"Jesus and th 41; 9: 6 Tauken io a sermon preached by Rev. Basil Long. Somie time ago there was a Pogo cartoon with unusual ini- igtinto the modýern expression antimain.g of life. Pogo is rest- _ing besýide a fallen log when sud- denly the rabbit rushes by. The rabbi'thas been running so hard that hie can hardly catch biàs1 breath, . nd Pogo, asks him where he is going. He replies that he doe-s't know but hie is hurrying oýff te, meet ani emergencey. "Weil, wha's aill t-e hurry if you don't knoW where you are g'g"ak Pogýo. Thre rabbit replies, "Man, 1 îhat',s jes' it. lt's when %Dy o dont , n(nw where you is gela' that you bctah in a hxrry!" lSn't it the truth? Mluch of the hmirry ofou age is an indication thiat we do flot know where we are going. If uany people analyz,- aid their feelings they would saY, "i ant to live a littie beforeI di.'Aheavy threat 'ans Ver mankinti for at any timne Condi-ý tions. could be such that a great portioýn of the wo(rldl could Le wiped out. Mîany young people, in netknoingwhere they are go- 1ng, are g'Oing in a hurry. They are trying it, rush into thei lrs a]1 of the things they thiink may bu of some value te theM. and. Perhaps that is why many of the things ;are going wýronjg. What is happening tn the indul- vidutal? There fias been a growing ,tssPlio on the part of maný,iy thuhflpeople that the mliv- dWidual is being victimizedŽ by the sciei4tlfi(- revolution. There is fear that the indciv'iclual w'ill be le1st in an increasingly coimplýx world. Thbis fear of the loss of ;n-! dividuaî identity was weIl ex-! pressed in some humoreus lines, "SOOn wve-will give up inames altogethier and have one nuinher 110 cevfri<en17 tp~address Phone, taxes, car liceinse anti cred- it It will be konwni as Our Social O,-bscuýrity Cr, -In mnan.y areas of life individu- ais are hecoming lost. They rebel against this and feel they intust bie non-conformlst. But here we runn into something that is ridicu- bus. We find People trying te be njon-conformiïst and doing ~e thing spectacular, then everyon e iýs doliait<i because they have to s;hQw they are noni-conformjst. They conformn with the nion-con- ýformists which makes themi con- formists andi il is a viciois circle. So we find a huge part ofroit e-onforn i 1 gto iacn-coniformiity ancd thie sense of theinvdulsbe i !g(lst.Prhp man's greatest neeti is te ra 01 tathe is an In anr)theï aroo-am tstde- picteti a lar-ge woman ittngon a chir andtiholding in he?-r lap a large stupmd-lcoking mail. Sh e ray, "e'sa dope but he's m-inie."~ There is great truth ini whFat the Partist was _portraýVing 1 diidaltebe ietfeto be w'antS to b ardfor, te be sus- ti-,le d by Àthe asuranîCe thatie saa"mel tethu1tu 'tntc JACKo cg ing St., E. Wben Buý!yilg mr Sellfing cal! YQUR ORONO ABEA REPREENTATIVE 91835274 I~emersof shawa andi Dis- trc elEstate Board 4 Harry EmnersonFodc, says tuhat senisitive to thewma' touch, tile kr as L1e Propier place f(eý Ind vidnl one staýff lueetjing after another but Ble is on an erranti of emerg- pir. rthyunmath tie wr ent Out, KepYOUlr ency conceerningc the i;fe Of theý had a double mneaning because at- of thrs Wewat o kow hw-eye on ý'e indllýiiduýals.Ntîn f litlcdaughter of Jairus who was that innient he thouglit of h~i- ever vast aýnd iprcal al lif e tci lng 1 mtters inttlU dying. The woman though-,ft she own l1e realizeti that his ený- h uc xept what happens tu a iidnhrei atecrowd.ýj pensive watch mnust go back Êe abot u ma samhowve bad ter." u oi-age c iyjnI~I~i episod-e telis us one cf the ithe man whio made it, se fmust hïis mayiý be the roatiweafýetrvlig and problecms cf industry let us gret, rolamtinsofth hris- lif go bank te is l'bker. 1e thiat w:e are nltaoe htw r rmme htte iprant ian faith. Jesus is aware cf the mnoveti on that impulse anti atarI- the objeet cf another's eoncer. i thing j; is te aintain this sense cf individual, sensitive to neeti. No ed the roati back with God's div- We wantan awaeness hat jr itity. The Church la One place j emerg-ency is toe great toecaugse m ât pnhm ti u su"ffieilnt te holti us againlst th"e where we shoulti keep our eyes OnHmt vrokoi et o r ia t~ reback1te a ul1tim1ate fcar ant iilai c. OPI1Y the indivitnal, we lest i the great crowd of iri,,it relationship) with Gotl. when an idvda is thus wanit- hmntyta hrnsthiat eti anti helti in the gi of love,i Jesus was sentitive te everlhai'ya hong h at can he acquire a sease cf ident- neeti. 1,a Ile SeriPture 1esnw today. Hle is aware of our neeti1 The next step is te accept re- reticfth cmn ho ~ ati11 i ray j ee i. sponisibility in aur lWves that Mwe ityant cfth menin c life ay be guided in Ged's way, imltitude that surroundeti Jesus, Ia a world where theme is great Many don't want te get involved. If wa7ïs Jeans' capacity te make touche(!I Bis gariment a ndwas need anti perplexing problems, We want te live an irresponsible pecple feel wanled thiat en-ýdeareti madie whole. Jesus saiti, "Who what can an individuial do? Our Hife. If a sailboat is turneti luese Hlmp to the comn eople.1e was it thlat teuched mie?" When first step is te get mb ca« right on a lake or hay, if there is ne> btld themn plainly that they were ail deaiet ili, Peter saiti, "Master, relationship with Goti, te cornie une at the rutdfer te guide ià anti God's chiltiren anti sgniicn jLte multituldes surrouati you andi back te Hlim. A yuung man hati ne one te trim the sails, il will Ilis sighî. When the great: River- pesUPOn yen." But Jesus knew been in the far country of dis- flounider on the waves, then cap,- id(e C'hurch in New ork city -a' ;that somieone touchedti im who isipation and wrong doing. One aize. If the saïlîoat la geing te- openeti for worship theic-pmcblem, hati a neeti anti eventually the day he took his watch te thec jew- stay afloat and move ia any si- waso knot wtercutmmesbtw an ae forwariiceter te have it - repaimeti. The nificant direction, there lias t, te no wat te, o ith the1 Thiaik oe the sense of the indu- ij'eweller sait, "Thiis is an expens- be a hanti on the rutider apd' crwsthtsarmied intu the v i dual that Jesus hiad! Net only ive watchi anti caixn-ot be fixeti by, tension in the salis. Il ïs 11onLw u- pflaee. The dsigiht pastor is Jesus jostleti by the croýwd anti mle. 1 sjuggs ta yn retr it te (otnedu ae4 r EEST BIUYl -- Sa've6(4' AYLMER TMT CAT S uP 11-oz, BoUtles GREEN GIANT BEST BUY! - Save ile! 2o. ks KELLOGG'S Corn FI ,ïï'es 2 59 SAVE 14e! - Tali Til),, EVAPORATED MILK Carn tE'nF231t 49e PALMI GARDEN SAN' E I ~e! - S~lid White Meat 7-oz Ti BES;T BY ae5e! 4o.Sz LIQUIDBLE.ACH --y .- Geict1Fr-ee -TwVin l ç G10-1b.Ata- R A NL AAN FTOENFODD ";. 11 6e! PILTS 0F SOLE CUD FsÏi S STCKS LOIN ilO" PORl<I< b.5 eý TenerlinPortioni for jDressing LOIN PORK CHOPS lb. 79eý FRINDLESS BACON 1 lb. Pk<g. 79e SKINLESS WIENERS 1 lb. Pkg.55 BOLOGNA (,y the pece) lb. 39q Spaghtti &Meat aIIsLEEM TOOTHPASTE 4 tubes $1 Beeforoni ~EAD &SHOULDERS 89C - Re-uIar 9 akd8e .2 1 /- tins 5c ISECRET DEODORANT 69C Sce Bluee Foe. eroso ýI SUki.sfGoAen ood: Fri &Veesse Convenlient Nl-IUTRITIOUS SPINACH lO-oz. cello bag Ail Purpose Ontario 8-lb.ý poly bag CLJUMBRS o, Grde 2 forà 33c j 1-1h. packazge 53c 28e.packagjes 69c ' Red aid White, 79 e .. .. ... ......... . 0 Rr 39e PEAS 0 R'39c ý owarwzes fil, iN t