ORONO WEEKLY T131ES, TRUIRSDAY JANUJWY19th, 196"d ORONO WEtLY lIMESPost Office TobOur CentennialLcceoesi Aîori.,i aa Second lass mail, Pcont Office Deailment,1 (Continued fromn page 1) otaa As we pass the half-way mnark in n, ntdci n wors. (Acf II~II IIIIJ the fit ot h T of Canada's Cen- ubiedevery lbursday a4, the offie, of publicatice enia yer4pan36o1loal6en Main8tret, Pone ûi,,~ron, ona~totennial events are begining.ý to TeyOut f 1the P.C. Part Duha MP.Rusei . ony take shàpe. Honey Hollow Rest- lare g01ng' llthogh ýad'rkPeîid Esý1abisa-d iii 1938 by P. A. Forrester :to-day annaiuiiced the approval Ofarn i evn aCnenalthe nmoment and ta change thÈs contract for the construcvtion0f innrahon Fsria nda etrda ofweust .accept the infusion c Ray C Forester- Ector ai Maagert1je new Post 011 uidigta. tMis week. Then on Sunday th eJnwiesfa ahgnrto, beco-structed at the corner of rooGues av plne a the Pemibroke PC said. Centre and inurcn Streets ini Or-!Incclso MrO'ie 1! oýlO. ~Commruity Slelgh Ride at tbetgth n cnui Mr. Oa'd rien OflO. O~~~~~~ýron)o Ti ee Nursery . . with realth gtern hsfasanop- No Deadheads Here l'li contact is in (K:avoLur Cof fiisl We é ersan iere are ions came fromthe< findings ;<> Early last December voters ini Clarke Twsipct tst, uctioi) of Toronlto, who were ters and skidoos comrplete with gressive Conservati ve o!rganiza their ballots for change and in the case of Municipal Council î lelws fsxtnes ntedrivers to give the whole famlytin o aprigin nar. four necw imembers were elected out .of five and for ta-e i amount of $36,260. iî afternoon of fun for free.i Amrong the other PIC leadel-, Public Schoel Board the election resulted iu two new mnem- ____Tere'Illhe hot chocolate anid i-who addressed the meetingwa be-rs being placed on the Board. Thtis decision by the voters lie in the barils after the ride se usîiRwMP o.Nrhm b1,as broughit about considerable change in both organizations KENDALdant miss it. Then on the, falow- lbserlndwh egan hisor adresu It hs beorn quie eiden inattedirgmeeiwý o. KEN AL ing Thursday the Orono Horticul- wÎh lne fromn the ýsang, "1Wedj Ltlisheom uie vdet natenig eeigsOtjtural Society has planned a Cen- wîth a aehrakngli t8 bathgrus that the new members, having neither onil i lThe first stormi of the New Yeari teninial dinner AiLlh Mr. R. F. dng ofelîs ae br.3 eakî n partha or sehool board experience, are going to bc quite active camne on Januiary l2th. This was 'Gomme as speaker . . . and uow i-s h eitiuto fterdn anid are now entering discussion freely and passing dow.ýn de- to have been the sumrmary day, the timje to dig Out those old fash-tc the redsriautio of Illea fin l cijsions and opinions, for ail tlie groups in the area ioned duds for the Centennial familles. it bpc, oleng in the past new rnemers were content to wha had made their own ad- Costumne dance planned y theJ MrRoeastodhe ahr sit ack levin dicusionanddecsio toothrs.It s madle bats. Aso 1 e side roads Newcastle Centennial Committcee oftea heard, "ThLs la my first year 1 .Idoi't kn P." iler filled witli sfow 50 it was for F'ebruary 4 lu 'the Newcaste in"gfnot ta lie surprised if a fdr aduty for new miembers te educate themnselves in the ser- postponied tîli the next day. Some llI. al election is called in the very, of us wvere al reacly to step out, BIRTH-DAYS . . . belated con-j near future. île based bis predie- -vice they are about ta give and. to become conversant with te dor wang or ewgauaistoM.EleThm-tnonlemnyperacso tise prob1~ms tbey face. lien w'e received tesno Kua h ws9 nlate by hie Primle Ministfer. The .Aise apparent is the feet that mauy of the new mem- 1dta unir a ol leJuay 8li orCne nial th of thed new -.so iri cedure sbould' prove mrost beneficiaL gad ealIher. l in aur Ce-ntennial year. effort in bath federpl and praov Wh everyene freely en teriug discussion and with T Mr's. Wml. Mercer lias been in And svifymhe r DLilcAlexCartter, MPfoDr ne iw surge of energy, bath Cauincil and the Scbool Bord a orao eçe ivipg t asenfrso etoks siatepitures hami, spoke brieflytatolie gather- nPay reach out for uew horizons in tlieir respective f'(ils eund tahe hmeinKe a y ot ars.ecWuyne ie, k in itiaive of endeavour. The future looks briglit. W oeshWaaoniuyonm o SalsorMs e Bib Camp-rsomn tine prove in healtb. ýbell. The Taw,,nshiip School Areain asoatn. r Cruer d e M rs. a ry L xon t ao k Z iii sud- Board and teac lers are planning alsco t l l e g au e h d t s 's a"va atj1ý intheifo (i-p'ýy li arl Cark Twn-pleasurle Of attendinig a ceemany Ges WO n This denî- and is a a p tiet nth t isla n aryClrk w-at Queeni's Parp h-iuin Sr Lets On Bownranviîîe Ilospital. We wish shiip School room i ri Dent'sJonAMadndwhs rh eraspeedy recavery. so ro nManStetOon Ate wa the andie scPreir anr educatian-Steet Jro j We cetainly like îhe idea of setting up iLittiio- e. Kelly W' alshl. daughter of iLater this fisplay rnay bce moved i Ro as of Onteasriemir ai mujsem in h this Muicipality in recognition of aur- Cen- Mr and Mrs. Dant Walsh bad ain ta a one-rom ischýlîasaper- h ao ic fbsns t0nil irai o aýppen)dicitis the mne-nte musoeum.,( o Thse use of eue of tise abanrdoned acrm '"- pasi wýeek. _____________________Museulemletnofaueecti1 -would maké a sultable housing for sucis u ?ducalional mu- Mr.RcadMnigis tililu eparcuc pn hv iatt(,incued Ps fron aaIl part ýeum andpo siblhould be given close cousideration. EBawmanville Hsitl t king a f m e - i Oe.Wehv Thiere is. of course, the possîhîhity of vandalismn as mnen i therapy treaimnt fr e back. ognmnseago hiado h e iig the ecen Boad meting Thi, oranyet s0 few camie ta enjoyý, Garuet Rickard of Bowvmanvile tiond atflicrecet Bord cetig. Tis, owev- ~M~'~ Theannul metingof he Kn- teTse-ice twietifeatdoasatfeeraeea- niet throw out tise idea altogethier. t could cettainly lie a a l UnitedChlurcIliwas held on tesrie uc eeida eirlcn ýýùntefrto oucl nTuesdolBar ih h Bor aj, Jnuary 7th. It began didafe, was elected riding -ýpresýi- oitefrofCcladt heeSeool Bard th teBad wthaf lCOUrse dinn l hednwith LuisCaileofCoor aecept-ngthelmajo rine.he We ight suggest that such li a dctoil~'-- e ice itev 'lc.L- O oH - sRoberf Fair of Part oe o liesetupin he Lard Schl(i. This achool lils abuliupn ir meigWas beld at the Fd om f Clarke Tonsip,1Ho anad ppears ta I-ýe of aoulid sructuare. tmme'abil e. e v. R.-C. Wbite On Sunidivy îght, Janutary' 8ti) ar Sbepblerd1, of Rsn ai,(an The gr vnd ould provide i-ca foi- prig~ ~ Ipene i meting witbpayr1heOoo iCa oeed terls.Donald PIoole afalint buidig l sebthat it bias aý respectable, appearance. It iiwdb the inuites. of *thelimeetiil witli the secretary and T'ownsiip elected asasoiaio miltle rmentiaued that vandalismn is greatly reduce(çi when metig n yarao. Reports treasurer's report. Kathy Coatha îopeiels propert1y is, kept lu goo0d repair and ini gaa perac ee ed fromn the 'Sunday 1m-oved that we sbould pay Bur- Muriel Edwards of Cbug Letusreaor an mintinsom o au hritgeand S~aol te -Missiolar-y Secretary, ley Bus Lities witb the imotion 10ong associatedwtbPogreSsive the euain useui.niseemisa'ago-id place ta start. teUntdChurcit Women andi seconded by a-eYo c ertr wieRg ai la o teçsecetary-4reasurei- of tbe Ille letters were titen read. CaaTwnip asectdre- chrh. Regret m'as expressýed T~he business meeting wvas ounIe CvnTwjhpwseetdteý ANNUAL EETING at mu ech (Iorndo[ ual tted discussion of a June and January srr S Thse annual meeti iof 0the Dur,- Sna eol Those that CieaneItWas deddta ibid a bamCenralAricltualSocetyenoy mig.danrCe an'iJanuLary 28tb wvitbh i-:The Bbereading was taken. b Milebedi rootte --tOu .lnf xeses ilucrea'se tatians ta Part Perry ýami N ew Àrs.'Briookýs. felow' HllIn!auda, Jau ,eeh ycar whule ar numnbers d-enasile HiCs. 'Thle meinclosed witb prayct ary 28th at 1:30 p-..plan nom, ta o ae orhl is nee2ded at The dliscussion for the evcuing hyb Pat Mather. ~> ALOTtiFattedadhl os h ffo ti iemr hnever before. wsoî'h ai f"arteniýî -Tu eeii Next meeting will lie held an ~-:~-- MMREDM ofthi oranzafon.It O5L a~ut ~o.u SuJa~to ~eltioshi" ead by Mi-. Brook-s. JUauay 22n1d. E Kl K/Gâ-. i*l ke i eil trier z-seau state h1ç>ard - -------------------------- - - -- --------- omoo. *ý*"@ M.W -