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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Dec 1966, p. 4

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________ O1~NO WEEKLY TIMES, TJIURSDAY, Behi[nd The Orange Curtoini To-day's clunnla the last of jar'Y post on the Columbia River, thie series chose-n for pub!ication Thle ind ans who lived there f om reviews writteni by Gradle wr afsavdCayuse Indians. Bpupils of Orono Puýblic Shoo. Te Whitmnans learneti the n4aive The witer is Mi<a ý,Wendy MNeicer, lnae Dr. Whitmnan faileti ac d!aughtei of Mr. anw is. Donald fe-w times. I hop1e youl will in-1 Mercer. Wendysa 's that se. oes ire about fthis bookaniwle- to, readti, but also findis ti1me forjy . her two fao i sports;-swim 1Wentiy Meicer mping andi skatinr- TlUs- is hier e- -UR AT TEEf NEW LIBRARVI port on a book ~a netîe us :0pm :0pm ber iecent]y. 'h 0s.-':30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Titie - Docter lan Bickskin Fn. ---2:30 p.11. -5:00 p.m. Atos- T. D.. Alen 61:30 1).m1. -8:30 p. REVJEW - Thi bok la viyCOMS OWN goti because È involves som,,e As th!is is the last -of the "Be- hisoîyani wllhoid youm at-i hn Illhe Orange Curitin" series, tentoion for- a logtnJ.I wish to take this oppoitunity Thiis boo'swoe panoramna of t thank ail thosne who assisteti histIoriae lfigures. of real conv liine e u imy lteîm with the Or-1 inglniinss1outiappeal to al ono Lihrary BPoar(t. A special those of aîmoat aniýY age whioIlike Iak-o o ail who encourageti hi -,(,. lvtui. an inspiriand ýf aideti in the relocation of the1 toyof huminan courage andi de- Library: best wishes te 'the new iroton.- Ca;fke Twnship Libîaîy Boaiti A.bout teAtos in their efforts in 1967 to operate< T. D. Allen standis for Ter aporesvwelaiinsee '1nti Doni Allen, the co-authoîs ot Libirary. "Djocter in Bcsi" Althougp' Wiiting1 "Behind the Orange this is their firat- joint wýIting Curtain" bas been a real joy te pîoject, Mi. anti MJis. Allen have m -e; 1 ho'ye that iît gave somne en- long sbaied] a numiber of interesta omet as well as information,1 anti one of itheir reateat enu-01 to l It)js reatiers- iasrnsis l the cMoorful Hî-fstery of iHaipy New Yeaî! the West. Afteî h1aving liv7etli',~ Dorothyv Robinson1 vrosplaees ,ýail over the countffl OR OT: ry, they still have "fatal cases Ve regret that the "Orange of western fever", anti confesa cu'tin ust go for it has net that, they are con-stantly lookfing onlyaideti a îefîeshing, weil forexuss t mveon crasIwitte n columa t o this paper but the Rockies. The Allens are no0W a lso îawn attentÏon te the livig 'l' CamelCalîoiffa. alue of book-s anti their se About the Story- 'fhe weekly column bas suîly ati- ToStory' if of the WLest ilte vanceti the usefulîneas ofOi chiays wher the firat wagon taISPul)ic' Library _over the Past leW were pushth leir way beyonti j yearin bOronQ). thie S~ockles.Hpso' Bay Co. May we express oui thanks, men ruled in in egon qn,,ithe I, 1 n loig with the thanka of, many dlianp. fought white rien. o,'h ets tc Mis. Robinson for a niost Dr. Mtucus Wtna iogtieetigand. entertainling col- bis bltiè Nii-clsa tIo nilsaln- m gCoke with us t0 Su]nny Bermuda STHURSDAY, JANUARXY 5th ôÎ g For a-pproxrimately $ 1 .00to g 80 WMAN'vI 'ýLIE TOWN H ALLg g BomanvlleRotary Club Traveleg;ueg Bowmanvil le 62-3-55 THURS - FI, ' aT DCER t19, 3X,31 A- FRtKI'ýe AND IOHNNY g Eleven New Song H1itf Q1r SUN. - MON. - TUES. - WED. B JANUARV 1, 2, 3, 4 HOLD ON TH1E ROUNDERS I~ 1 LT and 1Mrs. Glenn Allia andi !anuly, anda mnrs. Jirn by and ny L &I i w s Newcastle.' St Eustache, Qne., adMr n Mi, irs. Douglas Gamnsby andy famnily Dr. and Mrs. Bud Bnrniett and ' nIMsMcl ee-Off Guelph, Patti, Hawkesbury, spent several -Mi an-Knzj Kthee, Mi. ani Mrs. Ralph Willis Aly ItMr. andI Mrs. Ed Gmr-8 spent Ch-ristma oiay ihD set ntas with Mr. andi tiam., Joining themi for (_hiswant.Mr.A F ceni.Mis. Larryý Piper andifaily of iinner were Aïr. Terry Graham,j Mr. Paul Tamblyii, Guelph, IBowmtaniville. iViss Sharon Tamxblyni and Mis. visited with his parents, Mïr. andi Mr. and iMis. Robert Holmes of Harry Bailey, Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn: over Christ- Streetsville spnq Crstis wît M. and Mi1s, Alex Wats9nor have1,mas. MIvr. anti Mis. Jambes Major. c eturneti 'home after spentling the M Aaster Clifford Bruton spenYt 1inner guests on1 Christaas t2hristmas holiday with Mr, and ýseveral days in the Hospitýal for Eve with M1rs. H1arry Bailey and Mvrs. Archie Watsorn, Betty ,Afln ýSick Chiltiren, but wVas able to be ýLyn n were Mi-. Carl Kimmiiett, M1% and Larry, Waterdown, Onlt. home forCritmsland is. Wayne.- Bailey andtI Mi. Mr. and M1rs. Weldp inh, -Mr. Jim Wilson, Queen's Uni- andi Mis. Carl BGillings. Carol and Bili of Westôn; M~r. versity, Kingston is sper.ding hi& Christmas visitoîis with Mr, anti ill McNaul and Milss Audrey Cîristmnas vacation with his par. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor were M9v. aif ,BiliÈ,,olOshwaand Ms. Elsie Mi, à1. andi Mis. Guis Wilson, Mýis. RossiTalor ant Kelly were Christmalis Day guestslKirby.,ý Scarborough. ai Mr, Chas. Ty with Mr. andi Mrs, Carl Billings.j Mr. Charles Reid i o Guelpht Un- lor. Mr.andMrs Alx Durnondiversity is spending Christmas' Dr. and Mirs. J. H.- Leslie vnt Mss Ja uanon of Toex riontohldaswt hsprntM.and Iusani, Ptroouh ievisiters spent Christmas weekend wiîth Mlrs. Jack Reid. on Christmnas wilth Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mirs. A. A.Dmon Rev. and Mri*s«B. Long,ý Mii. C. Riddell Mrs Nel Prte spnt ieLong and Mi. andi. W. A. Dr. and Mis. R. J. agartan ChIs. Nas horst spe. nt te-Long, Lakefield and! Mrs. younlîg- Margaret, 'Toroýnto weie visitera Mhis. Jack Bïail. Joh r andarj husband visiteti Mi. and AMrs.lin the village th1is wkeek. Ayme.Phll Lotýg, Oshawa Christmnas Day.1 Tuesday, visitors with MrS. Ken Chisma Dy uetawih m. M-. andi Mrs. Phil Long, Toidd Gamýsby wý,ere Mr.ý and Mis Dave andi t'rs. Jack Moffat ,were Mr and Christopher, Miss Sharon1 Rae, Kimi, David and j ullianne, of F Bust andi Mr. Cliff Longwee exa. ai MNis. Nornian Aidrews, Fred iMonday guests Dof Rcv. andti is. Ms Mre Sal>fPrtHp and Marie, Mr. Fred Andrews- , Misiu.el13.p Long.rt1-0p andi Mrs. A. Jakemnan andM. L. Mi. andi Mrs. John Foriester spent Chîistmas with MiS. _A L A. Squair, Salem. and faînily hati ChritmsSun- St1aples, Mr. and levis. Donald Stap- Mr.andi Mrs. Bradley, IHamp- day with jNIr. and Mrs * eSTracya111Y ton, Mi. anti Mrs. Emioîy, Whitby, EmiblW anti family andtirM. anti1 Master Danny Snell, Toronite is~ Mi. andi Mrs. Oscar Adamas spent Mrs. Hugý,h Stapleton and f amli1 lcnyg bitns aýto f .ahiistmas with Mr. andi Mrs. Al- ail at Newatî hsCn.gChistmKe asvonwt beit Mitchell, Barbara anti Stevenà Mr, andtirMs. Hfoward M,1aster,biGrnMsKeGaby Mis. E. Rainey setCîsmso omnil spent Christrnas 0,r.O W. Rùlph antiMis . R Day with hem sîster who- la a pat- with Mr, and Mis. Floyd Nicho)l-;R. Waddell visiteId on Satuîday ent in B1rantfoîd Gencmal Hospit- son anti farnily. ljast with Mlrs. T. Hl. Everson, ai Visitoîs with TArs. Kennefth K-ing St., east, iOshawa 'who was. Mr. anti Mrs. E. 13. Rainey, ~Gmb over Christmas xere Mi' eebaig he 9h bitdy .rnd Mi s. Cid Rainey- anti famnird Mis. J. H. Boyd ajnt famnily, Mis. Everson, the former MarY , Mi niMm& HIlWaîdAlun Oila;Mr, anti Mis. HaroIld lzaehFarewell la a cousin o hati Christmas tiinner with Mr.Selat famiiy,. Toronto; Mi.M, Rolph a'dtiis. Wadtiell. UNT»CHURCIl Charge )I~Uiàtee Rev, B. E. Lonfg UNMJ2INU'AIY Ist, 196'ë Suntilay Sdi'ool at 10:0 Moîning7 Sericte at 11: 1) MoîingSerlc~at 9:45 Sunday School at 9:45 Why Pay More...... ide AVEON PREMJUMc SAVE QUALITY A gi FUEL OILga PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX FUEL OIL Serving Orono, Neweastle and District k fi

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