ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUESDAY, DECEMI»Elt 29t, 196êi the curtain rises on 1967, each1 Report From (Qfeen's Park bave teFe Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durhýai (docs one have 1the privileg-e 0f ipate ihe nation's bâithay Only once in a hundred years lbeing invitecd to a centeniary. As eeha ioi he one hundredth an- neràyof confederation. Froro thve-sea pastuires and coal' fedso tbemaritimes, to theciRE 1 gorges of the rockies leading F -ri doawn to the blue pacific, the year N W will, be m-a'kd by public festiv- E * iepradles and pageant.Tee (' Through the years. S ..will, be a sirit of gaiety and en- been aur Snere joyment. a,,- there will be humble pleaslJre te serve yoi thankrgivinq, to the Almighty, un- Mony thankî for yo nation bas ac' ieved one hundred <yeaiýs of unjted, peaceful pro- %,,Tht;vThe wiIl see the unveiling of significanit centennial projects in ev-ery commuhity across Can- ada; pyrojects which in Durhami ;County will range from the estab- lishment of a pioneer homestead to th e history in book form of 'Best mnuiipalities, and will includte wihefo ever.yone the restoration of historic build- We hope wec can serve you ings, the establishment of com- ivl better thi3 coming year! . munity parks, and the erection of community buildirig-s for the use an~d enjoyment of our citizens. Tt can be a wonderful year, a year i l wich we can do muchH STU IS PH RM CYto fulfili the burning h(opecs of «11 STUTTIS HARMACYthe Father s of Confedertio;ý, who believed, that in the nwnation- ality they achieved~ somnethig titi great, and in spite of geography biiult a natiou. Confederation broitght about %uiity," but it was, a diversifîed un -__________ ity, a uniîty achieved only through toierance, co-operation, and com- promise. Ta this centeanial year ,..... 1,1 and in the years to follow, thjs BAILE T S LA IE ~A L R spirit mnust be sustaiaed if wçe are 15 to build a Canadianismi tha-t has e significant rneaniag. ^ PORT H P This important milestone in our history tmust 'bean roccaslýn for recalligthe routs followedi by WE'RE OVERSTOCKED Our- ancestors in maklaig it pos- sible for Canada to celebrate one hullndred years as a nation. AND TUE WEATH1ERMA,'N WAS NO HELP mdte aenry h a TU SL EEVOE15WITN FRades, the speeches, zind the n e,ï veilings, %we shou)ld eeme their work hardened hands, thel- tiny rough iogged homues shelter- ý'îed by nunierius fîr tVees, their hiomnespuni garme-nts, thie count- 1 2 7 esshardships ihey efld1redf tigr e4 FRTRIMMED & UTIMDeg and, vision,, but above al their faith in the future. Tf our ancestors had ýonly dreamt illusions; if they had nev- er tried to realize their failli and I ~ f flope -inthle future; if they hýad ý/ submitted to the discouragements ll of their many defeats aad mis- takes, Caaada's fame would stîli s' be unknonwn, and our- culture aad prosperitýy stil1ta be aehïeved. &' COME EARLV ;FOR. BE;s_ÏSELECTION Cnda population ia,1867 1 was eapproxtmiiately 3% rnfilion, one aîf of ithie preseat population v A I Se ts-tNlof Ontarlo, ITt was basically of 4S TH RS B let's L dies W ear Itwo <rea4ý cultures, French and,. T U S1 Aniglo Saxoni, but since _______dei_____ 9 a-w l -J ,ïthere 1have corne taCanada", .i 7 2 '7 ALO S. PR HP shores illionis of people fromn DE .2 85 237ý2 lother landis, people of every race, of every cr-eed, and of every tongue. Many exiles Iseekiag saac -___________ _______________________________________________ uary ha--ve found here not merely ~ ~ ' i ý(Contiuued on Page 6) Itw.