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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Mar 1967, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCil 2 S ~ Frofm~ionaI Directory ý1 MiERRILL D. BROWN B A -ASc. CLS. pBorFESSIONiL, ENGINEER o (Civil>) Q olktario Land urvYý 9 Teephfle623-7251 IN SuRKANCE ,SEE FRED LYCEIT OlFFIC(:E MIN S.,ORONO .hOne 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 JACK REID Orono's Liceeused Auctiofleer and Valuatuî! Specialize ini Fan and Ftumiture Salles Consuit nme for termS and dates PHONE O)RONO 983-5914 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANt.KS WuITE WASHING STABLES Sert Tomplibis Phoane 78f;-2552- Faiiy 1mornl Our quality and service leaves niotlhing to be dlesfred Aisk the person who )bought ro us, a nkeighýbour, friend or relative The RUTTER G~NT COMP AN Y 73 On-tarlo Sre PORUTHP WATSON'SMain and Cuycle Oono Phone 983-5343 lcCULOCH BO3AT7S & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail nînkes of LaýwD Mowers and 2 andl 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY 0W. FRANK ÎREAL ESTATE g LIMITED g 21 KING ST, WEST t G Bowmanville 623-3393 o Toronito 9397 f3port Hope Office' o98 Wlo St. - 885-4548 g FREE APPRAISALS g g EcluiveAgent for g 3 . OCHONSKI O CONST'UCTION j 3-Bedroom Bungalows t gPriced from $15,375-00 i on lots 45x2ý00 t]Oronïo Area RepresenitatiN e ROY POSTER gKendal - P1honle 983-5801 gA large selection of Farmst gHome-, Lots, Retreat Proi- perties ini this area t Orvilte Chatterton Electrical Contracting j Electric H1-eaing and Service I PHIONE , 983,5546 or 983-5940 0rorn. fOntario Orono Electric PHONE 983-5108 CONTRACTORS 'FOU FARM and HOIJSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaýirs' Equiipmn-,(tt and ApplianCeýs Such as Metors - Water Heaâters, to ail kindg of Electrical T.V. - Rtadios - Stoves - Irons, L iability LUfe 1: irý,t Mortgage Loans Bok 3 Phon e668-35521 Stalford Brothers Lited 318 Dunds St. E. Whihy, Ont. Domctk (:&:Foreign Gralte, -' and Ma1",- ncrptos u ami CemetRyiepair Work FOR BENT Modemn two bedroom, heated Apartment for mot 1ft Oronio. A- vailable March lst. Phone R. Miller, 983-9171. COMING EVENTý District Farniers Meetings, Wedlnesday,. March gth - Live-,. stock Day - Speakers on high, en-1 ergy feedIs, the uise of the siloi Thursday, March 9th - Crops inechanization, field to animal, the -Ç.,.-o ,f thes liveotnn iildtv. CARD 0F TUANKS 1 would like to thank a]'l thos who reememrbered m~y.aunt, Mr, Younghlusband ~if- cards and, treats, also visits while she Y a atie-nt iii the Bowmianvifle hos-b pitli - F96 OPr AE ecr - Day - Efficient Use of Fertîlizerý,MI.RLn 1964 Pak Lane ercuy grox your own protein, payiîng _____ _______ Hardtop. Power steering, brakes 'ci ops and their storage and crops and w7iindows, 3 speed automnatic on the grow. CR FTAK tas.power rear window, radfio CR FTAK Pand 2,rear speakers, tinted 'wind- NOTE: These meetings, will be I ihttaehioprunF shield, 4 new UNIROYAL (Bainiheld ini the Ontario Goverument to thank ail my friends and scho? Tire) Whitewall 4 ply tires. Bufilding whichi is located onthe chums for' their' many actis a£ 1955Merary ickup i goo uet enil of Lindsay on Highiway kindness during my stay ln Mems 1955Mercry Pck-u in ood7B. Luinch may be purchased for oial Hospital, Bowmanville.Alt conitin.S1060. For further informiation a special thanks to Dr. A. F.M- Boyvd Wood, Orono. Phionecntc yu(cutyAriutua Kenzie and the nursing staff. 983-597. a-pRepresentative. a-c Rnl orse TRIP TO EXPO NEED EXTRA MONEY? Anyone interested lin forming a! I . IN MEMORIAMX bU u Lo o vsit Expo thLs sum-j stait selling Avon Products in MARTYN-In Ioving memiory cf mer are asked to contact Mrs. y ýour own comm-unity. Open terri- a dear Dad, Mother and SistxL Arnold W"alla"ce as soon as poss- ltories now avai ')1e in Port Hope Dad passed away Ma rch 5, 1945 ible. If a sufficient number can 1Cavah, Manivers and Darington Mother p)assed away lMarch ,. be secured arrangements will be Townships. Don't delay.Cîor91an mystrTemaFi mIade for, bus, accommodation and Write oMs .Hl,10Noqo ur 0 93 tikets to Expo. a-c IRoad, Oshawa, Ont., 72.5-9696, for ----- - a personal interview. No exper-1 It broke mny heart to lose th(ons NOTICE ec required. We train you. But they didn't go aljone T-he Senior Citizens will meet; d-11-c j For part of mie went with thenaý lun the Oddfellow's Hall on Wled- The dlay God calied them homie. nlesday evening-, March 8tlh at .30ý COMING EVENT Sadly niSsed and, always - Evemyone welcomie. a-P, Durhiam Cotinty Liberal Associ- membered by daughter Greta an4ý fation Nominating Convention, Orme Falls. a-p NOTICE Orono Town Hall, March 2nd at, Rlawleighi Producet Dealer, 8 p. Phione 983-5570. t-f, Guest Speaker: Robert Nixon, M.L.A. a-c DIED Cal) your licensýed plumbing &. Mechanical Contractor who seils, instals CARMAN Phone 983-5207 Oronlo L$ornes &Byam PLU.MBNG and HEATINO Sales and Servie j I24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE o jB-A FINANCING Low Interet ates Trone 263-2650 amty 263-2288 Building a fo0u se? une. then ',contact gPlumbr.,-ing &Heating Pgi PHOLE983-5407 g orono, Ontariog LADIES WANTED To kait g1arments at home on automnatic machines supplied by us. Payment by the kn)itted*ounce giving earnings uIp to $2.00 per hour. EXPERIENCE NOT NECES- SARY as free training course is giveri in the home. Only appli- cants 0f substamce and injtegrityý will be cniee as valuable eqmppmnt and mraterials will bei in, their possession, Apply in writing to le Mr. Hardy MANSFIELD KNITWEAR 1554 Yonge Street, Toronto 7, Ontario. PART-TIME RADIO ITVREPAIES -HI-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - Towers -PA Systein for rent Ail pa rts and labour guaranteed HAREY WIERSMA PHONE 983-5512 ORONO Gord SimpsonI i pAý%INTNG and I CARPENTER WORK Interior and Exterlor We iHope You'II Jin -you'ive b-;een too busy to siga ýlup. --yout'r-e fot iinterested in savil n oniey. -yuneyer h~ave to borrow You C'aii't Afford to Pass Up Mlemrbership in 'the Orono District CREDIT UNION II rea-Ma-,Anigus Loucks phone 4r10, oo IIARNESS, Wendy Diane--At thL Hospital for Sick Childrei, on at urday, Eebruary 25th, 1967 WendyIý Diane Harness, agedl 10 years. Buý- loved daugýhter of Mm. andMm Reid Ilarneüss, Orono, 0tru Rested at the Barlow FunalmÈ Homne, Orono until Tuesday mcr- iing. Service was from the Qoo United Chuirch on Tuiesday, Fu ruary 28th at 3.15 pm. temn Oïrno Cemetery. To Ad vertise FRED R. BESI PAINTING & DECORATIN-G CONTRACTORS Also Genieral Repairs 25 VYears Experience Specializing in Paper Iagn Vinyls ani Fabrirs ete:, Telephlonle 7rlBethiany Apply: RolpbH Iardware Orono 983-5207ý Three Generations la thýe trade TE O A I COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 24HR. N.A.L. T I I e'e e JACK A. FERREN HmtnO oRONO BOOKKEEPING nsrncl SERVICE Sevc IcreTax Returus prepared evc , -8-c: 1 1

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