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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1967, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME$, THUVRSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nid, 196à7 ULEGACY TO LIFE" Sripture Lson-Epheisianis 4: 1 ve genet-ously in the way which -16 1çreates the lgood and Iieathy en- Taken from a sermion preachesi by vironmient. Rev. Basil Longc. A yoting couiple aged sixteen A w'llisa mansbywhih \"eandi seventeen, werc being ;mar- cAn idi la e ans by rwich we rs iThe yuh bridegroom was canindcae bw or orlly O5repeating the wvords "wýith ail my sessions will be divided when this wrdygfsIte no. i lUfe la fiaishesi. If we leave no mtewowsnuhustb wvill, persons with proper authi i e uhuimredle gity will dciego. whm usband and said, "TÏhere goes bis goods will go. m orý" 'The mother was Sometines, if we becomie dis- illusioned or angry with the per- sonis who are to benefit from ourI will, we mna4e a change, leaving tbem out and încluding somne one else. Every peirson is leavirig a leay to 1fe, wlether consciefls- ly or mit, in the influence lie ex- ers for good or badl. The story is told of an elderly m-ran who bad purchased a very sensitive and leverlyv concealedi hearing aàid. A friend inquired a-1 bout how he was satisfied with it and was tokci that it worked beaut- ifully. The friend, knowing that the oid mani lived with several relatives, asked him how they liked it. The oWi man replied, "They d'on't know IVve got it." "Why don't you tel them you have i." asked the other. "Oh, that would spoil everything," said the elderly man, 've chang1- eçi m y will six times in the last twe Aeeks." How ulike God this aetion was! The Bible tellisius over and over againi that Godi, even thoughi his people had rejected hiii m any avties. would not give them up. Finally, havingc tried manyzii,: ways to reach ancd save then, lie sent JeIsvs Chrit. Jes,ýus ý i, God's legacy to life. Jesus carne seeking to lead men) utof selfishiness and mierà way froml fear and prejudice into Ime aliu¶ianit fe where self re- cedes jnto the backgrouind andi the spirit andi beauty of Christ is jevealled in look, word anid deed. Jesus lived bi s short lUte a- mnong mca and although lie wasi i noreci, despisesi and rejected h. went to> the cross. Ilis legacy to life was steadfast love, which is salvation. He left a little group) of humble, inexperienced, fright- enesi people to carry on whien he was gone. From tLhat smaîl be- ginning the gospel of Love bas beent carried to every pavt of the world. Tbey were able to con- uer because they were devoted te Christ, to a person, not just an, idea or an ideal, but to n livinig person. Since that imie thouisansisl and thouisands of likce-minided people have frl ilte Good Newý,s MId have been instruments of Go'5 Blessing ,We naV cemminend our selves for haiving ,Fpoken of wt i, bte o lo kowwal Chritiaity s uiR e bayle feu1 bis legacy totthem ,l1tlen e of darness i itn iertàgd thyWenlt as they po<limz C-h4,'st thie \Way, the Truthi and the Lif e, suggesting that ber son had littie to offer to 1f e - flot uch iii mat- erial possession or in experience. B3ut in one sense hie had a great deal to offer. He could improve himself in almnost any way he de- sired, He couki help make a good commutnity in which to live, and Jet his life be an influence for good in both home and commun- ity. But if, at middle age, he could look back and see nothin.g of value that he had left as a legacy to those who were following himi in life, then his would bc a sorrýy life indeed. School Groups To iVisit Expo' 67 On Special Plan A plan devised by the Expo '671 corporation management is offer-i ing "Education Passports" te chidren iin primary and second- ary sehools across Canada. The plan has been given Officiai eln* r!orsement b)v Ontario Education Minister William G. Davis. Passports will be available te schiool boards andl to educafional institutions recognized by the D)e- partmient of Education. Uniers- i ties; are not inicluded in the plan. if school boards vlace od" directly Writh E-po '67 to a min- limin'value of $,000, the cost to each student will 'bc approximiat- ely 72 cents per paFsport. OthIer- wise, sehool boards may pur-chsse passports in snialler grouip lots,' ' frdom1commerl'cial banks at a cost ;of 75 cents per passport. This isi a considerable saving over Mhe 1 general adis-1sioni price of $1.25 ' for childr-en up to 13 y:ears of a ge and $2,50 for persons 14 Years, and over. Each group nmust becinade vup 1of a minimum of 30 children with1 1 a supervifsing nonitor for every 10 chiildren. For adhministrative rieasons, al passport ,orders must be placed s efore Mardi 1, 1967. They will not be on sale at the gates of thie Undier, the sch-eme, visits by - eolgroups ar-e schieduled to tLake plce ond.ays to Fridlays fim ay1 to Julie 16, and Se p- ýtembier il to Octob)er 20. Officiai hoi iay àre excepted as these visits- will be t reated as part of the sehiool curriculum. Pio-,ns Maïcy Be Selisnesmitrust andi feai men and nations to day'. Ini man~y Known Soon places, even though W? ha inve bei corne an affluent, well-infor.M ed(1 Thli recise intentions of George society, suicie, alcobiolisii and il- Heces on whether to run for thlei ligitimacy climb taaamn Conservative leadership at the r ate. Ini part thijs is thle resuit of forthcoming convention ma y be1 toe little concern about the le', knowni soon. acy of influence we leave to life.1 Informants indicate the formei Younîg people stan1ding a the, trade and transport minister mnay doorway of life shouildl-be asking mah-asaemn rtyo h "Wht in o h ean Igongtaquestion. Wbiat it w7ill contain liveWhatwillbe thie influence theough 'isanyoysges of îuy life? Wbiat kind of 1egacy1 will I leave?" Too mnany bave the I The 56-ye-ar-old MP for- Nortbl- idea that: the world owes& themn umberia.nd lias long made it knewNv a living. They join the 'Mass of ihe bas an eye on thie top job,i socîety who drift aimlessly. '1he >n tofly w7hen there is a xaancy. gçod years are spent, life grow' s ie»lbas renined sulent on the ditl or becomes a real problemi. leadlersbip ComveýPntion eer inlce The aiswXer to lvn a vital am Cneraiv ene fiidbke' -worthwhile lufe isý to be fcound ini eaul ast weeýk i " a eaîmon making a cnriu Io life; ,venion to vicide wo sbould noýt jlvst to draw irom it, but to hav-e the tlop job. DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HEALTH 0F ANIMALS DIVISION. NOTC E!ý To Ail Dog and Pet Owners Anti-Rabies Vaccination Clinics for all Dogs and Cats in the County of Durixam will be held at thse tine and places listed below. This service is offered Free of Charge hy the Canada Department of Agricul- ture, Health of Aimais Branch and 'al owners are xrged te present their dogs for vaccinationi. February 3rd February 4th Felihiary flU February 7th February 8th February thi Blackstock Comrnunity Hall Enniskillen Comnmunity Hall Newcastle Community Centre Bowm~anville Pire Hall Bethany To'wnship Hall Pontypool1 Orange Hall Orono Town Hall Hampton Hall Canton Pire Hall Cavan Township Hall Newtonville Community Hall Port Hope Town Hall (Býaseluent) 9.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon 2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. 10.00 a.m. -l 1.00 moon 10.00 a.m.- 6.00 P.M. 9.30 a.rn.- 12.00 nooni 2.30' p.m. -5.00 p.m. 9.30 a.m.- 12»0 noon 2.0. p.m. - 5.00 p.m. 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 noon 2.00 p. - .00 p.. 10.00 a.m.- 12.0 noon 2.00 P.M. - .00p.n i 'I D*%URHAM COUNTY mnDAY. 10:00a.. 3:30O p.M- OUIIELLOW'HLORN Tuesday,- Feb. 7 MODERN SWINE IIOUSJNG Gordon Tobey, Agricûultural Engineering Extension Specialist for- the Ontario Departnient of A'gricutl tutre and Food wili discuiss pros anid cons of various types of modern swine housing giving ant illustratedl talk. SWINE FEEDING 'AND MANAGEMENT Professer R. P. Forshaw, Swine Speciallst fromn the Animal ci ùenice Departmient Ontario Agrîiltumal Colleg"e, Uiest of Guelpli, will dsu~ varions asipects on1 feeding and managmient. SPECLIL FILM1 The eetig wilsart prem-.-ýptly at 1600am. with a specill f ilm on- disease eonitrol prmented by Mrï. F. W. Copip represening Eli-Lilly Comapany. ANNUAL MVEETINGx The Annual Meeting of the Dutrham iCotunty Hlog Producerbj Association will be- held, duriag the course of the day with the election of commlittee men at 2:00 p.m. UrJNCH Do-nuts, coff ce ai-d sandwiches will be provided for ail who attend free of charge, by the County HTog. Producers Association. DOOR PRIZES A numiber of excellent door prize;s wil be available for those wb.o are on1 Urne. The meeting wili start promptly at 10:00 a.m.ý Thtis event is jointly sponsored by the Durham Conty Hlog Producers Associa- tion and the Ontario Departmnent of Agriuiculture and Food. R. W. Montgomnery A.O 1rype).Ag., Ontario Departqiient of Àrcîtr and Food Agiicutlýurai Itepres,(,lltative, AMÎstant Agrieultural RepreseiÏtative,

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