_____ ORONO W~~~~~ý LEKYTMS }USA',JITR 3',1S tennial Nture areai at the fringe of O0no Othr eentined at thIe meet- Illwa telOh niera of thysee little 'or learn littie of h st e e nJue4h the Christian hf e. They may learn ACeneia jblcmmu on pue 4is many other things that cloud the ben pnnein Kem.,ý, inal. ni i mmdîi( and close the eyes to th(e trutlh that is in Christianity. But God will reach out to that person because 11e does not want anyone to be lost. Even i f it is not oepDt t*.rf fault, He' will not leave us to be T Ist- 1He will search for us Intjl Te 0Oro1no Juveniles on Satu r- Local New~ to~ tManor andj oeda very pleasa-ilt tegvnbY Mrs. Kea üor 0f iss 1Ru','t Mut iSaunders, AMrs. J. E. p IMiss Dorothy Rhodes. Iss Ellen Millson, d Mrn and Mrs. E. H. 1ý Hae finds us. This is anjotbe Q) day evening were defeated by a Ie isie "uarne to breal fui and enIcouragfing story. jJunior tea fromi Newcastle by a an wie tseno score of 4-2. The Newcastle team1 at The third story is of the losti was paced by Fred Alldread with At the recent Theory boy, the prodigai son we call hlm, two goals. Single counters went tions of The Royal Co and ;the empliasis shouid be oni the to John Cunningham and DaneJ of _Musîc of Toronto, h-jl loving father because IXbis love re- j Rogrsoni. imanville, the foiiowing, mained constant no inatter what: Orono goals were scored by Mrs. M%. H. Staples Nwer theson did or wbere hie was. It IJohn Mather andc Doug Moffat. No fui: is a different set of circumstances scoring by either team existed ini this story. The son was parted in the first period. At the end of Gr. Il Theory - F~irst from bis father because of bis the second thie score was tied. at ours, Martha A. Fanrf own choosing. one goal apiece. Newcastle out- John Duvahl, 91%. Nowwear ba wen wescored Orono in thie third period Gr. I' Theory -. Kare choose to he separated from God. 9% We know that whiie there is a iiiIDGETS WIN Cnrtltos great area in our life where we Three Orono Midget hockey Cnrtltos choose to be with Godi, tihe-e is players appar-e-ntly believe in - often an area where we choose pairs and as such scored two goals against God. Somne choose defin- each on Friday everjng when the-y inated for president foi itely and calloushy and they i-e amn Ah-Stars 7-6. The three Orono ing year with Sister Be lost in a fuller sense. But telv defeated the Bowmianville J3ant- remnaining as treasurer of God can defeat the fo olishiness players were Stephen Blackç, Doug retary for another year. of men. God can even defeat the Taylor and Eric Duval. The oth- Our project for the co delibei-ate rebellion of the heart. er Orono goal was scored by Peter is making, more cushions Iknow a yoiung man who came t- Westhteuser. bags. A sale of the a Christian gathering to mock, 1 The Bowmapville club was star- will be heildi the spi joke, and to disrupt. H1e left hum- 'Feu by Tomn Sirnpson with four bled- and repentant, proclaiming goý'als ith otlher counters b h ex etigw the praises of Jesus Christ whom Mark Johnson and Doug Parker. at Sister Irene Murrayî hie had cone to know persontaîîy. Eric Duvailitied the game for ruary when needles ai God is flot overcome by man's de- Oirono in thle third periodi when wiii tbe in full swing. cision against Hi.m. H1e seeks and Orono trailed by, one. About the At the close oif the I-Ze saves and that la the 11,an fifteen minute mnark of the period meeting Sister Gamisby ing of Jesus' life. Jesus believed Eric again scored to provide the djelicious Ilunch., that so long as niai, was away from ii over the fast m-oving Bow- God, and against God, hie was j manville Ail Stars. not truly himsehf. He was rmly BANTAMS-.. truly himself when hie was on his Roger Dojble of Pickering leaci UNITED way back homne. bis teani toý victory over th~e Or- Today we will loin in the fel BatmaonFidy veig o< 1i lowship of Holy Communion. We Rgescedfuo!tefe ran carne to this exprincewh Pceiggol fttRbli' liatindertainl'naesap- scored two of the Orono goals wth preiaton orwecanco n the third being counte4a by Har- M seraely. hunmbled with the very vey Partner. e.B g-reat desire that we want God to ,1 e.B1 fil] us with His Spirit. Yes, the ORONOATM WIN S UNDA11Y, JANUARY2, bread we cat will bc but a piece The Orono Aom on Friday ev- Orono- of bread, but it wiil hiave a spir- ening defeated a Bowmianville ula co t itual rnefanipg and it, ena OPen Atomn teamr by a score of 4-2. The Surnda Scrvooe at doorways in our lîves. It can bel Orono teami bas yet- to meet de- K raigSevcea 2n experience through which ifeat this year and have at times Kirby gSevcea Crs cornes more omeey been chalking up highi scores ov- Monin Service at The samie thing is true with the er tlieir opposition. The tani 's Leskard.- 1ie entered to play. in an Atomi tour-! Sna cola Cornee humbly, realizing' that we lnament t,., be held at the Orono - Sna cola il have need of God and His sal- rink on Saturday, February 4th. vation. Tiat is the purpose ofa Christ that we should be restoi-ed teoiiur proper place hn life, and b-rughit into hari-nony with lmr, Cu and through Huni with God.'Cub e6 Searchi pour owa hearts and souls and in the reahzration that you O usa ih fls ek havenee, crneandbe ilhd. he Past Grands' Club 62 held _________________________i their first mietingý of the year at Sister Glaýd Gamis1by's homre. The pr'esident, Sister Irene Murray To H ur penled the m-ceeting with a poem, "T'he Recipes of a lapjpy Hm. (Coniinued fromi page 1) The minuties; of the hst meeting Orono Junior Gardieners were 'weec read amlhe financial re- r~ bildi*ng bird houses whiichwulpotgvn be pae in the Township Cen- Sister Bett e wman Vwaýs lnom-- ROYALBowm-ranville 623-5589 T!{URS.- FR1. SAT. - JANUAR'IJY 2(;, Z2ý 28 LiDR. GOLDFOOT AND THE GIRL BOMBS (COLOR) Vincen~t Price, Fabian SUN. -MON. TUES. - WED.- JANUARY 29, 3",321. FEB. 1 THaiaE WAR LORD (COLOR) Charlton Ifestoii, Richard Boonie, Roseniary Fers7,yth Adult EntertainmnentU RENTAL SPACE les of Lin- An ~u~ne b et)h friends en- ing in the United Couicsx ?ast in hon,011 1arl!i-Durh,,lýIam H ealth iUnt1 ton'tý,s birt eot pliode.s andj cal office- of hea'th.sai in he- tI(report on ewroIn a aiba tion that 28 isp)ectionis Nwee laughter of madle duringý Decemiber for the Millson had suitability of building lots for ýak hier left septic tanks and a satisfactorv on Friday fresh water supply. A total of 859 si.milar inspections were made in, -1966. ' xmia "Despite the fact that new con-. -nservatory1 struction is under way for- bous- 'I nBw'n thiere is a dire need for addi- ppsOltional new and rehiabilitation re success- housing," she said.I "This need is particularly ob- Class Hon- vious in some urban municipalities 0oW 100%; and is apparent whenï familles are being visited by the public health I nurses. Conditions are being in- ýen Lower.Y1 vestigated by the public health in- spection staff. mThe need for lower rentai ac- commodation for much of the la- bour force iq recognized and is being, stressed throiighout Can- wthe comy- ada. "AIl urban municipalities ;etty Mlajor should be giviing housing priority", rand sec-!the report states. C ýming year is and shoe lese items il be hield 75s in Feb- md scissors e January yserved a CHURCII Pastoral arge Aister E. Long 29th, 1967 11:15 9:45 11:00 9:45 PIIONE NEWCASTLE~ 987-4215 DX FUEL WIL Serving Orono, Newcastle anid District p - ~ASE Waste -Paper FOR THE Boy SCOUTS NEXT COLLECTION DATE This Saturday J ANUARY 28 lave papes-s parcelled and at as-b by P:00 am. t I p I 5SGc r cm -e n t (Continued froin page 4) Corne to the CANADA FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SHOW ]v JANUARY 25, 26, 27 & 28,1967 v EXHIBITION PARK - TORONTO, Onforio Secure vour "re admissions front your Forai Equipment Daier Why Pay More ...... IfwW SAVE N PRýM¶Um 16 SAVE ~QIALITY f F~UEL OIL gai SKIRTS AND SLIMIS New Centennial Plaids i kilts and slilma of 100%ýî Botany Worsted, styled hyý "Gayto(wn",. Three different tartans to choose fron., Price, Kilts, Sizes 7 to 13, each - $14A.95 Slims, Sfrze 10 to 16, each - $13.95 CANADIANA WOOL A new stock of Canadiana Knltting Worsted and Canadiana Sajelle, mnade bey the, ,pinner-, of Beehive. Caniadiana Savelle is machine wsal a'-, n""e -yaýe and Mit cnsi a good variety of coloass Price Canadiana Sayelle per 2 oz. skiein -- 95c Canadiana Knitting Wýorsted, per 2 oz. skein, $1.00 Broken sizes in discoutinuied lines of bras and garter belts. Reg«ular val ws to 3.5. Y our C h oice - 99e each GIRLS' DRESSES 2%off ail girls' Fail and Winter Dresses. Sizes range from- 2 te 3x years; 4 to 6lx years and 7 to 12 years. BOYS' SHIRTS Boys' Shirts of godt quality cottoni flan- net. Bine and red predoininating. Sizes 3 te 6x years. Regular $1.95 Sale Price, each - 99e BOYS' VESTS Boy's Vests of cotton suc-de with silves- bhtttons. Red onfly. Sizes 4 to 6x years. ]Reg. $2.98 Sale Price, each - 99e AR MSTRONG'S