Y, Russeli i. Photo c aiiner. GIRONO WEEKLY VO0LUMIE 29, NUMIWR 9 ORONO WEEKLY TIES, '1HURSDAY~, MARCII 9th, li Durham M.P.P Outlines Area Road I'Pri Alex Carruthers MPP (PC - -ýlurhamY)hin a 'tatenment'from. Quul en's Park resently, outincdt aIn. iressive highway and bridge ro-)gant for Durami County for IË67. The program cails for recon- strctin, including gradin, drainage. and granular base of -Fighway 7A froin Bethany east to 11Jighway 115; reconqtructiOn of J1'igcway 115 at the intersection of County Rd. 10 toe Millbrook, and the grading, drainage and paving of Highiway 28 for- a dist- ance o! 1.8 miles nourtherly -from tre vTillag-e of Soutil Ire also saidl the overpass at the1 Highway- 11,5 wil andl Highway 115f 28 westward for aÉ muiles will be resuri Under contract,j mients in the Bow: raing, drainiage, pavirig, anid struci compieted, begixnnini east limits of Bowi erly iîncluding the bridge east and wesý LocalTourniai The Orono ýAtomn hockey club on ridcay evýening wvas an extremnely h1appy g-roup of boys having ,won thle Orono Atomi tournamient. Four ïeams were entered in'the tourna- ment with Orono, Newcastle, Mi Il- brook and Bowmanviile compet- ing-. A goqd crowd was aiso, on ktand to view the action' o! the rd lht. Orono won both their gaines g,.ames which included the dham- pionship which was won by an 'overtime goal. In thie first gamne Orono defeat- ed Newcastle by a 2-0 score: "The Orono goals were scored by Rob- ert Henderson and Cliris Robin- son with asqists to Douglas Black and *David Armstrong. The second game featqred Bow- manville and illbre)iok with Miil- brook, winning 8-0. The third game of the series was played between. Bowmianville and Newcastle with Newcastle taking thle gaine 5-2. Wýýithi this ietory1 Newcastle was. ýhe consolation wýinner receiving ýhe Lloyd Taylor trophy. The final and echamipionish*ip gaine was played between Oronio mnd Millbrook with the win finally gge tc, Orotue iu an vertinie ea-ýySeve ~Allen with assïst Vo Keà h owell. Èinal score rested at 3-2. Douglas BIa Powell scored the ot. goals with assists Gilbart, Steve Alle Powell. This gave Orono ship and the Glen 7 port Trophy. Welli ngton Wins In the first gem( two out of three s JUIRYWANT$ MO1TORIS WARNEfl OF DANGER OF CARBON 1IM0NOXIDE TORIES PROMISED LIEAL BATTLE "The Tories are fighbting, their first election in 20 years,'" Erie Richard Lovekin, Newcastle law- yer, told a Ltiberal party conven- tiJon in the Orono town hall last Thursday, after he had been nom- inated as the party's candidate for the next provincial ýelection. Mr. Lovekin defeated Roger M. Kirkpatrick o! Port Hope for the nomination. "Unider Leslie Fros, Ontario el- ections were a charade, a farce, an emp,îty vessel," Mr. Lovekin said, "and there was liardly any doubt as to the outcome." "This is not true this time." The candidate accused Premier Johin Robarts of saying, like \Vo taire's Dr. Pangloss, "This je the bestf o! ail Possible worlds," whien obvio)usly tliere are a lot o! things wrong. fn t'heli- repetition that "every- thing-'s dandy," the Tories are us- Honey, ing the Goebbels technique - if courtesy yo'r e going to tell a lie, tell a big un.e - Mr. Lovekin said. ~'Ofcou<sethere have -been a pçople O! ability and integrity luj tic Conser-vative goverumieut," the caný1didate said, "but there is djry otbthe' timbers o! thie sjlip o!f M97Ar. Lvkiwiose family' s:ettled r in Clrke Townsip ibefore TS 180, aid it was a great ho0nour ~ henomiatedas bis pýarty'sý canddatein te ceniteuiiial year. fie entonedthefact thet J. P. Loein is great-grandfather, Reu-dingIncreases -At Clark. Library Librarian, Mrs. Bruce M£,re-.ý er, o! thé Clarke Publiè- Librâtyi, reported an increase in the nuar-. ber o!fl6ooks that were taken out on léan during February_1967 ove&z that o! February 1966. The total amountedto 1275 witli 611 o! this amourt bcing taken eut by dhuld- i-en. The increase over the 1966 figure was 168 or about a 14% incease. ljI-s. Mercer also reported te tie Board that the year-end re- port for the number o! booksle the library showed a total o! 3301. volumes. EXTEND OPEN HOUÜRS The Board o! the library extend- ed the open hours o! the library by ýone further opening, being Thursday afternoon from 4 to 5. The move was propose-d by Mr. U, Hallowell as a means to extend the service dhiefly for sehool children.' The chairman, , Forrester was authorized to have a i made for outside thie lbrary nût ing the location and the pr bourm The Board passed a miotioni auth6riziugthie librârian te pur. chase chldren's books lei an ias- mouint o! $200.00. T'his purdhase is other than the usual purchaseý o! children's books made possibleb due to the receipt o! a $200.00 a, ward received from' tlhe Women'a Canadian Club-o! T'oronto. The a- ward was made in view o! thre la- ter-est slrowun by the Orono Lîbrary Carbcn mon0xide poison--ing now was reeve of thýe tinhp 16 . usennure.ns reaaing and tc 41 Mtow1ship in 867.used to purchase further b ograii~ichasaqpecial mneaning for fou r (tI geape !gvrmn o hsproe Millbrook area teenag-ers. anid i maagOVe, rnLoekn o hspr Mongian. a rcmenainmadle by a cor- mnioilýa:ie te MuicipaloAcv ______ Monighan. oner's jury Wýednesdlay of last wien efore 18rt, Highway 28 people will be aware of the haz- "Threy are tryinjg to run m 1uni- om lte Skcitn, Juncionwit ar. cp~ ff irsin the r-Ocket ag-e with bc comnpleted -itueutaefotehrs fromn Hig," a A -jury inqu,-iring into the death a utuestbefothboe hway -aDbugydays. The(,actrt qr distance of 75 0f Ed-,,d Charles Strong, 18, of cmpreurs T s A u o o ,faced. RR 1,* Pontypool , r.ecçnmendled Tetesoverhaul.n that di epartmnent of transport ap- "The governmnent is pr*)loudof h olwn r et noma arie-plications for driver's permit in- its moçefîradls, yet they build hy the Orono Figure -SI< mavlea ea, d a questionnaire rgadn the I3ennett veea to get a Cluib February 19, 1967: granular base,tedagro!aro mnode roda's iwy 401 whiàch PreIimiinary Figures ,tures will be ends ait a clif! on on1e en( nd in~ Diane Boyd, Lynn Lowery, L g from the Strong,, was found dead Febru- a ditch -îon the other. We there McLiýî,n, Carol Anni Caldwell nanville, lyest- ary 19, 1966, in the back seat o! are races at Mosport you can't get PeiiayDne Soper Crpek a car that had its engine running off Hlhay15 to get into or- Dutch Waltz: Dougi, Lycett. t baniches. aifter skidding, off the Durham orn. Th-eýse are small things but Canasta-Tango: Doug Ly County Rd. 16 (Manvers Town- they c ow ack of an over-ailiPol- Mariln West. ship) and into a ditch. icy SigDneDae "Wc have a tircd guvernment bara Gustar, Kathy, Gustar,f Police fouind the 1956 model which patches thrings up with Lowery, Doug Lyce,!(Linda L cares broken exhaust system in specialgrants and deals, but has Laren. the trunik. The four surviving pas-nogoonlbscpiy. Junior B~ronze Dances sengers ail said they were una-- Fiesta Tango: Marj Lom S ware of! th-e dangers of faulty muf- Doug Lycett, Glenda Tennant. LL~A.U firs nd arbon monoxid Stressi, g the importance Of Wlo at:NnyFn oning. îiard work in winning the forth, Kav Gustar, Crlie Jobr aek and1 Keithicmn icii, r oei ad Doug Lycett, Adele Myles, R( thertwoOrol n On ofthe outs, hares al-"In this, riding you will be selling Tennant. lie tw Orno ne f te yuth~ Carls Cl-Bob, Nixon and you will lie selling Ten Fox: Doug Lycetlt, A 90inga to JohnI vin, 18, of RR 1, Pontypool said Dick Lovekin, .yeSlySals ri en ard, Keitb, lie had been told by lis stepfath- 7yeSlySals ri er and owner o! the car, W. G. " This is a marginal ridîng. niant. chapill Urry, to get the, mu!! 1er fixed We're not going to win by a huge The Judges were Mrs. Nc 11 hmpo-that night in- case- he was stopped majority, but we can win and we Norris, Oshawa: Mr. Glenli ~enn rn- by the police. wiil win." Hughes, Bowmanville; "Mr.5 ley J. Churchley. e fthe best Ç r !e1 M T i r -ý selsbetween Mn evcsProvidd hikAe iByRed Cross Brcwck, Weilingtoni ar.1 Orono Bantams, Wellington came out op top by a 6-2 score. 'The second game of the series will bc played in Orono this Friday evening commencinig at 8:30 p.m. The çeries is being p]ayed for e*he Eastern Ontario Chqmpionship . . . come out and support you.r local team. !IOCKEY-LET'S F ILL THE ARENA List o! Coming Evenis AT THE RINK >Friday, March Xlth 7:00 p.m. Pee-Wee Hockey game. 8:30 p.m. -Secand gamae of Ban-' tamn Playoffs - Welington versus Oroino. Friday, Marcli l7th 6:30 p.m.- (Continued page 2) Mjardli is Red Cross month a- cross Canada and the Bowmanville and District Brandi is again con- ducting an Annual Appeal for !unds so'that vitalRed Cross ser- vices may be ýmaintained. Many neýop'e in Orono and surrounding countryside have benefitted from these services. I an effort to make more conversant with the work done in this area we bring the !ollowing points to your attention- 1026 pints of blood were col- lected at local clinies for the Free Blood Transfusion Service. - 30 area citizens were trained in the art of Home Nursing. ,- 23 Scouts and! Guides receiv- ed First Aid awards. A standard First Aid ýcourse was given to -165. persons were assisted with FREE equipment from our Loan'Cuphoard o! Sickroom Sup- plies enabling most of thein to be treated at home instearî of hos- pital. - 50 garments were made by the Women's WoÈk Committee for Disaster iilatiÀ~oine ii aa- b,.-oad. - 26 personis received assistance in the !orm of f!ree clothing, food and shelter follow-, ing tbe loss o! their homes by fire. - il persons received emerg- ency aid. -a, resuscitator i,,, maintained at the 0.P.P. Hieadquiarters for use in emergencies. ta ne books assed kating Linda ,ycett, Bai- wery, rester, nson, Ronda Adele Ten- çorma holme Stan- 1650 chldren and aduits in four areas benefitted from swim- ming and Water Safety courses given by Red Coss trained instrue- tors and examiners. D)emoustra- tions on, Water Safety were given to many groups throughout the area, Mrs. Wm. Grady bas again con- sented to head the camipaign for Orono. Please welcomne the cari- vassers who will be -assisting lier, when tbey cail on you. Without- the help o! public minded citizens, we will not be able to assist 'our Iess fortunate neiglibou'rs as' we have done in the paist. We ask your support so that YOUR Red Croiss may con- tinue to serve the people o!fthis area.