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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jan 1967, p. 4

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6OO WKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, À'I4UAË,Y î9th, 196"4 Mr. anl-d Ms uop r Peltzer, shown in the above photo exchangedmarriage vs on Sat- urday aftennoon, Octobenr 15, 19366 at 3 o-'clock,. ThLe double ringcere-, xnony took place in Orfo'n i ted Chunch. Formebly lWis s Jean Orono United Chlurch was> the s;cene of a lovely double-ring cen- e-mony on October 15, 1966 at 3 ocelock when Jean Elaine Moffat, daugbàter of Mrsý. David Sneldon Moffiat and thýe late Mr. Molffat of Orono, Ontario, was uýnited] in mla riag e with Iludolpl F ranilk Peltzer, son of Ms ulph BIjl for- is Peiltzer innd the late Mr. Peltzer of Rose'mary, Aibertaý.ev. Basil Long,,officiatedî. Wedd(ing rn -u,ýic wsplaýyed by Mirs. Rich-ard Morton wo also accompanied thOe ooç. r. Jiohn Frise of P~roog.She stng, "Entreat Mïe Not To Leave Thee" before th( eeremnony, "The Lord's Praýyer-" u"< fece- miony, and 'Oh0 erfctLove" during the sighsingil of the register, Pi ven in mriaeb whrucle,. Robert G.Mofttebrd wa radiat ina ~o-malwbath gw of ligo-î silk,. The fýitted' bud4ce wasfsiodwihaheln"- bnean llypoint siees.lThe slendcr sit a ehncdh eut lace applique atth wastan .0 widen border eof th sal ea the bttmofthskr.Acpe trai'n of mthn 1kvihl French tfulle voit dgdw;Iih can- til' 1a~e allig sftinlatradi- tional fashi'on. 'She Ca'qr ied a pouffe' bouýquet of white ralinia- ture arnatonsp;if,k v.rni, accented with ide pinkveve pearis, a gîift of the groom, com11 pled bernsemible. Mr..Robert Fse' nursing floor-length gwn .oljAmticajn classmlate <f the bie acted as mnatr'on -cf lhonlou.She c.hose a beau1ty rosýe crepe The mpie wvaistline vwas cý ne y'ac iig--velvet rblufseedb bow at thie back with stramlIe rsl falling té o- the floor. Sile wonýe a niatching Xl eddinjjg ring h'ead- piece. Junior bridesadswre Misses Janice and HahrFinnie, and flowcvr gils ('ra an Lauiralee Fiinie, ali eces of the bride. Tb)e,- wcre'n lorlnh gowns Of rose crepe, styled slim- illarly to the gownj won by the miatron of honoun, ami accentedj with Ameican beauty rose velvet ribbon. They wore M.Itelling i- os. AIl of the attenldants earried ,white gathering baskets, fwht fig 'munts; Pink carn-ýajons and( red garnet sw,ýeetheartl roses ae- -ented witil velvet strecamjers to: Elaine 'Moffat,ý the bridie is tle dautglitr of -Mrs. David Sheldon Moffat ', ( ron-.o and the late M1,1. Moffat, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Rudolph Bonis Peltzer of RQsexpïa'y, Aberta and, the. late 11r, Peltzer. miatch ftheircotms The -oorq wýas altteded h%, bis brother, Harold Peltzer, and the ushiers wýere brothers of the bride and groo-m, William bf offat anld Alfred Peltzer. For ber d!auiglhe's wedding, Mns. Moffat choseý a matching cost'umie of oyster ii]k worsted in an A-4iie style. Rler biat was in shadles of bu and turquoise bro- cd.A cor-sage consisting of a greeni orchid and yelow sweet- heart impes compiqmented ber en- semle. TA groomn's mother wore a tbreeiece costume of royal bine knf lier blacŽk hat was ac- styled with double-breasted lines. lshow\ers of gifts to the bride, ont- cented with niatchin,; feathersi A white brushied fel bat, white lat Myrs. Fisîer's home fin Eailie- and she wore a eorsage ofpnkgve and black accessories cowl borQ, with Mrs-.Ha dPetec- sýweetheart roses. ;pI(,-ed her costume. Her corsagce hostess, am', one at Mrs. Hlarold ýftr hecerniny a ecptonWas -lt oses. After a wedAding Moffat's homne in Oroo, it . After te cremnya rcepion tc t'nTe Maritime Provinces, Jack î MPorton c-ots.On Sat-' and dance was held at the I..OF. the happy' cou"ple m-oto-red we4 01,1urda-y, Noveiber 26th, the bride HTall. M-Nr. Robert Fishecr acted as and_( are now living on the groom'>s and groomi were treated to, a sur- master of ceremnonies. Mr W.F.fmat osmrAbra pie aty hnoer8frnd ;Rickard proposed the tc:ast to the vstdte tterhmbig bride to wich the groomr respohd- Outf of town guiests included inggitsand, good wishes. R ed. Coig1ratfulatc'ry telegrans ;se ueral 'couples from Alberta as frsmnsadlnh1r ev wererea by r HroldPlt. el as guestsý from New Yo-rk cd tby the ladies, and the bride For her wedding trip, the bride aiýïnd any points in Ontario. chose a royal blue tý1eedI coat Pre-bridal events includfed (Continued on1 page 5> TO AILL CITIZENS OFg QOROý'NO, HAMPTON OSHAWA ANDg g0 0 0URURIGDISTRICT Trentway Bus Lines Limiited, have appliedj for extension of Publie Vehicle Operating licence No. 1720, "For the carrnage of passengers bétweeun OroDo and IO Oshawa via N~orth umberland County ltoad No. '42 and NrhmelfdDra County ' QRoad No. 1 (locally knoit as Taunton Road), via way of Coutyv Road No. 9, knIown as Scugog Road, to the hamiet of Hampton, south on Darlington TÏowslshiP Road No. 10, wvest on Tauinton Rload &i-rough a fflace kýffwn as Mitchell's Corners, eonItinu;Ing west to a placekon as Tauinton, then west to the city limaits of 0shawa' and Oshiawa0 Sýhopping Centre. Vice versa with pick-up anld discharge of passengers together with Qtheýir baggage and express freigýht, at poinIts inltermittent to OronoÔ and 0Oshawva." OUý'R CQMjýPANY CAN OFFERt-0 1.Lclservice' hetween Qrono and Oshawa via Taunton Road would be a Veryý valuable asset to the commutnityinteras 2.We iil be offering speelal buis trip-, to events ri heaea. 3.Charter Service - Tfreatway Bus Lines eal, off er, modern oahe with air-rideQ wash-room favilities, stero tape ecôîgsYsten, -air-condÎtionling a.-d P.A. sYstem- We are of~ the opinion that this area is large enough to warrant this type of servi'e. g We feel that ousr Comýýpanly can, off er the kind of services that 'you require and Il our prices Nvonht be.comipetitive «vith other Bus Operators in the area. Aysujpport you cain give uts lu t14atter would be appireciat4. g if yeu feel that you eau attend titis hearing, free transportation will be prýovided 1 Disane edsskiorZenth3020 NotOI! CaPL . 9 eebruhor phione - Long f Rindtly write Trentlw!IýIBus Lir e io llChR.RNo9 Ptebrog Thank 'Iou. r TRENI'WY tSUNES LIIED gý-4 SCH1~L FIR HARIG -Tliursfay, 10. A.M. Jauuary 26, 1967 ai t s40ri Highw%ýay Transplort Board, Toronto, Ont. QO BUS WILL PICIS UP AT- O Orono Town Iliai!'7:45 A.M. Pilamipton Genieial Store 8:00 A-1M. MicelsCorniers 8: 05 A.M. B.P. Station, Taýunton 8:10 A.M. shýawva Bus Depot 8:20 A.M. SIIO0ULD YOU NOT BýE ABLE TO ATTEND PLEASE PHIONE Long Distance anid ask for Zenith 30310 (No Toi! Charge). f P~Iz. -Moffat Wedding. Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood char tered bank branch! Open and ibuild a Family Expo 67î Touir Account. Be sure your family secs Expo 67 -Apnil 2s tQ Oct. £7 at àkmouk.s MRE C1HARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YO UR COM«MUN ITY , ý -, - ýý, . Ow N om MYM4MM'"m"Im7pý,

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