- --~- PNrfessioRai Dîrecoryi B...B.ASc. CLb RPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER o Ontario Lanid Surveytyr 121 ýQueen St. Jiowinanville, Ontarlio T'eIepho)ne 623-7251 fIý General [N SURANC'E FRED LYCETT 0PIFICE - MAIN ST., 0ON0 phone 983-503Z Res. 983-5142 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and VaIuatoli Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit mie for' ter.mS and dates plIONE ORONO 983-5914 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WMITE WASHING STABLES Bert Touupkins Phione '786-25521 JA CK A. 1 FRREN OItONO BOOKKEEPING SEý7RVICE bIcorne Tax Returns Pcepared oifo, Bowm-lanvile, Oslawa Telepb-toue Oronio 983-5418 M àu iàs -a d Our qatyand servi -eeeas 110thing to be desired Akthe persolihab gtfi rolm ais., a neighbour, friend or rltv COMPANY 43 Ontario Stree-t PORT HOPE "LretDisplayv in Southeru and Cycle Orono Jihoue 983-5343 IMcCULLOCII BOATS & MOTORS CIIAiN SAWS Repairs to alil mkes of Lawu 1Imoers andl 2 and. 4cyl OTACO PILOWv POINTS AND îMA'-CIIINERY 6? ~ o W. FRANK g fi p ~IR[AL ESTATE LIMII ED g 21 KING ST. WEST Tlor'onto 923-917à4 Port Hope Office- ' o98 Wallon St. - 885-4548 ExE APPJIAISAILS J . OCHONSKI g CONSTRUCTION 3-Bedrooju BungalowA ~ JPriced from $15,375.00 oit lots 75x200. iOrono Area Representative ~ ROY FOSTER gKendal - Phonîe 983-5147g A large selection of Farmas,g gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro-o perties in this areag 'Orville Chatterton 1Electrical Contracting jElectrie Ileatfing I and Service i jPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono., Ont ario PHONE 983-,5108 CONTRACTORS FOR F FARM Imil IOISE WIRING Free E stimaates APPILANCE SAL1,IS Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs1 Equiipmient and A'pplianees Such as Metors - Water Hleaters to ail kinds of Electrical IT.V. - Radios - Stoves - Ironis Insurance Service Pak ge oliis di , Hiailt n B, ox i33 Plhone 668-3552 J ~ LAimlted 118 Dundas St. E. lWhlitbiy, Ont. Mantfacturern of flealers lin Dlomestie & Foreign Granfites anld Marbies Isrpin u and Cemtery, Repair Work F OR SALE ROWE TOUiRS 1 IORTICULTURAL MEEPTING4 One Kîtchen Set w.ithi Arborite A.ýnyone wishing to go to Ice Annal IHorticultural POt.-Luckç table in excellent cond.ition. Foulies, Wednes(day, February 9 Supe and General Meetin>g wii. Phone 983-5115. -c p'riday. February 5. Tickets. be held TJursday, Jaonr 26th Phon Por Hop 8852527 t 6 p.m. in~ the Orono United FOR SALEd3c Church basenment. D"inling ropm suite, five chairs Mr. Ruisseil. Gomine ivil! be the extensioin table and side board. POWE TO)U' glisspeakev along with otlir Good conditjoii, $50.K0 Califorijia - February6 f Mi c entertaixnment. Phone Oro.no 935683. a-c il - 3-1 days - $385.00. Mernbeýrship feu and supper ______ Mexico - 'March 20 Ari 12, %-3-c. FOUND 924 days, - $365.00). 0no jkaTi Also trips Io Expoii67. For îni-____________ Outaie Oroo. Ri "lea ime ormîation phone or write wvatch. Owner picase contact the TI*,K Oronlo Weekly Timejùs. a-c ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY i CAR» 0F TAK __ 5-2527 Port Hlope O)tto and H1ilda Coatham wisii WATDd-3-c to expr)je3ss theýir sinicere thanks te Lay wisestod ots1wr relatives who heiped with theý or ofic cienin byday r een-work before Otto going to the in1g. Escorted Tour To bhoapital and to ail friends and Phoneù 983-5391, Oronlo. relàtives- who helped and offereLd d-3-p AA ~ T rc ~ te heip durir1g bis stay in the ba d-AnME IC pilai. Speciai thanks to brother 21 days George Burgess m'ho stayed with %11R. 10-30, 1967 1Hiida during Otto's stay la the? echosýpitnl, to ail who sent cardi anrd Gor Si po, iFllrBaettt1e presents whiie in the hospitai and I God Smpso ~ alle atthe those who visited him. Special Paac If Fine Arts, 'University tionai Palace, Chapultepe Caist-1 and staff in 0hawa and Bowmian- PAINTING and etreiopolitan Cathedral, A iiie Hospitais.a- 1 Interior and Exterior i Vit... Free Estimnates, Reasoùab)le Rates AIl Types of Work From Smnal Jobs to Book. keepiing. (10 years book- keeping experiencve CARMAN PLUNIBING AND HEATJNG Phioie 983-5207 Oronlo Bornes &Byam I jPLUMBING and 11EATING 24 Saits a.nd Service poUR BURNER SERVICE! L -A FINANCING Low Inltirest Rates j Tyrone 263-2650 Ilaupten .263-2288 or remiodeliing your presenit' elne, theri contact gLYCETT oPlumi-bing & H-eating g. Orono, Ontario iToluca, Itaxpa de la Sal, Mexico City, Taxco, Acapulco, Cuerniv- aca, San Louis Potosi. IAi this and inuch more. For Information and Reservations TRENTWAY TOUÉS 1,45-1333 or P.O. Box 434 Lakefield ESCORTED TOURS TO SULNNY FLORIDA i16 Days Each Feb. 25 to 3March 12, 196'7 McJ.18 to April 2, 1967 01n1Y $240-010 Returnl Includled retura transportation. 15 nig-hts first class accommoda-I tion. Ail tours and admissions to places of interest. For Comjp1ete Itinerary an¶d Reservations Cal Trentway Tours at PO, Boýx 4241 Lakefield 745-1333 'Ne Hoppe You'I1 Join eVen if: -you--t've been 1too busy tb sigil lp. OR1 -yout're not interestd i saving money. OR -you neyer bave to borrow moGney. You Can't Afford to Pass Up MeMbership lthe Orono Dïstrict CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Louîcks phone 4r10, oroino t AD0 THAýNKS 1. would like to thank al my friends, neighbours and relatives for visits, cards,fows and gIfts given tori me whiIla th fie Memnorial Hlospitai. iManiy thantks to Dr. Wc- Kenzie, the staff und nu.rses ae the hospital. a -c1 Esther Eddy' THANK YOU I would like to thank the Oronc Fire Départmnent for their speedy and efficient mnanner in which they saved my home. a-p FOR SALE Two twenty ton H-ouse Jack Phione 983-5572, Orono. a-p SPECIAL TOUR W.WVA to Jamboree Whee1iîug, W. Va. February 10th to 12th Ofiy S$29.00 Return For FurflherInrato wie TRENTWVAY TOURS P.O. Box 434- Lak-efield PART.T7IME RADIO TV REPAIRS HI1-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antensias - feneers -PA Systew f)r renit Ail parts and ao"-'arte 5 1 iV WESî PHOE 83--5512OON BURLEY BUS NES11D 623-3811 B W AVIL 23-1$17 1 QRONOý'- KRYSCIIDUME 10:305 j0 10:35 :3 055 ~211:45 5:40 5:45 5ý:55 6:320 6i.-45 Oslhawa4 Whitbyý ï10:20 10:1 P.M 5:35 5:30 5:15 5:15 4:30 4:15 TRIPS TOA) FROmîmnKRY WILL PERAT SAURDAV ONLY Connections at Oshawva for T'oronto and Port Perry Ail tr-ips operate daily except Suniday and Hlofidays ParcelExrs carried on ail trips P.M. 4:40 4-25 4:1,5 J. BsStop at Rainiey's Confectionery Store Vorl-frmtinCali Orono - 993-5,433