ORONO WEEKLY TIRES, THURSDAY, MARCH l6th, 1967 Strike Up The Dand! veyoe JLni KâwAS T ER P 0F 1965 BULCK LA SABRE 4-DR. IIARDTOP V-8, automatie tranission, power steering and brakes, custo m radio, white waIl tires, wheel dises, etc., Like new. Lic. K15053. 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. IIARDTOP V-8, autoniatie tran~smission, power steering and brakes, custom radio, whiteý wall tires and wheel discs. Mist bine, a real beauty. 'Lic. K14546. '. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN In top condition. Lic. K15039 ------ ------ ------------ 1 095i 1964 CHEVELLE 4-DR. SEDAN Big 6 cyL engine with standard transmissioe- tom radio. Lic. K114563. 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE STATION WAGON V-8 enffine, automatie transmission, powver braikes and steeripg with power seat, customq radio, white wail tires ,etc. Light bine with matchiig vinyl triin. A real sharp wagon. Lie. X15083. 1962 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl, standard transmission, customl radio. >Nice and clean, Lie, K16187--------------------- $895 1963'OLDS DYNAMIC "688"p 4-DR- IIARDTOP Automatie transmissfion, power brakesý andI sterîng and power windows, white wail tires andI dises, rear windoW defroster. Powder bine. Lie. K15052. 1961 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Autoinatic transmission, cuzstom radio, white Wall tires, wheel dises, A-1 condition. Rcai Sharp Red with White toýp. Lic. K14561, 1962 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyL., automatie transmission, cm tom radio. Lic. K14625------------ -----------$95 1961 CORVAIR MONZA SEDAN 3.speed transmission, radio. Lic. K15050. 1961 CHEIV. BEL AIR 2-DR. IIARDTOP -Radio, white wall tires,Wlhite with Red interlor trim. Lic. K14S62. 1961 OLDS F-8â 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automatie transmission. A real sharp automobile. Lic. K15054--------------------------- ------ $95. CON'ý,TACT ONE 0F OUR SALES STAFF Ace Richar-ds,. Louis Phillips, Ted Miller 'MI;arold'Micehelson COURTICE 728-6206 Ltd. DO WMOANVILLE 623-2556 WhIn ripurchasing cor actthe A wie ectn "v CONVENIENT FINANCING OYRONOý, WEEKLY TIMES Authorized aà Second Glasýs mail, Post O fice Department, k>ub)iîslid everyTrdy at the office of' publicatie Main Street, Pn-oné 109, urono, ümnro E-bablished inj 1938 by R, A Forrester Roy 0. Forrester - Edtor and Manàiger SEEKING PRIVILEGE In his t alk at Charlottetown last week, Paul Gerin- Lai oie, the former Minister of Education in Quebec, gaveý another niringto the current concern of his Province that it must be allowed to negotiàte international agreemensL on matters of concern ta Quebec. He snid also that Quebec must be given more Eïay in running the country. Both these sentiments appear to have been very pborly considered. The fact is that Quebec has shown littie interest hitherto in the affairs of Canada as a Dominion. Most con, cern has been directed to the particular interests of Québec with.in Confederation. Had Quebec taken a collective inter- est in Canada - instend of ienving it to one or two far- sighted and iilustrious sýon& - haif the present dilemma wouid have been avoided. As it is Quebec is beginning to, net like the dog in the manger. As for Quebec not being consulted' about internation- ai agreements, this is the samne for al provincial govern-' ments. Parliament i Ottawa is composed of representation des4gned specificaliy to give provincial balance to nàtional' deiin.There may be some point, perjiaps, ta giving- provincial governmentsfra notice of what 151. bcing undertaken nationaliy so that an opportunity for provincial repr-esenxation is given. Whether this wouid Satisfy 'Paul Gerin-Lajoie is-another matter, We su9peçt that it wouid not, since Quebec appears now to be seeking priviiege and ntequality, GENERALITIES NOT ALWAYS TRUE The Chairman of the Clarke Townsihip School Area Board noted fat Monday's meeting that new, rond building te the Mospart Aren would in effect, crente newhousig. You biid new rond5, lhe said, and deveilopment follows. mhis opinion wns expressed indefenice of pincing the 8.- rooni school at Kry In geyieraln new rond,9 dû open areas for develojpment but th4ere are o>ther conslderations that in this day nnid age regulate the rate of development or in fact if there îsat be aydvipet Mr. E. R. Leveldn, a member of Clarke's Comlmittee of adjustuient, in his recent addresM to the Orono Chamber ofCommerce Ôutlined the dekire to have new development open in areas aiready developed and where serviceg are avallable. If this thinldng is carried out, andi for the good of the Township it should be, then development in rural areaâs of the 'Township would be rctarded. The Chamber speaker also pointé4d to undestrable condit4ons arising from strip development along Township iloads and, li ail, the, trend Liasý utlined by Mr. Lovekini would curb the type of developmenrt Mr. Greenwood is looking 'for'to justîfy the ioýenting of an 8-room school in the Kirby area. If Council, Planning Board and Comm~ittee of Ad- justmnent work to even limited recommendations from the Commrrunity Planning Brnnch the Kirby aren wouldhave nio eýffeet on thje deveIopment. The decision is now one of plan- ning anid Clarke doe have the regulntions.