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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1967, p. 1

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Orono Library'Receives ji$200 Literary Award jA tiofyugpromers at the recent Orono 'Public School Talent Night. They are David For-, rester, Jimmiy Partnier and Lloy{' Gifferd. Town Hall was filed to caparity. ORO NO WEEY Change 0fEnrnm t Necessitates, Planning M'Vr. E. R. Lovekin, a mnember of tt& Clarke Township Commýittee bAdju,4lment, speke te the mcmei- bers of the Orone Çhamiber ef Commnerce on Monday evenin, -utlining1 the purpese of planningý wiüthii a mxtnici-pality. The speaker ket hat if ene und-Ierstands the tbn hink teir 'way th'rough. Mnyho said, lhnkplan- ning corne-js from someone in an Ivory ýTewer te get lus te a l4epia txn3-rrow. Planning is dealingf wîth real problerns duhe te l'ri fact that mian's enivironmenl is ehangng." ere the speaker re- ferred te changes in. the west fremi cattle and range land te, Mr. Lovekin staled that hoe felt iwas more practical te have pla- ing handled locally rather thani b~those farther away. "The clos- er you can keep the legisiative ýùnctoins te the People the bet- ter- it sbould bc,," he said. "The change i eenvironnent nag been Se drastie that it i, liard toe encempass." Tin this he outlinied the early growth of -Rond lHqad (at the lake porl, N-ewcastfle) where grain elevators and hotels were in existance. Later fie said the population drif. ted nerth te the Highway No. 2 urea and in a hundred year's lit- tie growth was neted. In the pastý Uen years the poputlatiion f New- ieasI1-leias increased lby fifty per- Y,,ent, ho, saîd. "WVe now face a different situaqtion." Ho referred te the delay in pas- sîPng the sub)-division control by- Iaýw ini Clarkce fer a peried of smmyre one hundred- days. During this period, ho sa, anme oi lots llligmore than tlhose ini the Village of Orono were reg- islored in the Township., "The-s facor,"h said, "we are facing1 nýow." We have rurafl sprýawl or ribbon develepmnent ef dom-,estic homes which- are npl part o! the agrýicu1tural background. People recming te rural arens te get away from the high cost ef land. "Thaeaccurmulativo effecl ! b boievelopment will put the mvunicipality in debt. Itin muIining coGsls te the muniii- <ipallty Mr. Lovekin stalod that a rural lot in the Township could ,amount 'te $4400.00 which includ- es capital seheel cests, sewers, wate.r, roads etc. Yeu cani then idd 5-i on tisfor carryin charges, ho stated. Two hundred homes could break a municipality he said. He asked why existïng property owners should pay te croate services for new develop- ment? ln Clarkce Tewn-iship,, he said, thoy were in the elementary stagce of planning. "We are. not ilu-oibjliig creation of plots of lands o! 10 acres or more and it nwefsthe appirpv- ai of the Committee o! Adjust- mient. The purpoe, ho said, is te creato definite areas of cdevelop- mient. Those areas caný be servedï mutcli morne reasonably, ho s.jid. Tt was pointed eut that people are asking fer more services and w-ll continue to dIo se, bus at door, sewers and wvater etc. The purpese o! the suib-division aglrçem-ent is te- compel develop- ers te carry the cost o! uitilities so that they are net addod te the existîng -preperties. The problemns, stated Mr. Love. kmn, have te b'o solvoil by the muniicipality. "We inusi have plan- ninig for control," hie sald. Th~e speaker said that ho feit couricil lad not made a mnistake. "Il is uIp-te you te tel Ceuncil how far yeui want te go."1 Mr, Lovekin did say that in passing judgÇrmont on lot sizes the Cemmittee oi Adjustment wa)s allowiing smal'j-ýr sizes in the Villag-e o! Orono than in the r7ownship. This consideration, 'ho said, would have le bo given te; other areas that are buflt up. 1Through flanning, hie said, we are trying te level the cosls of hie mruicipality rte the benefit e!f everyonle. à- Talent The- Orenio Public School Tal- ent Ni-ght held in tho Orono Town Hall lasl Thursday evening had themi hnigfrorn the rafters due te thle cap3acity audience. The tWOon, he r peram had celour, talent and humnour as the slud- ents O! the sýchool prebided enter, tainmienl o! a widie variety. Tlhe program oponed- with the Junior Glee Club presentîng a colourful adaptien o! Cinderella by studcents fromi Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thie evening-s entertaîni- enls o! the- scheol previded e nter- deliglilful for those in allendlance. Oronio Tennis Club Formed On Tuesday evening a group of twelve peýrsons met te formi aýn Orono Tennis Clb. This move resulÎted from an advertisement -fromn the Orono ~Park Board asic- ing if there was interg st Ïi this sport within the area. The greup on Tuesday eleýcted a slate of officers and as a grelp- are te advance the sale of memn- club this suminier. The5se elected te office were: Mýr. R. Miller, president. Pr , . Bil1ey, vi7ce-presiden11. Mr.A. Wallace, secretary. Mris. T1. Carleton, treasurer. Thie newlyý formed club set a sceueof fes for the year as single adiuit - $10,00 couple aduit, '$15.00 Children wilh famlfly ticket and under Ifî years 'of age $1,00; 16 years and ever $2.501. Single student fee 16 years and over, $5_0; uhder 16, $2.50. Il is the intention of the execu- tive lu mneet with the Park Board as soon as possible te see what arrangem~e-gits can be made ever the resurfacing of the court and the charge le be levied against the Tennis Club. In the meantimne the members of the Club' are le enideavour te seli as niany rmem-, berships as possible se that funds will lie available and an indica- tion of inlerest will bc expressed. The speaker was intreduced by Mr. Hl. E. Walkey and thanked by Mr. H1. Partner, president of the Chamber of Comumerce. -- ight Included on tho program were rditations by L;ake Van den- Heuvel, "Missing"l and by Janet Schoonm-aker rociting "Markcet Squtare." A number of piano solos were presented by Caro)l Chatterton, Amy Morton, Gordon . Werry, Joan Duva.ýîl, Barbara Gustar and a dulet by Bennlie Barlow andJ Nancy Barrabali, The art of tunribling and gym- nai&sý' was displayod by the sehejols tumbling team which, is taken afler sohool heurs,, This art was -well receiveýd, and ýas othier acts dtiring ,,I-e night showed a ConventionOrfonio' The Durham County Liberals are holdinig their Coniventïin t; Žhoose. a canididate to centest the possible provincial elýeCiin this year. The Liberal Conven- tien is te be held in the Orcone Town Hall on Tuesday, March ndat 8:15 p.m. Early this week the Orone Times learned of a possible three whô.wiIl mnake their bid for the candidacy. Those who are coisidered at this time are Allan 'Beer, a former can- didlate for the ridling, and a rarmer frem Cartwright Town- ship; E. R. Lovekin, lawyer. Newcastle and Roger Kirk- patrick, a teacher at Trinit> College in Port Hope. SHARE VALUE RISES Holders of Common shares. of the Cemmunity Telephone Ce. are now being offered $8.25 per cern- moni share. Those ini this commn- ity whe retained their Oreno Tel- ephone shiares finid themi now- withi a market value ef $82500. A few, years back-,they 'vere pur- chased for $30.00. Word was received last we that e Orono Public Libraýry was the recipient of a Literaryv award presented byý the Women's Canadian Club of Toronto. 'The award was in, the amount of $200.ý The letter- contai ning the an- nouncernent of the awaïd stated that it hadl been the policy of the- Women's Canadiani Club of T-,ýý onto for the past three years ý te give tâiàS award to aU Public LjIb. rary in rural Ontario wh;-ih ha siow,ýn special interest in jin3prov- nglibr-ary- service to children. It was the hope of the club that., thîs amnount of money 4oi( en- able the Board to purchase mocre books for the chiildren's section se that their interest and creative abiýity Imay be stimulatedI The awardl pays complim~ent te the w-ork by the former Orono U- braryBar members and those whlo work within the Library. It had been the policy of the Orono- Public Library te.ecurage use of the' Library by students ci ïthe area.' This was accomplished through visits te) the school with displays of -books as well as ex- plaining the procedures and pol- icies of the llbrary. Interes t was also established by having. child- ren write book,' !rceviews and for the better ones to be published in the local press. This widened the scope of interest to a greater- number of chil(fren. The Orono PubflIic Library, aIý the bceginning -of 1967 becamnethe Clàrke Public Library and is now under the juirisdîctîon of the Township rather thani the Village of Orono.. Clarke Council Hears A rfletta'é Re port, Th.e Townsip e!) o Clarke Cour, clat 'the February m1-eeting .wec c~ive a nmberof digto along with general business anc further detail as to railway cros singcs within theTwnip A request frorn Mn. Wmi. Bulli te Council te repair a rQad allow- ance, Lots 34 and 35, Concession~ 8 was reflerred te 'the Roadi and Bridge Commnittee, Mr. R. Hazelden, pres-'ient of the Orono Amateur Athieie As- sociation, approaceod Coulndil asking financial assistance in re- gards te, tho Artificial lice in- stallationi at tbe Oronio Jink. He pointed eut that a boan of $6000. was necossary le complote pay- ments. _Mr. Hazelden i Rse stated the rink was servi-ng a wide areu the Towaishlp. Hle said that oporating expcnses are be- ing currently covered. The e1erk was inslruce o seek inifrma. tien if the rink expenses, could, corne under the Recreation Comn- -mission and also if grants were available unîder thie Community Packs keen interest by the participants. .Two humorous plays were pre- sented by grades fivo and six while grades seven and eighl de- ligled their audience. with folk dancing- as dlid grade four. Adding te the interesl of lhe proguram iyiwas a muasical duel by Kalhy Middleton plaiyinig 91le trumipet andi Wayne Couvien, lIe drums. They swung eut on "TPhe Saints Go Mlarching In." Lloyd Gi;ffordl on guitar wl his two sifiging partners Jim Partnler and David Ferrester pesentod the pop- ular "Green Beret" and "One o! the Lonely." centres Act. Mr. E. R. Woodyandi spoke le Coulicil neganding the Oreombud., gel, the fire department budget and a proposalIot hire a dog cat-, cher fer the Township. 'A special mneetingc is le be sel up le further' discuss theso matters with lhb finance comritlee ard the clerk. Mn R. Forrester presenfedIh Clarke Public Library budget for an amount of $47610.00. H1e stated that the Board was currently w.,ithoul' funds and would appre- claIe an advance on the budget. Followingc a letter from Miss C. Stewart, secrotary of the Clarkce Contennial Committeo, the clerk was instruclod to obtain price on a lighted Centennial signi for the Towniship Hall Buildfing. Information is tobehosouglit fm the Township Slctrcon- cerning pormits 'for ùlwoindMv- dual summner cottage buillding&s. lIn the correspondence approv- (Coninued on Page 2) Haill . Grade two pupils slaged an in- teresting educalional ýsict on lIn- dians of Canada whileý following themn Valenie Parlridge, Boa den Bekicer and Charmaive Newman presented a modemn version o! Lifle Red Ridîng Hood. The closing o! the programn was pro-vided by the Senior Gleo Club of the schoel who most capably gang- "F]lg of Canada," "Synco- Paled Clock" and "We Sail the Ocean Bilue". Mr. D. Moffal, during the course of thte ev ening welcomied those presont and paid trîbute te the teachling staff at the sehiool for thib efforts and co-operation- "T 1 ES

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