ORONO WEEKLY TIM1ES, TIJURSDAY, DECENIBER 22nd, 1ý66 ___________ M1iss C. W. Stewar-i.t, Miss Anne * Fot~r Mrs K.Woodandsome oyther m'others and children, of jrthe Kendýal School, about0ten- ty fiVe in, ail, w7ent to Oshawa J* on December l4th to hear "The * Me-îsih" led by IVr. Mel.mecCoy twas ,e'ry muchl enjoyed Mr, ke. cCy, principal or xè Kenda1l sholae hsW edaDecember 21 frýom Mal. ton air-port to visit his home in *Jamaicil for -the Christmas va- cation. Mrs. Bert Tý.ompson had a *fail about a week ago andi is in A Bowmanville Hospital. Miss Joan Falls is in Peter- boroughi hospital for a check-up. M ~ issels Bernice and- (JVelma Wiynn, and Murray Wynn of Or ifia visited' theirune Fred 1_1ý4 Wynn and other friends oni Sun- Skînle , Shrt ShaktRedy te Eat Whole or Hall aDcmef8 Miss Drida clee od s * bone rom etehoeof'hTeach- Co11ge fr th Cbis:tmas' iwety.iveladecom- Sdn~1 bm Pndless Siced r'e~ the millnery course w if h'heauifu hn ade hats We extenid to oui- leaders Mrs, À J. Fie derson and Mrs. 1 rown "L'blePit, rad 'A RedyfortheOve,,our appreciation. Smmryday demnonstration iwil be Jariuary Tabl-Bie, Gade'A'Bead fo th Ove, Yung12 in.-Orono. ~fTENT "ANNOUNCE S Toms liens 20 '6ls p6-14 lbs. iAVg. O~M O ofT ct unie tyfr.e it Prices Effective December 21, 2Z, 23 & 24 . , b.Tolcuesrsnth (iIdro sience and art, will be We Reserve th Riglit to Limit Quantifies. n rsne dfn h oyths, ofý ~ ,~, ... . Jauaryand February.. toillustrated lectures onth ~ genetic otbe entitled New *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ..*~ *~ ~ .~~.~- ~..~* ~~ ConceLpts of lleredity, wlbe -ore- sented byl) Dr. Mra . msrof PrToronto. Dr. Fmr, iheHa Grde 'A' Ready for fel e m ens o theBioceisteSubdivisio * oug roe Cyoac2 ls.& p6-14 lbs. Avg, of, the Bonlocncer Inýsitute.l Vouli'On theeeîening of Mondays 16 oftitled0t,,ý Calvngte r Iile o TURKEYS 1b39c 1b45c eneCdtee6 pl anuary, 1967, hîs addfress wi'ibe> * ~ -. o v .ng*the ,l .c c i ,(3t Heinz Fncy 48or. Tis .withsesrwill sbe heod thescott C> - urileFbranCrTrent i- IGA Oven FIeshinal Fserie f li eturftesei lectari, SpcalLcurrl Ata farilysiz 49seondsries of l ectues, wIn ch * ,sCou tarilexpamine thed Ros SwetMuer16ozngr 2 Februay, 1967: American ICICKLES Lh ý adsaeithlthCnuy 2 MarSpch,16 an trin ALta 3 jars 9e scaen thentiv e nu ry,. f z 4 C 'scodheQrie l ecu ai ofwhich will benfuly Piluýestated wth FA P PE S Jadslu e aning tfefPublicoLec ri ~es ifor dthe Wnt er Ter, C - -a2ylrade B.C b5d3. i d s bet lyonshe xpor e ie ar thi s fleawsur tteadto 't A Poula BiCtn, o 20 9yebraryf a series on adsni èe lý,e tere 0jin the s erie pev ànd publi affai-s carton I : piL, dr-ai the fikso Rose Sweet ilîxed 16 z.Terrm23 e niversity Aerea ~~ra es lb ~~c ~ rap s I ~t~ ~ - ... L* d tesecnd annual eies of Canada Grae B.C. duin the Spring em, it wa Pro,,fessr Jon ttigrew , Asof ciat lPro esor o Enllsh a41 Trent0Universiin .... . . ....... 1 ïww"iâïý