_________ ORON'U WEEKLYZ TIMES, TIHURSDAY, JANUAR'Y l9th, 1f67 Rtend AIong W*àih Usf*... Last, Thursrlay evening, the ajble to Airs. Paul McMackin as book under analysis at the Rea.J- 1Kingston, thinily disguised.ý ing Club was Robertson Davie,,'; come ovl "emcs-Tot. - In ýTempest-Tost' Davies re- lates the anusing efforts of aLt Williamn _oeto aisi lete Threaýtre group to produce son of Senator W. RPnte t DaviesSaeser' 'The Tempest' as a a Welshmpan whoý lef t is n ative pastoral on the' lawn of a local land when on,,ly 1,5 years ýold tIo e1Lfit.e backstage activities ccorne tn Caniada to Ia'ntheprint prve imoreengs ing tanthe ing trade at the 'Brantford Expos- play, itor'. He became an- iunta imewspaperrnan as ownier of the This book's. main character isi "Kingistoni Whig Standard' and the -ector, the mnethodical, xiddfle- ýPeterborougilh Examiner.' àgdrathemnatics teacher who la- explicablyJ acts out-of-chiaracter by Robertson was borni in 1913 atinsin on a part in the play in- lThamesvilie, Ontario. Ris formaI stead of beîng lirnited to his us- education was attained, in the uli oie of business mnanager. In Kingston andi Renfrew public direct contrast to bis usual calm, schools, Uplier Canadla College, commion-sense nmanner, hie be- tQueen's -Univeirsity and Balliol lcornes idy eaord wt Collegce, Oxford. younig Grise]lda. Rlis infatuation is Mis extra-cuirricular initerests comiiplicated byv the fact thiat Gris- were the school magazines and elda is pursuîed by Roger Taset the mnusical arid dramatic produc- the Casanova of the Cast, and by1 tions. Rlis Oxford thesisz 'Shake- Sally Bridgetower, the mother- speare's Boy Actors' was bis first dorinated assistant- director., îýublished work, ard is an acl A reviewver's statement that inowledIgedý authority. Robertson Davies is -a stylish writ- Going dlown fromn Oxford, le er was supporteil by examples of- stili rernainied theatre-onntd delightfully coic words used in pla,-ying minor parts and looking particularly ap)t places. afterrnsci aLeleFec Satire (the use of ridicule, sýar- production. Tyrone Guthrie offer-caaioytexsatck r edl him a job at theý Old Vie where deI10de vice1s, foluies, stupidities hedd 1tg rng, som ac- orabuses) is iused effectively by ing and directing as well as teach- Da e ullh-effely rila- ingý in the Old- Vic Theatre Seoo- einst pcertain Canadihrn foih1pes On bis returu to Canada, thie bearded Davies becarne Lite-ery Editor of the 'Saturday Night', and in 1942, became editor and later publisher of the 'Peterbor- ough Examniner' wbere his account of the doîngs of the imagnyi Samuel Marchbanks was a popu. lar weekly item. He was the Te- cipient of two literary honuirs -1 the Stephen Leacoclc Medal fr Humnour anid the Lorne Pierce A. ward for his contribution to Can- adiari literature. In 1962, he was appointedt Mas- ter of Mlassey Collegel, University of Toronto. His latest effort at play-writingl was a colabo:tive project, the reeently panned 'Cen- Temipest-Tost This is the first of a trio of novels referred to ats the Salter- ton Novels. These satirizations of Caniadian provincialized and coin- placency are ail bufilt around the mythical town of Saltertonl and its inhabitants. Saterton, a tow,ýn with a university, a federall pris'- on, a militarycoeg and rnuchi stone architecture m'as rýecogniiz- EXHIBITION, Secure youi Fanrê liquor ]iaws, Ont(arioarhtcue piolitickýing in Little Theatre grouips, the 'cluibwomian' type, pseudo-intellectualisirn, the Nor-m- al Schioel curickulum-f, salesinan- i ship, amateur interior dlecor-ation, lOntario parties, sriobbery. To Attend Jehovah Fred Roberts, the presiding Minister of thie Bowmanville Con- grega,,,tion Jehovah's Witnesses will attend the semi-annual Cîr- cLlP Aeb.Ja'ma'-y 7 ,a- lorg wýfýIth10 othle-, Con03tns T1 eA~seb1vwill be held at the Sir Wilfred Laurier Colflegiate In- stituIte, Searborough. IThie sessions will start at 6:45 Friday evening. The theme of the' three-dIay convention is "Become Spiritual Men - with Everlasting Life in Ve. The purpose of thle A,ýssembly is to make Jehovah's Witnesses more proficient min- isters so they cai render greater service to the communîty ^and .strenrgthien thieir own faith to live up to Godly prineÎples of the Bible. Fridlay evýening«'s prograra will fature a fim, îltitled 'ileritage', whiich will provide beneficial in- struction on Bible rn4ters for both parentsan children who at- tenid. Saturday evening, a colored film enitled 'God cannot Lie' will be shown. This film will*emphasize the privilege #of being a servant to God and a regular praiser of RiS narne. Door-to Door1 preaching actîvity ýwili be scheduled for Saturdaiy mnorninig. Saturçlay afternoon wiil see a baptismal service, a regular feature of Jehiovah's Witnesses The clirnax of the Convention Peltzer-Moffat (,Continuied from page 4) and groom passed weidding cake. Guests were present from as far Tt was agreed that '«Temlpest- away as Cnigâray and ÈMediciný Tost' is an entertaining novel. Rt Works of Robertson Davies Shakespeare's Boy ,AtorS Shakespeare for 'Young- Players A UNITED CHURtCi Th'le Diary of Samuel March- ban1s - Orona Pastoral The Tabletalk of samnuel march- banarg Fortupie, My Foe Eros at Breakfast .and Others % < Minister At My Heart's Core, Temrpest-Tost 11ev. B. E. Long Leaven ofJ Malice SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 196 -A Mixture of Frailties Orono- Reniown at Stratford Sunday School01 at 10:00 Twice Rave thie Trumapets Morn1ing9 Service at 11:.15 SoudedKirby- Thirice t1-va Brinded Cat Hat flii Morning Servnice t 645 e'dSunday, Seh(Ool at 11:00o Our Livîing Tradition Leskard- A Voice Froir the Attic Sunday Schýool agt 9:4,5 A Mask flor Mr. Punch.Roino Dýorothy Rbiso Corne to the NY23,26, 2722, 167 PARK - TORONTO, Ontairiof OYALBowm-anville 6 23 -5 58 9 THURSDAY FRIDAV SATURIYAY - JANUARY 19, 20, 21 gRETURN 0F THE SEVENg g (COLOR)g g Yul Brynner, Robert Fullerg g SUN. MON. TUES. WED.- JANUARY 22, 23, 24, 25g (COLOR) g Documientary Filmg a r iWitne!s AssýmbIy Lci News wiIl be Sunday afternoon a't Lthree StLulents or- grade eightaon ol'clock wlien the District Super- w-ith their, parents attended air visor, Mr. Clare Statton, will. de open house a.t the Clarke High liver the public Bible talk, Sat-1 Sehool on Thiesday, eveninog. Staffl isfyin Ma~krA's 'taPct Ne'-d'. M 6 the sehool) was present to açsist MdI )eson f this ('o, vention ,,in otiigts orc vial xviii be opený to the publicen oa tesho and notoehw h coleton*ill be taken. vstr thr.outh e school. g 'i g iS our professional - responsibilityg To compomid yeur physician'y pre. g 's ription:wth the utmst preisi:: q ~ istered phaiacist. There is neyer any compromise with accuracy! We are hi business for your health ST UTT'S Pharmacy Why Pay More...... 011PREMIUN SAVE ONUALITY FUEL OIL gai PHONE NEWCASTLE '987-4215 D X FEL 0OIL Serving Orona, Newcastle and District MID-WINTER SALE CONTINUES LADIES' SWEATERS 34 Pullovers of arobuin ad botany wool, made by a famous inaker. Sev- eî-ai attractive shxaE inï-ies 3ý6 to 40ý. Reg- - uar values Io $7.98 Yur C0c 39 16 orlon C (ardiganas in shades of pink, bbeie, , hoeybrewn and aavy.Szs) to 40. Reg. S8.95 BOYS' CAPS b VsiYe are cleariaig tlebanc ofui «s winter caps. Different styles fin quilted rnylon and plastic, ail warly lined. Several \~' ~colours. Regular values to $2.,25 Sale Price each -$.9 CHILD)REN',S SOCKS Srtcy nylon ýSocks to fit sizes 6 to 81/2. White, navy, and browa. Reg. 2 pairs for 99e Sale Price - 1 pairs for 99e YARD GOODS, Several pieces of Cottoni Pdiut and Gingham. Regular values ta 79e per yard. Sale Price -15e per yard - 3 pieces of Printed Flannelette, sutitable for ladies' and chid-' ren's pyjamas. Regular valutes to 75e per yd. Sale Price- 39e per yard i ARM MSRONlGe'S - - ------- -----