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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1966, p. 1

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EVV~ ~hriztmas to f~cr~onE ORONO WEEKLY' ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1966 TmI ESSSchool Board Approve Plans VOLUME 28, NÇJMBER 49 Bobbhie Mles, son of Mr. and wondersý about Santa's words to Orono last Satuîday ai lirs. Bruce M yles, is showni as lie whenl Santa paid bis annual visit 200 children spoke with Sanita in arriving in Orono on Satuýrday afternon becamne ver busy withi a visit to the ChUuch at UACbxistm,-as party anmd foll1owing thijs to the Orono rink forSatX Santa first visited theChr-ist- mnas pryof the Kndrgate section of the United Church Sua- day Schoob Salta brought Ais rierry wxelcome and was enjoyed la hanvin-g 'the cehîren sing Christ- niDas carols. At. the Oronio rink Santa's Skat- itng part-y was well attended and on ls arrivai he took part moù- antentarily in the skaing beo re greeting each ehild indivichsally iîcthe pstairs rooui which lad beeýn de-corated for the occaýsion. Santa greeted over two hundred chuîdren, presentin;~ each ith a Chistmas candy cane. Mhefree skating party and the arrvaiofSanita was spons,,ored by the Orono Chamber of Commerce. CounacilHoisFi n.al11966 Meetà The Towni-ship of Clarke Coun- cil mnej tiin flasessiqnon ]cyn emnber l5tli with il miembers present Cuclat the meeting passed a -resolution giving approval for the construction of an eightroomn srhool plus g-eneral purpose rooni at, Kirby at an estimated cost of $280,00.Q0. Council's approval was subi ect to approvals from the Ontario Municipal Board and the D)epartment of Education. A pre- vious resolution passed by Coun- cil in this matter was recinded. The Clerk was auithorized to. forward the compi.eted Municipal Fire Protection survey to the pro- per authorities. This request was made la November of 1965. The new Public libifaries By- law, was passed setting up a Township of Clarke Pui rary Board. Those appo theç Board we.-re Messrs. cett, E. R. Woodyard, R. rester, and L. M. Hallow reeve orf the municipality maticaliy a member of tih By resolution Council ized the Clerk to prepare by-iaw setting the whoke Police Village of Orono a improvement area. The of theb-aw which was ed by the Orono Police is tLo allow charges to1 ovrthe whole Village expendi tures for t he Village road prograni. Mr. E. R. Woodyard we.h Council asking t. Trustees and Council r gether'ita discuss the Vif. ing over the old Townshi For -Nem JmsLowery suggested that they leave tai feature out at this tume until such time as they knew Swhere they Were goirg. On approving the p!ans it is 11W, left up to the Board to have thea processed throügh the De- LIr. Wr. Carman spoke to the Ec-d outliit g the recent de- os of the Department 6f un- cation 'who are askinc that publie school units be of a minimum size of eit east 300 pupils. Ile al- so referred to a speech by Mr. ternoon. Davis, Minister of Education, who Santa: bas stated that integration of Public Schools and Higli Sclîools under one Board is flot too far in the future. Mr. Carman- pre- sçnted ýa petition askîng that fur- jther consideration, be given to gthe local plan and asking that a li i-committee of, members ()f the binteL to Public S 1chool Board, . High School Kayte Ly- Bo~ard anidCoueilmeet iththe. C.ý' For- Mnîster of Education toô discuss Cl. Tor- future policies of the Department, eor.of Educâi.ý Board. r. A. A. H. Strike stated that author- the main concern is the edueýationï ea draft of chldren. Hie pointed out that eof the there are many changes 'being is a locâl undertaken today in curriculum purpose and that the larger sehools may ýeuet be required., ie feit that students Tn'i-stees, be 'made té iieet $103), 'o also met bat the rieet to- Ilage 'talc- .p garage and lands for use by Orono lly- dro. The request was tabled. The following accouints were approved for payment: Orono Trustees 6,726.34 Townsýhip General, 288,664.30 Township Road 12,037-29 Township Welfare 802.36 V-Kirby School have now. at al aoting »h as a per-' ~es for Strike, sehoos,. as Wise n areas nt. lHe SSchook ýther in from a ouncil lie ibetween x~ ~ -,~nheldini this connection. An eight-- om school la not too, large, he said, Our major concern la to obtain the best 'type of e ducation today and also in ten years time. Mr. Strike, feit that thé Kirby area was not, at the present time, showing growth and hie sce sucli a school rocated ifl this area. Mr. Greerwood said if he would turn west at Kirby in stead of east he. would sce growth in this area. Inspector HIimes in speaking on the matter' said each area war diff erent and that 300O pupit schools were fine in some places but flot practical in others. He said that with the growth in Clarke that the sehool would in time grow into larger units. Teachers for public schools were in short supply, he said, 'and 1 can't see where we are going to keep Up with the de. mýand." Mr. Holmes felt that àthougà ar'eas were uIslng team ea 1Ch' Pg there was aiso a strong trenid t,) reduice classes to 20 or 25 stud- ents. "I don't cisagree with what the' two gentlemren haves.aid," stated Mr. ilolmes, How ever how mueli can we hope to have when we have flot the population or the assessmnent. Hie also said that un.. less we are willing to double sal- aries we are flot going to get teachers from the larger centres. Mr., Greenwood stated that he cloubted theuse of lionie Econoni. les and Industrial Arts in public- sehools. lie also asked if tha School Board could wait ei years for aý Townýr.ship- Plan. Mr. Grecnwoo)d thanked the del, egation for their interest. SeniorOooBn The Oronol Senior Band with twý'elive members present,, held thei annal eeting on Monday enin lite Township Hall, fironrio. Buiespertaininrg to both the JuirBandic and Senior Band was ondutedaloig with the el- eioofofficer-s fr1967. Mr.CaranCorishsecretary- treasurýýLPer, reseaQýted Jthe treasur- aelof $490.37. Reepsduring the ~ ~ ~ ~~L psyeraoneto$1544. whic inlude Juiorf ees of $106. reeitx oi unior Band concrts f $4010andSenior BandParae ad fars f $25000. Expense duringîle sane per- lad amute o $5386.> 0f ,this amoun $127,21was or edoyen new nstumets;$70,00for in- stucio;$270 0 0fr instrumen It was reported that financially the Jun ior Band had operatd( quoite -wel durinigGthe year' Authorization was gîiveii by thle meeting to make some imnprove-- nients il, the ixun equipmrent providing a chilid can be obaned têý playdrums Jn"the Juiior Band, The meeting aiso authorized thýe renting, of a bus to take Junior 1 Band niembers to Sir, Wilfred Laurier Coliegiate in- Scarborougli wkere thley,. have been invited to play. The junior Band at Sir Wil- fred Laurier would play a retura engagement at Clarke High school Both engagements would be dur- ing, sehool hours. Mr,,. Darcli, leader of the Junior Band, is to finalize arraîiements for the ex- chaîlg concerts which are ex- pece in February. laîeelection of o tieshie 1910 lf~e~ wîereturInr,,d, bPc 'isdent Wm. Allia,. î Vire Prsideat - Roy Forrester Sec Teas -Cainia i Coraisb mbrsofte Senior Band voir dL tue sie to re-oranize the SeioLand. la this Mvr. Don- aM ld amni was appointed Band- mnaster wt authority to arrange the instrumen1tation of the band. The Senior Band is to commence practicing on M1onday, January 9. Plrior to this practice Mr. Hammi At the 0roio Junior Garden- is ' t, ontact the potential band ers Awarcj Night and Show re- members lai respect to instrument- cently M~iss Weu4dr Mereer was at714p. presented with the 4C 4ward for Co-operation., Challenge, Com- petition and Creativeness. The trophy was donated by KmI. O W. RoIpb and becatuse she is in hospitai, Mr. Rolph made theý i*esentatiôs. Courtesy Canladian Statesman. .......... . - - -- 1

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