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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1967, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TiIMES, TRIU RSDAY, FEBRUARY l6thi, 1967ý ?ubhshe everyThurLIScay utt ùIe o«ffic erpbhtî MaIn ;SîreeI., pnoiie 109, on.nai. S~talihe!'ri 8byR, A. orsr Tuesday was St. Valentine's Day which, as a glace around the stores would demornstrate, wil soon rival East(er and Christmas as commercial festivals of jey. The inno- censce of the early significance of St. Vaentine seemns te have passed entirely fromn Cainadian society. Little girls and littie boys now încestuously send St. .Valentine's greet- ings te their rmthers and their fathers and the tradîtionlal anonymous greeting that once miight have broug,ýýht a sec- ret flutter to the heart of the shyv maiden and tlie evetî ..hyer swain, lias long since departed -from amoGng us. Now, ài l even acceptable for- girls te send a St. Valentine's greeting te a nun! Perhaps we should net'bemnoan the change in the custom too much. There are no longer an\, oves. ir le magazines are being recommiended by ~the lunatic fringe as acceptable instruments for teaching- sex education, and a courtship ýtoday hhs as much to do with romnance as a visit te an ebstetrician. Love lias been replaced as a guar- antee efthfle fu~ture by a strange hankering after eugenies hihwill guarantee the quality of the pool of human gerxm plasm. Under such circuinstances, a St. Valentine's greeting is prepesterously old hat and grotesque. And, because tliis is so, we no longer expect te receive a St. Valentjine',s greeting front anonymeus admirers -- nor will we senil any for fear of heing found eut, identified, and sued for alienlation of affection. Don't 'be our Valentine, please un- Jesa you are sweet six.ýteen,. and neyer been kissedl. -The Peterborough Eaie Ron Best Wins $100.00 PrIze71 Oni Wedinesday eveing the Gr- oýno Athletic Associatinn held its I1 te 13 from all county schools annuital beniefit banquet in thep will stage their celebrationq in L%eler To itor Oýrono WeeklyTa imesDarlington Tovwnship Council at Orono, Ontarjo. s s Itn went on record as Dersr ~wishing torincrlude al of the ln recent mionths the Ontaýrie township within the Central Lake- PrvnilPolice have had to in-Ontarïo Co.ervatîon Au(tliodrty.t vsiaethe tiiefts of several Co0uncil also movedi to include alI 1 çum of $5000 in it, hudge' for the Famnily k'lowancecheu e stir, th eCeitraÀl Ontario, Joint Planning Ural areas. 'Most of these thefts or ab sd o n rads occur whe-e the majîboxes are wanaeads somedisa~,e fom he oUs so The Bowmnanville Area Amnbu- th£ere fore, generally speakinïg, ýlance Committee will be told that the tihieves opei a te completely cuclfesteaprinen undteced of cost hetween the munnicipalities Most 'persons recýeivingý mail in sliould remain in the assessménit I the rural areas are quite familia, bas .is i view of the f;,act thatth with the time the rra'-,ai'iiai, majerity of the calîs eriginate in or- womnan, arrives at their parti-îthe rural areas, and also that cu!ar 'mailbox. It isý therefere r- many, Darling',ton residents use the, eecf"vrequestedl thatl, i or- amblac service from ote erto redulce fhle "umber oM these areas. thefs. tat rcipints retrieve - _ ___ them frOM their mailboxes , as _____________ * enas possible aftev- d1elivry If at any timje, a vehicle or person is observe,[ acting in a T w h r Suspicieus manner near a rural1'o -ti'î mnaibox, please obtain as many. particulars as possible, and advise i our dletachmnent without delay. ppi We are sure, that with the con-ý tinued co-operation of the public, W R L L anany thefts will be avoided. WARULE~FWrLY iIpiain _fr__ _ _ _ 6 ' year 1967 w111 be received Uit No.6 and including Fpbruary 24, jremutneration expecCte&. Unit 6 met in the -Main Hall of Oreno Church on, Feb-ruary 7h, utie's te Commence M; ,with ten membhers and one visiter ing withi prayer followed by a1 T Jean Heard chose 'FriendjShip' as the themne for the Devtional .asement 0of the (irono Unlited rPeterborougli and grades 9 tW 10 1and beg-an) by reading a poem en Church where close to two hun.-luina yet-to-be decid ed area. titledi "That's a Frieiid" followed enjoyed a turkey banquet 0f the Peterborough group of by th)e 1Meditation, 0.r Hp. lu connection with the ight a s tudents mrore than 2700 would be The Scriptures was read by Betty d',raw Was ,held for a cash prize of participating.I Colvini and Jean ciosed with a $100.00. IîS was won by Mr.* Ron The students, said M. A. Mac- prayer. Best of Orono. Also a draw for a Leed, admiistrator of the school halif e beef or $lo0oo was heidbtard, "havé through variotus of A sh-dort business period wlIs The winner of this draw was Mr. itheir erganizations recommended! ibc onrte oraunth espon- Robert Bartman , 354 French St., the activiies of their chioice." ibl o h rga tte n O~~hawa, Ontarlo. ~ A committee of the schooi board tn nFbur 6h il)ocedsfrorthebanue wil et -,, Fbrury 7ti tj ïsess Our Mission Study Book, 'Thei reedsforoithe ainquethwl et roon F e by 7htle sunss Chux-ch Grows in Canada' was; in- be se fe t e o er tio e th p op sai m de y l-. s ude ts jtroduced by Thelm a Vagg, who rink while funds frem the beef They new eniy require permis- draw will be placed with the arti- sien of the board to put them i gave a short summirary of the first ficial ice funId. te action. chapter and then held a qi ý> Ameng the recommnendefd aeL4v te xen t urkewege 1 PUPILS PLAN CENTENNIAL f ties are: tabloid sports, a eo Canad and tig aain ueus variety program including! The Mizpah Benedliction Wais re- Thousands of Durham County choirs, bands, orchestras, pIaysl peated in unison to close our! seedr schocyl studeits may jetc, a large mural to be created mieeting. Joan Couvier srvda hiold their own centennial celebra- lby toveral students, on a centen- tasty lunciih and a social time was tiens in May.I theme, several artists doing enjoyed. The next meeting "lb If aPpreved lby the Durhlamn Disg- hi own projeets and a strleet a the homne of Shirley Wiiames trict H-igh School Board, grades d cancee. onMachl7h on irc-h 17_h- jI[ I Corne -Look JACK 99 Kinig St., E. BOW-MANVILLE When B>uyîiig or Selling eaU WILF KAWKE VOUR ORO0NO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa an-d Dis- trict Real Estate Board of Cl'arkce lion fer INSPECTOR rble Fly, Inspector for the hy the undersign&l up to 1967. Appilcants te state larchi 1, 1 967. H. E. Milisen, Clerk, Tomwnsbip of Clarke, Box 317, >rone, Ontaioe. - Srnile Girl's Pile-Lined Washable Ski Jackets regular $7.99 f ir orily............ $5-99 Ladies' Terry Cloth Aprons, asst. patterns priced only ........ ............. $1.19 MIen's -W'ýol1en Socks, reg-, 3 pair for $.2.19 Now 3 pair for .................. $1.66 Teflbn Douible Caated Griddle, 111/" .. $5.39 TeflIon Sauicepan-, $1.99 Steam Iron Rest 98e -ne 4 of Bob Tap ..............$3.69 UyalRadio, Set $5.95 Chemnical Set $4.19 c ans âMi.roscope LAb $8.98 Erector Set $3.33 ~ ûstlngRider Loco, sturdy for y r3ung uns, pricd aic.............$5.49 Eldon esign-JVIaX c cdburning Set $4 149 L>aoy Ne Tabe Laps . s. 6.2 9 1mg5c& nue lofr...............5à fur63C Deodoarizer 'esp,,ecially kîils tobacco smoke. Prtced ati.................8 9e ;-piîecTal Service, earlý7y Ame_ýrican, Prsoipriced At.......$2.25 Rusbber M1aid Vanity WVaste Basket regulr' $1.49, Special -price .....99e Riayette 'Aqua Set Hair Spray, 1411 oz. regular 024O0 for only ............ .3.9 Plus WieTooth'ï Paste for just...... 67c Beatiul rtficalFloiral Arrangements, Ladis' louespritsplains, plaidts pricd foin..........129to $1.98 Ladies' FancyBosas.sylesand colors, priced ai ................. $498 Po-ly Garbage Dsoa as ten for.. 79eý ORONO 5c to $1 STORE l'hotte Orono 983-5401 WIIERE FAIR PIRICES PREVAIL Mid-Winter Super Values i i On ebuay Ot, 96, heOntario Govenetpse a la,ýw ini- suin al epsisDeenurs (mdGarantee InsmetCricts Ontfarlo Trust andîavings Corpo atins. np e'iý!(i Eachcustm h i nsured againt possibe Lus of fy un o de pesit up tu a maximums of S20M0OO by the Ontarire Deposit Insuirancýe Corpolation. Pi * AilH Ortho Incoporated %oau and Trust Companmies are fleased teo note tins adeitional assrace given by the Govrnment to their cstm- ers. CElc tTRAL ON TARIOS 19 îmcoe St. North2U King treetWest Oshaw%ýa, OntarioeBewmnanvile-, Onta io Telephone 723-5221 TeIephone 623-2527

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