~- -~ --7 ORONO WEEKLY TI lES, IL I Prof Lssioiaýý Direct oryj : -.-FRAN f R E SIONA 1, ENGINE ERF1r ,o t 9 39 ' Port Hope Office- 1298 Walto SSt Bowý%manville, JOntarioPAISI o ~ ~ ~ EÏýeIuNîveAgtfo Tfelephone 62347251 JL OCHONSKI n CONSTRUCTION j 3 3-Bedroont Bna1w - ~~~ Priced front$m35O enei i fi Oouonlots 75x200f Area Rpeett~ ROY POSTER~ lâ.1Klendal - Phonie93-80 IN SUR ANC E ~~ A large selectionomarnif SEE [ oes Lots, Retreat Pro- FRED LYCETI Hmes luthi-ara-- OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO 'bone 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 JACK RE1D 0-rono's Licensed Auctioner and Valuatui, Spec-ialize lu Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for te-rnis and dateq PIIONEORON-483-5914 PUbîPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS wHITE ,WASHING STABLES D.rt T@mpkino Phn186-25 JACK A. FERREN RNOBOOKKEEPING SERVICE Incorine Tax Returns Preparedt Oron, BwrnnvileOsItawa Our qual ityad service leaves No.thè.printv hobghro ànreiglhbour, friend or relativel Street POT OPE "Larg~st llaSoutherul nepairs to ail malkes of Lawmt Mowiers andZ2and 4 cycle OTA(M PLOW POINTS ANDP MACHINERY iOrville Chatterton 1Electrical Contracting I ElectricHatg and Service jPHONE 98.3-5546 or 9354 Orono Flectric PHIONE 983-5108 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andflUS WIINC Fret Estimates APPLIANCES-ALF, Prompt and GuaranteedRepir Equipment aDd Appliâfneec' 8iueh as Metors - Water Hleaters to ail kinds of Electicalt T.V. Ilados Stoves l rons, ý,.Hamitons lf Insurance Service 'Auto, Fire i packagePoces f F griy od Phone 983-5115. Box 13Mhn 6835 4StAffort! rthr 318 unda t.E. WhityJ n Cemetery Memoniials! Domest & Foreign Gaie ,ind cemetery Repjaiï or BOAD ANTED board in Oroýno. Phone 983-5349. HIELP VWANTED. EML Home typjing wiork avajaiable in and VAN SEGGý(ELIN- Nick and Ria l-plae hapy,3 dp1ud>o1n»T the bir th of a son, RoerB Ibs., onuauay2iith, 1967. A brother for Nicky and William. a- c D E AliiS WYEBBýE-At Oshlawa General! Hopiqlo Saturday, February,ý lt,196i7 Charles Web'ber, Oraino, Onýtarlo, dJearlyv loved hushand of MarySomrvileSon of Mr. ame Webber,Mdan and brothler cf u rono and -area. Fi tinte, Part CARI) 0F THANKS iMi,- El el iW ebber, iiiandaj III time.Deas wrt Torhiam lCo, Please accept my thanMls to il Mrs. James Diamond, Barrie. Posal W Uî"" aii.-.~owes hî ulC '1ul ested ait te Bariow Funmml OnaX.ap the unenmial llospitaj BOwmanI- Homne, Oronjo for private service \1xIle.lTO my f if ; ad r'tvsTuicsdaýy, Fehruaýry 'l4th at 2p.n FOR SALE forcrieds fowers, gMfs ami Intement OrooGcenietery. 16 foot Canaia Fags, $8-50; wodçu ltes Tak 'so 4m 36x5" enenia Fags in RvAksi og r.A .M- McMANS-Suddenly at New- blue, green an "ý $61q, Kenzie, Dr. Rundie. nurses on castie, on Saturday, February Oroo eeky ime , 3rd fütr and Aïr. H.1Ba 'w. lnlth, 1967 John G. McManus, aged Marjorie Tebble 37 years, decar son of Margaret ap(Mrs. David Cooper), Conseconr, FOR ALEde.ar brother of Hlazel (Mfrs. Frank WinefaneSprJakt good Miller), Newcastle: Wilson, T6br- asnw(jusituo 0smiall). Size CMN VENT onto; ive (Mrs. John ChandIer>j 14-16. Tue CGeeralMeeing P*Of U.. Ohawa a.nd Evyn Mrs. ;ercy Phowne John Robinson 983-5973. WV. mîll tie held1 on February 16 Pearce),Behny ervie as a-c Jt 8 1pan. if, tue 'main"udtrmheld in the Morrlis Fluneral Chape> of the Chutrch. Unit 6 wil ho in Bomnvilpe (oniTuesdayý at 2 mharge of programme. The film O'cîock. "Soyof Confederation" wiII be :Q NOTICEshown. b-6-c W0-A shawa Gnranos- Take-ot Vih aidCis En!-_____ __ ____-pital, on Sunday, February 12U* lihSye-6 ets a order. NOTiIE '10CREDITORS AND) 1967 Elizýabeth Wiyte. Kendal, Phoe 93-816O~ono tto's agýed 90 ycars. vhf e of the lat Restautrant. c-6-c OTIIERS Wmfi. I1eny Winn,. dear mot!her a IN TIEI ES OF H IEBET Frederick 'and Robert, Kendal; WO1IK WANTED Wllltami, B 1, Port fHope and, Amnbitious couple who nedJAMEýS HOLLANI), DECEASEDrChadrRR. , apelr 'i'Gc I'n.s-2ý pporunit en hatService suas beId. in' the Mommis mu ondcomeunfuar oportun Oiy NOTICE is herebygiventhtFuneral CIiaIpeE, owanv Ji, forehe gooern Igsor bot Work the ,Executos of Mhe Estate Of IWedneda,' ai 2 oclock. Inter APPIYly Bx 700, Orono rWeey Herbert James Holland, late ofý ment Si. Johni's (N'orway) Cei4 Tlimes. biythe Village of Kendal, in tho tery, Torono 1 o4>VVLJIIj> 01U1211 e.*Ii LL',uUULili of 'Durham, Leird Getemn ,wo died onj or abuit the 2 si- dav ofDemb, 1966, will afterth lUthJ- day of Maîch, -,9c72 distri- butite assýets of 'lie saàid estate, among the persons bnfcal I nit7ed theeo -'av-ing regard o)- to the claimis of personswh shaIlh hl!]av\e or, or before the 1 0th day of March, 1967, given written notice and statements of their 4 ent daimis to the uýndlersignPed solici- Mlechan7iica) Conracrti who seils, instali CARMAN PLUMNBING ANI) IIEATING Phone 983-5207d Orono iBornes &Byam jPfLUMBING and HEATINGý - saits adService SPhon.'ýs: BiuildÀng a use? un, thn'Ontact Hi-C News iOpened our etn with th(, 1Secrýet ary's refp orut focllowed by the Treasurer's report. This mias foilowed by the movemrent tha± weuc give $Utfar the Buildingy Funld. Gordie Hlooey moved it aud Rayýe Ws secndcde , lemotion, Mr.Brooks read uis a letter DATED at Port Hope, Ontario, wolld like to becomne a leader at this 20th daây of January, 196,. nM-cCamp. !ISONEY; BROOKS & HARRISON 71 WaltQni Street, Port Hope, Onitarie. Solicitors Thr lite Exeeutors, PART-TfIME RADIO TV REPAIRS -111-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - Towers P A Systeui for renit j il! parts and labour pgua-ranteed IIRYWIERSMA PHOïfNE q983-5512 0ORONO PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK ERE MOD EL LIN Interir and Exterio -o 've een too busy to -you'e notinterested lu -yuneyer have to borroW YuCani't Afford to Pass Up 'Meilbership !lu the Oronb District CREDIT UNION Treas.-,Man,, Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orono I Janet Duvail, Ra eWestand Gordon1Hooe-y volunlteered Io -be on1 the Planning Committee. Next Hi-C imeetjing wil be o February 19, 1967. The meeting closed wiý:th theý benlediction, Up Solt Candian TeNorth Aeia ktn treal -ver thle w end when ska- tesfroim P ort Perry .and now localy avin peformed at the Oxoto ink plcedf orthin the Anina Focr2' ichrdSte- top Uiadan.,upsu t1ic heCali- aidian camios f ety n Jon oKllga f dîue17. dian hampinshipa fewwek e r QOMPETEAUTèS"V-" e 1 D