ORONO WEEKLY fxums On, Way (Conrinued from page ,tari become a problem. Mr. Greenwood asked ifa eould be dfiredted to sucha if the- parent çid not-wish:i Mvoffat said it was in the in 7-! the child and that tact have to be usedi. lie sai( eoujd not force a child in ,achievement class. Mrs.E sa hQsb would Liketo is achievement cla'ss esta] w-;ithin thic Clarke system. M1r. Moffat pbinted ou)tf fi, O..rono School was holding a lic Speakiag Contest on Ja 3fatalent Nighit on. J 26th with students preparlrý presenting the program ar ')Pei' House- on February 28t aiLSe said that fthe schI v1 auguratial a Sa! ety Cr Gujaïd P19a to be in ope shortly, -Abso in his report MNr. as-ked the Board to, pay a fee per teacher for those 1v. te, attend an - Art Corifereji P'Eterborouýgl, The requilesi 9granited ohn motion of Banco- Stutt. Mr. Moffat ;said rive erIs at thre Orono School1 we terested ini the Confereacf would attend. EUDVCATIONAL MUSEUMý Mr. Moffat also la! orm(]e Bjoard that' the Clarike Tea As%,sociation lias apite Ynittee of Mrs. Bailley and Staples to prepare a Ceit, project. It la th e teio tain euimn, oos roles etc. ding backç at 1ea ty years and te put sucjjite Th1c Boar'd was askcd if.i -possible t0 obtain one o! t]l user] one-room sehools to) b as an educational mutseunjj Grecnwood questiconed if st 'sehloolin j remloto area COi >,et- up witllot vapdal,ýismj.F 50 sate at the meeting t] p riva4te sehlool did exita imlaKendal and Leskard, It - was stated thatlte Il Ment did give somne assisi ai plianining but it Was netnco theQY WOld g'ive financial Port. Mr. Gdeenwood reoin cdJ that the Board consult the Tow-nshiip Coujneilithe ter of the museunt Mr. Moffat feit that' wit-a encurgemntaninlterestinl valuiable mutseum could bc li'shed. onto, few local hborses are ini the certain things accomplished à-i Ou 'scheduledi events. the gefleral interest of Ithe pî..ý S p ort ]Brief sHowever Archie Gleiiny's 'Vir-1pie inIi tue 4wnshlp, you wfl 1) g~~~~~~~inia Boy' was a winner Iast week fi aifciniii. cîd The Orono PeffWees on Friday MIIDGETS EDGE,, NEWCASTLE for his Newcastle owner. The, Ho tJhen Uisted ite-ms ho e l cîass evening1 werc overpowered by alWest-Arrnistirong entry of 'Pas ike considered and suppoe-ted at cJsý team1 fromi Bowmianville by thie The Or ono Midget defcated New- port' placed seventh on Fridayldmring 19%7. The centennial. pirc nte r .s c r f 9 ca 3te l id g;ets o n ,i F id aýy n ig lt by evenin g. fu r -r t l y h a d n h àieet This game was playeda aong 5-4. The --victýory came for Orono I Rtis expected that other local: ui e dla, e d, w itho then ic oud with three other games ail invol- i ln the last period when Steven horses wiIl soon join in racing at township financia1 and cail dYUving local teasns at the Oronjo West scored two goals with as- the Grecnwood. d(ebt, position must be oieky nto anrink, Games start at te lcals1sts to Larry Adams and Garylsrtnzd n e yssfii ! Bro rnkat 6:30 evr 'ayeenn Black. Erie Duvttll opened the BarlwnkdFrdyvnîDARLINGTON REEVE îniinated in view o-f evrlig se " la d continue until around ten o- scoring- for Oro-no in firt period, SU G ST L MI A IO a rtg blished 'lock. however Orono was outscorratei. th prid -1byNecatl. itOF FRILLS "There must bc further study The Ione goal for Orono Pee- goals by Larry Adams an(] NeillITenwreeo alntnoftepcim oienn h 1a h Wees was scored by Steve Boyd, Alun in the secondI period Orono TwsiHrl .Mibif eeomn fortwsi a u-Bruice Osborne scored three goalswas able to tic, thc gamne %witb hi u desdtecucla t e sntmk thenitao anay o he.rnosua.opoiin soe asa l Tursday inaugural meeting. haphazard developnient," he ad anaytally ia this period. By otscorirgý, Firstly he paid tribute to the When the roads rneeds studY- nýc and BANTAIMS WIN Newcaestle in the third Qronio wa, reeves who had preceded him, was completed, the municipalityý danable to carii their win. Other a- for their contribution to Dar- would have a bluieprinlt of ifs îcom- th, lie The Orono Bantams were suc- . t o rooýett Pk eý-iigo vrts ln hsoy pe oa sseifrteu-x, va i-cessful in defeating the Newcastle sssfrOoown oPt et igo vris ln itrpeera ytm frteni rossingý Bantanis by a score of 4-1. Bill 1heuser. n con-1gratulated the couincil five to ton years. eration, Robinson scored two of the Orono em rsothielcon"We munst support the Central gýoals. Raody Adamns and Harvey RACING fT1e told the two new mmb rOtario Joint Planning Board iii Prnrcolleeted the other two.IGREENWOO101) "Yuwllfn our responsibil- its efforts to solve som-e fe 1 Moft sisswetto HUrvey Partnier, Atog ans ain iso te ieconstingsmtie rolm onfrontiag this etr Bla.00 e Moffat and 1Robbin Winter ened at the Genodin Tr-fruitat iniLut \when yvoutsec dst ict, etold couacil. twas )w and teacli- ere la. e aid: aenil ta on it was' e used, ld be Ele ai- that a f t one! ;epartjý ice in, 1sup- mrrend- Lwith e mnat- 0soe g and estab-j lInterim Financing Yet To Be Approvedi The secretary of fhe Clarkie School Board informned the Board o)n Wednesday lasf thal fthe Tow- slhip of Clarke had yet to reccive apprcwal for intenim financing for the new 'nine-room sehool at Kir- by. It was aiso stated that the by- lew bard flot 5een senit to the M\un- icipal Board as the interim fia- ancing approval had not been re- Mr, J. Stutt asked If fhe Boar4 bac] eonsidered a Brokerage in- sýurance firm for a blanket insur- ane cov)eragce rather than the iadividual policies as exist now. "Inont questîtiingterae, lie said, "but do feel it could be1 lnivestigitted" Tt was stated thiat such iard not been donc.1 Mrs. Barlow report ed 4 t hýi teachers at No. 9 and NewtonviiLe ba-id meafioned poor acoustics la the gymi)ns at both schools and she further commeated that this1 should bewacd in the now bulig.Durirrg a diîscussiýjon Mr., Iowery asked- about inistalling"" P.A. system and it was also men- tioned of a requesf for a stage in flic gynins and that the architeets should be con-versant with this problemi and that they were beiag paid tohav-ýe tis rigit . It is to be taken/up with the archifeets. On motion of Stutt and Bar- low necessary dictionaries and musie books are to lie purchased. On question by M.Lowtery, the secretary iaform-ed the Board that tbey werc not too far over rtUeir budget. Exact figures were not presented :fie the Board. BpST BY! - Save 2001 Wieor ood PUREX TISSUE 'I 6179e SAVE 13ce! -Yr Cholce 1-z tins SAVE 8e! -- Fancy Quialiiy Tn Red Sockeye SALMON 55 SAVE 9c! -- Witii ChIeese MW Tom-ato Sauc-e 14-oz. tUns Libby's Cooked 5~8 SAVE 10c! - Union Carbide 10 to P>kg. GARBAGE BAGS 69C Regular $1.03 Value! 18c OIT Pack - Ajax crGint Size LAUNDRY DETERGENT 69 BEST UY!- Save 15c Witht Pork hl Chili Saucee 194>7, t"n 3LARKNS iR4£99e BET UY!SV 5! - Cs Your 7C Coupon - Colored 1-l1b. parchmient ROSE MARGARINE BEST BUY! - Save 10e! - S m o th, r e mY K r f t PEANUT B uTTE BEST BUY! - Save 8e! Or-ange Pekoe TEA rBAGSr 18oz. jar 60 te k ROUND, SIRLOIN, T-BONE lb. LEAN BONEESSROLLED R UMPle)ROASSMu CT & WRAPPED - BRANDED BEEF HINDS CULT & WRAPPED - BRANDED BEEF FRONTS ib. 6 9e ib. 49c Save 6O!-Kraft MiId Cheddar M SaYe lOc-eea od Crlacker -Barrel 12-0x, Wedge Top Choice for dogs 36-oz. Pkg. CHERSEm53e 1DURGERS Mi7r9e BUY -OF - THE - WEEK BUTTER LB.PRINT with the putrchase of 2 GENEIL LCTI ELECTRIC LA31P BULBS. at regular pnlce Rzeg. 45c! - Westoil quicK SERVE FRoZE FOOflsi or Sunbam 6 tePkg. Eg. , -ii' for Stews 2-1b. nag orCinniam on 6 ork . LIBBY'S VEGETA.LES 49c- CnamnSupreme Brand Tasty .1, ag Butterhorns 41 c1 FRENCH FFlRIS 5 FINES CILQUITA- BOANZAL lié C I~ I ' Red und White, Orono BRSSE-L SPROUTS29 Green ONON02u>Ê'n19 1Etonionileut No. 1 25-1b. Eag Nutritious Pofatoes 79e IO-oz. Tray 0 RF, 3 79e