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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1966, p. 5

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,oRoNo wEE.KLY TIMES, THURSIDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1966 ____ ~~mni he .an~ Crton oca ~ our ToStuy ith the board providing a pie elne-o4id Thé,Orang, Lo al e s through therboard thareIthnke Bec ause everyone is enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lane and e hrould thebadar thinkott the book reviews wit ten by the son have nîoved to ternwe te ay P n adshldb digsmthg 1~ TL iode8 class at Orono Public home at Dean's Corner.bor. Sethoo Ml, tis week's eort byMs The Orono Cubs enjoyed their. Alan Strike, chairman of the 1ýî ir-ý.Kathyii ewelom-s Christmas Party on Monday even- management committee of the Board chairman, W, C. Keyes, M.and Mr-s. Edigar Middleton's Ing with tîjeir. Cub Masters Messrs Durham District High Scho de hth huh oeo h dau hte, sng wih t e G ee Ou ille C at ro , D n l t p Board, has suggested the board schoos had decided on som et in g C nub, and is a trumpeter with the les and PaCJ roeneveld. Games undertake a centennial project. permanent. Friayeenîng at the Orono Juniior Band. She has advanced to were enjoyed, gifts exchanged and hokv ihti Ooo 'eSenior division in the' RedlChristmas tree decorated and 1.r. Strike commented: 1 wonder Mr. Srk de ht h wih or amsbeing plaiyed, ail Cross swimmiflg lessons. ihd hcgaetealafs-asabrdw ter esoud' thought this tied in withî centen- înovn ocal teams. Wt arti-1 Heree shares with us her lv appearance. do something to encourage a cen-niipoetduaon eeam , Sidonie". tennial contest, such as'an essay ilpoetduaonwkad fiilice, the program of hockey pleasure in the book 1"ioi" Mr. Terry Graham, Queen1's t-Un- contest on the centennial year the cent ennial year. isoprtg efficiently this year SIDONIE, îversity, Kingston, is sýpendeing. his ________________________________ with výisitingi teams from the New-1 "Sidonie" is a very good book Christmas vacation with bis par- a l, owanvle n shawa'te read - a mystery, whicb in, t r n r.E rhm OOO~3O O~ OOO~ area. ývolves adventure and career, ai BANTAMS WVIN- ýýr bu true friendship to, At the morning service of Or- I The Or-ono Bantams defeatedl a ward one another. Sidonie is a ono United Church four children Bowma-junille team on Friday ev- classic written by Elizabeth Seib- were baptised. They were Suzanne ening at tie Orono rink hy a er'Christine Allen, daughter of Mr. 0 T he Orono goals were shared I Elizabeth Seibert has been' a wr ovin, son of Mr. and Mrs. C E by laneMofa, im PatnrNavy wif e for more than thirty 'Marvin Cvin; Bradley John edy obnoKe-n Partridge years and sînce hier husband's Stapleton, 1so of Mr. and Mrs. nnd John Benna.ile Bowman- retirement has lived on Florida's Wm. Stapleton and Christine Les- vileg al was seored by Twist. est -oast on Longboat Key which lie Vowles, daughter of Mr. and TO Nur D M ATOM WI- cos ely resembles the Cormorant MVrs. P. Vowles. The Oon Atorns recorded a Key of the book. Mrs- Seibert is - 1 Mr. and Mrs . Alex Watson are Clar-ke Township Dump will be closed ai- noon on ro deiiv icoyon Friday even- Lie author of many stories for Ispetnding Christmas w~ifli Mr. andl Satiirday, December 24t,1966 and clo"ed ail day Mon- ýing defea1tng a Bowmanville At- teenagers and of two previous nMs rheWtoBtyAndy Dcme 6h 96frCrsms omtem y core of 9-1. Steven tnsiies. Other books which she Ms ici asn et n aDcme 6h 96frCrsms Allen ad i em mtswt isxite r u-mrC Ilem~d Larry, Waterdown- ber Aiso we will close at noon on Saturday, Decem- tbree gals folowed by, David - tr Perfect'; "Party A. B. Mi-. and Mrs. I{oy Barrabail, Mr. 31srN196 andcoe a odaJnur Aîsrow o. Single goalsC'; "Mis~s Behavior". Ail very an Lisf3ls arblMs sc,ý ýiL. BaryWýst Dog r.ý,estn, bok ofmytey ndclas. Wlood and Mr. and Mrs.O Garbarge Collection for Christmas wëèk ani New f3 ears Week - Monday pickup will be on Tuesday and f BlcChriUs Robinson and John g,1 eat suspense forteens. Skilney Barrahaîl attendcd the Tuesday pick-up on Wednesday.3 Itobinsoni. About'The Story Týa ýrabail-Soott Wedding iii Ot- f MIDGW1ETý1S WI-idoDi.e is one of the.lucky tawa on Saturday, December 17. The Oroneo Midget hicke,(y club ;people who kn1ow exactly what -1 aise egiseîe a victory ov7er the they wantte dIo when they gradu- Mr0alKmet ssedn visiing Newast e u by aiate from high school. She had holidays with bis parents Mr. and f (i f -the Orono goals wîtb the ever since she saw th-beefts-- --- ot',hers by Steven, Black, M4. Mac- hier younger sister, Suzy who basj 1rgo.P. We(sthEýuser and Neil cerebral palsy. BLut Sidonie knows Alun. ~~~that sbe will ne t be free te go ~ .ç UNITED CHURCH __________________________ JuVENILýES DEFEATED- away to subool un-ýless money can I The Orzon o Juiveniles went down1 fi-st be found to send Suzy te rn asoa te def eat te a Newcastle squad're-1 treatment centre. Sîdonesol W hly l'ay M ore.....,c cently. The sýcore 9-4. q hope is te fiid the special legacy hag B. 0ack nd Dug efft. cdinevrydrct ion. 1 6a rono ol were scoe by promised te o rbybrgra>~.,~ON PREMIUM Briaii eser Cameron Perrault, uncie but ber search seemiS block- M inisjtrV'42 QUALITYga ATTENDANCE GOOD- Althoigl Sidonie- and ber Rev. B. E. Long FUEL OIL Aftendiance at the Friday ight frîiendfs cdo a-'lot of sailing and SUNDA!Y, DECEMBER 25, 1966 gameLs at the Orono ikhv fnsacini sdicu-IPIIONE NEWvVCASTLErý 987-4215 been qitegod sefartisyar ggte bave olyvague and in- OrOnOû This support haps encouraged the4icomplete d'irections and ta 'real- Sunday, School at 10:00 lo lplayers and is aise assisting - ize that ilfindhp are>, chang- Mrning Service at 11:15 X UL O I n he f n n i of the 1rk>. iFUng.O ____Before the unusual iegacy is Morning Service at 9:45 found, idoi a ee nra Sunday Sebool at 11:00Sevn OrnN w ate ndDsrt O o odanger andf as earned a great evn Or oN w ate ndDs it deal about berself and about the ýLeskai-d OnSnay afternoonat ..qaiiso which truc friendsbip Sunday Sehool at, 9:45 tbie Hi-C mnet in the Church te depends..aty idltn- I 1- f. iX1 I rr have their business meeting and 4' - a 4...y LA i.d . e- -o went e'ver the songs which were ULBRARY NOW, OPEN IN to be played that night. ITOWNSIIIP HALL Raye West moved that we pay HOURS,63 ..-83 Our bilis. Kathy Coatbamn second-! Tues.-63.PM 8:0p. ed h oto.Thurs- -6:30 p. noio.m. -8:30 P.rn. We later d-iSceLtSd our New Fni.- 2:30 p.m.- 5:00 P.m. Year'sDance on wýhich we made 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 P.M. sone suggestionis. We then ieft te _____________________________ return at 7:15 p.m.A coloured motion- picture, -.'... -r At the Hfi-C Eveninig Service Fce The Music" was presented field at 7:30 file following program land proved most interesting, The was enjoyed by those attending: isngpae ad bndictien Mutsical Prelude of Recorded lwas pronounced by Rev. Ba1 E G!ospýl Favories Long. Cail te worsip by Rev. Basili Collection came te $22.40., Lon- A con egtioal ymn, on Thursday, December lSth sing from "ong of the Gospel".;the Hi- C were eut sellingUnited ... TheBibe lesson was read byiChurcb Calendars and on Thurs-. ...... ...1. ..... floeby prfayer by Rev- Long.1 Christmas Carol singing. i eLL 62 w58 r3T Ut-- I- A . -lECE r,[BER 22, 2241 3 or good cheer -.C s~w o Uis erel-lave a app ü ida Q LORD LOVE &A DUCK - Roddy COLOR - COED1Y Wl '4' -I . . . . ....... ... ...... .

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