!~V T1FA. TIUtSDYDECEMBER' 22nd, 1966 So, chrdveennDcm herBt te~Orono United Cuc Adtr was the scene of ga- ety and bî-auty as the Orono Jun- îror Gardeners Club held itsý an- tulAward Night- Dinner, Christ- m1as Party and Christmas Decora- tioûn Show. ~The festivities began at 6 p.m.. when 50 members and guests saIt djowvn to a dlelicious supper foi- 1iwe by games and singsong. At 8:30 p.m. the awards -and ý,ýîrizes were presented. Kiwanis President Fred Tippins, ~f Bowmnanville presented his -hbsannual tr-ophies and compli- rnilented the Juniors on a spflendid ýshow w'ichi showed how MTèll the talents of creative art is dvlp figin the group. Mr. T.ppins, Mr. FýRoss Jackman and Mr. Bill Mih- ~wc.ail members of the Bow- ru-ïanville Kiwanis Club, had the difficuit job of judging the 106 The prize winners wve-,e: bowmanville Kiwanis Tro(,phyý for- the Best Garden, 1966 - Don- ~na Challice; Bowmanville Kiwanis- T'rophy fdr the most poinIts in the Annual Show- Dale Evans; Bow- -nanville Kiwanis Trophy for Ach- ýý,vemients '66- Wayne Couvier. The 4 C Award Trophy donated 4yMvrs. 0. Rolph and1 presented hyMr., 0. Rolph, was won by ~Wendy Mercer. The prize for the ,best arrangement using natural n-iatLeials went to Donna Challice. Herý creation was cleverly dlone .around a piece of sîlve.red drift- woteaýsels, cones and eve!'- "gedwiffi poinsettias. Hcnor- abemention went to 'YvOnne Sýchoenmaker and Den,,-nis Cobble- Hijghecst poinits in the Christ- -msShow- Yvonne Scoemaker. Vrize idonated by Mms. INorton, hTndor flouse Antique Shop., Verfeet Attendance - Dale Ev- lener Show To ee Examined~ eebr2 o3 Lawrie Schmiid D ce b r2 o3 Class 3, MlanIt1e Arr-angenient A reclirement that ail high Srs, Donna Challice, Charmaixie school students taking part in in- STORE CLOSEID - December Z5th, 26th and 27th iNewmian, Gay Quinota; Jrs.,i ter-school sporting evenlts be giv- Yvonie, Schoenmnaker, Lawvrie en medical examninations was ap- OPEN - Q9'a-ni. to 6 p.n. Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, ,Shid, Kim West. proved at a recent mneeting of the December 28th, 29th and 31st. Friday, Dc 30, 9 a.m.-9 p4.. ScmDurhamn County District High' fr,--4 W~~-Sei h-4 Sehool Board hield in Port Hope. mazý Card Cutouts - Srs., D>ale Ev- PHARMACIST ON DUTY, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. December 23 - 29 anis. Donna Clhallice Carn ath- Temaur lcorne into ef 5 p.m.'- 9 p.m., Lecember 30 and 9 a-i.m- 6 p.m. Dec. 31 arn: Jrs.. Lawrie Schmid, Cathyj fect as of next September 1. Milison, Caro! Barnett. The practice of requiring med- ST PH RA C Y 1 Cass 5, Gift Box - Srs., Donna ical examinations for athletes om- S U T S HR <'hallice. Jiiie Schimid <'h1l""ai ne peteing in inter-school. matches is Newmnan; Jrs.. Yvonne Schoen- already a pohicy at Port Hope High ntkr Lawrie Schmid, Susan School. West.1 The action of the board will Cla;ss 6. Corsage(, for Mother _ spread the practice to other S..Chiarmnaire Newmian, Karen schools in the.high school district. Coatham , W endv M ercer; Jrs., ',T e m t o e e v d c n id r I jRP I E O H Yvonne Schoenmaker, Lawrie Thle dsmsot. reved oie EP PA D FO T E Scliid aiciKimeast thou,1h th1e edias awere flot re- Compulsory -Driving Test Ppýt TVont and Coloutred' erqtiîredd could b -nuiance to ENO NWFRTH Book - Yvonne Schocnmaker. physiciiâns. NO NWFRTH Seed Mosaic Pictures, judged There was some thought that if Srs., Gay Quinton, -Dale Evans, athietes thley might well be re- Wayne Convier; Jrs., Yvonne quired -for ail students who take Schoenmaker, Lawrie Schmid. part in physical1 education pro-' rv n Mrs.Tho. Fjrbotlerdirct-gramin y n asus Mrs Ths. airroilir, iret-You can enroli now for a refresher course of 1 or ndinstucor.vaschiran However, school principals sa id houirs of cl-ass-room instruef ion which bas been of the proeramo. She thanked ail ta tiet aigpr najauthorized by the Ontario Department of Trans- those Who have contributed to a th:schoîde ance dd per ien aPot. TI'e course consists of three sessions oif 21ký rnost nccesfulsyer m9r sti-euouly than thý:e dd nIhnurs eath and costs only $10.00. The first course and pérsonal aid, byedon ans in' physical educùation classes. - ilcmec al nJnay 1967. progressive memibers, and the For applicafion forms appl11y to splendid cooperation of Miss Bar- bara Aiken, Treasurer, Mr. andj, In approving 'the examinations ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Mrs. O. Challice, Mrs. D. Eyans for inter-school athietes thueI PETERBOROUGH CLUB and Mrs. E. Couvier, assistant board took note of a suggestion- directors; also ,mrany others who. that these sport' people did have 328 Water Street -Peterborough, Ontario have been mocst helpful. Ms ednc opa are n ourses will be lheld in Bowmapnvilie, Cobourg, Fairbrother wished al a Happy Put more effort into their act- f Lindsay, Peterborough and Port Hope Christmas and wonderful Centen- ivities becauise of conditions of ~* niaI New Year, keeni competition. ------ A message from Mrýs. O. W.1 Rolph who is currently confinedt ______________________________ to Memorial Hospital, Bowman- .. . ii-' - - ville, was read. She complimented * -i.. the directors and members forp their fine work in the commnitty -and wished them continued s uc- DURHIAMV FARMERS' OUN TY COO cess in the coming year. A vote ofthanks was expressed b the Ph e98-10Orn Onao gathering and wished Rolph O o o O trc a speedy recovery. W" ALIF TiUliT I1ýVB» 1IJU~UVIl, MVerbersniip Drive - Dale Evansa riedonated by Mrs. O. Chalice. j_______________ -Ycongest Exhibitor - Marlyn' Snelders, prize donated by Mrs. <g£~îi '~ *Evans. Sr.n1-6 yrs.; Jrs., 63-1ys Class 1, Flining Tl'able Arrange- I ,nent - Srs., Denis Cobbledick, 'Cha àr mnaine Nýýewman, Gay Quinton. I Juniors - Yvonne ýSchoenmaker, LareSchmid, Jamie Qitn <Class 2, Door Decoratîon - Srs., i~naChafllice, Charmine PNew- ~Man, ens obe ick rs., Car- l3arett Yvnne Schoenîmakeýr, I CARPENTER %WORK Ieio and Exterior Rates 2kITypes of Work FrcrïnSmIJost o- kepn.(10yerbo- bay imiiz %ý rhe Credit Union is not onm- Iy the handîest place te save your money, but, it pays dividends aFs good. or better, than other places Wo 'Save, Ask about the lhf insurainc- provided withotit addedf charge for eligible Savers, evea if Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orýjo SANDA- l W wiIbe closed film Saturday noon on Decem- ber 24th ýtg Tuesday morning, December 27. Al80 t Saturday noon, December 2lst to Tuesday moru- ing, January 2nd, 1967. là .. . - -- dell y u -nerrly fr zj our ovai ard May e výýh ou he sniegencoul me-qur 0[ h j 0'Cý c wih yur vjUj -SADIEA. HA 'ýLTO * C MPLETE ALIT<> SERVI E