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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1967, p. 1

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R9eeve RecQn>rends Enla: Rece Roy Foster at, a meeting cf Counéil on~ Friday evening ste hat lie would like to, sec- the apI?intments to the Planinglý oadincrease and woidld also recbiiend thât the CouncelI of iClaîrke Towrvipî again approacb JNewçvastle coincerÏfhg joint plan- ningl between the tw« lmiiniclpal- ities. In speaking on inereasing mem- bership to the Plannling Board tlie reev",e stated thiat the Board could Depuy-reveWalkey as ireadf of the Rond ai Bige Com'mittee, tectin eqipmenoït be obtailiedýl for tire railwayý crossing's on thre soutir Hiope-Clarke boindary TV'i e deptity-reevýe statedl that ire and Cnuneillor Carvetir were ini agr1ee- ni,,xît oni thîs recon-mmendation f o! lowîn;pg a 1.heeting withi members of Hlope Council, representatives of lhe Railways and Transport Boýard and tire road superintend- ant, M. Ross. lbug1 the total ccst af such ptoýtective e-quipuient wouild ho i tiregion of -50,000.001 tire cast after subsidies. grants anCd participating with H.ope towxn- sli-,p would be la tire Yieighrbour- D!epiity-reeve Wa-flkey expl'ained tia ierailways wecre nlow pre. paring for tie n.ew, speed trinot start t-is summirer whaen trains on, travoel spee ai iles Per iraur, Thtis hie said, wudbe ex- tended ta ff 160 1 ipnl thefure Certain manies, he stated, had heen allotteti for crossing, im- pràovemrents wlirichi could be g-ates, l;,iîts or brushing- and grading, ta ïiprove vision. On reqjuests frmmunicipalities sos-pe g"ates enmi ligh-ts could ho instaglled at certain crossings whiile others mýay be closed, he said. Where b-rushingý is ta be carried out tirey wiaOld wa2nt ta cleatr everything frdistance of 1400 feet 1p thie traekA armi' 300 feet back from tire tacaongc ire roadt allowxan1ce T'ie Board of Transp)ort pays 80%ý' of tire cast, railways 7½ %ý<- and unicipalUties ( i wnih a Care ssuet ta a D0 ep a rtm-lenj--t a, Tiigirways grant, Deputy-ree-ve_ Walkeýy said they cnsieredtire pr'otectio] contrai frthé bolidary crossing due ta tirec ireavy wooded area whliebl wudonly gro-w uip again. Otirer rail crossings in th11e Townshi1p came up for discussion Aili at least one beîig thought acandidate for closing. R1owever vt as not know,ýn whether or not tiTransport Board had aùt'hor- fty t-close crossings. lt was sta.t- ea tirat there were te be 35 'pro- tete ross.ings between Toronto .,.'d Montreal. A request is being sent ta tire be a foiur, six or eight party board plus the minbers appoint- ,2d from Counceil. At thae present time appoïntments outsîide of Counceil wvas foaur. "We have to ,,et the Planning, Board gîg"he said, 1nd Iwould liketo see some younger mnen on the Board,."' Both the deputy-rev-e, E. W&k.I- e'y andiCuclo Crehfv Outred an approacli to Newcastle. Counicillor Carveth pointed ouLt Bbrd f Tra-nsport, Railways etc, ta mecet îin Clarke ta siwtire re- maining and ita set up a policy for tirem. TireRawa Comparuesinow hbave tireir plans for tire crossing on tire entiïe route. Jeputy-re2eve Walk ey requested that aIl of Counieil meet at tire Township Roid offices and gar- ag-e on for a special ir«-eet ing of tire Road Committee. Mr. L. IM. lailow,ýell was re- - appaluteti Livestock Evaluator. Éhaf Clarke 'Township surrounded Newcastle on three shides- In diseussing p flanning a letter was initroduced froin~ the Ontario Municipal Board, concerning tire Restricted Area By-laýv whichl bas yeltot receive final 0MIB ap- proval. The OMB letter referred to a letter fro-m the Community Plainrg Branch concerning some recommended additionis ta the by- law.e( ORCO WEKL MI VOLUME 29.. NU1WPER 1 ORONO 7.-0WEEli"KLY -TiMEýlS, lIURElSDAY, !ANUJATY'l, 2th, 196i Tl,, ire Ooo Grl Gidshave comipleted plans ta irold a Cea- tennial Sheigir Uarty an . Sunlday, Jannnry 22nd at tir eOrno Pair groun4s. Everyape, aduits and dudrenn are invited. Several tems< and silirs, euit- ters and skidecs, have ben aller- ed for ui.îtontis day. Refresir- mieats are ta e bc sedf. Corne one and al fr a real aid fasiiaed fun afternoon. Harvey Partner Elected that thre Restricted Area By-laW was in reality a zoning by-law. We bave gane through considler- able Wurnber of stages, hie said, and have done considerable work on tis hy-law. lHe pointed out that the Orono Police Trustees had registered an objection to the Resfrictedt Area By-law and had requested a m-eet- ing with Council. The purpose of the meeting -was to discuss the by-lawan if possible ta corne to an understanding between the two groupe. Ht was l to veyne's benefit, said the clerk, if botii parties could agree to present a unîted front. The clerk tated that the Counýcil hiad nwfoexrs thiropnonan dcsin o h Bounicpal oard ne pea-t tothe teo fle erctiLý'i Area B J it waLt s a ef cisa o omnhuci thin peci ea etnC ecle with theTrstes, lanig o an al cound Fcil. Cy ouncr Gra stgsed hat the ocal Pannin Board eirst senet pas esie tingmLtiusget ubr ofwimbose- ant order", heresaid. nerw ChounciASthrgh rsotian re appoted refee Ro o steftter a_ thote nrskaRivterConasera tion AuiLtoity. Deputy eeve- Wroale ommhe rned he ove, stating ýth aaxinumberof ,import- ateveont s wee ow unrpader way By reUsltinCouncil gav te. ap- qulest was a reaaaberquest. Prs~et0f Ore-no Chamber populà ire Oonaoiu Charier of Comn- mier-e ireld tireir ana meeting on a1dyeveige tire Nortir- 'v aSý iicYuil ihr m hoili~ - teen present. Me. Harvey Prt vv as eI- etdPr.esident oaI'tire Cirâmb&.r fo1 iecnig er friOff ic- ers elected wvere Messrs. W. H. Garinan, vice-presid.ent; R. Dick- son, treasurer; and R. Forrester, secretary. Directors for tire year are P. M. Luain, G1. Watson, C. Arýmstrong,, H,. M Mrcer, A. M. JisnF. E. Lycett and H. li1oenscr. M\r. Partner la'- accepting tire pires - dency askec tirat everyon.e work togetirer ta support tire aims of tire Orano Ciramber. lie, also drew ttnint tre at tia i as cetnilyear. Prier ta tire election of officers ir.R. Dcta, -easur~er, ne- ported tirat a bankiï balance aI $1 586G9 did exýist. R. Farr1ester, tire outgoýýing presid,-en,, ïeiiportecd that tire Sia ktn party at tire Orono rink ird been well at-, tendfed. Mtr. Porrester also reported thnt ire bad ieen informied tint Mr. P. Mlaartense had completed ar-, rangements witfirtire Orono Mvedli- cal Centre taO set, up a dentist practice at tire Centre upon coin- pletion of iris dental course at Toroiintve asked that ail rn- bers support tis new enterprise wiren establisied. Ia clasing ont ibis terni of of- fice, Mr. Forrester tiranlked all tirsewia ra( iven hlm Sup ,)- pot urngthre year and\wileoiha d Mr.Drin arep)resentative of TrnwaEus Lines of Peterbor- augir spoke brieîly ta tire Chm- ber, stating thîat iris campany was again making applicationtatirMe Ontaria Higirway Transport Board ta provide a buls service betweeni Orano and Osirwa via Taunton road. Tire iiearing, ire sidîs ta be ireld on January 26tir and ire. aslçed tire support af members of tire Cirasiber teafatend 'tis meet. ing ln favour aI tireir aýpplication. Tire bscomrpauyn is providing frfee transporiation, otahie irear- i-ng. M . .U. Mercer statred thnt people îla Oroowere itrse la buq service andi certainly de- sired ta have sNnie. It wasstated tirat it was diffiuit ta get tire Colonial bluses ta stop for pickup an Jig!irway 115. On- motion it wasý decided ta, again laoýid tire annual booster draw the anly change being tirat twýo pîrizes waild be drawn ev- ery montir with a value af $50.00. Messrs. Hl. Hoenscli and J. Klasner ,vere appoinited as- a signi cornmîtteè. They w,,ere aisked ta report baci ta tire next meeting witir plans for giving tire sigýn a new look, Everyonie agreed tiret sometiring liad ta be dane wîtir tie sPi. MIr. F. E. Lycett stated fbtirnot <Continued on Page 4) Now 4448 Tie ppua in l ieTownisirip of Carie, ccoringta ireas- sessent ailaI 166,increased byv 265 over tire 196i5 figuire of 4,178. Tire 1966 population was set at 4,443. 0f tlis total population tire var- buls Iage ,gIroup)swr as followvs: 3 years and under, 368; 4 years, 121;ý 5 years, 96; 6 and 7 y.ýears, 226; 8 and 9 years, 227, 10 ta 13 years, 416; 14 years, 83; 15 years,- 92; 16 ta 19 years, 297; 20 - 59 years, 1,963; 60 - 641 years, 143; 65 - 69 years, 150;- 70 years and overc, 261. Tire totl a ssecssr-ïeiifaI tie Town,--,sirip was set by,,tire roll at In Neeld 0f "$6000 For Ice Fund Tire financeial statement of tire Orono Artificial Ice Fund shows a bank blan outstandîng aI $6,000. Tis amnounit is due after an ex- pendituire of $19,684.G7 attire Or- anai riik for tire installation of artificial. ice at tire Orono, rink. Waork on tis projeet iras naow been comrpleted andftie rinir is in fuillaperation. Mlany irours duninig tire w he iiei are nat used Elated By Acopihett United Churcli Tire annual meeting aI tire Or- oaa Lnited Churcir congregation was ireldý on Tue-sday eveniig in thre basement oi tire Crrci. Tire forepart ai tire eveinng was a po-uksupper attended by somfe Mî~y members of tire Cureir. Rev. Basil Long, laniis comt- ments, stateti that tire past year md een nwndàu and tirrili- ing year for mm as pastor of tire loca churge. Tire vear lire saidi. dbenfilled with challenge. Tn'ere iras been an ii ncreasing understnnding by tire eQagrega- loire said., and ire terxtas1.tir congregation at tins point as fJ1»urshne Hle did, lhowever, peit fout tîntat uei more work lieýd yet ta ire <ne anI tirat th~e cangregation shiould net let uplIn its ndevousin tire cammunity. Tire Partnersip plan and visi- tation lau done mucr, ie si for tire cirurirceating greater la- terest ila Iellawsfiripadbign others into tire cirurcir. Ta carry on tir foidngs ai the Pnrtnersirp plan an nctivaing committee was, appointed. Tire purpose of tire conittee is ta see tirat tire vis- ion is carried on during tire com- ing year and tînt proposais fromi tire visitation are futher ex- plored andi develaped wirere thought necessary. Total membersirip ai tire Orona United Cirurcli naw totitdis392 with non-resident membership nuinb$ering 52. Baptisais -du-ing the year totahleti 30, marriages 14 and hurlis 19. Tirevais reports were given fan tire past year wirlichir icluded i! phases af therecongregatian and its organiýzaionlS. Tire financial report aI l'tire chuýrcir sh'owed total receipts for- operatia'tirebuildg fund and ire M&iaI$27,413.42. Of tins amîount $2,39.00 was transferred ta ie & fund and $9,342.-30 ta tIre b-uilding Iund. The capItal cost aI (Iulding was edulcedl by $6,00.0 during the year along witir a ofmnta $2,591.82 for interest. Tire bailance nQW owing on tire new Chrristian Education Buildfing amoiunts to 3,Oa Tire budget for tire rna Un- ifed Cirureir was set at $13,834,42 for tire year 1967 for general op- e Àtin.Asum In $82of 00was set for tire buillding uodaIwirich amounit $6,0ClJ.00 -wquld be 1repay,- m-e,.en th ie lan. Thie quIestion I ofwhetire'r or not ta publi'sirtire lnmes a on ,)-tribu- torýs along ,itlir treiîr gvnswas an, item aIcosidraecontra- versy. It wns pontd otthat m'Iembe)ýrs cauIld lave theýiriames omited if sa tirey wisbhed. Tirose la favour aI print;i.g alist of contribjutions were suceessful la tire votingl on a matiQli ta carry or titis practice for thie year 1967. Thre arnnual peeting af tire ,wiro1e charge ih ta be ireltiin tire Orono United Çhu-telithis ecoming weelc. Canvas -Donaqtions - Newcastle Lionettes Street Fair & Draw Cali Draw Dances Banik Loar, 467.00 fi13,)684.607 EXPENDITUTRES Artificial Ice Equiipmnt) and Cenent Floor $ 18488.84 Tickets, posters, letters etc.- 94.04 Street Pair expenses 826.37 Tickýets Caîf Draw-- 15.74 Tickets Dances etc. 82.13 Banl, Interest an loana 145-26 Banik Balance $19,652.38 U2q $19,684M~ uthesPlansFor Ri Board Inougaurei I The iiaugural1 meetin)g of thre Clarkre Township Public Library was held on Mond)ii(ay evening la the Cotncil Chamber of t.he Town- ship HalW~esent for thle meet- ing" wer'e the board members, Messrs. Boyv Foster, E. R. Woo)d- yard,(I L. H1alowell, K. Lyvceýtt nd R. Forrester. Otespresýent were Mrs. B. Mercer, Mrs. G. Simýpson, Ms*L enranît andm r.Ormeý Mr. . Frrester was eced)Sý Mercer,1ec-e0--e books from the former O0rono car ep!ratonsoiuretbus- miesýs It wsrpre to the new boar-d that of h $035.8Lena Renwik lSeuest to tire i.rary, $13,750.6à had been investfed. special] accoiunt lhad been pee for tn fupd nd it hadl been ire intentionis ta accmulate iaterestc f-,im tire investmenmt ta furtirer invest. A balanêe of $15&71 ex-, lsted ln tire aperating accoujnt. A number of committees wvere appointed at the meeting with Mlr. Ly cet t appointtecd to obtaînin lu- formation pertaining -ta tie pro- per Sîgning officers and procedi- ures, for the en iivestm.ent. Messrs. -R. Foster and R. Forrest- er were apinited ta finailize thle agreement between tire Tow,-%nshiip and theý Library over ,the use- of spare -in the basernent. R. For rester andf E. R. Woodyard-C were bu1dg1et fqr the y,,ear 19671. It wasdedd by motion that the Board wudmeet the, first iY-condav of eey attir h '30 p.m. and tirat the secretary ,;o no- ify mnembers priar ta thre irtet- The Libra)riani reported a total book blan in December el, 872, 0f these 122 were aduit non0-fic- tion, 2-97 adulj! fiction and 453 boys and gi.rls. During tire year 1966 a total of 11,755 books were taken mit ao fthe Library. This 2omipares witir 10,508 ln 1965. 0f the total in 1966: 1,615 were aduit non-fiction 3,883 were aduit fiction 6,257 were boys ïamiC, girls. locally are,- beînig rented out ta other goupS otiea hsmun- Dntons to this funid are stii bigaccepte'(-d and will hiave ta be receisi;ed ta'Oielp pay off the 2ost of tire arltificial ice Pro 'ject. 'lie suceess af the rink wlithari ï1cial ice neslittle epanto as it is quite evîdent. Donations ta the fund may be ,AIt with Mr. Dficirson at thre Canl. adian Imiperial Banik af Co- merce, Orona. or wît'h Hr. O. W. Rolphi or witir memibers of tire )rono Atirletic Association. Vour ,iu-pport is sti11iineeed tao coin- plete the paymeit of this -worthy projeet in thieVae of Orono. ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND Staieinent as at Jaiuary 10, 196'ý RECE 11TS i

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