2500 Enjoy ORONO WEEKLY VODLl"ME 29, NUMBER 3 Local FI ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIiU Ska-ters chagesbutweek-enda arthe iForestry stables. )Il involved This put Mr. Freenian Eddy baek w'q on the at his olti job of earing for hors- raefor es. Don't let him kid you; hie en- be grateful, joyed it. On Satudlay, we lost the use of [ded to the two teamns, but thanks to Mrn owever, it Lawrence Ulooey, we were back ini ýe ruination husinless again, with two more scompbated teamis. Our sleighis were made up co-operatiol, as follo'ws: Laurence and John 1 and nien. Hlooey - complete, Ken Iis - n Tenna rt complete, Percy Mountjoy, - ithi y trucl<in, baverne ?atterson's sicigli, Bili lied Orono) Parry - complete and Roy Ten- ho snow on nanit with Bill Johnson's sleigh. thuis allow- They did a mi-arvelous job in ac- to~ operate. ommodatinig the c;ýowds and w Win Is onie express our heartfelt thanks to ut livingïin them for makinig our effort pos- illy Orlono, sible, D on. Eleven cutters wvere, present to not free açdd to the fuim, incl(idingý, a one- They had horse sleigh. helong1ing to Carlos snowcon-Tamblyn and driven by Ro1-bbie ah plannled Robinson, wbo took a g;reat dealJ nsand of jôking regardingl somne alleged hýines stood ow,,,nersip of thie vehlicle. Cutters beýst thing. and herses were driven and on Chattertoni, ed by: SldRtrod - com-plete, nveldl, BiIly Bill Reid - compiete, Gord Atkinis Dean West - ýwith CHif Teriihl"s cutter from 11L-iipon, 1-ay Lycett - comnplete, John DWt completè, Robbie Robinson - -withi CarlosTabys S leighi, Bill Parry - with tl'iree complete sets wýith the exceptlionl of one cutter belonging' to Carlos 1967 ltan aeNldl'to oi Whenever you find Mac Ranis- berry, you'll usu3ally find old-time -music and a square dance in' ac- xted tion. This was naturally the situ- ation, here as MUac was ia charg«e of music for the occasion. Thant: you MIVac for adcling to thegiey -O.ur tlhanksi fn the men.trtick- yTournie Orono Rink~ A week fromi this Saturday, o February 4'h, a fifl scale Al,*xu Hockey Tournamnent is to be ihld at the Orono rink. A total of cigbit teams are to conmpete in the tour.- nament, one of whîch wvill repre-- sent Orono. The tournamient is under thIc sponsorship of the Little NHL or.- g-anization and winner's will pro- ceed further in searcli of an On,- tario chaimpioniship ýat furtheýr toux'nament later in the y;ear. It lias been learned thatth tournament will start early in th- morrng and continue- well into the afternoon and possibly intù early evening.; HIockey fans are asked to re- ember this dlaie for thie Orono: rink- FIoyd Nicholsonl Heads Orono Hydro Ali. Floyd Ncosnwas cet ed Chalimail of the Oronio Hydreý on MNond(ay evening, on motion cf D. M.Simnpsonl and E. ~ od yard. Aïr. Simpson was e-lected treasurer of Hydýro on motion oýf Woodlyard and Nicholson. It was pointed out at the mneet- ig that nmo action hiad been taken as yet to. ebtain the necessary hi- fclrnation. to ,overn and set forthà regýulatîions for new commerl-e,1 establîshmemts and ne.w areas î,t sub-divisions. The secretary wàisa autborized to obtain this info- mation frein the Ontario lfydrê. A letter from Ontario. Hydra ar, KàthY Gusta, Duteh Waltz- L-yna Low.ery, iMarj Lowery. Chairman 0f Police Trustees Mý-r. E. R. Woodyard was recent- Canaâsta Tango- ly clected lnspecting Trustee for BonieBrow Diane o~,je Oronoj Police Trustees wbo Lynn Lowery, ar Lowery, Lin- hed their first regular meetin~g dla McLareni, Glendla Tennant, )n Monday evening f'this week. Swing Dane- The Inspecting Trustee preseat- Marj Lowery, Jacqeline Snl- ed a proposed by-law for the tiers, Glenda Tennant Board outlining procedure to be Fiesta Tango- folowed i calling meetings, ag- Sahlly Staples, Craig Ternnînt, enda and the conduct cf the meet- ings. The proposed hy-law was l'en Fox-. approveti hy the Trujstees. Lianda Barrabali, Nancy F-r- The by-law aIse cails for the res'ter, KaY Gùstar, Caroline John- adjournment of regulaxr meetings son, Ronds Tennant. by 10:30 unless the members pasa; C.F'.S.A, judges viere: Mr. Stan a resolution calling for an exten- Churdhley, Cobourg Skating Club; sion. Minutes are te lbe prepared ~Mss Suzanne' Burkart, TUpper anti mailed te members oj the ,Canada Skating Club; Mrs. J. Nar- Board at least tîree days -prier rïs, Oshawa Skating, Club. ta the meeting date. M4r. Floyd Nicholson vins ap- Wptrking- pointedl as a Coimmittee cf one te National Skatinig Tests passed be in charge ot the Ffre Depart. by Îfixe I.1wing niembers of fixe ment, Snov; Remoirnl and Beautif- iýerona Figure $kating, Club ame- leation. Mr. Simpson 4rs appoint- Karen Atlçins, Bobby Bunting, ccl te le ini charge of sidewa'Jýs, TemÉPsa (Glmbleft, Kerry Lyan street ighting snd the Municipal Ga'rady, Joanna Ingrnlsm, Cathy Building. M9r. Woodyard was pîne- Maffat, Meiany Moore, Charles ed iin charge of Planning and Par- Quantrill, -lonathanp Staples, Chiris- king. All thrce members of the fine Storsbergen Boardl were set as cv)mmlittees te be in charge tif road1s,ý waier sy- Basic Test- stemn, garbage and finance. Susan Deninis, Cindy Lynu Fee, At the previcus meeting the P'atti Lunn, Je Ann Mercer Den- ODrono Police Trusteeýs passed a m4a Knaý,, Dora Knapp, Bety resolution by Nicholson and Simip- Def Smiedt, Jane Staples, Je Ann son recýuesting the Township Tenaant. Council te pass the inecessary by- law?ý to carry eut the proposed Novice Two-, $108,000.00 road projectIin Orono. Cheryl Cornish, Bonnlie Pannrer Nita TaIima, SusnWet Dance Onle- Diane Boyd, Lyna LJowcry., Dance Two- Janice Caldwell, flennie Baàrlow, Figure- Suzamn, Buntitng ;,Barbai-a G tar, Kathy Gustar, SatJTy stoples. Bock At Ottawa Durham M.P., ERusseli C. Honey, lias returned te lis duties in Ot- tawa ibis wiel. He las been re- cuperating at home following- suc- erating at home fellewing suc- cessful surgery just before Christ- m-as in the Peterborough Civie Hospital, ection, defeatinig tne qniy otiler candidate for the the post, George Finney of Hope Township by a vote couint of 30 to 25. The United Counties' new ward- en lias been active in politics for the Past 10 yea:rs, ,the first six with township couincils and the last four 'with the couinties coun- cil., Mr. Van Camp lives near the village of B1ackstock, is nxarried and the father of~ three chilren aged 11, 10 and 4. Former waXrdens from as far baek as the year 1927 were inu at- tendance during the voting for the important, county post held There' are so mnany people to thank, includling the people in the for-eground(; the lnch comimittee, the Gu-tide librents and thie many friends who assisted, but we'd like to express special thanks tlo Bill Buntinig for providing the uise of the Forestry facilities and the services rendered by forestry men; and once again - to Lawr- ence Hooey. This lias turned out to be a, let last year by Flex MceMillan, Reeve of AlInwick Township. County counicil business today is expecteéi to cover committee re- ports from last year as well as the appointments for committee posts for the coming year. study the brief and brrng in bis recommendations to the n et meeting of the Commission. Mr. E. Dent presented a reporýt fo the Commission showing a te tai of. 388 Hyd-'ro cusfomers, 361È garbagce customers and 289 watei customners. ter of thanks, rather than a, news, This has .turned out to be a let- Portant that the public vvho a.t.- tended should know th~e people that contributed to makinug thus project the huge success that it was. Possibly you would lketho, opportunity of extending your personal thbanks along to thesc men. Like To Hear 0f Orono's Centennial Plans TfieCl<~arke Centenniail Commit- tee met in the Ceuncil Chambers ef the Tow-nship jTall on Tues4aS e-vering whezx Past e.vents were reviewed and future plans were laid. It ves revealeti st the meeing that plans are well on the wny in- establishing a Centennial Flovier Garden in front etofthe new plant of Culrvpfr Wood Products. The unc?,ertakitig -is to be shared by Curvply and the, Centeninial Cern- initice, The Commiittee are proposing a budget of $100)0.O0 to le raised by the Township Council of Clarke. The eliairnian, -Mrs. Fairbrother reported thnt a number ofthîe centres in Clarke Townlsllp had set eut dates of special events fer Centennial year. She i 'lso pointed eut thnt no workl, ad been re- ceived from Orono and Leskard as te dates of happènings in these two centres. The Commïittee also are te rec- Need Service 0f Fire Dept. To, The demioishiag of tIce ld stor- age barn at the corner et Centre and Clurcli 1streets commenced late Ihast week preparing thc site for the erectien of the new Post Office for which tenders were let recently to a Toronto firmn. The work of tclaring down the building lias been completed hby Messrs. H-. Partner and Rod. Car- veili, Climax te the work came on Tuestiay afterui<oen when the r- mains ef the wooden structurevins set on fire. Thc blaze aroused nearby homne owners and it was neccssary te call in the local tire tire department te keep tIe blaze under control. The fire truck vis- lted the scene about mid after- neoon vilen twe ftires were laid. Water vias sprayed on nenxrby bouses and on a telepbone line wihlian along thc west side (.Y Churci Street. Shortly atter five p.m. the tire truck was agn.gir)a ea- ontend te the Council of the Township of Clarke tînt a per-nir anent Ilistericnl Conxnittee le set up te continue eonxpiling historï ofthîe Township. The Centennial Conimittee- have set up such a comrmittee toi work on the hi-story of thep area béit fi was felt tînt «I Township nppointed coxtinittce would be more permanent la un, Mrs. Fairrther stated that th8 (Countjnued on Page 5) 1Bie rcmsained ni thc evening e ut. At first it was 'beij tînt a g-reat number of Iines ladl been disrupti mieltling- of thc telephc On speaking te Mr. Ber was learned tint te lis neG phenes viere put oui due te the tire. Thc casi enlie did sufter some leat of the tire but it ena be repaireti.