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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1967, p. 4

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The lndMvduol Kendal News (Contnuned front page 1 We have been enjaying t!e der that kind of impose4d (iscip)- 'mild January weather so f ar, quite une tatthebot s reetosai different from the very cold as itiwa intended. The samne weather we had last ycar at this tbing is ti ne of our lives. There timne or the ice storm we had in hsto bie a discipline in aur lives 1962 when every hydro pale was to seek out thie will of Cod and dlown between the sixth line and to live it ourselves. Stapleton's bouse on January 7th. We are rever more 'wrang than Congratulations ta Mr. an]d Mrs. when we tUiink'l the way of free- !Herbert T. Richardson who were diom aind f dfilmenisci toin e ut narried in Toronto on Decemnber fromundr ai diciplne nd tn~ 23, 1966., Mrs. Richardson n'as tihe sion. The %- ay ta baýppin-ess is to iformier Mrs. Irene Dunbar. Tie face up ta thie responsibilities 1oýrcpin was held at the home wbici Go mad us Eac of s i of his sister, Mrs. Morden, in Tor- part of a , ast nietwork of forces lonta. They' went to P'1orida on that suppoÀ and sustain life. their- wedding ,trip. They plan to Wàhat can the individual do to liv.e ins Peterborough. accept Ilis responsibîlity bcvoridj hineif in such a compilex, warld? iMs hs msncelebiated Sainie have great capacities; aniother birthday on January 8th. oth-ers hiave, lesser-, capacities, but She entertained hier .family to a God expects us ta accept our re-- chicken dinner then received the sp-onsibility- and ta witness and to icaliers who dropped ini ta wishi- w-ork, where lwe are; ta change bher many happy returns. The lad- tise tig we can change that ar ies of the community were rep-1 airound us1otaear lc.iresented by Mrs. Ml. E. Foster, Whlen oe and mare people (do Mrs. W. Hl. Faster apid MismRg tis there will be a great tranis- Ellioý>tt. The Centennial Commiittee foiniation in1 society. also sent greetings to one whio is It s us th sor afth tilver ninety in this Centennial i IL s jý'tthesioy o th ta- Year. ents overý and aver again. One man hiad five talents, anothier hiad Mrs. M. E. Foster went with her two and aniother liad anc. 'The son Mr. Martin Foster ta Vittoria mian wîth five talerI s put bis 'near Simcae on Wednesday. Prom five talents ta wark and brougithere she plans ta travel ta hier back ten. Thse two talent mani put dLaughiter's homne in Buffalo and his ta o mo-k and brought bac.k later ta her grandson's Dr. B. B. four. Thte one talent mian cm ase'fom nOia hnat back and said, in effeet, "Mastrlae dteahrsosl T- 1 didn,'t get very imuchi out of ee. life. Y ou didn't g-ive me nuch ta start with, se, 1 was vers' car?ïffl 1i and Mrs. Spence Gro witb wiat 1 had and I arn biing- a dfmcyitnddte uea ~~~~ng ~ ~ ~ O ltbl ayuno. eIo is brother n, Alfred Grdont 'a1is er said, 'NYou are a ickeI of Witby an tSatrdyJaruaty serVan1't. Yau did nat do ieven-, i 71-t2d.. nere t Br1o'in Nlhat lyou coumuido." lcarnte'zy.Ii, nl1nfnmDtd We are ot l ailildta Liýýda a atur ýkb0as fts mnighty things, but we arýe called ýdeep slw ta do what we can. If we do not ____________ live Up ta the eppacity of our 'lives tien we arýe failing God, and)( Chitin Parileaar. Jesus ls con- cerried' wth the indcividuial TheQ p t~ u ie individual mrust be concaraed, (Contlnued from îpage 1)ý with. responsi.bility. Our, abilitIes oeCnena la a lJgi are lnsufficient ta meýet aur chal-i n etnilF a ligi j rn.It was decided ta, refer lenge, but Jesus Christ bas rm-I this fact ta the Chairman of the ised ta becu" rsure Units 2 & 3 News Tuesday, January 3rd, Units 2 and 3 met in the lower Chutrch haIl Mrs, Etta Irwin chaired the meeting ta}dng as aur theme -riTime". She rea-d from Romans 12 - 21 'Overcoiyie evil with goad ' Several new ye ars readings were giyçQn and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn offered a prayer. I O1çoFolet Trustees and u I v Sncb) a flag flown from t1he1 staff aIt the Orono Mu1nicipal Buildjing. Parking on 'the Main Street of! Orono again came, up before the meetinýg with the usual array of opinions. It was, however, stated that the parking signs had ar- very capably took over andc con- ducted a quiz nCndwt the mfap she gave a brief sum-q mary of each province. This prov- ed very interesting at the begini- ,inççi, of our Centennial Vear. Each unît met for a short bus-1 iness period. Minlutes were read1 A hearty vote of thanks was ex- and roll answeréd. by 9 present. tended by both units to Mrs. Visits to hospitats2; taj homes 32. jWerry. 0. Canada was sung and A niotion was passed to cntinue the -Mizpah benediction closed the! aur birthday box and 10e a week mieeting,. Refreshments were sýerv- bag-Is as a project. Mrs erry ed by Unit 2. 1 clA L ow mnariille 1]1 THR.FRI. - SAT. -JANV4ýRYTCI13,, 111 COMNANflMENTS <flu Coloutr) Charlton ieston, Atui Baxtor, Debra Paget, John D terek One Show Nlghtly at ':30 P-111. gSUN. - MON, - TUE"ýS.- WED. - JANUAEY 15, 16, 17, 18g A V'ERY*T SPECIAL FAVAOR % GRock RHudsoul, Leslie Carona j MIrs. Long visited bler aunt, ,Ir, Youinghiusbandi, on Mvoiiday in th, 1Bowvnm'nille Memoriat lHOspýtal where she is a patient after sui fering a fail. -Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn and Mrs. D. G. fRooper ceIeýbrated tleir birthdays on Saturdlay, fanuarýy 8. Con graftulations. Paye West Jr., son of Mn. andi Mrs. Raye West had the mnisfor- tune ta faîl at thse Orona Arena on Sunday and break bis right art. congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Todd an their marri- age on Saturdlay evening. MVs. Todd is the former Christine Oueliette of the Sixtb Line. Congratultiot Mr. and Ms'. Donald Sýtevens on the birth of! a daughter on Monday, Jantiary 1 Otfi. The, Orono Bantams eveuing of last week, er the visiting Newcaý the rink. Robin Harvey Partner bath goals apiece ta give 4-2 victary ôver Ne!wc Newcastle goals wcre Lewis and Thompson.T inson of the Orono Ch GIRL'S DRESSES-' 2v1Oý Discount on al GrY D)res,'es- Sizes 2 tu 3x years, 4 t-,, 6x ar and 7 to 14 years. LADIES' S14PS- Several Nylon and Arnel Slips wý,th lale triju, sizes 32 te 42. Regular values to $5.95. Yoirr ehoice each.....$1.98 4 o11ly, Ilf SlipsCotton and Nylon, sizes in miedtium and large. Your Choice eaeh .. 1.99e BABY PAýNTS- 36i pairs of Baby Palits with Snaps or Pihlon style. Regular prices to) $1-9.9. ISale, pair39 CIIILDREIN'S »T -HI Several couniter soiled, size 1 t-o 3x. Your choice --each 44-c liOY'S PANTIIS- 3pairs boy's IiWess Pants, lined, brown and grey, sizes 5 6ix year, Reg. $3.95, Sale $2.75 7 pair unlined Dress Pants in broWn and grey, sizes 2 to 6x years. Sale price -$1.95 ROY'S SHIRTS- Boy's Cott.qn Pîtinnel Shirts, stripes auid checks, sizes 4 to (6x year- Your ch-oice eacht~ $1_00 CIJRTAINS- 2 - pairs Nylon Miatquisette Curtains, white flocked wâth' -aqua. ~Regular $7'éýÎb per~ pair Sale price per pair 3.M9 1VHITTIS anid GLOVES- A quantity of Wool -Mitts and Gloves. Reg. values to $1.95 Your choice Per pair ....... 59C son Fridayi won out ov- Gary illors the local on &atur- a 5-4 vie- *" ,'o - two assîsts on tacevensngs play. by John Matlier, <.ameron Fer- rault and Ricky Neal. Assists imiDt$ETS w cnt ta S. Black, JI Mather, D. The Orono Mldget Hockey Clut Moffat and J. Wrighit- werc, the vîctors, 6-1 over New'- ,Tic Bowriariville goals were castie atý the Orono rink last Fri- soe yL.Brs ; o hd day. Steven Wes-t and Douglas Taylor -bath scorcd two goals ndJhnHghs eacbi with the remainder by Bob ATOMS Poster and Erie Duvall. LarrY 1A'0- The Oron Atorrs camne UP with ams, Terry Stark and Eric Dus- janother victory a~Fia v» vall were awardcd assists. Thp ng wlven they defeated B(Ywman- Newcastle goal was scored by.ill- 6y a score of 9-1, 'Mrs-.1H. Walsh bas take g re.sidenice at 'flc Ladge' -Nnunp ~ Hfome in -Newcastle. . gO M rived and were at the Tawnship o o Municipaýl Garage. It was thought Ji iU ' ~ U tha tie Tustes had yet ta hireo a by-law enforcemient officerta[g gavera thse policy of parking, o J. Çlsnr ai tatth Oon gail sizesg At tise close of the meeting Mr.o C nbe as 1likp-50 many organi-gg iztosWohdPolrsta get 10ieS S&-g things done. He, urged that U a project, no mnatter bow smnall,g a1 decision n'as amade ta cat~y at t gfAT tbat tise work be cajrnied ")ut asU s(oan as passible saý that it djid njot jJý tur tus. STUTT'S "Pha.rm-acy UNITED ('HLJRCH li -iiter SUINDAY, JANUARY lst, 196,7 Sunday SCIs oo! at 00 MoringSericeat 11:1,5 MoringSericeat 9:45 SundaY Schoop-l at 11:00o Leskard- ,- Sunday School at 9.45 Why Pay More.... i LAYEON PRMIU FELOIL I6 l NEWCýASTL"IE 987-4215 LiF UEL OIL $erving Orono, Newcastle anid District Clearance Sale ARLMSTRONG'S

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