ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSPAV,,FEBRUARY ',nd, 1967 ery of trashy trees for a price The Board of the Christmas G rl P ne Rig International Snow-' heeer usc lus deale*3 Lree Growers' Association haveý R*dcouid be found to take themo. The f deveioped ai Marketing Plan and uerof suchi trees ieft (on lots have set the issue into legal terms ftere Decem*"um e r 5,gaeth ~cone within the' Act. Every H ol s W orkshoàjpmoie C nptin dustry a doubtful reputation, adgoe h Snowmobiling will take on, a hiidered progress in general. rwrwh an be eached than ý9 Peiýns cnnectei thee of he aiertisig p -ani irandThe' cieeatoion tefPaaMarketingtin throughkeitgetrlists#e which w havehaebeen Mor tax 4 prsnsconeted teeofth avetiiG abraya,.10 n d e ieso tth 1Y adudr h et fAr-compiled, and every grower who wjtýîh the tîourist industry, me mi- o t n d bioet ~ y c u ters Kawa'ta litrational Snow- B a d u d r t e D p . o g i '-ers of tourist associations and supervisor, wh'o presented tbre mobile Competit.ions in Pe1k;r- cuture would regullte the will register with his local Agri- 'herwise, attended the first program ,and slides. borough, February 10-12. cdlttre through every phase and Kawartha Cup Commiittee offi- give the public value for theiç clueofcwl egvna w Te rks eptbe ReldinCoourg t1 he e 1 Yil ýer ad Exo casanuie*ta, yhv dollar. Listed below are some 'of oPPortunity to vote for ehe plan. hy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 Th ra ieRig os e e ntennia e, ay ans catnnune tatteyhaethe possible advantages: 'the vote will be held very short.. ('ounceil recentîy, at the Batimore 67wer notedymMpo r ay avls nthecomrpleted arngements with 1. Lirnixlg of alilgrowers and . 1Y. The machiney js ail set. I lotel in Cobourg. tw otiprateet ntememibers of the Peterbiorough daes hc ol n hf f_______________ tourist program and muchi of the Water Ski Club te take part in a dreaesfroi frmso ldn ta __________of____ During the miorning which had I publicity and advertising is gearedI special sky-flying demonstraVktiones. i _____________________ been set aside as a 'beef' session, in this direction which would en- A ebe f h cu i o e .Reod fnmbrftee teewr eyfew complaints sure this. imimediate area of its1 powered into the air over Lake egpaneinuîyndcr- E ten B ees but he athrin ofindividuals share of the business fron visit-, Chemong on a huge fibre glass andae ing wiîntdanal n ce uijh iilar problems sparked ors. metal kite puidb w nw .cmaaiepieqoain coýment on other topics such as Wilfred, Hadda l, an officiai mobiles. The machines will race' Comth ate gre wol have COUNTY MEETING suppies or turis cams, rsta-with the Departmcnt of Tourismn at full tilt into the wind' andi tra-smeiaindang gurates ff'rd y an nd -Information, spoke to the verse the lake at high speed with 41. Record of acreage being Mo 'facturers and pieranldth -il and gave a tal n pan the man and the kite 60 feet, 0v- cleareci for replanting.n a ,Fe o6 1 es etoi o uyn orte)frHighwayý, 2, wh.ich will be des- 5.PrI i:nalu p.m. fo t ntire sumimer seasonl.. gaeiaHetgeigwy'ihi While the dangers of a miscue the fresh Chrstmastree Another major item for discus- maps of communities and historici from this height (about as high as 6. Introduction' of grading at ail Oddiveloew's Hall2 ion was the suipplyiniig of if e pre-,sites explained fromn Kingston to a six-storey building)ý are not dis- levels. ~evscushions wh,1ich are manda- Niagara. The maps and prorat counted, the> Peterborough, Water 7 vnuldshuintruhO O O -1 o- naoepheso ai n~; e aval able for the corning on volved say that thley exocect every one r several agents. 1i1 boats operatipin On j -intourist season. tigtyoofs-ohy 1 __________________________________ Aters. Most pe ators odha to espeaiker during the af- Test runs vwere made last Suin- aIl ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 c, îlcs ap~v ernioon a DîT W wkaday with inconclusive resuits lbe 'he CMP ho dcidewhic a"eformer president of Cobourg i cause of bad 1weather conditions.E L E R AR L A A C pcily nu. ' -V' rC me of Commen,ýrce and Dr. ¶Other tests will be made before E R Y EB U Y CLA N E gond Hake suggested among)ii other February 10. fo Operators t'e ~n he m - o inform young people r 5 Kwartha continue to arrive tothings that i a ap fr m , b e stat raceMeanwhi P1s ad aceAttrrctions',for the Faily abisd found thd a1Te' of althe attractions raehednaderndRc abusei th equpmenand uitehistorical sites in order that they1 Chairman Bill Spencely expects a Bbe r~ ontWie often lost the ife preservers1 aisClnBo etW t, Pink whie utonthewaeran i n mighact as good 'pub-ip, relatior,, collection of Canadian and Am, thffeou nfr souintthpepef they werend l-!asked about enican champions on hand for the Blue............19 - ti 1ofrnsltinttethe district byvitos fourth battle of men andi macines Babies' -Orlon Scarves, White, Pink,4 problem was found, the group for h aataC p mpei t heared tey al ha thesame E. R. Haynes, a past pres.ijdent o yr Kawartha up memacB............17 problemi which might. in the end -,of the Pie Ridge Touit o PlayrsKwrh u mc.Babies' Bonnets & Mitts 100% acrylec ef~c techrgsfo ueof and mnember of the Ontario Tour-I Per Set............... $1.79 b)oatfing- equipmlent. ' ist Association, presented some ofSe nr Small Boys Ski Jackets 100%, Nylon & Following the morning discus- the new promotional material av-1s m ntrNU UPl lnd..........59 ,lons under the chairmaiinship ofi'ailable this year in a short ad-1AthePdyileinrfo te os'10 eDu Pont.Nylon.Jacket W. G. Wood( of Hastings, theldress late in the afternoon. A.i idysuýnr'o h. BOS 0%D on yo akt group adjourneci for a lighit lunch1.1 faniily was held at the Sir Wlifred Size 26-32......... ...... $7.98 'Indbea the afternoon'S busin 1Among the new idea for thislLaurier Coliegiate, Scarborýough Gr' itrSiJces10 yo ess with the showîing of ai'Depart* j season xere a new style mnember- last weekend. Fifteen ýongrega- j rl' 4 - 6x................( ny-lo ient~~~~~~ ofTuis n Ifrato hip seroîl, window stickers and tions of Jehovah's Witinesses were film 'cvntr Trent-Severn upe tcrsInaeroan assembledi under the them e- Girls' Winter Ski Jackets, Pile llned, Ctl" whihws a cotour prs inquiry as to why the information cone Spirituial M'en~ with Everhast- Washable,. size 7 - 14........... $7.98 entation of [bc Trent Waterway personnel serid people to the 401 ing Life in V;ew.'" The purpose ofTetrdSa es stthTi ts ,ystem whîc-h rost operators feit Mnr. Haynes saicl that it was usu- j the-s-embVywaý te strengthen would certainly entice niiany new llyt peiptrvlfo u eaci' fanifyParnt andfyoupig Assorte4 Colouirs,'iSize~ 1-9-. . .11 viiosto the area. Point te another but this season folks alike, to wjthstand the cnrt- Infants stretch nylon Tights, size 1-4 $1-49 A presentation of the Depart-i the Heritage Highiway prograni ical timles an:d constant pressures Girls' Leotards, seamles sstretch, size mient's advertising pnogramn for would g-ive touist information that face the famyily. fe comning year was next on the people imuch more te offer by the In attendance Friday evening 14 Puie........$.9 day's schedule andi a representa- slower and mnore picturesque were 200 families for the prograni Boys' Flannelette Pyjamas, assorted "'ive of the, department's acivertis- Hîghway 2. -A Soundi Spiritual Heritage forior.Sz 4$......13 mng agency gave a presentation of1 Yoitr" A newv film "Heitage" Boy.HuseCot. Machng3yjma ad'verising plans comrpiete withil The day's prognaâm was con- was a feature of the Progrnm. Mn. By os Cýt&M thn yaa the explanation of the resuits of1 cluded by Mr. Wood who thankeci Alex Didur, Cin'cuit Supervisor, Size 4-6x. Per set ............ $4.19 'test marketing" dolle in different, everyone for com"ing te the ail- emphasized that, "there are some 'Men's W9rk Secks. Reg. 3 for $2.19 areas of thie USA, this pnea' i-,day session which hie remarked, very definite things that require Spca.........1o 16 gest source of tourist business. tunnieci out te, be one of -the best 'our attention in oncien te assure 'aLay atciSh pQ 16o.jroy99 "A share of the minci precedes, gatherings of the council since its sound spiritual heritage for our Ld arcaSaio 6o.jrny9, a share of the mnarket" was the linception. youth': close faihiy association, Complete Valentine Counter:. Cards, Cani- ________________________________________________anci regular family Bible Study-of de n it __________________________________________________ the right kinci." An overflow cnowd Sunday af- i tennoon 'heard the keynote addc- a LIT EN...ress RONO 5yip Mto $1 STORE BO est Neeci" Mr. C. E. Statton, Dis- f trict Supervisor of the assembied O O O 3 e $ T R ___ congregations, stateci: "Some hbon- fl -* est men have 'trieci te eliminate Phone Orono 983-5401 T O U Rl NLU Rd N TLUaeimprove race relations, solve 6 T u u 1< A ii L~ Ithe problems of fainily break- "Where your Dollar Buys More" downs and solve mankind's many _____________________________ O utaro CC eriesother problems Mankind's great- tirely new "1system of thin1gs" o AMh ý*Mao which the Bible speaks in the -Oth ma chapter' of Mark. It is rooteci in OR ~Il~ iI N IK the Christian syeteffi-of things > The'oowmanviiie Drama~ fnow in operation."1 "This", Mr. fStatton highlighted, ::Will be the E ~D I A fulfilîment of the Lord'& prayerY1 ors o 'SATURDAYl, FERLwURAu-4 presents TEE PURPOSE AND ADVANTAGE 0F A 0OUMTHERN GROUP CHIRISTMAS TREE, " ioctor in MARKETIG ÈOAR An easy way to riches brought l t Jr o e u einexperienced niiusintth Gaie TjueTeain ftrees. Where othenr areso bs A Comedy in Tbree Aets