. Soild colours and ati> lRICE - $3.95 SUTNDAY to WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 to Ye1 ý,P ith inkbugre.n Blue or tan Motcasin Slippers with yelowf ur trim. PRICE - $3.25 gBath TGwels .. . . $159 $1.98 Soff orlon pile Slippers with rubber âe sole. Pink, bine or red. PRICE- $3.99 HandTowls ... 5e.to 119Velvet Slippers with iwetallic trim.' Resrieed ac Clths45etoPlue only. PRICE - $3.00 CandiîcVe Bergen and Shirley KNulgt Metallie Slippers ini bandy pouchi for coor%.0ca-rrying. PRICE- $2.98 to,$3.99 __________________________LACE TABLECLOTIIS C ID ES LIP Good qnality lace Tableeloths, nmade in Scotland. Fancy designs in erru and A new stock of Cildr(eiî's Slippers. white.Sizes 0"x70 and 7"x90"Several styles for by and girls. Sizes6 f to 4. Prce fIl.. $5pue$1,9 Priced froni .. 2-25 to $3.25 1 take tL-his opportunity to thank ailthoe ho uportd e ad ork I CIILDRENS' SCARFS GIRLS' DUSTERS à,Wool or orlon scarf s for babies and Attractive styles in dusters for littie smnall children. Plain and faney kait in, girls. Red or pink predomninatig. Sizes 4 edt on my.\ behiaif in the recent election pink, blue, white, brown, red and navy. to 6x years. for Orouno Police Trustees. Priced from ... $1,00 to $1.98 prie fo7...$29 o 39 S-easons Greetings to everyone. FLOYD NICHOLSON ARMSRO G' __________________________________ PREMUÙ CI ASL 99 PQ7-42~15