Centenn mal L. Greenwood At t1se inaugural meeting of tise Clarke Townsisip Scisool Bqoard on Wedne'sday evenlng of l.ast week, the Board re-elected Mý,r. Lawrence Greenwood, chair- mailof the .Board with 'Mrs. H. H. Barlo, vcecaima. Messrs, James Lowery and Jlmr Stutt were appointed tise finance committee wi7th Mý/rS. 3arlow and Mr. Wmî. Turanslny tise Property and cMan- agemrent Committee, Regu-layr.nmeetings of tise Board are o be lield tiseseconid Mouday &f eacüi mo-ntlis mecg at 8:00 e'cock. ilt -,as also passed 'at tisemet ing on a motion, presenited by Mr. J. Stutt thaýt minute(-s of tise mneetng be rite and circulaI- ed te Ise Board ufembera, teacis- ers and tlisepr as soosi as pos- sibe fllo tjitsc eeig.Sucis mntswill bepssdattise fol- iowig deetig ;s pri;nted, suli- lecaV change if necessary. Mfr. Stultt pointedoutt'hat sc a pro)- cedure woauVIf save Vime at the mePetings, give mrembers ample time te studCy tile riniutes prio.r te tise meeting and aIse iselp te improve pli relations. 11e point- ted eut tisat it hamd taken'l ever tw-,enity minutes te read tise mi- u-es on WerJnesday evening. Sta rt Negotictioâs~ January 23rd Negbotiationa are o open on MeIjnday, Jainuary rdwlseu memL-il bters of ise ýClark'e TwhpPub- licScioo Bordare te meet ii tne salary C-omuit tdee appointed- Jby tise Clarke Township )Teaciers' Association. Tise Boczrd a-greed lest Wernesday to miee!thtie com- miterepreseuting tise teacisers ouJanifary 23rd. Tise teachers wil be represent- ed by a co)mmittee of tisree being Jr.'D. MDoffat, Mrs. M. Liun and Mrs. Powe. The propowýCjsedscidle to lie precsented on- beh'aîf oS ise teacis- er ias iseenkept a wi-ure t-eret)tis year wit is al prepar- aýtion bleinýg witbin tjisecommittee Ur. Moffat a[ ise recent Schooi Board meetingl commented that ise iseoped tisat -tise Board would look witis fovour on -a request Vo pro- vidle a nlary scisedule staie to attract quaifified teaciser for -tow learnier gop It dfoes' ppartattise teachers are nw better organized -and in- formcd û(jte negotiate over tisat of -,wo years ago wseu tise Board, Iby .1ndividual teacher contact greacýtly -edluced tise effectiveness of the teaciers' associationl. The Bowmanviïlle Drl&ama Workshop iu "Doctorinu tise House", you wiilsee omefaces fam iliar-V yo,-Jon Amesbury- as tise chiS srgenSir Laicelet Spr',att; Kn Deuniis as, John (we knIow. ,ie's always a dIoctor, - but thiis time hie's a doctor wivtis a differ- ene!, Mary TKerr as Janlet, and Ingeorg ietulle asVera. Tnking partsfor tis-e first t im-e ou his.tgeaenaroeOme as Riggie,/ MUar oie Concis as tise Matron, Ra Gray av is Bremiey, Llod JohuIston as S imo n, and Da vid Meiffiey as Tony. Last week tise stpolisbed up on Act Il. Luntise course of thîs act, tise studeut doctors try tIseir hand at play-actîug. Tisere were o-)nly four people in tise audcitori- uým wlie were seeigdtss for tlise iirsf timne, but if lIse-Ir iaughter la any indication, we shuddér tt, think of what wve'Il hear Febru ary 2, 3, and 4 when the hi" i f'111. DRONO WEEKLY TIMF! VOLUME 29, NUMBtiER 2 ORONO) WEELY TIMES, THURSDAY, .IANUARYý 19th, 1967ý JForbes Heyland Elected Chuirinan High Schooi Board J. F. HeylIand oý f Bowmanville, a m-ember of thie Dr County District Ili', Schiool Board since, 1955, was elected chairmanl for 1967 at tie iauurl eeting ýof the board held atBomnie igisebiool. Mr. Hleyland wl succeed W. C. Keyes of Port Hope whowa chairmau for the past, year. Thelie-carmnof tise board for 1967 wvill be E. M. Creig-liton of Port Hope. lis. remarks as he handfedi over the gavel of office to Mr. Hecyland Mr. Kýeyes said lhebeleved "tise board could!C som:ewhýlat turn its at- tention aw ay from plans for school bui]ilig and look more to the field of curriculum. Thuhplanning for new school buildings and additions; could not be entirely forg-otten, Mfr, Keyes said lie felt the board shouldi turn somne attention to giving teachers encouagemet te mprove their aceademie stanidigs so Ithat great- er progres.s could lie macle to- 1:ards bettes, educatidon f'or stud-, entas. 'Che Clarke local committee re- p-orted to the meeting that con- siderable trouble had been ýex- perie.nced with hat1gboliers at Clarke uigis School. These chool was built four vyears qgo. This wV1ifrt hýliasbeen nec(,- esayto spend ,! $1,800 to repair One bolier, and , t is expected U)o cost at'1east$10 to rmakerpas to the second unsit. AdmnitraorM. A. MacLeod, said the bolIers had developýed cor-rosive leaks. A letterý, is tce be sent to the mranufacturer oftise iuim nu au aïtmptto iýcover csome of the cost of repa,-irs. J. T- McCreery of Port Hlope said aj eein-bad been iihel tO discsti,ý entative plans for a cen- tenial ,ýjyeair dayof clebrio wiich would be attended by ail high sehool pp-S under the jr isdicioni of the board, Trear-e 2,800 pupi.ls in tlhe distrcict. MIJr. McCreery said thse largle elebrationi was flot se-en as &nm- ihwol interfere witis plans o f the irdividual igýh sehoolsZ. However, iV was feit, that one event sisould be planined to Iget aIh studenits out "for a day tliey would alwvays remnember.", A cofimrittee was appoirsted con- sistinIg of the principal ofS enci hig-h scisofl andthe chairrmnof tise local comittee. Two studients from each sho will lieinte tostwhte coinmittee n hp it panin for the speç-cial dy Exa MsO0riTh eWa y01ut Atr Or0 Puiceho ?Jr. DulsMffat, principal of' the Oroý.io Public School, in pre- seniting b is report -to the Board on Wýýednesdlay evening stated that it was the intenition or' the Orono 'Public Scisool to discontinue ex- ams for the rest of the year. lui their place, lie said, they would be using tests on less work, but, these tests would be more inten- sive. Thse principal said that exýamns only showed what teachers already knew about thse students. "I think this is a step forwardl," he said. Mr. Moffat said it was not thse puirpose of scisool to teach al facts but rather to iselp a child mature. Thse plan wouldj go into effect iu the whole of tise school, lie said, and he hoped the Board would approve of the plan. ACHIEVEMENT CLASS Mr. Moffat also presented to the Bý'oardisie desirability of es- tablishing a special Aciievement class for ýsomec students in the Clarkse system. H1e said lie had taiken it upon iimself V'o make a su rvey withîn the . Township scbools asking teachers to pre- Pare a list of students havîng learnin-îg difficulties of one nature or aniothier. He sald hefeit that there were fromn 12 to 20 wiso could receive benefit from ani achieveient class with aspcaie teacher. "I will gath-er, the informaiiition and present itte th Board andIn- spector". fie said. '4"i do' t tiink you eau a Rljje a mnistake by setttwg up sc class", lie said. Mr. Mloffat stated that Darling«toi, 1-1d suco a class and was paying a sa.a-y o ath-act a speciaiized teacher foi,. he iass. Somne students. lie said, git nth- ig out of scisool. "We are lieg-lec- ting- ti,,sse students" he aie He also stated that ifsuitac- ing is net provided thie students i(Continued page 3 Fire Causes $7000 Damuge Fire, earlysunay moi-ng, causedsme$000 dageV the bidn n otn' tNs of the Vilage of On'og. Thpe- mis. -M. Colvin wholiveestof; the mauatrn 1n n he quickactionofctheowno Fue D thebuligfo toa et c chirs eady tý!fore diipment vwere able to bring the Sire under con- trol b thIe use of 5,00 gallons of water carried on the fire truck. Ldeadership Lc "Ail politial paties have fait- en behind at thefedera eve due tte the lack ofladsip" Del Cpo3ýepio gresveC-eVtveAoiti Spid receýn'iIyas lie gave 1tise prin- cipal adres urng ithe orga-niz- baýin No tubsad Mr. OBiO etm on osyt'bat ca-me about drinigIthe first 50 p ears of Confederation. "Staistics indicate that youthl is lo'sing ners in pollàtcs, mn- cluding tise Progressive Conser- On Tbursday evening of last'week sbownl above, top row, (I to r-, rnoLodge, A.F.&A.Mý,,, beld Brýo. c,. w. Billîngs, treasurer; ro terannual in)stallation oSf tieFH. Duvaîl secretary; Bro. J. Wal- Woriishiipfuil Master and the iv--et', director of ceremon-,ies; Bro titure o-fLtise Officers. Tl'ie cerê- A. McLaren, Outer Guard]; Bro. . monies was directed by Brc W. Fonk, Junior Steward: Bro . aweassisted by the Past Mas- Matisers, Senior D~ei; Bro. G. er,; of thie Lodge. Officeýs ore Duvail, Chaplaisi; Bro. A. Iieard. s-ý ltvssd a pîora of edu1caIl- up now V o ensýlueacotnae t!iÂs filie D ir. 0, "Yunbpolesiobae e uV er o hitcte n e i teur tyeof alanetof late- work wil ejoya lngtenure ini Mr. O'B rien tlte group Cf psoessona.~oliicin o serve a ;wu cthat wante honest gavern- (Continuýed on Page 2) Tuneýr Guard; Brýo. W. BaîleY, Jun- ior Deacon; (bottomi row) Pro. W.. 'Morrison, Immiiediate Past Master, Bro. C. Trimn, Senior Warde-n' Bro. F'. Nicholson, Master; Bro, R. Winter, Junior Warden anid Byê W. llawke, Instaliirg Master. 1 The Qrono Girl Guides aresp- sýoring their Centennial Sleigh ride thiis unda"y afterýnOOncrom- meneing at! 1:00 p.m. andci ontiwu tiuiguntil 4:00 pim. If e nougki snwis not, ,aaIlabIe Èfor the ridec tlie outing wiývlI be postponed te the floigSunday. The Seih ide will be throughi the Orono Tree Nursery and thoý3e aenngare asked to meet at Itie NursIýery hrsEveryone la welcornc both aufts and cid re. t as been requested that childien be accompanied by their pal ents. There WCf be available sleighs, cuttrs ad Skdoosfor the sliegh, ride artyand verytbing is free,. Cone ;u1ad enjoy an after- uons, outig in tie outdoors. As prtecionthe Newcastle i u e )epaî ment ere called to the icn îote ire and gave a.ý- Mstalc i subuingthe blaze. Tiseca~se f tse ire hsnctý been etsmne bt id lappear' tu haevoesdin lecorner of, the taveoue c a Cu of the ce- rnen blck ui1dn~.Mr.Taub, thecaseof teOire as the plant habeen eîaied iceFriday af- The prodution po'rtin of the antiwas -mot (damaged !bY tho fie other than damage by smoke and some linatdmae Los;s of prdcto ilI be kept nt a niémum.