ORONO RIVER -lEAUTIFICAXTION PLANS FOR PORTITIlOPE Theoh~cieo euiy h bank ae~ of t'le Gn Rasaliv- er within Port Hope1j movedi a step doser to rea!ity urig te initial meeting of a master planniiig for river- developmencit. At the mieetingl were represeiit- atiesofth. arks Board, Town Council, the Ilartxo1r Boardi, the Gjar*easka Coniservationi Author- ity, the Ontarlo Department of Lands Depar d 7orests, the Ontario t af Energy and RIe- he, Rotary and Kiwanis iTotten, Sims, Hubicki Jates. Thie myeetinig set up an operat- ing committee comnprising sevenl river beatilification. mnembers. One miember said ii Mayor Wladyka saîd eV(ery rf- woud b a oodpla teeauforfort should be made te hbeauti woud e agod pant,, cll or the river area m iordei' te on ideas from the citizens of port serve one of Port Ho(pe's get Hlope. 11e feit that many people assets and to, hand over a properý could su.ggest good projects for lnheritance to futuregerain Supplied liy THIE C supply depot fa AWHOLESALE LIMtTED ýessive indepenidents RED o BLUE BRAND BEEF HOME FREEZER ORDERS HINO QUARTERS of BEEF 140 - itCLB, AVG. 66 HPS OF 8I'EF 7 1, - BS LBAV G68 LONMG LOI N-S 0F £B>EEF17 5G - 0LB, AVýG. 8 I e Swft's Bookiielcl SKINLESS, SAUSAGE Swff PREMIUM WIENERS Sw4if's Tu - Tender SIceci BEEF. LI1VERÏ--' 1ILS c TN.jj I LB. VAC PAK ILB. PATIC 41 SAVE TIIESE EXTRA BONUS BOOSTERS FOR FREE GIFTS OR MAON MERCIIANOISE CERTIFICATES RICEIVE AN EXTRA $10 TAPE WITH CARMAE BAGS UNION CAýRBiDE PKG, RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6 TAPE WITH TEA BAOS DscouNT OFO PANGAKE eMIX RF~T~UKG CHEESE SPREAO GESL RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4 TAPE WITH SILVERLEAF LARD WS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2 TAPE WITH MfIEDCHUCK FROUNDPLY Canada No. 1 Grade P.E. PO0TATU'E S Produce og U.S.A. Clin, No, 1 Grade Cello TOMATOj"ES Sweet & Juicy Fkida 'unRANGO"'ES Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 GradelRed EMPEROR GRAPES Ali Strained BAY.FOOD Green Gilit NIBiLETS ; Tomato SOUP IGA SREAjD 25 lb. bag 79C 14 oz. pkgs. 2 for 39c Size 25z's dozen 99c 2, Ibs 45c 4 for 46C 12 oz. Tins 2 for 37e 210 oz. Tins 2for 27e 24 oz. loaf 3 for 63e SWIFM & WI EN ERS PARD BE5EF or BEEF AIND GRAY T ABÏ1E SYRUP FLSBURY R"~. orBterH P ANMCA KE MI1X JEWU-3c OFFà SHICK Double Edqe Super Sfines RAZOR BLAIIES 224 - 99Cl TnsJI rin 89C ~ 2o 59 So.69C Ipk91s: 69C Pkg. 45 of 5S 5 Prices Effetive Febru4y1 2, 3, 4. We Res..rve nie Riglit to tiiît Quantities I I I us ýomr.w? ý$ww M! !Muqi